Often Partisan

Moments of Brilliance – Ipswich reflections

Birmingham City won 3-0 for the second game in succession thanks to Will Buckley’s first goal for the club on his first start and two scorching goals from Jon Toral and Maikel Kieftenbeld. Ipswich were forced to play the entire second half a man down after Jonathan Douglas received a straight red card for a lunging challenge on Will Buckley.

It feels churlish to say this, but Blues will probably play better than they did today and lose. I’m not going to say they played badly – more that it was a scrappy game punctuated with two moments of brilliance from Blues midfielders and what now looks a bit of a shocking decision from the ref.

First the moments of brilliance:

Toral stunner for Birmingham City

You won’t see many better goals than the one Toral scored. It was route one brilliance; a long punt up field from Kuszczak, a flick on from Donaldson and then a scorching, dipping volley from the Arsenal loanee. It was unreal – as if Jon Toral had said that he wasn’t having Kieftenbeld walking away with the goal of the season prize and he could do a better job.

Kieftenbeld scorcher

The Dutchman wasn’t going to see his effort eclipsed easily and smashed home a volley of his own with twenty minutes to go. Stephen Gleeson nearly joined the party having scored a flukey goal last week, seeing his rising 30 yard piledriver narrowly go over the bar. Even Charlee Adams, on his league debut with only his second touch thought it was worth a go; his effort was well caught by the keeper but it’s great to see that being thrown into action has not fazed the Academy graduate.

Ipswich played half the game with ten men and in honesty, bearing in mind how well they played in spells I believe that they’d have given us a good run for our money if it had been 11 v 11. At the time I thought it was a fair decision – the reaction of the players made me think it had been high and reckless but now having seen it again I think Douglas can count himself unfortunate.

You’d have expected Blues to make the extra man count but too often they were happy to lump the ball into the air; which was a shame because when they did keep it on the deck at times they were brilliant – even the Tilton sang “We’re Birmingham City, we’re taking the piss” after some particularly outrageous moments of flair.

Blues were missing Andrew Shinnie from the lineup; Jonathan Buchan of Radio Sheffield tweeted that Rotherham United were “still confident” of signing the Scot but that Millers manager Neil Redfearn was waiting for other deals to be completed before Shinnie made the move. Diego Fabbrini wasn’t in the Boro squad either – he was pictured playing FIFA 16 in the Boro fanzone – no word on what team he was playing as though.

Fabbrini playing Fifa

Despite the feeling we might have been lucky, I can’t help but be happy about the game and the result. It’s the kind of result that breeds confidence and the kind that will hopefully get more people believing that promotion needn’t just be a pipedream. There are a lot of games between now and the end of the season – if we can keep getting results like that it really could be time to get on board Gary Rowett’s disco promotion bus.


165 Responses to “Moments of Brilliance – Ipswich reflections”

  • Waycoolblue says:

    lucky! not At all we dominated from start to finish I was at the game it was not a scrappy game it was to sides playing attacking football in witch Blues where the better side by a massive margin.

    • almajir says:

      So was I, but I had my eyes open. Blues did not dominate from start to finish, Ipswich had a few good chances and on another day we’d have drawn.

    • Pete says:

      Agreed- superb goals but we were made to work very hard to earn a win against 10 men. Murphy had a few good chances and they missed several later in the match. That said, these are the games we would have lost in the past- so no moans here.

      Still think my point for a while is shown again that we should be trying to tie up Toral, when his contract is up. Is he our top scorer now? How many did Fabrinni score or actually set up for that matter?

  • Dan Hickman says:

    What is it they say? Good teams learn to win even when they don’t play that we’ll? Without wanting to get too carried away, I think we are growing in to a very good Championship side, or at least a very effective one. Gut feeling on Fabbrini Dan?

  • oldburyblue says:

    Think you are being a bit harsh Dan. I really enjoyed it today and I don’t think the sending off made much difference as Ipswich relied on the long-ball game throughout so 1 less in midfield didn’t affect their attacking play at all, although obviously it made OUR attacking play that much easier. I thought Buckley had a brilliant debut and his link-up play made Toral look good also. Nice to see support given to Donaldson as well making his flicks worthwhile.

