Often Partisan

Moussi in, Tatts Out

Birmingham City have today confirmed the signing of Guy Moussi on a two month deal. The 29-year-old Frenchman had been on trial at Blues for two weeks having been released by Nottingham Forest at the end of last season.

To me, Moussi looks like an interesting signing. He looks, to coin a phrase “a unit” and will surely give us some much-needed physical presence in midfield. Blues current crop of midfielders are all quite similar in size and stature and Gary Rowett’s ethos of only signing players who are better or offer something different has clearly been at play here. With Moussi having been out of first team action I wonder how much time it will take him to get up to match sharpness – but I suspect if he does well he’ll earn himself a longer deal (and we’ll see the departure of maybe another player in January who will be then surplus to requirements).

There does seem to be some real method to what Rowett is doing; first of all shoring up a defence that looked holier than the Archbishop of Canterbury; next he’s added some presence into midfield – all we need now is something a bit different and a bit better up top (please be Nikola Zigic) and I think we could be a much better proposition.

I think that as much as Clark wanted Blues to succeed he’d got to a point where he didn’t understand why the team was struggling and that he was signing anyone he thought could possibly improve the side without thinking out how the team would function with the new player in it. In some ways it’s a damning indictment that despite having a surplus of central midfielders we still don’t have anyone in the team that has a real physical presence.

In all this frenzy of new players I do think we’ll see some departures come the winter window; I think if we can send Hall back to Spurs we will do so as he’s not playing and I’m fairly sure Brek Shea will be returned too as he is getting no game time. With a bit of luck our former manager might come in for the likes of Olly Lee and we could end January with a leaner squad but ultimately a better one.

Speaking of departures, it was confirmed today that Colin Tattum is leaving the Birmingham Mail tomorrow having been with the newspaper since 1987. I want to place on record the debt of gratitude I owe Tatts; without him OP would not and indeed could not have been the success it has been for me. He’s been an astounding mentor professionally even though my own time spent interning at the Mail finished quite some time ago and I’m absolutely sure wherever he goes he will be a brilliant new addition.

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74 Responses to “Moussi in, Tatts Out”

  • Oldbluenose says:

    Your thoughts on Moussi, coincide with mine, A strong physical presence is much needed in front of our back 4.
    I wonder if G,R, will base any departures on aptitude on the training pitch,?. He has not seen some in first team action of course.

    A fond farewell to Tatts, — Wonder where he is off too,?.

  • Peter Bates says:

    Good luck tatts and thanks for all your reporting on everything bcfcfair play to guy moussi on donating his wages to charity makes a change to hear that kro

  • Lee says:

    Friend of mine who’s a devout Forrest fan says the fans always liked him, although he dropped a couple of massive clangers all round he’s about average

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Gleeson and Davis have performed well as the “2” in the 4-2-3-1 formation and neither one of them deserve to be dropped. So it will be interesting to see in what position Moussi plays; he is not noted for his goalscoring so playing in the number ten role, currently held by Shinnie, seems unlikely.
    Regarding Tatts. He has the job all Blues fans would crave. Being paid for watching Blues all over the world! Where is he going? He will be missed.

  • oldburyblue says:

    Moussi has got to be a good addition to the squad and I have faith that GR will use him properly so that he plays to his strengths… i.e. round pegs in round holes.

    As for Tatts I wish him well…but just hope his replacement is more up-beat in his written and spoken words. I hope he finds happiness because he always looked and sounded so miserable reporting on The Blues…..even on the odd occasion we did well!

  • tmsblues says:

    Moussi if fit will be a good signing I think and what a breath of fresh air in pro football, he’s actually donating his wages to charity. I’d like Ziggy given a second chance to see what he can do under intelligent management and to see if he really wants to give something back but wonder how much he will donate ( or could he have donated indeed) from his salary. If Zig is just after his passage to a British passport rather than give his all for the shirt then GR is the guy to put him straight pretty quickly I suspect. I hope he is genuinely keen to play because he certainly can be an exciting off the bench impact forward option for us which immediately panics opposing defences.
    How many of Tatts stories were broken first on this site… or elsewhere.. Sorry Tatts never been a fan and I think your reporting had become armchair and the poor quality of Mail reporting overall on things Blues can only get better going forward. Perhaps it was time to seek a new challenge and to open the door to a lean and hungry reporter but maybe not this is the Mail we are talking about ! Good Luck Tatts.

