Often Partisan

BIH Factfile

With all the rumours and whatnot hanging around about Blues I have tried my best to collate information here, cited wherever possible. As I think of more things to add, and obtain new information, I will add it here.

Birmingham International Holdings Ltd

BIH own 96.64% of Birmingham City PLC, which in turns owns 100% of Birmingham City Football Club. .doc link

Current Major Shareholders in BIH (as at March 14, 2014).

Shareholder Amount of Shares held Percentage held
Carson Yeung (including Great Luck Management) 3,231,086,733  27.89%
Wang Lei 1,500,000,000  15.49%
Liu Xingcheng  453,237,000  4.68%
Luo Chao Kui  438,000,000  4.52%
Lyu Yubo  402,206,000  4.15%
Liu Yuanjiu  326,646,000  3.37%
Public  3,329,911,000  34.40%
Total  9,681,086,733  100%

nb Great Luck Management is a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands wholly owned by Carson Yeung

You can find the brokers who hold the share portfolios of the Public Shares at this link http://www.hkexnews.hk/sdw/search/search_sdw.asp

Latest Accounts released by BIH

Year Ending June 2011
Interim December 2011
Year Ending June 2012
Interim December 2012
Year Ending June 2013
Interim December 2013
Year Ending June 2014
Interim December 2014
Year Ending June 2015
Interim December 2015

(last updated Feb 28 2016, with help from Mark Sutton of Blues Trust)

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