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Further Player Sales?
It’s a three sentence story in the Mirror, it’s by James Nursey and it’s about how Blues are going to have to sell players again. Yes, despite there being some twelve and half weeks until the new transfer window opens, the bad vibes have started again. Is it because it’s the international break and thus a slow news week, or is it really time to panic at Blues again?
First up, I know from reading comments on here and elsewhere that some fans will immediately discount the story as untrue because it’s written by Mr Nursey. I can certainly empathise with that; from past experience I know that Nursey has a more sensationalist angle than local journos and as such he’s going to go for stories which probably focus on the bad things (especially as that sells newspapers). Furthermore, I know that James Nursey has gotten things wrong in the past – Gianfranco Zola as our next manager being one of the most recent I can recall.
However, with all that being said I also know for a fact that Nursey has the ear of some very important people at the club, and as such he gets leaked stuff occasionally – for instance remember the “billionaire investor” story, direct from Peter Pannu? There is nothing to suggest that this story might not have also come from such exalted personnel at Blues, and as such this story can’t be immediately discounted as bunkum.
Assuming it’s true for a moment, I guess the big question that would have to be asked is why? Why would Blues have to sell more players in January having shipped out so many in the summer? More pertinently, is the cashflow situation that bad that Blues would need to move on more players to ensure that they have the funds to pay the rest until the end of the season? These are questions I don’t have answers to – and maybe questions that Tom Ross would like to put to Peter Pannu when they eventually get together (if they actually do get together).
Again, assuming that the worst is true it would also show just how much BCFC is screaming for an investor. As much as I think Carson would like to continue putting money into the club, I don’t believe he has the capability any more – whether his assets are frozen or not, it has appeared from recent reports he’s struggling to pay the bills back in Hong Kong. Carson aside, there doesn’t seem to be any movement from any of the other main players in BIH to help out Blues – Yang Yuezhou might have pumped 12 mil in loans into BIH, but there has been absolutely nothing public announced with regards to his future intentions.
I sincerely hope for Blues’ sake that this story has come about from people looking at worst case scenarios – and that there is a possibility that things may not be as bad as being made out. I don’t think further player sales in the winter window – especially when the club have been so insistent about not selling Liam Ridgewell in the past – will go down at all well with the Blues faithful and as such it might just be another crashing drop in the up and down rollercoaster that is life with Birmingham City.
Tags: BIH, Carson Yeung, Liam Ridgewell, Peter Pannu, Yang Yuezhou
27 Responses to “Further Player Sales?”
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The words ‘Mirror’, ‘newspaper’, ‘Nursey’ and ‘journalist’ all in the same article? Surely not!
I think regardless of anything Zigic will go – just to get his inflated wages off the payroll. Hopefully he will have scored a few before then and we can get a fee for him.
The case of the last transfer deadline, where Ridgewell was refused a transfer and we bought Ibanez and Elliott, plus even the recent 3 month extension of Wood shows that we are not completely bereft of funds.
Given some very lucrative offers though for either Beau or Ridgewell they could well move on.
Maybe a lot will depend on where we are in the league come January. If we are up amongst the mix then CH may not want any departures. The Crown jewels have already been sold.
Also didn’t CH say that he now has an opportunity to now look in the International break at other loan sign possibilities.
Hope its Nursery’s usual exaggeration of the facts. KRO
Its a story based on conjecture.
CH MAY have to sell players
Fears over (UNRELEASED) accounts
IF CH has to sell..
COULD HAVE TO sell Zigic, Ridgewell, Beasaujour
Not a single fact here.
James Nursey is the jounalistic equivalent to a compulsive gambler. If he wants to move on to bigger fish, he has to show his bosses that he has the inside knowledge. As such he generally writes stories based on some facts, but also logic and reasoning as to a POTENTIAL outcome, in the knowledge that 20% of the time he will be right and can use the ” as previously exclusively reported by me in the Mirror on 5 October”. Ultimately, these will be the factor his bosses consider when promoting him, not the 80% when he is wrong.
As such, I will only panic when Tatts tellsd us we have to sell.