  • Wingman Blue says:

    A dominating midfielder. When it looked like Beausejour was going in December 11 I said then that without him we wouldn’t get promoted. Let’s hope Moussi will slot into that Savage/Bowyer/Beausejour mould and finally give us the interdictive midfielder we’ve so desperately needed.
    I wish Tatts well. Not my cup of tea, but then again the Mail is barely a shadow of its former self.

    • Big Bill says:

      Regarding Tatts, has anyone replaced Andy Walker in his “media” job at Blues yet?
      Andy has already left Blues and I believe he starts with ENGLAND on Monday in a similar but clearly better job, so Blues need a replacement.
      If I am right, you heard it here first.

  • Dave says:

    ‘better up top’ and ‘Zigic’ in the sentence puzzled me.

  • bluenose08 says:

    off topic but a special mention for Karen carney who looks like getting her 100th cap for England on sunday. well done and kro Karen.

  • mark says:

    Daniel i cracked up when you said you hoped clark would take olly lee keep up man he signed Jamie OhARA LOL

  • mark says:

    at least it can give GR opportunity to see what moussi can offer, as we know the festive season throw up a lot of games in a short space of time….

    Yes Staffs i certainly agree with you mate with regarding to Ziggy, mindful now that he could come injury prone…..should based on how matches he turn out for and performance based….

  • Tony says:

    Mark, Blackpool have a better squad than we do. they have a lot more up top, strikers who have scored in the premiership Add to that Ohara and Eagles they should be comfortable in the league.
    Regards Olly Lee, Clark brought him here in order to do his mate a favour, maybe he can do him another favour and take him away.

  • Dave mann says:

    Don’t you mean do blues a favour and take him to Blackpool where he will be amongst is equals and not with a better team and squad that we have under sir Gary rowett …Blackpool have a better squad than us?…as John McEnroe would say” you can not be serious” REALLY!!

  • Dave mann says:

    Blackpool are going down Tony and were staying up.., they have 7 points and a manager who’s home record is abysmal , we have 16 points and are on a roll with 5 points from 3 games and WHEN we win at Rotherham tommorow when yours truly with wife and son in tow will be there amongst our sell out support were be out the bottom three and that great squad that Blackpool don’t have will be propping up the championship…better squad than us?…. Your having a giraffe!!!l. Lol

  • Marky mark says:

    Any hope Blackpool had of staying up evaporated when they employed that Muppet Clark, a team full of desperados and losers nobody else wants, Clark should fit in well.

    Good luck to Tatts a geniune bluenose

  • Dave mann says:

    Here,here, good look tarts the only mail writer who had any time for blues…will miss reading your reports, best of luck mate.lol,kro.

  • Agent McLeish says:

    Good luck to Tatts on his new role. Hopefully if he moves to a national paper with better resource then more of a media spotlight can be brought to bear on BIHL’s antics.

  • Bluenosesol says:

    Rotherham Sold Out! Blackpool Sold out,,,Blues on Tour KRO!!!

    • Dave mann says:

      Yes fantastic bluenosesol and me my wife and son will be at both games and can’t wait to start it all off tomorrow at Rotherham and then on to Blackpool with forest to come inbetween.lol,kro.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    The Birmingham Mail don’t half like to exaggerate. lol

    “Zigic has resumed training at Wast Hills and could be set for a sensational return.” Once he found there were no other takers, his only other option (if he wanted to continue playing) was to try for a return to StAns. Desperate, maybe. Sensational it ain’t.

    “It might be that other clubs have been alerted to his availability.” What.. suddenly, after 6 months?

    I wish the guy lots of luck on coming back and as much luck to Tatts.. who, I would think, is glad to be getting out of the journalistic black hole that is the BM.

  • Dave mann says:

    I just hope he trains well and gives Gary something to think about and comes back with the right attitude because is contract will be peanuts compared to the last 4 years but if he does pull is weight and scores the odd important goal he might just leave that legacy that I personally hope for because I’ve always said this could be his opportunity to leave is legend on the club.lol,kro.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      He has a great chance to put all the wages stuff behind him now. I hope he eventually leaves the club with all fans agreeing on his contribution to the club. It’s entirely up to the player himself.

