Often Partisan

Fabbrini Deal Almost Done

It may have dragged on a bit the last few days but it finally looks like the deal to bring Italian playmaker Diego Fabbrini to the club may finally be done. The 25-year-old is reported to be undergoing a medical prior to making a permanent move to St Andrews after Middlesbrough signed Gaston Ramirez on loan yesterday.

It’s been a long old slog the last few days but credit to Gary Rowett – like the Mounties it appears he has finally got his man. I will admit that I was concerned that there was more to the hold up than the signing of a replacement due to Blues being potential promotion rivals to Boro; with Watford having no recall clause on Fabbrini Blues were very much at the mercy of Aitor Karanka allowing the Italian to return to his parent club early.

The move for Fabbrini will mean that Scottish midfielder Andy Shinnie should now complete his loan move to Rotherham as was rumoured last weekend; it’s a shame that Shinnie is the one to move on but I think I can understand why.

With the signing of Will Buckley and Fabbrini, Rowett has brought in attacking midfielders who can play across the whole park, allowing him to switch and rotate the play as he feels necessary and giving Blues a bit of unpredictability up front – potentially giving Blues many more options and the “plan B” that some fans have craved.

I will admit that I’m concerned about the lack of defenders but I do understand Blues are chasing at least one if not two to come in; with Shane Lowry having left for his native Australia and Greg Halford having returned from his loan Blues are a bit shy at the back for cover and it would be nice if Rowett could pick up players that could support the good work that Michael Morrison and Paul Robinson have done of late.


93 Responses to “Fabbrini Deal Almost Done”

  • Paul Lester says:

    Buckley and Fabbrini (touch wood) represent two great signings, if they can wrap up two defenders we will be putting the rest of the sides chasing promotion on notice of our intent.
    After the last couple of games with the quality of play and goals, l keep on thinking any time now l will wake up and find Clarke playing Caddis at centre forward and the next game is against Hartlepool (no offence to Hartlepool)

    • David L says:

      Don’t worry Paul, I had that dream too, but saw it through to the end, and we win 3-2 with Caddis completing his hat trick in the 91st minute

      • Paul Lester says:

        My dream turned to a nightmare Clarke subd Caddis with 5 minutes to go and put Legzdins up front and we lost 3 -2. Well you can only do ‘a Bolton’ once.

        Dave M, no disrespect to Hartlepool, always enjoy looking out for them on Soccer Saturday and enjoy Jeff Stellings banter

    • Dave Mann says:

      Carefull Paul , my wife’s family are all monkey hangers , KRO

  • swissjonny says:

    Lets hope it goes through-I think it will.Whats this gossip about some new Italian goalie who has rejected the Vile and is either coming to us or Bournemouth.Idle chatter?

    • Phileni says:

      I’d think so, not sure GR, any other staff or even fans would think we need to bring in a keeper at this stage, as good as he might be, TK has been brilliant and AL deserves his chance if anything were to happen to TK.

      I’d treat it the same as the Januzaj link

  • swissjonny says:

    Nice to see positive reports on the boy from Kiddy as well.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    I have to say I’m nervous having to rely on Ledgzins but I can’t see a new No.2 coming in

  • rhees says:

    Excellent center back would be good too

  • ChrisG says:

    Things are beginning to come together now and our attacking force will be one to be reaconed with. On a slightly different note I was thinking about some of the comments yesterday about needing defenders & the return to form of Grounds & how it’s coincided with Gray moving on, I do now wonder if where Gray wasn’t so good in doing defensive duties there was too much pressure on Grounds. I’ve absolutely hammered him for some of his performances this season but I will say I think he’s played much better of late. KRO

  • Phileni says:

    Great News,

    Credit to GR for getting this deal through. Not only does it show Blues to be taking a play off challenge very seriously, it also shows that things are on the up behind the scenes.

    Regarding Lowry, I cannot see GR allowing him to go out unless something looks like happening with defensive reinforcements. We’ve been here before letting Thomas and Novak go before bring in replacements. Lowry, Like Thomas and Novak never seemed to be in GR’s plans and looked like a it was a bit of a panic bringing him in in the first place given he was with us on trial and left before coming back in, when we missed other targets. I hope history doesnt repeat itself because defensively, we are now one injury away from being in a crisis.

