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The Reece Brown Situation II
Brian Dick of the Birmingham Mail broke the news last night that Reece Brown has been suspended by Blues pending an internal investigation. The 20-year-old midfielder has made just two appearances for the Blues first team this season and has not featured in an u21 game since 22 February.
I’ve long alluded to the fact that Brown was on a rocky path. The Dudley-born midfielder is out of contract at the end of the season and despite his obvious talent it’s been plain that Blues aren’t going to renew his deal. Despite having been on trial at three different Premier League clubs he has failed to pick up a deal anywhere else and faces an uncertain future.
It’s an unfortunate fact that almost all young players who graduate from club academies won’t make it as a professional player. There are those who work really hard but don’t quite have the talent required to be a top league player; there are those who have the talent but are doomed due to unluckiness with injuries – and there are those who have the talent and the luck but waste it all because they don’t keep up the standards of professionalism required to make it. Brown is very much in the third category.
The days of a pro footballer being able to go out on the razzle on a Friday night, roll out of a club at three in the morning before getting up the next morning to turn in another dazzling performance at St Andrew’s despite what must be a raging hangover are long gone. Footballers these days are required to be athletes who watch every single thing that they ingest and who have to train intensely to maintain the peak standards of fitness needed.
It can’t be easy for a young pro. While their peers are out enjoying their youthful years in the pubs and clubs they have to maintain an almost monastic existence at times if they are to make it. It requires a dedication to a goal that I know I didn’t have at 18 and for that reason I have a lot of empathy for young players who stray from the straight and narrow – I know I did the same when I was kicked out of university. Twice.
However, I wasn’t earning what by many people’s standards is a good wage then. I certainly wasn’t doing something that was the envy of thousands of people – and I think this is what annoys people the most; throwing away something we could only dream of doing because of a lack of care.
I may be wrong, but I think it’d be in his best interest to think about going somewhere of the ilk of Walsall – somewhere where I think it would be likely he’d get first team game time (which I think would help him to find his path as a footballer) while remaining in the locality and with the support of those close to him.
I still believe this to be true – if Reece Brown wants to continue playing football then he needs to take a step back and maybe try a smaller step to see if he can handle it. I fear (and admittedly have heard rumours) that Brown isn’t interested in football at all – which is a shame.
I hope Brown finds his path; there is nothing worse than being another bloke perched on a bar stool in a pub declaiming he could have been the next great thing if things had worked out right for him. Speaking from experience, it took me a long time to understand that the only person in charge of their destiny is themselves, and they only have themselves to blame if they don’t seize an opportunity when presented.
Tags: Reece Brown
67 Responses to “The Reece Brown Situation II”
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If he has no interest in football and does not love what he does he should find a different career path. Best of luck to him, no one should be forced into a career they don’t want to do.
Does anyone really do the job of their dreams? A lucky few perhaps-I fear the lad is going to regret his lack of application.
Maybe not the job of my dreams but I’m happy with my path :) Took me a long time to get to that position though.
I photograph ladies for a lingerie catalogue so i`d say i probably have my dream job.
Not even worth you’re piece on him.
Get rid.
And to think there were people telling us he should be starting regularly lol
We have to think of the young players themselves , as human beings , as clubs push their bodies to the limits , to make vast profits out of them , sure they earn massive wages but only because of their talents , some have injury problems for the rest of there lives , but do some of them feel like cattle being sold for meat , jealousy is no excuse for contempt , so I tend to think what if I was in their place at their age , I know from my own experience that in your career some towns that you end up in you detest , and homesickness can turn you against a job , and who are you going to tell that you want your mom , nobody is as hard as they act , some players would like to be at there home town club all there career not put out to grass somewhere else , football is becoming a sport of temps , we blues fans had many years out of Francis before he left ,the trouble is nowadays is there is no honour in contracts for managers or players ,
Silly boy a very talented player who in all probability wants to be seen as a geezer who knows it all already but I would imagine most bcfc supporters will say good riddance
Many of the household names from Blues past have been the worse for drink when they have arrived match days (I’ve had that first hand). But the likelihood is they were playing against players who had been in the same state.
Reece Brown is an enigma. The Club is tight lipped regarding what he has done, or not done, to receive a suspension. Dan speculates that it may be because he has fallen out of love with football.
Why should that be?
Is it because he has seen less skilled players get first team chances ahead of him?
Is it because however well he plays he feels some staff at the club don’t like him?
If he has fallen out of love with football why go on trial at 3 Premier League clubs?
It would not surprise me in the least if one of those Premier League clubs sign him on a free in July.
It’s all down to the management then. Perhaps they have got better things to do like worry about getting us in the play-offs than bending over backwards for Brown. There are strict employment laws regarding suspending people so whatever he has done will not be trivial. As for us not knowing that’s quite right because of something called confidentiality.