  • paule says:

    I think the ref made the correct decision on the sending off but may be proven wrong when I see it again in slow motion, I also thought we were the better team throughout the game & easily deserved the 3 points, keep it up Blues & who knows where we’ll end up Kro.

    • steve says:

      I need to see it again paule. At the time it didn’t look bad but as soon as the Ref sprinted over i knew it was going to be a red. And he was in a good position.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Harsh? Possibly.. but to be fair to the ref, I don’t think he was left with much choice. I don’t think there was any malice in the challenge, but Douglas’ foot was off the ground and his studs were showing. For me, the ref just applied the letter of the law. I think we’d probably be moaning if it was one of our players though tbh.

      • paule says:

        Just seen the sending off Steve & still think the ref got it right you can’t lunge in like that with your studs showing,I also think Mick Mcarthy needs to go to Specsavers if he thinks they a different class second half.

      • almajir says:

        Can you not see it in the article?

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Digger Davis is not a winger so I think Gary needs to be more ambitious in his starting eleven.
    Trust our defence and play a proper winger whenever possible.
    The old adage that attack is the best form of defence is a truism. So Maghoma for Davis would be my only change for Bristol, unless a certain Mr. Fabbrini turns up.

  • Mitchell says:

    On a super day I am getting the jitters regarding Fabbrini. I simply don’t want him. I cannot see a place in this solid workmanlike side for him. However if GR wants him then I bow to his judgement. Beef up the defence-make contingency plans should injuries hit Morrison or Robbo. and that will do me.

  • Macclad says:

    Seeing Fabrinni come back would be fantastic. Shinns was great last season but Diego is a step up. Promotion is a real possibility now. Good time to be a Blues fan.

  • Paul k says:

    Whats the chance of us getting toral on a permanent??

    • almajir says:

      I can only tell you what I think – and that is that we have no chance. I’d love us to sign him permanently, but I suspect he’s done enough to get another year with Arsenal; Wenger is patient with young players (look at how old Coquelin and Bellerin were before making it) and I think this year has proved Toral has got something more to offer.

      • Dan Hickman says:

        Which is why the Fabbrini deal and Shinnie outward loan is so shrewd. To rally and Fabbrini could rotate and/or fit in together for this season, and if we don’t sign Toral permanently Shinnie comes in next season to sit behind Fab in the pecking order.

      • ChrisG says:

        I wonder then if we can’t get him on a permanent deal if there’s a chance of us getting him for another season on loan?

        • Dan Hickman says:

          Usually I would say what is the point developing someone else’s player for 2 years then handing them back for nothing, but he seems to enjoy it at St Andrews. IF, and it is a huge if, we were to get promoted I think we could attract him (and Wenger) with first team football at a Premier League club though, and if Arsenal still didn’t have a space for him then I could see us doing it permanently in 18 months time

      • steve says:

        Toral won’t get into Arsenals team next season. Hopefully another loan deal could be done. Wenger knows he will get game time.

  • swissjonny says:

    What a resultWell done lads! Well done gaffer. We are finally having some luck- but as Gary Player used to say ” the harder I practice ,the luckier I get”. Its a long road ,a long , long road but Gary appears to be on to something.To Hell with dry January-lets enjoy the great moments.Im really struggeling to keep my feet on the ground-thats after 45 years of devotion!!!! What character-pity the bored looking bloke sat next to me!!!!

  • macca salop blue says:

    I think sometimes you make your own luck, when you’re winning luck seems to be on your side, but when you’re down the bottom it tends to swing against you. Let’s enjoy the ride while it lasts. I just hope we don’t get complacent, at times today when 2nil up we seemed happy to push on in search for the 3rd but were exposed at the back , if it had gone to 2-1 , I can imagine it would have been like the Alamo from Ipswich. Fair play to their fans who stuck with them right to the end, very few left. I just wish we had a few more at St. Andrews, I think 18k is poor considering our recent form and excellent away following.

    • oldburyblue says:

      Ipswich were well supported but their fans were ridiculously one-eyed when it came to tackles demanding that our players should be sent off for innocuous tackles and blocks. As 90% or more were on coaches there wasn’t much point in them leaving early was there?