  • Chris W says:

    Good luck to Tatts, always had the Blues interests at heart.
    My Forest neighbours never understood why Moussi never secured a regular place at forest, he was prone to having the occasional lapse in concentration, but he did provide much needed physical presence. Hopefully he will add strength to our lightweight midfield.
    While we do need to add to our attacking options and maybe Zig is everyone’s choice I personally think it would be a bad move, yes he has popped up with the important goal, yes he adds height when defending and I’m sure he has Blues at heart.
    When he played he was lazy for most of a game and when he came on as a sub the team suddenly became one dimensional with the big boot up field.
    I don’t think that is GR’s style of play, maybe GR can use him and perhaps a short term deal would benefit both parties but for a long term solution I don’t think Ziggy is the answer.
    I look forward to being proven wrong.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      To be honest Chris, I don’t think it matters who the manager is, or his philosophy, when you have a player who is as tall as a doorway, the mentality from players is always to bang long balls up to them. Peter Crouch has always suffered the same way… and he’s a far better player than that. It’s an easy out ball for players, goalkeepers and defenders especially. The only hope is to play with two wingers who can hit that byeline before crossing… otherwise, I can’t see much changing.

      • Bluenosesol says:

        Always thought that Ziggy was overated for his height but underated for his skill on the ball. He can win the ball, hold it up and play a telling pass. He will know he is in last chance Saloon. Just hope we play him, Ziggys coming home!!!

  • Dave mann says:

    I think if zigic does get on then you have to have two wingers on in gray and cotterill who can get the crosses in but as you say zigic can play with ball to feet so maybe Gary’s using that ploy in training and trying to get him to hold the ball up and bring the wide men into play so let’s see what happens in the next couple of weeks and if he does come back then use him to his strengths.kro.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      It would be good to play with both Cotterill and Duffy. They’re different types of winger. Duffy is more direct, he’ll pick the ball up and run at a defender and try to get a cross or shot in. Cotterill is more the type to find half a yard of space and try for a cross but, I think he prefers it on the left, so that he can cut inside and shoot…. which, for me, makes him the more predictable of the two. But, with Zigic in the team, we’d probably need both, as he’s not really noted for his darting runs into the box, so the variation might help him.

  • Dave mann says:

    Maybe moussi giving is wages to his chosen charities and virtually playing for nothing his food for thought for zigic and that could be a master stroke by the guy for Nicola to think to himself ” this man is playing for nothing and ime moaning about having to drop from 60k to 10k so that might be a blessing in disguise to zigic signing a short term contract….the Guy might have got the zig to come back purely on generously reasons….over to you big man!lol,kro .

  • bluenoserob says:

    I would welcome back the Ziggy that changed the game on the last day of last season.Has he been moaning about dropping his wages from one made up number to another made up number? Surely if he comes back you being a true supporter will get right behind the big man.

  • Stevie W says:

    I see the AGM for BIHL is due to be held on the 23rd December but dont hold your breath.

    By the way CY is still king of the castle the circular issued on the HKSE makes for interesting reading with PP up for re election.

    So after everything that has gone on we are as we were 3 years ago with a few minor changes.

    No mention of BCFC only in the profile of PP.

  • Dave mann says:

    Morning all, just got up buzzing about today’s visit to Rotherham , on our private coach leaving at half nine with breakfast and beers in tow, got a good feeling as the driver is the same driver we had on five away games last season and won all five so the omens are good… I predict 3-1 and
    Out the bottom three…it will be four unbeaten under Gary rowett and the turn around continues..COME ON BLUES!!! Lol&kro.

  • Dave mann says:

    On the coach ready to go…enjoy!kro

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Terrific win today. 23 shots, 8 on target. Third clean sheet in 4 games. KRO.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Each week, this team are reminding me of the McLeish era. Be hard to beat, win the battle and score the winner. They’re not as dour as McLeish’s teams, but for me, the similarities are there.

    Well done to the management and players. 8 points from 12 is a very good start. The next 3 games will be a big test. 7 points from them and we’ll really be on a roll going into Xmas.