Spot on.
I am not saying it is down to Management. I am looking at all possibilities as to why the situation occurred.
Or maybe, he just doesn’t want to play football. Simplest reason is often the right one…
Blind faith Richard.
I hope that Reece Brown is happy with whatever choice he makes, he is still a young man and Im sure if he chooses to take (or even return along) the football their will be someone who will give him the opportunity·
Does he behave playing for the England coaches ,?????????
There as never been any reports suggesting he misbehaves or misses training when with the England team. Not that I have head of. I think its more a lack of the need for authority as in he believes he is above the need of any rue. maybe from to much social interaction with lads (So called Friends!) that do not have his ability leading him astray. Outsiders maybe.
I don’t know all the facts, any facts at all to be honest. Maybe he didn’t deserve to be promoted to the first team but maybe thats what he felt he needed. It is clear he has a natural ability, he was seeing players go into the first team without that natural ability because of application and effort. Im not saying its wrong or right just offering a flip side view. In this country were so trained on the thought of effort and commitment and sometimes we over look that for natural ability. If you have a natural clever child in a school class, what do you get if you don’t challenge them enough? They start to loose concentration and they start to play up, we’ve all seen it. Some of the best players have poor attitudes, again I’m not saying thats right but its looks like its going to be a case of we will never know! KRO!
Success in professional football is a mystery to me. I coached and managed young lads at various levels for years including several who achieved professional status, but what never ceased to amaze me was that the players who progressed seemed to do it more by application than talent. I would say the best players I ever saw never got near the professional game. I would love Reece to have a seminal moment and decide his best option is to knuckle down. Good luck to the kid!
On the money mate. I went to school with two brothers. One brother was one of the best young players I have ever seen, phenomenally gifted, a natural. However, he didn’t really care, just played for fun. His brother however had about 60% of his talent yet forged a handsome career in the Prem and abroad, earning great money and security for life. A bright lad who didn’t squander it. The difference? Application. The second brother pushed his quite ordinary talent ’til he became a great defender. One of the most dedicated individuals I have ever known. The first brother is an electrician but still rues the fact that he ‘could have been a contender’
Can’t be easy for him watching one of his peer group join the team top of the premiership. Some would be galvanised by that but he seems to have given up.
It’s all a big misunderstanding and Reece Brown will be in the starting eleven for tomorrow’s game against Fulham …. And I will be cheering the vile on at Swansea also … Silly boy if is reasons are to be believed but it’s is life and it’s his choice to make . KRO
One thing you all fail to see is the fact that Man city and West ham were bothered to take a look at him in the first place, these are big Premier league clubs if you come to their attention then there must be something there.
Brown has ability there is no doubt about that, I would be uneasy about cutting him adrift only for him to return in a few years time and score a hat trick against us.
Dan says in his piece that he falls into the category of having the ability but not perhaps the application, there have been many such players over the years he is after all a young man with the faults we all had at his age.
Over the years many,, great players had problems with discipline he says the days of rolling out of the club at 3am them turning in a superb performance Saturday afternoon have gone. he mentions diet, ok fair enough but that didn’t stop the likes of Frank Worthington, George Best, Alan Hudson, Roy Keane, and dozens of others becoming ten times better players than we have today.
This kind of ability cant be coached it has nothing to do with die,t discipline or living in the correct manner, it is instinctive you either have it or you do not, they can do in a split second what the other ten on the pitch never achieve in the whole of their careers
Things cant be left to go on like this I realise. That but I would be reluctant to cut him lose just yet
The game has changed massively since the days of Best and Worthington.Agreed they had bags of talent but would they have been as effective with the fitness and athleticism required of today’s game?
Do you not think the coaching staff at the club might have a better idea of how Brown is coping with it than you guys do? I’m inclined to side with them – if he’s not going to make it, get shot now. My gut instinct is he’ll never make it now – there was a reason he wasn’t picked up despite him being on trial at three clubs and it wasn’t financial.
Hear hear. Honestly do you really think Gary and his team won’t know what they’re doing.
Ok Dan then what was it?,
The fact that he has been on trial at 3 different clubs and no offers appear to have been made just shows that something is right with him.
I have watched him a few times and agreed he has talent, but I’m sure Dan has pointed out before, to break through as a regular first-team player, it is a mental thing and it is pretty obvious Brown doesn’t have that mental strength.
I think that’s bang on Tony , let’s stick with him and see if things develop , if in a year or two he’s still the same then ship him out and move on but let’s preserver with him for now , George Best for me was the greatest ever British player and if Brown as 10 per cent of his ability then it’s worth the wait . KRO
Unfortunately you’re both so wide of the mark it’s unreal.