  • Robin says:

    Some of the movement & passing at times had me purring …really enjoyed Toral today
    Gary Rowett I salute you

  • Lich Blues says:

    I think Toral has been outstanding for a few weeks now. What an absolute stunner of a goal. I don’t think Ipswich offered that much and obviously had there task made all the more difficult with the sending off but we deserved the win.

    Looking forward to going to Bristol next. No slip ups please Blues.

    Turning out to be a cracking season.


  • Bluefire says:

    I fully agree with your assessment of the game Dan. We relied on two wonderful strikes to confirm the win. As good as both strikes were on another day they could both have ended up on row 20 of the Tilton and we’d be reflecting on a much tighter win.I thought we played better before the sending off, our style of football doesn’t necessarily making playing against 10 men easy. There was a 10-15 min spell in the 2nd half when we kept giving the ball away and they created 2/3 good openings.Personally I’d still like to see the defence strengthened before we buy Fabbrini.

  • AdamTrueBlue says:

    No more comments please of us hitting above our weight. Two deserved wins against quality teams, we have earned our position and now for the serious climb up into the playoffs. Well done Gary and team. Kro

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Ipswich’s man of the match was that little guy speeding down the left wing. His name is Ryan Fraser (21) who is on a season long loan from Bournemouth. I am sure Gary has made a note of him for the future.

  • Dave S says:

    The sending off was spot on, the player himself knew, you can’t tackle like that in the modern game. personally, I’d take a season of games like this as long as the end result is the same.

  • nicko says:

    well said Adam i thought we dominated the game till the sending off its harder to play 10 men the red card was a red card watch mad mick when the tackle went in he turned his head away and he knew what was coming we should of had 2 penalty’s also Ipswich should of had one the ref had a poor game and the linesman but take nothing away from two quality goals kro

  • Bluenosesol says:

    I felt confident that we were going to go on and score more even before their harsh sending off. I would like to mention today;s unsung hero. Clayton Donaldson. He fought for everything, won the ball and excellent distribution even if he still couldnt outjump a sack of spuds! Looking good! KRO!!

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    The Toral situation is becoming more pressing especially when he scores goals like that.I don’t know what Wengers intentions are but if they were priming him for their first team would they let his contract run down to the wire like this?
    Let’s be honest he has only recently come into prominence and wasn’t making our starting eleven a few moths ago after spending most of last season as a sub at Brentford.Arsenal might give him another year just so they can get a fee but he has to be our main summer transfer target already.

  • little al says:

    Great result , two fantastic strikes. If we can strengthen squad before window closes great chance to get play off position. I think we still need to sign some defenders, still time and perhaps Rowett is in the process of doing this. Ipswich looked good at times and on another day some of their goal strikes may have been on target, so as Dan commented it was a good win but the game was not totally dominated by Blues. The test now is to see if we can continue this winning run, Sheff Wed really turned us over at their place so lets hope we can do the same to them at St Andrews, if we win the next two games a play off place certainly looks on. There is a long way to go of course but wins breed confidence, the team is performing as a team and seem to be a very tight unit playing for each other which shows how good a man manger Rowett is. Whatever happens from now on it has been a successful season.

  • Blues are winning matches and each lot of newcomers that come in are giving their all as they gel , but the best thing about the team on the whole is there ability to score goals often with less attempts on goal on target than the opponents , ( you deadly little Bluenoses,) and its happened many times this season , the only difference is the team now know it ,we have a dream they the players have a dream , rowett and co has a dream , the whole club has a dream , and the dream is starting to come true , we are on the right road ,this is what football is all about dreams , without them life is worth nothing , I once read that the richest man in the world had suffered a lot in life, this is better than riches , SUPER BLUES …..KRO..

  • Mikey says:

    Lucky? You are completely losing the plot. Miles better team first half and the sending off helped the Luddites of Ipswich. Try giving credit to Rowett and the players for a change for another brilliant win against a team who have the best away record in the Champ. Another clean sheet with Robbo in the side too. Rowett needs help obviously

  • Matty Blue says:

    First time commenting on OP but been reading since it first began. Always a great source of info, a cracking blog Dan!

