Often Partisan

One Year On

Today marks the first anniversary of Carson Yeung being convicted on five counts of money laundering. The former Birmingham International Holdings and Birmingham City President was taken down to Stanley Prison to await sentencing on his case after hearing District Judge Douglas Yau Tak-hong describe him as a “habitual liar”.

This time last year I was standing outside the Gloucester Road entrance to the District Court, surrounded by a veritable phalanx of reporters who wanted to know what I (as a Birmingham City fan) thought of it all. It was a bit of a surreal moment, and I remember saying that I hoped the club could move forward.

We all know what has happened in the year since; staying up by the skin of our teeth, directorial comings and goings but one constant has been Carson still in the background – even from his prison cell. Despite his conviction, Carson is still – a year later – trying to pull strings to get BIH to do what he wants. He has made it clear he doesn’t want to sell the club and that people who are trying to do so shouldn’t be at BIH.

Next week, Carson will be back in court – this time the Court of Appeal – to try and get his convictions overturned. The prognosis doesn’t look good – refused bail by a judge who said his chances of getting out weren’t great while Court of Appeal Judge Mr Justice Michael Lunn told the SCMP Carson failed to establish a prima facie likelihood of success. His lawyers were in court today to hand in the documentation ahead of the appeal hearing.

As my co-author Will Giles has explained eloquently many times in the past, this appeal is by no means the end of the story. I don’t think Carson’s lawyers expect a result next week, but they know that they have to follow the procedure. The big chance to get it turned over will happen in the Court of Final Appeal – which could be another 12 – 18 months away. Our only hope is by then that will be an academic footnote as Blues have moved on under new ownership.

I’ve seen quite a bit about new ownership in the last day with a few people believing it could happen as soon as the end of this month. As much as I wish that was true I don’t think it’s at all possible; as I understand it as much as Ernst and Young will want to sell the club there are hoops to be jumped through – relisting of the stock is one and as the sale requires shareholder approval there will have to be some sort of negotiation and agreement with major shareholders – neither of which will be easy. Chief among the problems EY faces is that for the stock to be relisted they need to show that there is sufficient working capital for the next twelve months – something I think will be very difficult indeed.

As for Carson, in his jail cell, I’m curious as to how he’s spending his first anniversary inside. Apart from his daily visits from his lawyers and his thrice-monthly visits from his wife I can imagine it gets quite quiet on his own in his cell (he’s in solitary for his own safety). I hope that as he sits and ponders life while staring at the walls he will come to the realisation that for now, he’s going to be stuck there and if he wants something to come out to he might have to let go of what his precious football club.

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials

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24 Responses to “One Year On”

  • Eddie says:

    i wonder if he’s reading this?

  • raymondo says:

    Let’s hope you can complete an even larger narrative when this saga is finally over and the Carson Yeung period is consigned to history. Thanks for all you good work Dan.

  • rhees says:

    Here’s hoping the sale of the club is round the corner and cy has a misserable day in his lonley cell

  • Masaccio says:

    I’m having a spring clean at the moment and have a load of books I’m trying to get rid of, he can have these if he wants.

  • Bluesbot says:

    Why is he in solitary for his own safety ? I wonder – its not full of bluenoses wanting to take a pop lol

  • Mineheadblue says:

    I he may be turning to his business skills in prison; I hear that he’s started a pyramid selling scheme for bars of soap and that they are going really well. They’re being snapped up in the showers……..

  • ChrisG says:

    I think over the last couple of years CY has proved he’s to arrogant to admit defeat & I think all this business of appeals & boardroom battles is what is actually keeping him going what with him being in solitary and all. I’m of the belief he has nothing else to occupy his mind.

  • John Ramsay says:

    You mention visits from his lawyers and his wife, I wonder how many visits he gets from Pannu?

  • mark says:

    Daniel imo i think while he been in prison this appears to make him even more determined to keep hold of the club…………not once since he been sent down has he cry wolf. Maybe he studies up on all the loop holes in the legal system you never know….

  • mark says:

    Hi daniel is it OP FOURTH birthday soon???

  • mark says:

    one commentator mentioned about his constant trips to court obviously this is at no expense, even after one year loves the high stakes, we should sing the gambler Lyrics You’re got to know when to hold ’em
    know when to fold ’em altogether now…………………..

  • Paul Hawkins says:

    I remember the days of the Kumars when they owned us and felt owners couldnt get any worse but these idiots have surpassed that by a large distance

  • Shaun Donohoe says:

    Is it possible that he could be that bitter and twisted at his perceived lack of respect shown to him by us would lead him to actually actively try to destroy us? I know he would lose the dough but psycho behaviour by him and his cronies is there to see. They would make great baddies in the next Batman movie

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I would like to pay my respects to a great footballer and football manager namely Dave Mackay.
    He managed Blues between 1989 and 1991. I had a season ticket at the time in the row behind the directors box in the main stand. Unlike now when managers sit at pitch side Mackay sat in the front of the directors box, where he remained if things were going well. If things were going badly a lone voice from the crowd and always the same voice used to shout “Sort it out Mr Mackay” and on cue Mackay left his seat and went down to the touch line.
    How he only played 22 times for Scotland defies belief, how Scotland could do with him now.
    I hope the club organise a minutes applause tomorrow night before the Blackpool game for him.
    Dave Mackay 1934 to 2015 RIP.

  • Alex T says:

    Regarding the comment about CY being in Solitary confinement for his own safety, I am now more convinced than ever that he is holding on to the Blues because he paid for it with money from dangerous characters (as well as laundered money).

    I reckon he needs to sell the club for a certain amount that will satisfy this unsavoury lot and enable him to keep his fingers. Obviously, the club in its current state will not generate enough for a sale, so he wants to keep it until we get promoted and it regains some worth.

    Just my opinion, but a long held one.

    If we are sold soon, then lets keep our ears open for news of CY’s demise. I have no sympathy for him, its the lifestyle he chose (assuming I am right).

  • AussieBlue says:

    I think you could have a point there Alex T. If not exactly what you say; there would be elements of ‘try-hards’ in there who may not have worked for the same firm.

  • Ray says:

    God only a year, it feels like this saga had been going on a way longer.

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