Often Partisan

Farewell Sarah Gould

Yesterday we were sorry to hear that long serving Customer Services Manager Sarah Gould is to leave Birmingham City next month after twelve years at St Andrew’s.

Sarah has to be one of the most recognisable faces of the backroom staff at St Andrew’s – one of the first points of contact for many when dealing with the club and one of the multitude of reasons it’s been a pleasure dealing with the club despite all the froofraw going off in Hong Kong.

I think it says a lot for the way football has changed in that Sarah is not only Customer Services Manager but also Supporter Liaison Officer. Once the old board departed there was more of an effort from the club to become fan-friendly and there has definitely been a shift from dealing with fans as “customers” to working with them as “supporters”. Sarah is definitely a person in the latter camp – a Blues fan like the rest of us who went as bananas as the rest of us during the “miracle at the macron”, as the TV cameras will confirm – see if you can spot her in the video clip below.

They’re going to be big metaphorical shoes to fill, and I hope that Blues understand just why Sarah was so successful in her job and bring in a replacement that can work in a similar manner.

One of her final achievements before departing B9 will be Blues’ attainment of the Intermediate level of Kick It Out’s Equality Standard. Blues are the only team below Premier League level to have achieved this and once again, I think it’s testimony to not only the great team behind the scenes but also to the kind of supporters we are at Blues.

I hope you’ll join with me in recognising a true Blue and thanking Sarah for all her hard work – and wishing her the best in the future.

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24 Responses to “Farewell Sarah Gould”

  • fingles says:

    All the very best Sarah, very sorry to see you leaving.

  • weaponsguru says:

    Thanks for all your hard work and dedication Sarah.
    You helped me on a number of occasions when I was in the RN.
    Always helpful, always a pleasure.
    I know you’re moving down here to the south coast somewhere – if you’re anywhere near Hampshire, you’d be welcome to a drink any time!

  • Nigel Jackson says:

    Good luck, Sarah, as you move on. It’s people like you that have made the Blues such a great club.

    Best wishes

  • DoctorD says:

    Good luck Sarah — honestly that video still puts a tingle down my spine.

  • Steve says:

    All the very best for the future Sarah you have helped us out on many occasions and was a fantastic asset to Blues.

  • Taz says:

    Good luck for the future Sarah. You will be sadly missed at St Andrews and, as has been said above, yours will be very hard shoes to fill.

  • AJ says:

    Why has she left?

  • Russ says:

    Weapons Guru: Should she ask for you by name or just shout “Weapons Guru!!” Really loudly when she’s in the area? ; )

    I agree she’ll be sorely missed. A credit to the club.


  • Jordan smith says:

    Hi Sarah thank you for looking after me all time I was mascot for Birmingham City you was always nice to me good look and take care love jordan smith

  • Oldbluenose says:

    so very sorry that we are losing yet another good-un,!!. wherever you are going, — GOOD LUCK.

  • oldburyblue says:

    Sarah will definitely be missed. In these days of “It aint my job” she was one of the “Old School” who seemed to do whatever was needed to keep the wheels on. Her replacement better be prepared for some hard work!

  • blue says:

    good luck sarah and also good luck to Colin Doyle,going to Blackpool.think you’ll need it.

  • the real deal says:

    A truly great servant to BCFC. She will be impossible to replace. Always helped me out when issues arose. Good Luck Miss Gould in everything you do in the future. Your new employers are very lucky people.

  • len says:

    I would just say thank you for the help you showed me and all the members of the North West Supporters Club over gthe past years.
    You will be greatly missed.
    Best of luck for the future.

  • Raymondo says:

    Goodbye and good luck Sarah. Good luck also to Colin Doyle. Hope you get some full seasons in goal for Blackpool.

  • Art says:

    Very best of luck and success in whatever you do.

  • Brendon Davis says:

    You were awesome Sarah – especially arranging my season ticket renewals each year (from Australia). Thanks so much for your brilliant work and I wish you every health and success for the future.

  • Bluebird says:

    I feel like we’ve just lost one of our key players…
    Of course that’s from the “Team Behind The Scenes” & just as important…
    Sarah was always helpful whatever the situation…
    The fact that she loves the Blues as much as the rest of us do just leaves me with one question…
    Why Is Sarah Leaving? There has to be a real good reason…

  • Andy Purcell says:

    Only twelve years. Thought longer.
    As 12 years ago in 2003 I went back to Brum for a few weeks from downunderland and got to Blues v Charlton. Bought me a Blues shirt. Wanted it signed. Left it at reception with a note and visa details to pay for postage. Few weeks later it landed on these kiwi shores signed.
    No charge for postage.
    Thank you sarah.

    • weaponsguru says:

      Yeah, if I remember rightly, I signed for Forssell, Stern John and Stanley.

      They were asking in the shop if anyone wanted to scribble something on “some daft kiwi blokes shirt” ;-)

  • Eric says:

    Over the past few years Sarah has been my reliable contact as I take a 6000 round trip to watch the Blues. She is a wonderful face of the Blues for ex-patriots like me. Thank you Sarah and Keep Right On…

  • Marc Jeffery says:

    Sarah has been our point of contact from the Netherlands Blues Supporters’ Club for as long as we have existed as a Club. She has always been a delight to work with – warm, charming and yet very efficient. It was great to meet her at St. Andrew’s and again at Bruges and Braga; her enthusiasm for Blues was obvious every time.

    Good luck with your next plans, Sarah. You will be greatly missed.

  • Brenda & Allan says:

    Sad News – You will be very much missed by us ‘Blue Noses’.
    ‘St Andrews won’t be quite the same without you.
    Many thanks for the times you helped us both.
    Best wishes and success and in your new life.

  • Inti says:

    Good luck Sarah. Sad to see you leave the Blues. It was an absolute pleasure to meet you at the Asian Supporters Forum. Your hard work and all those working towards the achievement of the attainment of the Intermediate level of Kick It Out’s Equality Standard will not be forgotten.

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