    Another fantastic 3 points today! Great start for Buckley too! Its been a fantastic run of late. I was really concerned when Cotterill got injured back along as so many of our attacks and goals used to come through him. It took us a few games but i think now the other midfielders are starting to step up in an attacking sense and now we are a better attacking team for it. Gleeson, Kieftenbeld, Maghoma, Toral and now Buckley have all been getting in on the act in the last month and i would think now it is harder for other teams to shut out our threat as it isnt just coming through one avenue. Get Vaughan and Donny firing and we’ll be in the playoffs come the end of the season.

    Add Fabbrini and a defender or two and we are a match for anyone in this league!


  • paule says:

    I can’t believe people think that was a harsh sending off. The player lunged in with his studs showing I’ve looked at the challenge a few times and if he’d caught our player in the right place he could have done some proper damage, it was reckless whether it was intentional or not!! Although Ipswich had a couple of good chances we had a few & we put 3 of ours in the net sounds like a bit of negativity on here,we got 3 points & deserved the win kro.

  • Ted says:

    It’s rare I disagree with you Dan but I thought we out-played Ipswich today in every department. They had their chances but I didn’t at any point think they were superior: even before the sending off. Just seen that again on the telly and I think the dismissal was justified.

  • ChrisG says:

    Time for a rant, I know this is not the best time but i’m gonna say it anyway, Blues are playing some of the best football in a long time, we’re in 7th in the table & only 10 points off top spot with a possible 54 points to play for, yet we still can’t get a crowd of over 20,0000 at home, amazingly though if we were to get to the play off final at Wembley there would be twice that amount trying to get tickets. I just don’t understand why more bluenoses don’t turn up especially as we’re one of the cheapest teams to watch in the league. Rant over. Well done to the boys today, as i’ve said before, when they play to their potential we’re a match for anyone. KRO

    • Dave Mann says:

      Don’t waste your time ranting Chris, I’ve been there and it’s not worth trying to persuade fans to turn up when they have o no intention of getting out there arm chairs. KRO

      • ChrisG says:

        Ye I know you feel the same way Dave. When I see the highlights on tv it looks even worse than when you’re there cos you see all the empty seats & frankley it’s embarrassing

        • Waycoolblue says:

          LOL you can buy a very cheap seat at the main stand near corner and then walk rowed the front and sit in a top spot witch is what I did. I don’t have a season ticket but have been at 11 home games and 7 away and I live in Worcester and work away a lot as part of my job.

  • Teerev says:

    Would not disagree with any comment.We all have positives and negatives.As for not saying we are punching above our weight,we are.What are Leicester doing? We are what we are and i love it!!
    We have a dream.We are not fighting relegation from the prem or championship.We are on a upward curve and have a chance of glory.
    Lets not forget that we can’t even fill the ground when we are in the prem! I think some people need a reality check!

  • Dave Mann says:

    Negative , hard fought win guys , told you it would be a barn stormer , next time listen to your uncle Dave :-) KRO

  • Mark H says:

    Great result again. The last two games have been great for our goal difference, it’s so close at the top, that it could very well come down to gd for a playoff spot. The stats don’t lie, we are just as good as any of the teams int the playoff positions. The next game against Bristol could see us in fifth or sixth, setting us up nicely for the Sheffield game. In Rowett we trust! KRO.

  • Bromsgrove Blue says:

    Cracking game today. 2 brilliant goals by Blues in the 2nd half. We now seem to be putting a good run together at the right time and have every chance of making the play offs.I was impressed by their winger, Ryan Fraser who gave Caddis and Grounds some difficult moments in the second half in particular.

  • Waycoolblue says:

    1 Hull City 56
    2 Middlesbrough 55
    3 Brighton & Hove Albion 50
    4 Derby County 49
    5 Burnley 48
    6 Sheffield Wednesday 46
    7 Birmingham City 46
    8 Ipswich Town 45


  • Papaulski says:

    Red Card all day for me. Played great just a bit nervy at the start of the 2nd half. Dominated the 1st IMO. So very happy :)

  • Dave Mann says:

    Kieftenbeld is a goal machine , 3 goals in 5 games and won us a penalty aswell , try telling him that we are not in with a shout of the playoffs , all you negative reality supporters try telling us positive minded supporters that we are not in with a shout of the playoffs , falling on deaf ears Ime afraid ! KRO

    • swissjonny says:

      Dave, we are gathering momentum at exactly the right time.We still have plenty of football to play-but even an old cynic like myself is beginning to believe.Living 6000 miles away I cant get my ample bum on a seat but the screams of delight coming from my house as I watched the Blues wall yesterday could probably be heard in the Venice of the North.Would love to see B-M out on a months loan getting some real experience.To have a big lad like that with a bit of game time and experience back with us for the final push could be important.Kieftenbeld looks to have been a top deal-seems like a really nice lad as well judging from his interviews. KRO

      • ChrisG says:

        Agree with you about Kieftenbeld swissjonny, he does seem a nice bloke, I thought the same about Torel after watching his interview yesterday, to me he seems quite humble & it’s great to see a talented young lad like that without his head stuck up his arse.

      • Dave Mann says:

        You keep supporting the team from where you are Jonny and keep everything crossed for the run in mate . KRO

  • Womble Joe says:

    Disagree that we were lucky I thought we were the better team pre and post sending off. All that panic about signings seems irrelevant now. 2 X 3-0 wins against sides above us one of whom was 3rd in the table and at home. Buckley looked a great signing albeit on loan and it was interesting to compare him (favourably) against Demarai.

    Be interesting to see what comes our way as the transfer window begins to close. Always thought we’d do our business towards the end of it as players will always wait to see whether a better offer comes along. Has the Fabrinni bid been confirmed?

    Anyhow it’s great to be a blue right now and I believe we’ll make the play offs

    In Gary we trust


    • Shirley Blue says:

      Agree we were in no way lucky. We were the better side throughout. Having seen the highlights the ref was absolutely right with the red card as well. Hope the Fabbrini deal gets finalised soon. I still think we should get in with a bid for Tesche. Forest might well be tempted with some sort of offer as he is out of contract in the summer. Perhaps a defender as well and that’s all bases covered for me. 18 League games and potentially three play off games to go so still a long, long way to go.

  • Dave Mann says:

    You keep that positivity joe and Ime sure we will make it. KRO

    • Mitchell says:

      Everything is positive Dave and we are genuinely in the position we deserve. However looking at faltering Middlesbrough,Derby nervy and Brighton cheekily getting 3rd with poor lucky results-do you not feel this could end up Hull-Blues top end. I do. However we will never get this unless a top CH is brought in. Cannot get into the romance of Robbo. Best at present with Morro. but need a Matt Elliot type for the rest of the season. I like Hanley or Duffy of Blackburn.Do a deal with Shinnie/BM just to get either in. It would concrete up that still fragile heart stopping moments when the high ball comes in.

  • David L says:

    Two 3-0 wins !!

    Against two teams who are up there at the top end of the table !!!!

    Phwoooooaaarrr!!!!! Prem here we come !!!!!

    But wait.

    I’m a Blues fan.

    Let’s get the right head on all this.

    How about

    “Well done Gary and the lads. Just two more wins and we’ll be safe from relegation”

    Fab performance, great goals – isn’t it good to be in the royal-blue-and-white just now?

    • Dave Mann says:

      David, your right ofcourse that two more wins gives us 52 points and safety for the season..BUT, two more wins against Bristol city and Sheffield Wednesday also cements our place in the playoffs with 16 cup finals left and that’s the way I like to look at it being a positive person … Those of us going to Bristol next Saturday should get ready to party because even a draw puts us in the top six with the FA cup games taking place but a win will certainly put us on the top table and confidence will be rocking just like our away support always does, can’t wait!! KRO

      • David L says:

        Dave – you’re entirely right and I agree with you 100%

        It’s just with so many years of looking down and thinking how many more wins do we need…that I’m still getting used to looking up and worrying about altitude sickness!

        More seriously, in some ways, I’m more worried about the Bristol game than the SW one. We’ve done great against the top teams – but then think Rotherham, Charlton, Huddersfield……..

