Often Partisan

No Go for Kiernan

News broke today that a deal for Rob Kiernan has fallen through after the Wigan defender failed a medical prior to his move to St Andrew’s. The 24-year-old played twelve games on loan at Blues in the last campaign, scoring once.

It’s since emerged that Scottish Championship side Rangers have had a bid accepted for the Rickmansworth-born centre-half and are now looking to wrap up the transfer. Naturally, this has caused all the cynics to come out of the woodwork, insisting that there was no deal in place and the idea of a failed medical is a cover story for this as Kiernan seemed to have no issues last term.

I’m not one of those cynics. Medicals are strange beasts; they’re not a standard set of tests – clubs will do more or less testing depending on amounts committed among other factors and thus it’s possible for a player to pass a medical at one club when he has failed one at another – just look at Gavin Gunning last season, who failed a medical with Sheffield Wednesday prior to coming to Blues.

Furthermore, a medical isn’t just to look at current injury problems but also to look for possibilities of long-term issues. This is where they become even more grey in that what one club may take a chance on, another club won’t. A good example is Demba Ba, who failed a medical at Stoke City before moving to West Ham from Hoffenheim. West Ham had the same thoughts on Ba due to problems with his knees but decided as Ba had missed few games in his career that they could take a chance – and it paid off.

Panos Pavlakis has already taken to Twitter to try to console fans and to make them aware that the club is already pursuing other targets. The previously linked Shrewsbury Town defender Jermaine Grandison won’t be one of them; it appears the link to him might have been a bit of an agent’s fantasy more than reality and as such I doubt very much we’ll see him line up in Royal Blue.

Although it’s a blow I’m still feeling positive that Rowett will be able to bring in a centre-back that will improve the team. There is still plenty of time left before the start of pre-season to wrap up signings; I think once Blues get one across the line people will feel happier that work is being done – and maybe be more acceptant that there is money available for Rowett to bring in the targets of his choosing.

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58 Responses to “No Go for Kiernan”

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I think like OP… once one is over the line. I think everyone will feel a bit more optimistic that things are happening. The summer break is an extremely tedious time for footy fans.

  • Tony E says:

    Although he was decent for us last season I am sure Gary can bring in a player of similar quality to fit in alongside Morrison. Still quite relaxed about the situation.

  • Mitchell says:

    Keirnan thing really leaves me cold. Not a major issue. However, I do expect Tesche and Fab. to sign later this week. I would go as far to say that they are going nowhere EXCEPT Blues. Putting myself on the line I know, but these two are defineatly ours.Weekend will be a sweeter time.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Gunning only played a few minutes before he was injured on his debut and didn’t play for the first team again. Maybe Wednesday’s doctor knew something our doctor didn’t.
    Regarding Kiernan, we must accept the deal fell through due to medical issues, although neither Panos nor anyone else at the club has said as much.
    There must be a decent central defender we can attract so nils desperandum.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    Kiernan improved in my eyes, but not to the extend of being a ‘must have’. I hope Gary was in agreement that the plug had to be pulled.

  • rhees says:

    Not a major loss Garry will have an even better player lined up I’m sure

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    Well suppose highlighting potential problems is why you have Medicals.A shame for all concerned but as a fan I would have been more bothered if it had been Tesche or Fabrini.

  • andy says:

    I just wish Birmingham could be more transparent, not signed the player because several aspects of the medical caused the plug to be pulled. Kieran either failed a medical or not, several aspects means nothing to me, he failed a medical, did he not?

  • The Flying Pig says:

    Wasn’t over impressed with Kiernan, I felt he was poor defending in the penalty area; but it will be interesting to see if we can get anyone better given our parlous state.

    I’m hopeful we can get someone in soon; perhaps another Dan Burn type on loan?

    I’m also hopeful we can do some business over the next fortnight to give players time to bed-in.

  • Anthony says:

    Hi dan,any ideas of the other targets we’re after,we’re in need of a good 5 or 6 players kro

  • chris says:

    would like to know how he passes medical for loan period and no apparent issues then nor while he played 12 games or during his injury just before the end of the season, but now there is an issue?
    has the club doctor changed so a different approach?

    • Duff blue says:

      I imagine a loan medical to not be as intensive as the investment is relatively little on 3 month loan, where if injured the deal is ended and the player returns to the parent club, compared to a 24 month contract. Also as we know Gary likes to work with a small group of playing staff unlike the previous regime where it was a new face every week. I’d say the decision was his to make and with the squad size he would like it would be too much to of a gamble.