All of this rumour and speculation stems from the fact that the club (presumably PP) do not, cannot or will not communicate with the fans. Just when you think things are settling down we have this story (made up, leaked or whatever) come out. Is this the start of the softening up process which will continue over the next twelve weeks so that come January when the sales take place we are not surprised.
Chris Hughton is already is operating with one hand tied behind his back,what are they trying to do tie his other arm up as well.
I think we’re entitled to know just how bad the finances are although It would be nice to hear some reassuring words from Pannu but I can’t see it happening.
According to Pannu it’s all your fault that he won’t talk to Tom Ross. I bet you never knew you had such influence. What a pathetic excuse that is.
For all the attempts by some to play down the notion that Pannu is actually assisting in the orchestration of a CY bail out which will ultimately result in the administration of BCFC, the simple answer if it is untrue and to allay supporters fears is for Pannu to open his ******* mouth – WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM!!!???
Nusery has also been right as often as he’s been wrong.
If you look at the facts: we all know Carson’s assets remain frozen, he’s unable to service the debit on any of he’s businesses at present, so BIH took a large bridging loan from Yang Yuezhou, which will have to be paid back.
I’d expect Zigic, Ridgewell, Beau to be sold off at the very least; we don’t have any other saleable assets.
The League have already paid us our relegation cash, we only get paid 650k per European game the club are obviously still close to administration, the sale of players are the only way to raise the funds required.
“obviously still close to administration” really? that’s why we’ve just paid a loan fee for Chris Wood – and bought players on transfer deadline day??
Yeah he needs to make his mind up adiministration, insolvency, oblivion or billionaire owner!!!
I guess this latest story taints his little ‘Bromance’ with Pannu
James Nursey speaks and we wet our pants? Since when has the Mirror (or the Guardian for that matter) put out anything positive about Blues? As far as MGN are concerned, we are a target that can safely be shot at anytime there’s nothing else to report. This story probably started off as an idle comment from someone at the Post & Mail which he has seized on as The Next Big Story. If he’s wrong, 99.9% of the Mirror readership will have long forgotten he ever said it. If in the unlikely event he is right, SmokinJon has said it all.
Now if the story came from the Daily Mail I would be concerned….
obtw, we’d have to keep Beasejour though
James Nursey Journalist = Oxymoron
In fairness to the author of this article, he is only writing about something which both Tatts & Tom Ross told those of us who were in Maribor last week! According to both the guys, Blues’ financial issues are much worse than we are being told (or not as the case is!) and that, if Pannu & Co fail to find a new investor before Xmas, we will find ourselves on the cusp of administration! I would fully expect Ridgewell to go and to be honest, we have a competent replacement in David Murphy, so why not cash in as he doesn’t appear interested this season. Zigic or Beausejour leaving will be the difference between a mid-table/playoff finish and a struggle to stay out of the relegation scrap in my opinion. Lets hope that they find someone to bail us out and quickly!
Speculation deriving from silence, i doubt anything has been leaked from the club. Lets face it, would revealing this sort of infomation be of any benefit to the club? and I am prety sure PP is not that stupid. The only time we will hear anything that can be confirmed will be on the BCFC web site or through a source that will put it across in a positive manner. If PP or anyone else from the club had leaked this it would be like confiding in your wifes best friend that you are having an affair in order to get her to leave you..
he’s probably sensationalising what will probably come true, because we all guess ziggy will leave and as long as we can replace them and get the price we want in jan , riggers, beau, carr and foster will probably go as well.
i think a lot of the moves will be down to chris and shipping out unhappy players rather than the money, though that could change depending what happens in HK.
SPECULATION, SPECULATION…this is the result of owners who rarely talk to their fans.
This will be the same scum journalist that told us Carr, Ridgewell, Beausejour and Zigic were all going in the last transfer window……….inside knowledge… My Arse!!!!
At the end of the January transfer window – Blues receive their second parachute payment of £8 million. The first £8m being paid at the end of August just gone.
EVEN With our lower wage bill it would seem logical that a sale or two might be required to maintain everyone getting paid up until May.