        • Dave Mann says:

          Same here David, the Bristol game could be a bannana skin with us so we have to be right on it , if we go there and beat them then that should tell us an awfully lot about what the players think and where we are mentally.. Yes it’s Blues and we know what can happen but let’s enjoy the ride and stay positive .KRO

        • ChrisG says:

          David, we’re a different prospect away from home & we did beat Bristol 4-2 earlier in the season, I know we’re not used to Blues doing well, but we are on a roll & i’d stake Carsons house on us getting promoted (if he still has one that is lol). Keep the faith Gary Rowetts blue & white army are still slightly under the radar & we’ll never have a better shot at promotion. KRO

  • Mitchell says:

    Bristol game is a bit of a nervy for me-should win it and expected to. Just that I am embattled by these lower league games that bite you on the bum. If Maghoma fit would play him and Buckley on the bench. Keen to see what impact their midfield attacker Luke Freeman is like. Rave reports I understand. However should be a memorable night ending in a packet of chips at one of my favourite chip shops in Clifton owned by a dear old friend of mine who sadly is no longer with us- Keith Floyd.

  • Stan Moye says:

    Fantastic result guys, the snow ball is growing, you will all be in my thoughts at Bristol City, proud to be a Blue Nose currently on the other side of the world. Will be travelling in from Wales for Sheffield Wednesday game. Think Big Mick is playing mind games, last two games against genuine promotion candidates 3 -0 sure sounds lucky to me, not! Would love to see the Bristol City scout report, pretty sure it won’t contain the word luck. KRO

  • Shirley Blue says:

    Is Fabbrini on a season-long loan loan with Boro? If so presumably Boro have to agree to end that before Watford can actually sell him to us assuming the £1.5m bid is real.

  • Muzzy says:

    How lucky we are rowett stayed when I’m sure he could have
    Gone … Teams will def fear playing us. Some great results this
    Season and even if we don’t reach playoffs to be in a position
    Where were in with a shout still is unbelievable.
    Especially with what he has …. Well done Gary and the back room
    Team. He has given us fans commitment let’s make sure we
    Do same when I’m sure results won’t be what we want.
    Keep behind the lads well done boys kro

  • gazza says:

    browsing the upcoming fixtures, as we do, i would pinpoint the sheffield wednesday game as one to ponder. The same could have been said about the derby and ipswich games but i would still say that this upcoming fixture is intriguing. interesting reading the above comments. i tend to scroll through and stop at the relevant ones. at the end of the day 3 points is 3 points and if we continue in the same vain there is no valid reason to not believe.all the players are now rested until tuesday,
    it will be interesting to see how the squad is rotated should cotterill and maghoma enter the equation. K.R.O

  • Paul says:

    Great result. Not much mention of Will Buckley. Superb player with a few tricks too. Great attacking runs forward that terrify defenders. Any chance of getting him on a permanent?

  • .KC says:

    Everyone entitled to their opinion but I cannot understand the negative comments (only a few) on bringing Fabbrini in. He just adds more quality to the the great squad that GR is building.

  • Muzzy says:

    I don’t understand the negative 1s either classy player
    That blues fans have always enjoyed that type of player.
    Chose boro over blues so they saw his talent. If rowett can get him I’m sure
    All will be over the moon when he’s unlocking defences.comments about defenders
    I’m sure rowett is in talks with defenders. But fabbrini toral Buckley
    Jesus should be well happy lol kro

  • Womble Joe says:

    I’d still like to know whether Blues have confirmed this bid?

  • David L says:

    Possibly a mischievous thought, and possibly off topic, but do others think we might not have got these last 2 results if we were £3.75 million poorer?

    I’m certainly liking how the attacking threat from midfield is being developed by GR, and with a bit of Italian influence to put the final pizazz on top…who knows?

    • DoctorD says:

      Yeah who was that player we once had on the left? Can’t remember his name.

    • Dave Mann says:

      Kieftenbeld has done more in the last 5 games than Gray done all season . KRO

      • ChrisG says:

        I said the other day that we’ve played better since Gray left, I think the majority of us on here mentioned at some point or other that he hadn’t really progressed this season. I think him going was best for all parties & now maybe he’ll fill the potential we all know he has

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I was never convinced by Gray for a moment. I breathed a sigh of relief when he went, it meant that Jacques Maghoma would get a run… and look how that’s turned out. We look far more dangerous now. I’m betting Cotterill will have a fight on his hands to get back in too, if Buckley’s loan is extended.

  • Muzzy says:

    No fabbrini in boro squad yday and nothing said about injury .
    And talk shinnie is off to Rotherham and not in our squad yday
    Don’t know if just coincidence but seems like
    Something happening ?