      I wouldn’t mind going in for Kyle Bartley but a permanent deal would be unlikely. I’d also be tempted to have a chat with the recently retired Bradley Orr. Stephen Carr is a testament to rejuvenated careers

    • southcoastblue says:

      much bigger gamble if you’re giving someone a two/three year contract. There should be plenty more quality central defenders out there.

    • almajir says:

      More intensive medical for a permanent transfer.

  • Matt says:

    Right move, if results from medical are poor. Gary is going to use the budget provided wisely and if it’s on a player sidelined for more than half the season, it’s the correct call. Hopefully get a signing in soon, would be great if it’s Tesche!

  • Macca21 says:

    I still think Edgar is better prospect and deserves another chance

  • StaffsBlue says:

    It’s a shame, but I’m sure there are as good or better players out there than Kiernan.

    I can’t see Rowett bringing in as many as 6 players. Goalkeeper, defender, a couple of midfielders and maybe a striker at best I would think.

  • Rob says:

    He was solid enough. Good technically but defensive wise we can do equal or better. Jos Hooiveld at Southampton I like. He’s a presence at both ends, has experience and can play. Don’t know his situation but been on loan at Norwich and millwall recently so shouldn’t be beyond our scope I wouldn’t have thought.

  • edd77 says:

    Kiernan is saying he pulled the plug on the deal at the last minute because he wanted to join Rangers nothing to do with us pulling out

  • Mitchell says:

    Everything will be forgotten about Kiernan when tomorrow’s announcement that Tesche and Fabrini have signed 2year deals.

  • Agent McLeish says:

    Looks like Blues are being economical with the truth over this. According to the Daily Record it was the player who decided to pull out at the last minute to join Rangers. The Scottish club would not sign a crocked player so there appears to be some truth in the story.

  • mac67 says:

    Maybe we’ve been dilly dallying too long on this one if the daily record is correct.
    And if a lesson is to be learnt then lets get Tesche in asap.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    It is interesting that the club hasn’t officially announced that Kiernan failed a medical.
    But Brian Dick of the BM ran the story yesterday lunchtime, so his info must have come from somewhere.

  • DMC says:

    we haven’t exactly got a great record in medical stuff, Dunn was misdiagnosed for ages before someone finally cottoned on to what it was, fix it just before we sold him to play loads of games again

    Remy had a ‘failed medical’ at Liverpool after playing fit for ages but passed Chelseas and has fit for them
    Forest failed George Boyd because apparently he couldn’t see straight yet he’s not had a problem since

    I suspect a medical failure is more often than not a get out clause for a transfer they don’t want, if you don’t hear a specific aspect to why they’ve failed e.g. unstable cruciate, developing arthritis in the knee etc then people are right to be very sceptical

  • mac67 says:

    Agree with macca 21 that Edgar alongside Morrison is worth a look at.

  • waycoolblue says:

    Well How come the player him self is saying he did not failed a medical why would he say that if it was not true? He says He (ROB KIERNAN) pulled the plug on a move to Birmingham City at the 11th hour to pave the way for a reunion with mentor Mark Warburton at Rangers .

    This transfer window is not going well for Blues.

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    To suggest that it was him and not the club that pulled the plug seems strange. Surely if he didn’t fail a medical someone could be in hot water somewhere as it is not the sort of thing you want banded about if your a professional footballer.

    • BhamCityJulian says:

      The medical can be very subjective. ‘IMO abc could lead to xyz’. In court cases the prosecution and defence could use different SME’s to prove or disprove the same outcome

      • Hillfield Blues says:

        Point taken.But you would be furious if you were the player and the club used a failed medical as an excuse for dragging their feet all summer.
        Interested to hear GR’s take.

  • waycoolblue says:

    Its Not a major loss there will be other targets but it just seems strange to me

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I have just realised. Kiernan would prefer to play for Rangers at Queen of the South, Dumbarton and Raith Rovers rather than Blues’ at QPR, Derby and Wolves….silly me.

  • Dave Mann says:

    And a club who’s finances are not much different than ours but I suppose Rangers are a massive club in what ever text you put it so you can’t really blame him to be honest. Kro

  • paulieboy says:

    As usual yet more misleading and cover our backs information coming out of the club.
    Kiernan wanted to joining Rangers and simply turned us down, he did not fail a medical so why don’t the club be truthful.
    Very concerned at the moment about the lack of signings, and question what is going on behind the scenes at St.Andrews from all quarters

    • Richard Granfield says:

      To be fair to the club nobody from the club has been quoted as saying he failed a medical.
      The story was broken by Brian Dick in the Mail who will not divulge his source.

