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Que sera sera…
It seems to me that the rumour season is in full swing again. Last week it was all about an alleged takeover; this week it’s about which players are going to be sold in the transfer window – and once again the alarm bells are being pressed as people are convinced Blues are going to cash in on their young prospects such as Jack Butland.
First up, let’s look at it calmly. Despite what has been reported online from some sources, I can’t credibly believe that Butland will be sold – something that is backed up in this article by Colin Tattum. As much as you can direct accusations of naiveté in the transfer market at the board, I think they’d have to be incredibly stupid to sell off a player whose value is only going to rise in the next year or so – particularly when they’re tied down to a four year deal.
Whilst it’s true that Arsenal (amongst other Premier League clubs) have sent scouts out to watch young Butland in action for Cheltenham Town, that doesn’t equate to them having made an offer for the Bristolian stopper, let alone having had an offer accepted. All it is at the moment is a sign of the lad’s potential and I think Blues fans need to accept that players will be watched by bigger clubs when there is as much potential as Butland is supposed to have.
One of the problems with the internet is that it’s a great place to amplify rumour and gossip to a point where people take it as accepted fact. One only has to look at the proliferation of transfer rumour sites to see that people want to make up stuff about which club is signing who – from what I’ve seen very rarely any of it is true. Throw in newspapers hungry for column inches of copy, pageviews and “exclusives” and the resultant mess is enough to send any fan paranoid about who is going and who is staying.
I have no doubt in my mind that at least one or two players will probably move on in the January window – whether it be players like Liam Ridgewell who handed a transfer request in during the summer window and continues to look like he sees his future career elsewhere; or players like Nikola Zigic whose wages are at a level which isn’t sustainable in this tier of football, the fact is it’s going to happen. I also believe we might bring a player or two in as well, as I suspect moving on a couple of high earners might allow some room for manoeuver with wages for new players.
However, the fact is whilst I think that we’ll move on a couple of players I don’t know it for sure – no one does. It’s been a mantra of mine on here quite a bit this season, but it still holds true – all we can do is wait and see. As much as we all feel that we deserve answers to some questions, if those answers are not forthcoming then we have to be patient to see what does happen. As the song goes, que sera sera.
Tags: Jack Butland, Transfers
33 Responses to “Que sera sera…”
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Sensible blog with the right title.
Very sound view. The club may have to ‘balance the books’ ie correct for; relegation and poor purchases/loans made by the Ginger One, by selling either high-earners or taking sensible offers for others. But I am confident that Chris Hughton can attract good replacements and get the best out of the squad.
The rumours, the gossip, and the innuendo is all part of football as we know it. It is fantastic when the club is associated with player “a” and player “b”, we get excited at the prospect of change and yet we are also afraid of change. If we think things are going ok we want it to stay that way, no different in everyday life.
Who doesn’t search the www or every other type of media outlet for some news that will wet the appitite or create a minor panic attack. Lets face it we love it and football would be as boring as Mcjudas’s tactics if it wasn’t part of the game.
If Blues were taken out of my life my missus would divorse me. At least she knows whilst i’m spending half my spare time reading up on whats going on in Bluesland she knows I’m not getting up to mischief.
It’s like watching bloody neighbours everynight in my house, its a never ending series.
KRO and bless your articles Almajir, otherwise I would have to resort to reading the Ozzie tabloids.
Almijar, I love the way you fill in the “deadspots” with interesting thought provacation. I think we need to move on Ziggy and Ridgewell and identify any low potential players (Rooney for example?). Priorities are to hang on to Beaujesour, keep the essential loanees going, make a good deal for Benno if the finances necessitate such a move, keep Butland and bring in a couple of new players as per CH’s proven judgement calls.
I can be a bit slow in a morning…..but who is Benno?
never heard of “ben” foster then?
Got it….thanks for that. Just shows with the form of Bo I’d forgotten about Fossy!!
I commented some time go about my throughts on butland, and I stick by them. He will be the next blues goalkeeper and he will play for England. Does it surprise you that teams like arsenal are looking in, no not really. 1 MILLIONS POUNDS, in two years he could be worth 10 millions!!!!!