    • almajir says:

      Just a q, but do people not read everything I write? I mentioned at the bottom of the article that Neal Redfearn is quoted as being interested but it’s down to us signing someone else?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      From the Blues Wall yesterday.

      John: “Is our little Italian Diego Fabbrini coming back?”

      Tattum: “Who? Sorry? I know nothing.”

      Mick: “Has Shinnie gone then Colin?”

      Tattum: “Shinnie is not in the 18 today (as we can all see!). That’s all there is to it I am afraid…so far”

      I think that’s as far as Tatts could go without actually saying Yes.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Well he was not even in boros squad yesterday so make of that what you want … Dan, have Watford the right to tell Boro not to play Fabbrini if they have excepted a bid when he’s on loan there ? Not sure so just asking. KRO

    • almajir says:

      I don’t think they’d tell them, but I think it’s like Shinnie, you’d just pull them out cos their head might not be in the game

      • ChrisG says:

        Am I right in assuming that if he is on loan to Boro for the season with no recall option, any decision to release him lies with Boro & even if we bought him he would have to stay with Boro to the end of the loan unless they cancelled the loan?. If that is the case they won’t let him go as they would see us as a promotion rival.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Might be something in it then , I hope so . KRO

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Me too. Gives us loads of options. He can play with a main striker, number 10, in the wider attacking positions or deeper in a three man central midfield. If we can’t get Toral again for next season it’s also not so much of a problem. Can’t see any negatives.

      • Dave Mann says:

        As much as ide like Fabbrini if it was a straight choice with him and Toral its Toral all the way for me as in which one I would choose if we could only keep the one . KRO

        • Shirley Blue says:

          It’s a tough one but I would go Fabbrini. Both cracking players. Nice if we could have both. I like the idea of Buckley, Toral and Fabbrini playing behind Donaldson.

          • Dave Mann says:

            We all have seemed to have forgotten about cotterill , sorry but ahead of Buckley all day for me and next week and the rest of the season when fit .KRO

        • StaffsBlue says:

          Have to say I agree with Dave on this one. Toral has goals in him, not sure Fabbrini does (other than the odd one.) Fabbrini is 25, Toral is 20 and will get better. Another season’s loan next season might suit Arsenal and the player. By all means bring Fabbrini in, but Toral owns the shirt atm.

  • Muzzy says:

    Wasn’t that I hadn’t read ur post there was 1 above mine
    From womble saying have blues confirmed the bid. So I replied with my opinion
    That with looks of it something was happ with both not in there squads yday

  • Womble Joe says:

    Just seems everybody is saying Blues have made a £1.5million bid for him except Blues themselves (unless I’ve missed it)

    So at the moment just another rumour. Rumours don’t become facts just because of the numbers of people stating them.

  • rhees says:

    Lets me be realistic, go back before derby game I hoped for a draw, I expected a draw yesterday wich would have been 2 pts out of 6 we got 6 pts out of 6.
    Yes Ipswich play 45 min with 10 men but we all know how difficult it can be to play against 10 men.
    All in all I’m over the moon, but as a life long blues fan at 54 I know only too well that when we get great results we go on then to throw points away against teams we expect to neat and should beat.
    So I’m enjoying the run while it lasts and singing out loud and proud

  • Muzzy says:

    I agree womble just don’t know why I was questioned about wether
    I’d read the article or not when I was replying to ur post. Crazy lol

  • Dan Hickman says:

    Seem to remember Millwall saying it was out of their hands when we took Fabbrini last year, wonder if the current loan is on the same terms? If Boro have to agree to cutting the loan short then we could be in the middle of a chain I think. Karanka saying he needs new additions, don’t think he would give it green light without doing his own business first. Like selling your bloody house!

  • Womble Joe says:

    The other thing gnawing away at me is if Boro are favourites to go up why would they wanna lose a quality player like Fabrinni? Useful as a sub even if he ain’t starting surely?