  • BillyBow says:

    Come on Everyone! Let’s enjoy the moment and not highlight what we might or might not be missing. Fabbrini is a great signing, the team spirit looks great, Rowett is getting the best out of the team and recent results and team performances have been excellent. We should be relishing the rest of the season. Let’s be optimists for a change!

    • Phileni says:

      We are all thrilled about the Fabbrini signing, I am anyway. That doesnt mean we ignore another shortfall we have. I’m not doom merchant, far from it, but we are now lighter tan we was in defence, thats just a fact mate.

      On the other hand, I trust GR and his team wholeheartedly, but thats what sites like this are for, opening debate and giving opinion.

      I think the fact I’ve been refreshing news now ever 6 or 7 minutes over the last 48 hours tells you exactly how buzzing I am that Diego has joined

  • weaponsguru says:

    I’d love for this to be confirmed, but even if GR comes out live on TV and announces it, I for one won’t believe it until ZXCM has given his personal assurance that it’s true.

  • Stan Moye says:

    Fantastic news when it’s confirmed, it will put a spring in everyone’s step, and have the likes of Derby and Brighton looking over there shoulder. Sure GR also has a game plan re the required defensive cover, he’s aware of what’s required.Now, as much as l know it’s difficult for some for many reasons to visit Stans too often, but lets try and make a concerted effort not only as a Thankyou to GR and his staff for sticking with us, but also to the board for saving our club and giving us a realistic chance of the play offs.

  • ian ambrose says:

    I have to seen to Diego Fabbrini is good player skill and passed ball around Am happy to him bring at blues also pushy playoff..GR is good manager too and work hard GOOD LUCK !!

  • David L says:

    BBC website saying that Shinnie has signed on loan terms for Rotherham until 7 May.
    Will he be barred from playing against us at their place ?

  • My respect for Gary and co and panos grows , interest said to be with Lee Tomlin proves he knows his job , I personally never thought the fab deal would get over the line , I was wrong , I now am really looking forward to the rest of the season , fans talent will bring on other players and help bring the fans back , KRO

  • Mitchell says:

    Sheff.Wed/ Brighton/ Burnley/Hull and Middlesbrough all due at Stans. Dare we dream of what might happen. Big bruiser to come at CH and our new options in midfield etc. Should get Stans.rocking. We are very rarely mentioned as serious contenders just as the first season under Brucie- which will suit GR perfectly.

  • Dave Mann says:

    We are being mentioned now Mitchell for the playoffs but we should be with the performances of late , midfield and up front looking strong and keeping clean sheets despite the fact we still need a centre half and left back ….. Win Saturday and we are 2 points of third !!! With Sheffield Wednesday to come and all the other clubs above us at home with our home form we are in with great chance , don’t let anyone tell you different. KRO

    • Stan Moye says:

      Agree with you Dave, there is normally a team that comes on a strong run towards the end of the season, l’m now thinking GR is getting his ducks in a perfect row.

  • Mitchell says:

    Worth a shout regarding Donaldson. After almost two seasons of lone foraging without any help-he now has Buckley and Fabbrinni ,not to mention Maghoma and Cotts. Surely his time has come to spearhead a team with classy back up. Toral alongside also will get him busting a gut at Bristol.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Fabbrini signs!! Get in there :-) KRO

  • Bluepenguin76 says:

    What I think is encouraging is that Rowett earlier in the week stated that he would not be blowing his whole budget in this window. That’s great news considering our last few years and that Fabs move was apparently over the 1 million mark. Brighter times ahead me hopes. KRO

    • Bluepenguin76 says:

      A fee of 1.5 million confirmed. Happy days indeed. Hoping we have a little bit more room for a decent left back?? Rico Henry would be a great one for the future! KRO

  • oldburyblue says:

    The best news for ages. I look forward to being on the edge of my seat again. People have said that there is no end product with him but if he gives me some excitement during games he will do for me.