  • paulieboy says:

    Maybe your right Richard I don’t know in honest, but the lack of any such hype from the club leads us to questions such reports.
    Maybe Blues should look to appoint a good PR Guru who can liaise with fans – GR was doing a good job on this himself but over he past 2 months as gone very quiet himself.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    At the end of the day, if he chose Rangers over us, then sod him, we can do better anyway, so no loss.

    • Tmsblues says:

      Agreed Staffs however I suspect Kiernan said sod em to Blues once he had the chance to join a former boss at Rangers. Rangers like Blues are on hard times but let’s be honest Rangers are a massive club and with a Blues salary of iro £5000 pw on offer who wouldn’t join Rangers and probably for more income too. Or maybe Kiernan said he was also sick of the blues delays in sorting his move and so blues reported it accordingly Ha! In actual fact all that the club has reported is that the move was cancelled after his medical and Dick has put a spin on it rather than obtaining the facts that the player preferred Rangers and their salary!

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Are Rangers a massive club now? I thought the old Glasgow Rangers were dead and buried. Rangers FC are a new club aren’t they.. or have I read it wrong?

  • Dave Mann says:

    Let’s hope so , you can’t blame him for choosing Rangers as I’ve said, it’s a good move for him and he will get first team football there where at Blues he might not so no grudges to hold and we’re get someone in can fill That void anyway so no panicking what so ever …. Tesche and Fabbrini will do for me along with a goalie , centre half, left midfield and a striker then all is cushy in the world and let the pre season begin , can’t wait !! Kro

    • Tmsblues says:

      Agree with you Dave. On goalie I am not impressed with foderingham but I think he will probably sign. I’d prefer it if we had a go at shay given who might like regular footie and to stay local though his wages would have been high he might just be a loan option. I think we should cash in on Gary whilst we can as he’s worth nothing if he fails to sign a contract extension.

  • oldburyblue says:

    What on earth does Colin Tattum do to earn his wages? As Head of Communications/media or whatever his title is he should be giving us facts about the Club on a regular basis. The truth might be unpleasant sometimes but far better than rumour and counter-rumour….or God forbid, lies.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    It is a cheap shot to blame Colin Tattum. He doesn’t own the club so has to take orders from above.
    If the order is to announce a signing after the event, then that’s what happens.

    • oldburyblue says:

      Not a cheap shot Richard. Of course I know he is strictly ruled by “above” but he should be earning his wages by advising them to allow him to “talk” to us. What a come-down for a once respected journalist. There has GOT to be SOMETHING he can tell us about OUR Club. We thrive in the light….not in the dark.

  • jonno11blue says:

    I’m reliably informed the club called a press conference to announce Kieran signing then when they turned it it was Tattum who used the excuse he’s failed the medical. You don’t arrange a press conference when you are still waiting for medical results. So the club as obviously not been honest with the supporters. The reason this has happened is because of failure of the management to act at the end of the season to get these players on board. There hadn’t even been a statement from the football club today and they wonder why season tickets aren’t selling.

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    Having waited for some positive news on the signings front for weeks on end we are given this load of crap.A familiar story for us lot I’m afraid!!!!

  • Blue Steve says:

    This is just something that happens in business. At the last minute Rangers offered Kiernan more money and we were not prepared to match those increased wages. I don’t blame anyone at Blues you can only pay someone what you think they are worth. The capture of Kiernan would have been below Teche and Fabrinin for me anyway. I’m sure there are other centre backs out there.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Wes Foderingham is tweeting that he is moving house……..To Birmingham????

  • Dave Mann says:

    Stop panicking.. You will all be happy with the the players we of sign over the next two days … Calm down !! Kro

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Other than Tesche and maybe Fabbrini, I’ve not been impressed with any of the players linked to us these past few weeks. I just hope Rowett conjurs up more exciting names than the media have managed so far.

  • Mitchell says:

    When the release comes regarding Tesche and Fabrini tomorrow, will a few doubters please relax over the next two weeks when Goalkeeper x 2′ Centre half x 1 Midfielder x 1 and Striker x 1. arrives. Total squad 23. GR is sensible and caring about the Blues, but sometimes hurdles have to be overcome before even he can move forward. Believe me.

    • Richard Granfield says:

      You said Tesche and Fabbrini would sign yesterday (Thursday). I have lost faith in your predictions.

      • Mitchell says:

        Richard, I share your frustration too. My source is very reliable and they will sign. Blues being Blues nothing is straightforward and GR’s silence at the moment does give fans a little twitchy time. Please have a little faith,which I am sure you have.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    From someone who thought Colin’s Mail videos were the height of tedium I was gobsmacked he became our PR man. One has to have an gregarious persona and be able to sell snow to Eskimos. The skill to spin is of course essential too. You can’t and shouldn’t attempt to spin untruths but you can seemingly turn events to your advantage

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