  • Dave Mann says:

    Watford is club and Boro is loanes obviously don’t see it that way , he’s maybe a luxury they can do without and with respect to those two clubs there not exactly big times are they ! KRO

  • Dr Peter says:

    First post from the 3rd of 4 generations of Bluenoses – last game I saw live with my Dad was in Cardiff and he lived long enough to see his beloved Blues in the Premiership – great days!
    My memories of that promotion achieving squad are dominated by the vital role a certain Kenny Cunningham played. Not only a classy defender in his own right but equally important, superb at talking a defence through a game – Upson I felt was much better when playing with Kenny alongside him. If we can, it would be great to acquire a ‘new’ Kenny in the next few weeks but if not, and we make it through to the Prem, then it will be absolutely vital we find one. Add to that another Steve Carr type character and we’ll be close to a very strong defensive line.

    By the way, fully support all the praise Gary R. is receiving and would like to add in his team – ex-Blues players and obviously making very significant contributions behind the scenes – good that they’ve all signed for another year.

  • blue says:

    maybe Fabrinni isn’t happy there and doesn’t see much playing time with added competition.
    would Boro keep and pay wages for an unhappy loanee if he wanted to go?

  • oldburyblue says:

    I thought Toral had a brilliant game but I wonder how many people got mixed up between the 2 bearded players with a zero on their backs….not realising that often the good work was Buckley. I thought they gelled very well and appeared to be on the same wavelength. I like Cotterill, especially his free-kicks, but I prefer Buckley.

  • Dave Mann says:

    After one game !! ,Derby he never touched the ball .

  • Dave Mann says:

    Yes he came on for the last 5 mins at Derby but come on please !!

  • Bluenosesol says:

    Had to chuckle when they invited Robert Hopkins onto the pitch. He said his dream was that Blues would be promoted and that Villa would get relegated both this season and next!! He was hilarious but maybe they shouldnt interview players who are clearly on the lash! Loved his sentiment though and share his dream! KRO!

    • Bluenosesol says:

      PS Swansea have just won at Everton to restore Villa’s 10 point defecit. Good to see the Vile are keeping our place warm for us in the Prem!!!

      • Mitchell says:

        This season with the computer details on matches against relegation rivals-particularly the final day games. I am delighted to make everybody’s Sunday afternoon complete by confirming safety points will be 40 for premiership survival. No more jacksy low points this season for the french foreign legion based in Aston!

        • Shirley Blue says:

          It’s not a matter of if they will go down its when. I just want it to actually happen on a Saturday afternoon when we are at home.

        • StaffsBlue says:

          We’ve thought they were going down the last couple of seasons, but the jammy gets survived. It’s looking grimm with 45 points to play for.. but I won’t believe they’re down until it’s mathematically impossible for them to stay up.

  • Dave Mann says:

    It will .KRO

    • Mitchell says:

      It would be fitting if we could be confirmed play off side at the same time of their confirmed relegation. Staffs would throw a party, you Dave would get the BBQ kit out ready for Brixham and I would arrange the regular OP commenters to board two open top buses to circle Villa Park with Keep Right On and another chant by us all orchestrated by Richard Granfield along the lines of continuous ‘–on the Villa.’

  • hITC reckon that blues are close to signing fab on Middleborough site …

  • Dave Mann says:

    Sounds marvellous , and come May it will be !! KRO

  • Stan Moye says:

    This is a bit like buying a house, can’t see Boro letting Fab go until McCormack is signed from Fullham, hence until we get Fab Shinnie going nowhere either, wasn’t there a song “Chain Reaction”

  • Boro might not have any say in it , all though they may be given to the deadline to sign someone kRO

  • paule says:

    Anyone heard that Fabbrini has returned to Watford? It’s been on a few websites but heard nothing credible. Kro

  • paule says:

    Thanks Dan Hickman fingers crossed.

  • Hope we get fabrinni. If toral gets injured or tired we have a class replacement, heard a few say he has no end product i disagree. He has 6 goals to his name this season for boro. Buckley i hope we keep till the end of the season as he is excellent at this level. Agree that blues are better without gray, gr is now proving the doubters wrong about his signings. His record is unbelievable and all with probably the smallest budget in the championship! Just a decent defender now in case of injury to morrison. Then i think blues will have enough in the tank for the playoffs.

  • .KC says:

    Watford Observer positive editorial on Fabbrini move

  • So who have we got in mind in case fabbrini doesn’t sign , Dack, hourihane , and how long do we wait until boro decide , knowing that they are also after promotion , big decision coming up GR ..

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