If that’s the case then ship him out NOW then and be done with him , he’s obviously a very naughty boy and should be punished accordingly . KRO
Would a kid with attitude be allowed to get away with it in a factory? I think not. The hairy-ar*ed old timers would soon knock them into shape or the kid would soon be looking for another job. I think in times gone by the Senior Pros and/or Club Captain would put players “in their place” if required without involving Management. Those days have obviously gone.
For Christ sake we are not talking about a factory where mundane is the order of the day, we are talking about Talent, Ability,its a god given gift, its what makes us jump from our seats.
I work in a factory and mundane is far from the order of things there.
Do you think senior players put Mark Dennis, Frank Worthington, Dick Neil, and many others in their place? get serious man, they realizes that whilst they were running their butts of these guys could win a game in an instant.
Dan who are you to say Dave and I have it all wrong? you can have your plodders all day long give me the excitement that comes with talent.
Looks like that is where his future lies if he doesn’t use his talent soon. I am sure that Dennis wasn’t allowed to take liberties when he was here, judging by his teammates at that time. Frank Worthington, like Dugarry after him had earned their stripes before coming to us and so were no doubt given more than a little slack, particularly as they consistently delivered on the pitch. On the other hand what has Brown done? He certainly has never had me on the edge of my seat….although I think he without doubt has the talent to do so. Curtis Woodhouse admits he never really liked playing football so maybe Brown is the same.
There’s an article on the BM website where Rowett talks about the Brown situation. For me, this says it all.
“you see the likes of Tomasz Kuszczak, who has been in a Champions League winning squad, coming in at 8 o’clock in the morning and doing everything he needs to do to give him the best possible chance of being the best player on a Saturday, and showing that sort of commitment.”
“When you have got a young player who perhaps doesn’t see the value or perhaps doesn’t have the discipline to do everything it takes, we have had to try and maybe jolt him into life a little bit.
Or just maybe Staffs he cant manage him.
I would think that the manager has more important things to do than constantly deal with a 20 year old brat on a daily basis. The lad has had enough chances, it’s time to put up or shut up.
We are giving Brown a lot of thought that imo is not justified. Is he that good? I have seen snatches of him and I cannot recall being overly excited. What is concerning now is this long standing toe injury to Fabrini. Not his fault I know but when is one of our recent signings going to make an impact. B-M,Vaughan,Fab.and Buckley who isn’t up to speed etc.are all not contributing to help get us over the line. Poor January window I am now realising.
This is the problem you face Mitchell when you buy players who have not been playing regularly or play with a settled side then suddenly put players in who have been on the bench or sidelines for a while. They are never match fit & will inevitably easily pick up injuries. Whilst our squad has done remarkably well, I cannot help thinking there has been a huge slice of luck on the injury front which has allowed us to keep the nucleus of the team together all season with only Cotts & the Don out for any length of time. I think with the termination of the loan system I cannot help thinking we need to rotate the team more often next season & ensure that all the squad are as near to match fitness as possible.
Agreed Mitch he showed nothing when he had those few appearances
Anyone would think he was the next pele
yes Mitchell it’s our regulars who are keeping us in there at the moment and not Reece Brown or any of our January signings so let’s give them the elbow and concentrate on those players who do play for Blues and are fighting for the playoffs . KRO
Personally I have no time for him & cannot understand why the media give him the time of day. I also cannot understand people using phrases like “despite his obvious talent”! WHAT obvious talent? The only obvious talent I see is trying to cause as much disruption as he can. Suspended? I would have him banned from St Andrews & not allowed to come within a mile of the place!! Gary Rowett has assembled a squad that will have each others backs at all cost. He will not tolerate anyone causing any conflict. Stories like this make me feel even more sorry for Wes Thomas who might have scored goals for us this season when we much needed them had he been allowed! Wes Thomas was shipped out on loan simply because he WANTED TO PLAY! He didn’t want to be sitting on the bench & that apparently was deemed a problem & he was shipped out instantly! We have idiots like Brown whose story popps up every few weeks or months. Just get rid of the waste of space, once & for all!!
Atco you would no doubt have gotten rid of George best, Kenny burns,Gazza, and a multitude of others they were all considered a waste of space at some stage.
Ridiculous statement Tony! Back then in those players days Football was a game. Like it or not today it is a Business with crazy sums of money involved. Players are paid a seriously good salary not just because Football is short lived but also to compensate for sacrifices they have to make. Players choose to become Professional Footballers, nobody forces them. If they don’t like it then get out & that is something Brown should have done a long time ago because he clearly has no interest! How many warnings has he had now?!
