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The Carson Trial – Day 43
Carson told the court about his winnings on the VIP Baccarat tables in Macau as his cross-examination continued in his long running court case.
It was a tough morning for the prosecution who struggled with their line of questioning with Judge Douglas Yau Tak-hong having to ask Carson questions on two occasions to clarify matters. They were not helped by having made a mistake with one piece of documentation which completely altered the facts they were looking to challenge.
Carson confirmed to the court he cashed in HK$16.5million of winnings from playing Baccarat in one day – December 22, 2004 – and told the court room of how he had been introduced to the VIP rooms by Hong Kong businessman Au Yeung Kai Chor.
However, Carson was also warned twice by the Judge that he must speak up and address the court room rather than the interpreter.
The morning session started with questions over a property deal for an apartment block called “Wealthy Villas” in the New Territories town of Fanling. Carson denied accusations from the prosecution that he overstated his profits on the deal and had lost money but also claimed he couldn’t remember a bank foreclosing on one property in 2001 involved in the transaction.
The afternoon session was adjourned after a scheduling conflict saw defence counsel Graham Harris stuck in another case three floors above Carson’s court room with the Judge being forced to postpone the trial until Thursday morning. Whilst the prosecution are aiming to complete the cross-examination by Friday morning there remains the possibility that it will continue into next week.
Tags: Carson Yeung, The Trial
57 Responses to “The Carson Trial – Day 43”
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They don’t seem to make much progress in court.
Baccarat, for anyone not familiar with the game is simply a case of you betting on yourself, the Banker or a Tie as cards are drawn, with the total 9 or closest, without going over the aim.
So basically just like ‘flipping a coin’.
Whilst it is possible to win BIG by staking BIG, the law of averages dictate it to be an unlikely source of regular wins.
This guy is a chancer, pure and simple.
This guy is a w—-r, pure and simple. KRO.
Hate to say it but if he was that good at baccarat then why bother buy-in penny stocks? It sounds like the judge wants this case over an done with! I do think it’s about time we protest now at the stoke game.
Baccarat is like any other game of chance , to win that amount of money in one day beggars belief. Not to say that its impossible but he would have had too had tremendous luck. your chance of winning is about 3-1 at best. Just as the chance of losing. Im affraid he has gambled with our club, when it belonged to us not him . All as we want Mr Yeung is our club back, You failed to understand lhe love & needs of 1,000s of Brummies we love our Club & you didnt! Maybe you should try B6 next
Adjourned again because of someone from carson’s legal team not being available, sounds like another delaying tactic and wouldnt surprise me at all when this goes into next week they come out with another adjournment like the one in the summer saying well its go on longer than we thought and we all involved in other cases so were going to have to adjourn for few months again. Got to admit considering this is supposed to be a strict judge getting fed up with carson’s shenanigans it doesnt come across that way from reading the reports from the court done by yourself dan. In fact i think there whole system over there seems a bit ‘mickey mouse’ t to say the least, and going by how the HK system have been so far it would not surprise to see this lucky chancer get off, thats if they ever come to a verdict.
Nope, not a delaying tactic. Was a genuine delay.
And no, this case wont be finished until January or so. As I have said consistently for a couple of months.
Ye i know it wont be finished with a verdict till around january time, but the point i was trying to make was that carson taking the stand many predicted it would take about a week for that, already you can see that dragging into next week if not further at this rate. And in the summer didnt they have to adjourn till now due to going over in the predicted court time in terms of days and due to the judge and lawyers having to go do other cases, bit like this afternoons adjournment for a member of carsons legal team doing exactly that. That person in question would of only known since the summer that carsons case restarted this week so has had more the enuf time to get his diary in order. I mite be naive as dont really have a clue about the HK system works but seems very, very un organized and unproffessional, epsec the prat from carsons team who managed to get it adjourned bet carsons gutted, ye rite!
I though the previous delay was due to the judges scheduling conflicts
Yep, a delaying tactic,a defence lawyer dosen’t agree to taking on two cases on the same day.
Listen to what you are being told! Dan has just explained this is not a delaying tactic and lawyers get cases given and if there is a conflict one will get adjourned- it is not a case of a lawyer booking a court case, think about it! How do they book it! And a delay tactic for an afternoon to achieve what?
With all due respect John, I was in the courtroom. You weren’t.
