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Reece Brown Scores for England u20s

Reece Brown scored today for the England u20 side as they beat Holland 3-1 in the four-nation Mercedes Elite Cup being played in Germany. The midfielder played 72 minutes of the match before he was brought off for Mason Holgate of Everton.

Brown’s effort came in the eighth minute of the match at the Voith-Arena in Heidenheim in what was quite a low key match with just 150 people present. Unfortunately, detail seems a bit scant; even the local newspaper hasn’t devoted much in the way of column inches to the match.

Regardless, I think it’s another bit of positive news that a Blues youngster has performed on the international stage for England – even at an age-restricted level. The big hope really has to be that Brown can knuckle down and force his way into the Blues squad. Gary Rowett was candid in the recent phone in on Radio WM as to why Brown isn’t getting into the team; a slight lack of professionalism off the field (as has been oft-rumoured) along with a tendency not to play as well off the ball as he does on it has held him back.

In saying that, from looking through the squad quickly there aren’t many names that actually jump out at me as players I know of as talents; either I’ve not been watching enough football (or not playing enough Football Manager) or it’s true that it’s harder than ever for young English talent to break through. I do think there is a fear of defeat – especially at the top level – and it’s easier to farm players out on loan to see if they can progress than blood them in a first team even at Championship level. Of course, exceptional players will make it – or exceptional situations will happen such as the one Blues had under Lee Clark where he seemingly got to the point he gave every u21 player he could a debut.

England play Turkey in Ulm on Saturday before facing Germany in the final game of the tournament in Heidenheim on the 13th.


26 Responses to “Reece Brown Scores for England u20s”

  • andy says:

    I have always thought of Reece Brown as the most talented of the Blues younger players, I also hope he knuckles down, takes the advice of his manager and becomes a top player for Birmingham.

  • Dave Mann says:

    He might become a top player but unfortunately it will probably be with someone else as this takeover might not be completed in time before he moves on and we take the money .. Sad but that’s the way it is .. How long in to this 2 year agreement are we .. It’s like a cancer that won’t go away ! Kro

    • daddyblue says:

      Jesus Dave, get a grip man. Go and have a couple of pint and cheer up lol

      • Dave Mann says:

        Ime always trying to be positive daddy blue and I state it more than most on here but if this drags on longer than expected then things might change and young Brown might go else where .. I have got a grip man but sometimes we don’t know what the future holds and I include all of us in that . Just a thought . :) kro

    • almajir says:

      You mean like how we sold all our players this summer?


      • Dave Mann says:

        Was not talking about this summer but summers to come .. We’re see ! :) kro

        • ChrisG says:

          Dave what’s the point of getting all stressed out over something you have no idea about, no one knows what the future holds, for all you know TTA could be billionairs, they’re probably not but until they show themselves we have no idea. Things are going well on the pitch so concentrate on that. As far as Reece Brown goes if he dont buck his ideas up he’ll be left on the scrap heap according to an interview with GR yesterday.

          • Dave Mann says:

            As I’ve said many times ChrisG I stay happy and positive and don’t in any way shape or form suffer from any sort of stress even when it comes to our football club . :) kro

  • Blues fan says:

    He is a decent prospect but the way Gary Rowett was talking he has a bit of an attitude problem I think Rowett will probably get rid of him if he doesn’t change his ways anyway. And I agree with you Dave the amount of time this sale is taking is crazy and it’s not losing the player I’m worried about I think it will be the manager that goes he’s a very ambitious manager and with the owners we have with no money it’s only holding him back this sale needs to happen ASAP for us to keep him though we all know it won’t happen.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I remember we had Jack Butland, Mitch Hancox, Will Packwood, Callum Reilly and Nathan Redmond in the side back in 2012-13. Four gone now and Hancox probably on his bike at the end of the season. Only Brown, Arthur and Gray from the next lot have been anywhere near the first team since. I hope Solomon-Otabor is the rule rather than the exception from the current lot. I wouldn’t want to put money on it though.

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Only Butland and Redmond are up to Championship level or above. The other three you mention were just not good enough. I remember Clark taking all those U21 players from Man U and Man C which very nearly got us relegated. I have only seen Arthur play a few times and I have got to say he didn’t look anything special to me.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        This was my point SB. Although we always have high hopes for these youngsters coming through, very few of them actually make it through to becoming regular first teamers.. and those that do are usually snapped by other clubs. I can’t say I’m too optimistic that that’s going to change in the future.

        • Shirley Blue says:

          As Reece Brown is now a regular in the U20 team then the people in charge of the England set up must consider him to be one of the best English players in his age group in the country. I would suggest he needs first team football at least at good FL1 standard to make him knuckle down and not give him time for off field distractions whatever they might be. He has only made 7 Championship and 3 league cup appearances – to be in the England U20 side with so little first team football suggests he might be a bit special.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I don’t think anyone doubts his ability, but to be fair, the England guys don’t see him day after day, all year round. There have been suggestions for a while now that his attitude isn’t spot on and that seemed to be confirmed by Rowett the other day. The lad needs to wake up and realise, you only get one career. I really hope he does, because it would be a sad waste of his talent.

  • KC says:

    I think we all want Brown and Arthur to make it , preferably with us. With Gray and Solomon hopefully continuing their development with us the satisfaction would be immense. I’m sure they have the ability and GR is the man to bring them through. But it works both ways and they cannot expect it on a plate.Brilliant to see GR coaching the youngsters a few days ago. Tragic we lost Buckland and Redmond.

  • tony says:

    Speaking of the two year exclusive period, just how long has elapsed of that time, how long is there to go?

  • Dave Mann says:

    Loosing Redmond & Buckland was not that tragic KC so let’s not go overboard .. Loosing Gary Rkwett would be tragic and that’s not going over board .. Loosing soloman – otabor would not be tragic neither .. Let’s stop the over the top opinions of certain players . Kro

  • Hilfield Blues says:

    Well done to Reece Brown. Representing and scoring for your country is a great accolade no matter what level its at.Lets hope the kid can grasp the nettle and do it for us soon.
    The Koby Aurther situation is the strangest one for me though.There was something of a panic to get him signed up during the summer as he was threatening to leave,yet since then he has completely disappeared off the radar?

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    If Brown doesn’t think it’s necessary to work without the ball he’ll not get a game with us and can go out with his non-football pals on matchdays for rest of his career.

  • Matt says:

    Love how you provoke the thoughts Dan.. Wish I was at that age to be able waste the talent I had by not knuckling down.. Or not..

  • Mitchell says:

    Many of our talented young players are at the cross-roads with regard to Brown, Arthur, Soloman, Harding and Gray. It reminds me a little of when Arsenal had Walcott,Chamberlain, Ramsey and Wilshere as young kids. Only reason for their success was Wenger and his mentoring. Needless to say- like Dave Mann says it is Rowett that will make the difference and therefore continues to be our main asset.

  • Dave Mann says:

    He certainly is Mitchell , any player we have I would rather see leave than the Bromsgrove one , he’s priceless compared to any money’s we would get for any of our current squad. Kro

  • David L says:

    Reece Brown today = Jermaine Pennant 15 years or so ago?

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    I expect the Scandinavian expeditions are to find a nippy striker; a box-to-box midfielder to replace/challenge Davis; a two-footed full back to challenge/cover Caddis and Grounds or a left back to cover just the latter.

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