  • Stan Moye says:

    We’re on our way, on our way, on our way. Made my day, Thankyou to the guys behind the scenes that helped make this happen.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Well he was scoring goals for Boro and making them , do for me ! KRO

  • StaffsBlue says:

    The line-up for Saturday will be interesting now, although I think Fabbrini may start on the bench.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I welcome Diego back to Blues, a great signing now and for the future, especially if Toral doesn’t return next season.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Looks like we could be facing Lee Tomlin on Saturday. He’s at Bristol City to finalise a loan deal.

  • Oldbury Blue says:

    Great signing, GR has got it done and dusted. Couple more in and we’ve had a good transfer window! Keep Right On brothers and sisters.

  • blueboi14 says:

    I think to put the Fab signing into context, I would compare it with Man C signing Messi. Unbelievable!

    If everyone was fit; what would your formation be, and starting 11?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Kuszczak, Caddis, Morrison, Robinson, Grounds, Buckley, Gleeson, Kieftenbeld, Maghoma, Toral, Donaldson.

    • David L says:

      Having won the last 2 games 3-0 against good opposition, difficult to see where changes are justified (I know Maghoma/Davis).

      So Diego on the bench for Charlee due to lack of current game time. Start with Davis to blunt the opposition and then bring our attacking options into play around 60 mins.

      But hey, we haven’t won just yet – and we mustn’t go on the pitch thinking our reputation has already bagged the 3 points. It’s a nice problem to have ‘tho!

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Just a decent defender needed now, then we’re good to go.

    • almajir says:


      Replace Halford and Lowry please

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I doubt we’ll fork out for two defenders.. but I’d be delighted if we did. :)

      • atko says:

        I’m happy as we are to be honest. Replacing Halford & Lowry just means more bums on seats & salaries for nothing. Spector can cover both right across the back four and midfield if need be. It’s all well & good bringing players in but you can’t bench them all & you can only make 3 substitutions. GR’s got it spot on so far & at best I think we might see another loan until the end of the season with a view to a permanent deal for ONE defender if he has someone already in mind otherwise I think we’re done for this window.

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Still think we need another central midfield player. We really only have Gleeson, Kieftenbeld and Davis to cover two holding midfield positions and suspensions are not too many yellow cards away and to cover injuries. We should put a cheeky cash offer in for Tesche now as Forest will get nothing at the end of the season as he is out of contract I believe.

  • Mark Ryley says:

    Great news ! I’m feeling a automatic place could be a possibility . Kro

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    Over the moon with the signing of Fabrini and he’s our player not a loan!
    The Boro fans loved him up there but he lost his place to Stuart Downing so no disgrace there.
    A new quality left LB/CB and it will be a fantastic window.
    Never in doubt really was it……?

  • Dave Mann says:

    Nahhhh !!! KRO

  • dorsetblue says:

    Fabrini is a great signing. He is someone with great vision. He will naturally attract defenders leaving others much more space. Chuffed.

  • Tmsblues says:

    It looks like tomlin might have been the other possible domino in the transfer roundabout as he signed for Bristol City after the fab deal was confirmed IE was he the alternative waiting his time to join blues ?

  • Kingstanding Maximums says:

    Fantastic signings, might just need a centre half to top it off and we are certs for the play offs.
    Never in doubt the new signings !!!

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I have posted before that the ideal central defender to sign would be James Tarkowsky from Brentford.
    Three reasons why:- He is 23, 6’3″ and available. KRO.

    • David L says:

      Sadly his refusal to play when requested against Burnley the other week (if memory serves) rules him out from my point of view.
      If you don’t want to play for the shirt I don’t think you’d fit in with our current team ethos

      • Richard Granfield says:

        David L……..Tarkowsky explained that his father or mother is gravely ill and he needs to be nearer to his Manchester home and apologised for his refusal. However, he hasn’t played for Brentford since.

      • Dan Hickman says:

        He wanted do sign for Burnley and was supposed to line up against them, if he mentally didn’t feel switched on I think he did the right thing. If he’d played and had a mare, being at fault for two goals he’d have been branded a cheat! (

  • DoctorD says:

    Thrilled with the signing. Shows we have turned a corner with finances on a firm footing. Who was that player on the wing we once had? Can’t remember.