So according to David Ginola on talksport this morning Terry Macs way is to get all the players fish and chips covered in all that ‘lovely grease and ketchup’,followed by chocolate bars & jelly beans,and if that not unprofessional enough for you we also have a chancer/gambler supposedly running the club.
All the modern diets for footballers are good and probably extend a players career by a few years, I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. But they don’t turn a poor player into a good one.
Staffs , You will remember that in our day Footballers were finished at 30 and very few carried on playing after 33/34 , and all looked like old men when they did finish. You are correct about the diets.
If you mentioned the word “diet” to someone like Mickey Quinn…. I think the answer would have had to be *bleeped* lol
But what a striker!
Can’t remember roughly how much profit was made on a housing transaction? Hmm if it was 100 apartments then yeh but not remembering anything useful seems convenient
those that played against leeds sunday looked like theyed had double fish and chips followed
by double chocolate muffins and mountains off jelly washed down with 8 pints of stella, thats
the way to prepare for a game, the good old fashion way, doesent do a lot for performances
though after watching that drivel! KRO.
Surely they need a few packs of fags to open up the airways properly.
Almajir;, Whilst we all understand [ sadly ] that H,K. courts seem a little chaotic in their proceedures and general running. I do think we will all give 3 hearty cheers when this case if over, because whatever the verdict, it will be some form of coclusion,??.
Is it still a case that the judge has to spend as much as a couple of months post trial coming to his verdict?
and at present from your knowledge and your contact knowledge what would you give as a percentage rough stab of a guilty verdict>?
Can’t say for legal reasons
How likely a further adjournment because of running out of court time?
And is a verdict likely to drag on passed end of January?
I think we’ll be right at the business end of the season before we hear anything definite… good or bad. Guilty or innocent.. I can’t see anything good coming out of all this.
there must be a clone of me someone must have borrowed him from the starwars………………………nice questions though……………..
Look like January hey Dan- maybe a few more trips to hk maybe our kid…………………….did you not mention some time back Carson was at the tables or maybe some-else saw him i am not sure ………if he makes any winning now at the tables is this still frozen assets???//
It was a tough morning for the prosecution ??// maybe they entitled to cock up occasionally!!!! i bet now 50/50 could go either way imo
If this carries on into January we will have no club left ffs. The offer paldinni has put in is a good offer, no one will pay £32mil for a club that’s only worth £10mil.
it’s not that good an offer as according to Colin Tattum the offer was £20 million – with £9 million of that dependent on promotion and retaining Premier League status.
The debt alone is around £12 million, meaning that Yeung would still owe a million to the banks and BIHL wouldn’t see a penny, so no chance of a deal.
Paladini has to offer £20 million up front plus the £9 million add-ons to stand any chance.
The other option is to purchase 51% of the shares but until the shares are trading it would be nigh impossible to buy a controlling interest and not for £11 million.
I would agree with Paladini as i think this is all the club is worth, but BIHL & Yeung won’t sell for that and still be saddled with the debt, IMO Paladini has to take on the debt payments to the banks.
You just know he will appeal as well, when found guilty.
He’s playing the system to the N’th degree.
Porridge awaits ultimately but that is little consolation for us, as we see out club sliding around the U-Bend.
On the question of money laundering, it looks to me (just by reading Al’s blogs) that Carson Yeung has not provided clear, cast-iron and believable evidence of where his money came from. Yes, he has provided some evidence, but it is not water-tight.
So the question for me is this: if the judge concludes that he has no idea really where all Carson’s money came from, does that constitute money laundering?
In other words, to prove money laundering do you have to know that the cash definitely came from dodgy sources X, Y and Z. Or do you just need to know that it DIDN’T come from reliable sources A, B and C.
Under HK’s draconian laws it DOES constitute money laundering unless he can prove cast iron evidence otherwise.
I notice TR has written an article in the Mail about the latest takeover saga.
My question to Tom is this.
Have you seen a copy of the agreement document which allegedly was signed by CP and PP?
If you haven’t seen a copy I would keep quite instead winding up the supporters again!
he has… it’s only signed by PP though, not CY.
Hi Al
Surely this is enough evidence to show to the HKSE to prove that negotiations Have taken place and an offer HAS been made. In other words they have lied to HKSE.
There must be sanctions to follow that.
Do you know if the agreement was subject to CY’s approval and surely PP would have cleared it with CY before signing it off?….it just doesn’t make any sense so I suspect the agreement was only made in principle and was subject to certain terms and conditions being met but CP hasn’t mentioned these during his radio interview.