I very nearly threw away the career that I enjoy today with my antics as a 17/18 year old and I really don’t think I would have kept on the straight and narrow as a young pro footballer, with all the money and distractions that go with it, so I get it. However in any walk of life you have to be fully able to carry out the duties you are paid to. In football that is a specific and complete package requiring talent, dedication and a willingness to learn and improve, not to mention a lot of luck. Fair enough talent can make up for a slight lack in the others, but not entirely. I remember Curtis Woodhouse being the next big thing and not long after having his contract ripped up as it was all too much for him. As for not having an interest in football, if it’s true then he will never make it. I eventually screwed the nut when my eldest was born and I realised life wasn’t all about me. Hopefully he will do the same but I can’t advocate the club paying him ££££s each week waiting patiently for him to realise how fortunate he is.
What has happened to part exchange if we wanted to get rid , why have we waited till it’s reached thus far ,,why haven’t we used him to get tesche……or someone else , I don’t like knocking GR , , but we are not that well off that we can give away players with the England setup , opportunity missed for me ,
Do you not think people in football talk to each other? Clubs having a look haven’t taken him more than likely because his attitude means he isn’t worth the risk. All people involved in youth football will know and advise against paying money for him. Maybe someone will take a punt on a free and I hope it works out but to think he could be used as a makeweight seems unrealistic to me
At best he will end up at a non league club. I’m sure all clubs have their contacts who talk amongst themselves. The media aren’t the only one who get hold of stories. I’m sure stories do the rounds within the game before they even get to the media in some cases. Brown will now have a reputation that many clubs will be wary of & turn attentions elsewhere.
After nearly a weeks training at Wast Hills- I am hoping for Staffs sake as well as our own that GR has given the forward players plenty of shooting practice. If ever there was a game for ‘shots in’ it must be this Fulham game. Fulham are awful. F.ormations etc out of the window for me-just get midfield men,wide men,over lapping full backs into their box and pepper the goal. Ok they may have McCormack but one goal against shouldn’t derail a handsome win.
Exactly, Mitchell! This is one game where we need to take the game to the opposition and get any thoughts out of our heads of struggling against lower opposition. This goes for fans as well! Anxiety amongst fans transmits to the players & we panic, we do rash things & we don’t get the job done! We need to back the team, get behind them from the first whiistle & the team need to take the game to Fulham, never mind this counter attack crap. Our home has improved a lot, let’s continue with that. The away game at Fulham saw the start of a dip. We have had a little period of inconsistency so let’s hope that this game against Fulham can be the start of a great run in!!
GR is on about getting in a loan striker , I hope he can pass a ball and on a try to buy , great news that …..KRO
I don’t care if he can pass a ball as long as he can pass the goalkeeper and put the ball in the net is all that concerns me mate . KRO
LMAO! Spot on Dave, me too!!
Don’t be silly Dave, you’ve supported blues long enough to know that scoring goals is just not how we play!!!!. KRO
I think if he could score but not pass we would still only play with one striker lads and still be short of goals , we need to attract a new owner , large sponsorship and get bigger gates , and plenty of goals is the only way..lads
As I understand it the club have worked really hard with this lad and time & again he’s let them down. There’s only so much help you can give someone before they have to stand on their own 2 feet. Not only that but the club have all the other players to take care of & if he’s continually allowed to get away with disrupting them then I think that sends out the wrong message to the younger players. I’m not saying get rid of him as an example to those young players, more for the sake of keeping a bit of harmony in the camp. Time to go as the song goes!.
What I don’t get about the Reece Brown situation is if he really was that good wouldn’t somebody have taken a punt on him by now? If his attitude was the reason that 3 premier league didn’t take him on then why bother giving him a trial in the first place? They clearly didn’t think he was good enough to bother with.
Unless HB it was a lesson to show him how much further he has to go to call himself a top player .
You would have thought that after it became apparent that clubs were not going to be fighting each other for his signature he would have eaten some humble pie and knuckled down with his future in the balance.But he goes and gets himself suspended by the club.It just looks to me like he’s not bothered as Dan says so everybody needs to move on I think.
He is just gonna push the club as far as he can. He clearly has no interest in playing football and yet he is living the footballers lifestyle with the club still paying his wages. Who is the mug? It’s the club if you ask me. They can’t afford to be wasting money, his contract should have been ripped up a long time ago & yes I am sure there was plenty of reasons to do so. You’re not telling me he hasn’t breached his contract!
Agree 100%.Any other profession and he would have been blown clean out of the water a long time ago.
Nicky Ajose the ex ManU youngsters looks like he got it together ,..20 goals …..80% shots on target..
Good luck to the lad. Unfortunately, for every Nicky Ajose, there’s a Ravel Morrison. It was a jizzfest down St Andrews when he was with us… but where is he now?
Jizzfest?! Does that have a different meaning to youthan it does me Staffs?!
It’s good to know that they all come good at stans Staffs , i think it’s bad luck for Reece that with all at stans giving 110% to make good the club again that Reece hasn’t the grit to help himself forward , perhaps I seem a bit soft , not really but after personal trajedy I feel bound to give this lad a chance…