Often Partisan

Supporters Club Forum

Yesterday I attended the Supporters Club Forum at St Andrew’s. This is an opportunity for fans to put forward ideas, requests and issues to club management staff with the aim of improving the matchday experience and building attendances.

For those of you who want to see the full details of what happened, I have compiled my notes here. There is also an image (excuse my thumb) of the plans from the council to change Bordesley Circus to prevent accidents here.

Key points:

  • 18 out of 23 games last season were £20 or less in the Tilton. All of the games were £20 or less in the Paddock.
  • £13,500 was raised for various grassroots clubs, schools and charities via a ticket incentive scheme. This is going to be ramped up next year – email me for details.
  • 13 games last season were “police free” – ie without police in the stadium and a further 2 would have been but for away fans. The police don’t want to move kick off times unless they absolutely have to.
  • The club is looking at rewarding loyalty in the club fanzone bars and adding further bars in the main stand and on the Kop side.

The key thing I got from the meeting is the absolute passion and dedication from the staff who work at the club – despite everything that has gone on they care so much about how the club operates and about how fans interact with the club. I know that there are people who for whatever reason don’t wish to go to the games but for those who do, I believe that the staff are trying to continually improve things to encourage people to keep coming back.


17 Responses to “Supporters Club Forum”

  • Kazakblue says:

    A very big thank you for all the people who work behind the scenes at St Andrews, my son was Stadium Manager under the Golds/ Sullivans and Brady, and they were well respected by one and all for their attitude to the backroom staff.
    Long may the respect that they richly deserve keep being rewarded with continued employment, KRO

  • fingles says:

    All of my dealings with then club staff have been excellent, and I think they do a marvelous job.

  • Tony E says:

    I have nothing but praise for the club staff, it is they that are keeping us afloat in these very difficult financial times since relegation and CY’s legal issues.

  • Mark says:

    As a former Stadium Manager at St Andrews under Brady, I know how hard the staff at our Club work behind the scenes. I for one very much appreciated their efforts at keeping us afloat, they have worked miracles. I hope any new owners realise what an asset they all are. Keep right on team :-)

  • StaffsBlue says:

    The St Andrews staff are the real Players of the Season. Well done to every one!

  • Dave Mann says:

    Absolutely agree with everyone about our marvellous staff at St. Andrews and there a credit to our club and are as passionate as all of us about wanting Blues to move forward and bring back the glory days and one day soon I hope that will happen … The fans that don’t go because of the owners have that right but its only themselves that are missing out and not the hard core that go week in and week out to support the club just like our staff do and put a smile on when things aren’t that great in general but we will turn the corner and lets hope that when these owners do naff off then were be having 20,000 plus every home game next season if it happens by then wish we All as one do agree on !!! Kro

  • Ginger says:

    Yep, I would echo all of these comments, hats off to our superb staff and my fellow hard core of supporters who have been keeping the club going in hard times. The premier league glory hunters can thank us in a year or two when they show up again for keeping the club alive in its darkest hours.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Bang on Ginger and there all come flooding back when Vile, Man U, man city, Chelsea , Liverpool and arsenal come to St. Andrews .. The thing is though that I go to St. Andrews to see Blues and not the opposition but the glory hunters go for there own reasons but that’s the way it is and were not the only club who has that situation so it’s best we just get on with our own way and let the others do as they please . Kro

  • Eric says:

    I am a Bluenose since 1955 and now live in Canada. I try to get to see the Blues once a year. My dealings with club staff have been superb = thanks for being there.

  • Dave Mann says:

    I bet you were well pleased when Paul peschesolido played for blues Eric .. A true Canadian who was good for us and now as a manager .. Can’t think of any other Canadians to play for blues though if ime wrong I will soon be put right . Enjoy life out there pal!! Kro

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Dave…..Canadians who have played for Blues?
    My memory goes way back to David Edgar and a chap called Fenwick,can’t remember his first name.

    • Dave Mann says:

      Way back to David Edgar who’s been with us recently .. Like your style Richard and yes your correct so fair play to you mate .. Fenwick?.. Before my time I think but then I could not remember Edgar so what chance have I got !! .. Nice one !! Kro

  • David mann says:

    Well done guys you know more Canadians than me .. Well I spend so much time traveling round the country supporting my football team that I don’t get the time to do revision !! Kro

  • Dave mann says:

    See you at Watford Saturday ….,,I think not !! Kro

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