And as PP is “acting Chairman” ,that should be good enough. Also proves that Paladini was not telling lies !
I’m not suggesting that CP was telling lies but clearly he didn’t disclose the terms and conditions of the offer during the interview.
If the offer was legally binding he would have a strong case to sue the holding company and reclaim some of the money already spent by his consortium which will be considerable.
CP’s interview with TR forced the board to publish a legal statement to satisfy the HKSE.
It’s not. Pannu apparently doesn’t have authority to agree a deal fully.
Has Tom Ross mentioned anything about the Council talking St.Andrews under it’s wing ?
Doesn’t matter what the verdict is it’s all got out of hand and if he is guilty or not looks like he doesn’t want to sell blues so the club is in trouble no matter what the outcome is. It’s ridiculous how long this court case has gone on and what I can’t work out is if there are other people that have a share in blues why have they never put any money into the club and never voiced an opinion on what’s happening to the club I just find it strange.
propably Bluenosegaz cuz the other share holders aint gonna risk their own money in what is
becoming a sinking ship and wont voice an opinion because pannu will strangle them if they
say a word, on the court case, its a total joke that isnt even remotely funny or interesting in
my opnion, just get it over with, find him guilty and get him out off there pronto before its to
To be absolutely honest… I couldn’t give a flying f-f-fig about this court case. I don’t even care if he’s guilty or not. I only care about the current regime getting out and selling to someone who actually cares about the club and the fans. Everything else is meh.
…….I believe he definitely wants to sell blues ,…..I think its a case of the old farmer at market selling a golden goose …everybody could see it wasn’t golden but that didn’t stop a man asking the price £1,000 said the old farmer but I wont sell it to you because you are cruel to animals ….another man asked and the farmer told him £1,000 but I will not sell to you as you eat all your geese ,…on hearing this a third man stepped in and said I will give you £1,200 farmer ,.SOLD said the farmer
It reminds me more of The Emperor’s New Clothes.
Its a wonder he hasnt told them he won euromillions!!
What is HK$16.5million in Pounds? That sounds a ridiculous amount to win in one day!
Surely he must believe he is going to win this case, otherwise he would have sold the club by now, does not make any sense.
He must be a big gambler he bet 81.5 million on BCFC being a success lol
What chance, we get taken over in january and replace Clark with Holloway? Be nice wouldn’t it?
You gotta be on a wind up m8 Ian kin Holloway you’re avin a laff
To go slightly off topic yesterdays atricle by Tatts seems to suggest that Paladini only bid 11 million for the club, The remaining 9 is dependant on promotion to the PL. Now I know the club isn’t worth a great deal but I would have thought at least 15 million up front. Paladini isn’t giving Carson the amazing deal he say he is!
Blue Steve,
Please tell me why Blues is worth more than £1m nevermind £11m
We have net liabilities and negative future cash flows!
As for Carson, he looks like a dead man walking, no tangible evidence so far to support him!
Excellent reporting Dan. Thanks for keeping us updated with the latest trial info…. Feels like this saga has run and run but I think its been a waiting game played by both CY & Paladini. But it has to come to a end in the next 3 months….. Almost there!!!!
Cant understand why/how CY can ignore Paladinis offer especially in his predicament… However my theories are –
1 Clearly if CY sells club now this could look like an ‘admission of fate’ at a critical stage of his trial so he will wait (loosing face in HK culture is really important)…
2. This is a long shot – He has a better offer then Paladinis on table ready to accept if a innocent verdict given.
3. If guilty – he knows Paladini has waited 15 months, therefore he will be willing to wait another 3 months and the HK authorities will reluctantly have to take Paladinis offer as no other offer is on the table. (Paladini also knows this is the case).
My money would be on 1 & 3 happening – eventually.
Thanks for another excellent article, keeping the supporters up to date with the trials and tribulations of Carson Yeung.
If the case goes onto Monday are you still staying over or will you be back for the Stoke game?
Looks like you were right re an early January verdict which can’t be good for BCFC, the supporters or any potential bidders.
Thanks again for the update and safe journey home
At this moment, I still intend to come home tomorrow.
Holloway you havin a laugh
I think the elephant in the room is PP (in more ways than one). At what point does he jump ship and part company with CY? Maybe he’s already trying to get in with possible future owners, telling them what they want to hear and worrying about delivering the deal later…?
Maybe it’s, ” I’m acting in good faith… trying to make a deal… is it my fault CY is distracted?”