Where was it ever written that we wouldn’t sell anyone after August 31st?
Why the surprise?
Last year even Carson had to mortgage his properties in January to provide cashflow from January-May. And that was with the Hlebs, Bentleys etc and their huge wages.
Years past Sullivan has paid out of his own pocket (and reclaimed it asap) to pay certain player’s wages between January-May.
Why bother panicking? If people thought we wouldn’t need to raise some more money come January – I shows how little they understand the finances of football.
Wolves sell ‘early-bird’ Season Tickets in January, solely to pay player’s wages from January-May.
Like many other clubs.
It is a difficult cash-flow period, January-May…and in essence there is nothing the club, Pannu or Yeung can say. Likewise there is nothing Ventry, Kronke or Short can or need to tell fans.
The information is already in the public domain – probably to be gloomied(?) up again when the new figures are released.
Until then, we all know the situation.
Dire and may get slightly worse. :-)
But that’s Blues.
Have to take issue with what you say re the parachute payment. I spoke to the PL back in August, who confirmed that the Parachute Payment is paid in two sums, which are not equal – one large sum and then later on a much smaller amount. They wouldn’t confirm how much or when though.
Didn’t know that.
A larger and smaller payment.
Years past they were always 2 equal payments.
“Relegation made everything ten times worse. We were due two parachute payments of £5m but by the Christmas of our first year back in the Football League we had already discounted the second payment and borrowed against it to keep the club going.”Julian Rhodes -Bradford City.
Just telling you what the PL Press office told me.
I was just saying what I believed was factual…… 50% parachute (£8million) at the end of each transfer window. You know different almajir – no problem mate…:-)
I will bow to your knowledge.
Which in actua effect re-inforces the point ….that the Jan-May cashflow problems are serious!
If we get less as a second parachute, then surely we will have to sell ?
I thought Ridge and Carr would go in January – mainly because of their joint agent.
No one wants Ziggs – on his alleged wages – unless Blues are prepared to bite the bullet and sell- off ….cheap.
Whatever ?
We will have to sell in January.
Because Carson cannot fund us directly anymore.
We have to ‘maintain business as usual’ by funding ourselves.
Through player sales and player recruitment on a much lower level .
No surprise to me mate. We will sell in January.
Regardless of the level of parachute we get.
It makes me laugh when i keep reading that we will have to sell Ridgewell and Zigic in January to balance the books. The main window of transfer is the summer close season, if we didnt get so much of a sniff for them in the summer and there value is plunetting fast by lack of quality perfornances, then where are these offers coming from to enable the January Sales!! I am far more concerned that some of CH’s shrewd aquisitions may be the more likely targets!!
First impressions a rumour with very little substance. If PP and BCFC have been issued with a no statement policy to the media and fans then they have done a fantastic job and should be applauded cos they have done just that. I for one feel that the papers only print yesterdays news and in shortened down versions. I’m not saying it’s true or false but as for leaks, maybe it was part of the original “summer sale” . Lets hope im right. Stay positive KRO.
Who is the mole who has access to these unreleased accounts?
Its total rubbish; because of course no Executive Officer of the company would “leak” such damaging stuff. Havent we been going into admin for nearly 6 months now..The day the players dont get paid then fellow Blues fans you might actually need to worry.
James Nursey is not worth reading. end of.
The cashflow may not be great but…
if Blues are in such crisis and have to sell asap – why did they not accept the low bids for Ridgewell and Beaujesour and spend money on transfer deadline day – and pay a loan fee for Chris Wood – if there is no money at all.
I’ll worry about it when it’s happening rather than listen to James Nursey.
[…] sense of what the hell is going on at Blues recently – with stories in the Daily Mirror of financial meltdown at Blues; stories from China of Carson being let off a HK$9.5mil loan, and Peter Pannu apparently […]
James Nursey is a chancer who has been banned by every midlands football club and writes speculative nonsense for the Mirror as that newspaper only does those kind of stories and are not bothered about facts
[…] Bunnies Having told us a little while back we’d definitely have to sell him, James Nursey reported in the Mirror on […]