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That Was The Year That Was
With it being the new year I thought I’d share the 2013 statistics for Often Partisan and some details of what 2014 holds.
In 2013, the website received 2,177,184 pageviews – an average of 5,965 a day which represents a significant rise on the 2012 statistics. The busiest day was October 21 when there was 16,097 pageviews and the most popular article was this one about BIH confirming due dilligence was being done which had 7,345 pageviews
The most prolific commenter was Staffsblue with 2457 comments, followed by Mark with 1731 and Freddy Pickering with 764.
In all, readers visited the site from 170 countries around the globe.
With Birmingham City Ladies playing their home games at Damson Parkway, the home of Solihull Moors, in the 2014 season I will be doing much more to cover their games and their progress in the WSL and the UEFA Women’s Champions League.
The verdict in Carson Yeung’s court case is due February 28 and I am very hopeful I will be able to continue to cover that in depth and any subsequent appeal should that happen/be required. I am continuing to develop sources in HK close to both BIH and Carson Yeung and the hope there is that I will be able to try to feed information back to these shores of what is happening in the fragrant harbours of the Far East.
I will of course be doing my best to update on any potential sale of the club.
Needless to say, none of this would be possible without people reading the site and I am very grateful for each and every one of you who takes the time to read what I think and have to say and to offer your own opinions.
If you would like to affiliate your business to the site or to contribute then the sponsorship page is here.
Tags: Blog statistics
24 Responses to “That Was The Year That Was”
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Congratulations to Staffsblue :)
Keep up the good work
Dan, thanks for all your hardwork in 2013.
You are doing a great job communicating what is really happening to the fans, which is a shining light during these dark times. Keep up the great work.
Happy New Year.
Keep right on in 2014
Who did you have moderate the most?
Not you amazingly Thongsy…
Dan congratulations on your growing success, people read OP because of the information you provide, not just your opinion but the work you do to provide honest updates that leave all other media to shame.
Well done to Staffs, and all the other contributors for making this the first place to look for information, updates and some cracking opinions.
Keep up the good work for a hopefully successful 2014 for you and BCFC, which will mean success for all Bluenoses worldwide.
Great work keep it up, since growing disheartened by the Official message board and the unwavering negativity and back biting that it seems to attract its great to have a seemingly reliable and adult in,sight into what we know are tough times for all Blues Fans,
fingers toes and everything else crossed for a more positive and clearer future for Blues in 2014.
Your site is great for us bluenoses abroad. Now when Sebastian Larsson isn’t with the club anymore it’s quite hard to find anything for us in the newspapers about the club here in Sweden. So keep up your great work and thank you very much for the work you do with this site.
Thank you Daniel I am really honoured, well done to staffsblue…..i will continue to voice my opinion on such a excellent blog. The real star is yourself mate so glad you had a fanstatic year…. Kro mark
I’m struggling to understand why there are congratulations to anyone but Dan.
Thanks for all your good work in 2013 here’s to a much brighter 2014
Any word on Lingard?
Can I add my sincere thanks to you Dan (pardon the familiarity) for the seemingly enormous amount of work you put in to keep we Blues fans abreast of on goings on and off the pitch.
I personally take great interest in your epistles regarding our Chinese masters and the machinations thereof. It’s better than all the TV soaps and TV series put together and I await each ‘episode’ with almost baited breath.
Indeed, when the ‘series’ ends and we hopefully have a new and kindly benefactor in place, I will be both gladdened and saddened at the same time.
But hark! What if the venerable Mr Yeung is found not guilty and therefore free to take up the reigns of BCFC once again? As stated, glad and sad I’ll be. I can only wish that there may be some interest shown by the Chinese tax authorities into Mr. Yeung’s supposedly past financial ‘adventures’.
That should keep me happy for a little longer!
Again, many thanks and Happy New Year to you and all Blues fans wherever.
burn back at fulham, some how need a replacement!!
Daniel;, Yet another year of happily reading your Blog, As said before, You are the only site that gives us Bluenoses informned information which is unobtainable elswhere,!!.
Long may ypu continue for all our sakes.
Lingard has returned to Man Utd. The squads looking very bare mow with Burn back at Fulham, Bartley injured and a few long term injuries….
By my reckoning we have 26 fit players to choose from right now.
If you discount out of favour players or those not likely to get a start unless there’s no other choice, and THEN you discount the kids who haven’t played a full senior game yet then you are down to 13 players……
Even more worrying is that we currently have 2 fit regular Defenders available and if either Ziggy or Novak go off the boil again we are well and truly screwed.
Time for Lee Clark to weave some Transfer Window loan magic, send back Allan, farm out Ambrose, Lovenkrands and Mullins and get us 2 each of Defender, Midfielder and Striker.
A tall, tall order indeed!!!!!
Well can you believe it? …. we finally get a solid squad together..get some decent results .and POW! they recalled Burn..! you just couldn’t write it better if you tried!
All part of being a nose…never a dull moment!! still, love being a Bluenose
One of the drawbacks with he loan system, though I thought that Burn was on a season long deal, but I suppose they had a recall clause in it?
Yeah too true recall clause indeed
oh well he was bound to get recalled If memory serves me right..he did very well @ Yeovil last season..ahh well!!
Though he is doing well for us I don’t think he is Premier material, too slow, allows the ball to bounce past him before giving chase. Bit like any player they are only as good as those around them, the times Randolph, Bartley and caddis have bailed him out, as I say, he has been good for us… but still a lot of room for improvement
what about your book dan? how is that going or you not doing it anymore
I’m still writing it mate, I can’t publish it until after the verdict…
looking forward to the book Dan.luv the blog and you explaining it all into plain english,thank you
happy new year to you and all