  • Dave mann says:

    Ok I was there and that is about the easiest 1-0!victory I can remember…don’t anyone rubbish it and ime being serious. Kro

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Nice not to be surprised when we win a game these days – I almost expected it and if that is what the players are doing that’s what makes the difference ie confidence and belief.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I’ve said all along that this team was mid-table or better. Obviously, the new management team have, as you pointed out, instilled a confidence that wasn’t there before. It’s been fine lines all season, and they seem to have tipped us from one side of it to the other. Credit where credit is due.

  • Dave mann says:

    Staffs that was nothing like a MacLeish team, that was attacking and 1-0 Is a respectfull result For them…it was so one sided it was rediculous..this is rowett not mcleish.. Sorry to dissagree with you me old pal but nothing like a mcleish team..sorry!lol,kro

  • Art says:

    It just shows you what a decent manager can achieve with a limited set of players who are obviously motivated and are working to a game plan-

    My only sadness is this shambles of a board supported LC for far too long.

    Great result and a happy Saturday to you all.

  • Darren Brown says:

    Well done Blues !
    Great win today !
    I think Tatts might be closer to Blues than reporting !
    A good little number at BCFC.

  • Tony says:

    Clark managed to salvage a draw for a winning position AGAIN LOL

  • AussieBlue says:

    Sounds like “Woodwork” was Rotherham’s best player on Sat! Great result, dead chuffed over here. If some of those cannonballs can go in we are looking very good indeed!

  • Dave mann says:

    You might look at the score line and think narrow hard fought Victory but it was nothing of the kind… It was easy, we out passed them out played them had plenty of attempts and it should have been 3,4,5-0 and that’s the reality…dare I say it but we look a team once again and Davis was immense and looked quite outstanding with gray and cotterill scared the crap out there backs… A very good display, no danger!lol&kro

  • mark says:

    wow just recovered from a serious hangover…..felt i been though handover 1,2,3 lol

    must take in to account this is very much still a honeymoon period for Rowett… looking good so far. Probably one of Donaldson better games were it appeared every thing kinda of went his way. It took him a while to start hitting the back of the of the net. Really in those first 12 games he should be by rights be top of the scoring charts..imo

  • mark says:

    Daniel magnificent support by the noses at rotherham it was like been at Bolton again lol must at admit rotherham were extremely poor though.

  • Zuludave says:

    Where r u dan?

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Lee Clark started 5 players making their home debuts against Bolton. Panic or what?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      According to the Blackpool forum, all of them were better than what they already had. They seem impressed with Murphy, Eagles and O’Hara. The consensus is that, even if they are relegated this season, Oysten is to blame… and that Riga and Clark never stood a chance.

      • Chris W says:

        I Liked Eagles, LC tried to sign him for Blues, that would have been one of his better deals had he pulled it off and he might just still be with us.
        Meanwhile, GR’s roller-coaster is still gathering momentum and I am looking forward to the Forest game, hopefully I will have the bragging rights over my neighbours come 5 pm Saturday and a few beers on the house in the local.
        From what I gather another fine all round performance with Shinnie vying for man-of-the-match, as I have said, I liked him when I saw him play in Scotland and we might get to see the real deal.

        • mark says:

          without a doubt Chris a win against forest will throw down the gauntlet, as forest thumped wolves..
          Now that they are actually believing in themselves its not rocket science, keep it tight, make sure you take your chances when they come..It great to see the players now realize there potential which was willfully missing by where own standards at the start of the season……

          • Dave mann says:

            That will be a tester mark with forest thumping the dingles and this game above all will se how far we’ve come under Gary rowett so lets have a go and try and upset there rhythm then it’s on to Blackpool..can’t wait!!….support was magnificent at Rotherham and same again will do very nicely! Lol&kro.

          • Chris W says:

            This will probably be our toughest test to date and I was dreading this game under LC, but now I can hold my head proud, gone have the local laughs in the pub and with the neighbours, they are not so cocky now.
            I’m not expecting too much as we are light up front. I think we might see Novak partner Donaldson and maybe flood the midfield to stop Forest threats along the wings.
            My head says a draw but I got a gut feeling we will nick a 1-0.

  • Dave says:

    Where’s Dan? Has he got bored of his own blog?

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