  • Dave Mann says:

    DEMARI GRAY… DoctorD , but only joking mate , better without him than with him , and grounds looks better now without having to do his defending , better team better players , more goals more clean sheets , end off really !!! KRO

  • John Marbella says:

    Tremendous signing, however, I really hope that this signing doesn’t see Toral resigned to a super sub role. He has been fantastic for us this season and I can only hope that we can get him on a permanent signing at the end of the season. He has been sooo important to us, hard to believe he is only 20.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    Can we please stop the ‘we’re broke’, ‘we’re going into admin’, ‘the owners don’t care’, ‘all the money’s being sent to Hong Kong’

  • BlackCountryBlue says:

    Great news. Clever by ‘Boro – agreeing to the deal that strengthens us when we have all their main top 2 rivals to play, or am I reading too much into it? Hopefully 1 more by the end of the week.

  • Mitchell says:

    I really feel relaxed about the CH spot. Noway would GR bring in Buckley and Fabbrini and completely tossed it all up by not getting in a top central defender in. I can read Gary now and very astute he is. Top defender in by weekend no doubt in my mind.

    • BhamCityJulian says:

      I just can’t see an established centre half coming in prepared just to be back up unless it’s with a view to being first choice next season. Robbo will be first choice for the rest of this season.

      • oldburyblue says:

        I disagree. Even Robbo knows he is on borrowed time and is potentially only 1 game away from the end of his career at any time. Think of Neville at Man U……he basically retired at halftime in a match realising that he just couldn’t do it anymore. I think if we got chance to sign another Morrison even Robbo would say “do it!”

  • nobby says:

    I watched Fabrinni paly a few games last year and he was the most talented attacking midfielder Blues have had for quite some time. So chuffed we’ve got him back on a permanent deal.

    Would love to get another attacker just in case Clayton D takes a knock.

  • paule says:

    Philip Sandros has been released by Villa he’s got a good pedigree and I reckon Rowett could get the best out of him, might be worth a punt.

  • paule says:

    Don’t like him then Staffs? He played a lot of games for Arsenal in the premier then at Fulham he’s 6’3″ and we know Rowett gets the best out of players, he’s a free transfer so why not give him a trial.

  • SpanishBlue says:

    We do need a defender Now this is a bit controversial but what about Philippe Senderos LET GO BY THE VILLA I think the guy was just unhappy there he had not played many games for them since West Ham in November 2014 he as been the victim of fast changes in managers and injury the 30-year-old centre-back played only nine times for Villa. I know you will probably say he can’t be any good if the villa don’t want him well He was good at Arsenal AC Milan Valencia. He also had a good time with Everton and Fulham. I don’t know what the villa do to player but they go there and go to pot. I think a player of his experience can re-fined his form with a club like Birmingham plus he is Free so not a big deal if he don’t.

  • Bromsgrove Blue says:

    I agree with Staffs Blue comment whilst we need a C/B to reinforce our defensive cover what we don’t need is Villa cast offs. KRO

  • swissjonny says:

    At least being Swiss he will be dull and well behaved!! Being serious I believe that he is a model pro so would not rock the boat and would add some experience.On the down side I can remember a number of serious cock ups he made playing for the gunners.Would prefer Dan Burn if poss. Delighted that Fab is coming-feels like a Dugarry moment!!!

  • swissjonny says:

    By the way I think somebody in Asia has had an epiphanic moment and has realised that we have a realistic shot at the play offs.If we could get promoted TTA would be in clover and could unload the club easily and to state the obvious at a much better price.The Chinese culture embraces gambling and to punt a few million now on what I believe is currently about a 50-50 chance of promotion and the associated return is a decent bet.Even if we dont manage it this year we shall go into next season with some better players bedded in and some youngsters with another year of experience under their belts.We would surely be contenders again.Therefore another chance of a great return on their money.I really do feel a sea change-no proof-but just a feeling in my ample gut. I would therefore not be surprised to see another couple of signings in the next few days. Just for clarification my 50-50 chance is based on the play offs and us having the advantage of a huge and vocal support at such games and us maintaining our momentum and catching the winning habit.I suspect that I may have opened a can of worms referring to the huge and vocal support at such games!!! KRO in exciting times.

  • Womble Joe says:

    Apart from the cringeworthy and libellous paedophile song I’d largely agree

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