We cannot make the mistake like we did with Andy johnson I recall people said he too light weight, how wrong they were????? This young man is in the England (u21) set up and in good company(stuart pearce) . He is out on loan proving his worth, homegrown, this is what we want more of. Redmond should be the next player to play for england u21…..and so on KRO
Redmond under Noel Blakes guidance in the u18 so again hopefully these players will be playing for blues for some years yet…….kro
You’re right of course. I love a bit of hysteria with my breakfast. That is quite what fuels our days between matches. Otherwise what is the internet for?
Transfers is a poker game, cards are kept close to the chest (or up the sleeve) till they’re played. Hopefully our friends from the east have learned from having been caught bluffing once already.
Anyone care to tell us where the £1m figure for Butland has come from? exactly. totally made up by someone on the internet
These figures were in press whether they are true who knows!!!!!.. What I am saying is that the young man as got bags of protential and the big clubs are recognising the talent we have. His stock at that ever price is increasing all the time….On interviews after his loan finished he wants to challenge for first team football and why not!!!!!!! kro maybe we wont need foster back?????
Difficult as it is, we must give Mr McLeish credit for leaving us with the foundations for this season. Due to his astute pre-season work we are now blessed with a squad that has been put together on a shoe-string. Hughton must have thought he had won the lottery when this was handed to him on a silver platter. LMA award thank-you very much. Let’s get behind Chris though and give him the chance to fill a certain Sctosman’s shoes.
No…….just no………you are of course joking?!……. TWO players were signed before he jumped ship……. foundation I think not. In fact I think I’m right in saying pre season training hadn’t even started.Hughton did all the work and deserves ALL the credit.
If your going to take drugs, then please dont leave comments here!!
seems like you don’t like publishing views that you do not agree with…..oh dear……not very democratic eh?
You mean that your comment didn’t get approved instantly? Sorry about that, but I’m not on this site 24/7 and some comments for whatever reason seem to wait for my approval.
I have to say… this Arthur fella has got a point. I think McLeish has been a wonderful manager for the blues – probably the best in our history
I hope that’s your tongue I can see sticking out of your cheek Graham…..or else I hope you recover from that bang on the head you’ve obviously recently had!
Dont rise to the bait Oldbury blue, we cant stop fans of the shyte infiltrating our websites!
I would personally like Butland back from loan at Cheltenham and added to the bench at Blues so that we can bin Doyle. This would have two advantages. Firstly it would encourage Butland that he has a chance of getting the odd game at Blues and make him even more valued in the transfer market and secondly it would stop some fans including me fretting every time Doyle gets picked. A cruel assesment I know but I am afraid the promise once shown by Doyle has long since diminished.
Butland reminds me very much of a young Tremeling. Most of you will be too young to remember him but he was a cracking keeper. I first saw him in 1926 – in those days keepers were real men.
Time to stick my oar in. The window will see offers tabled and considered (most likely from a relegation-threatened Premier League side like Wolves, Wigan or Blackburn) for Zigic, Ridge and Beausejour. I’m not saying they’ll all go but clubs will be sniffing around. Remember the Prem sides have the cash and the desperation to buy whoever they think will help their relegation-threatened season. We did exactly the same last year, did we not?
I’d also like to throw into the mix the likelihood of the Ginger One flashing his chequebook at one of the above. All managers love working with players they once signed for previous clubs and McLice did the same with Ferguson. So expect a cross-city transfer or two. I wouldn’t bet against it.
I WILL bet on it.
£10 and my right nut says McLeish doesn’t go for (or get) ANY of our players.
…and you can pick up your winnings from the Kop if I am wrong!!
McLeish has won the Carling Cup and assembled the squad that we now have. With the exception of Wood, Hughton’s signings have been appauling. e.g. N’Daw, Caldwell, Myhill.. do I need to continue?? Yes he’s moved on to our rivals but I thank him for bringing us the best years
If you think Caldwell is an appalling signing, you either A) haven’t been to any games or B) know nothing about football.
McLeish, using that silly non de plume “Graham” doesnt fool us – now do us all a favour and stick to AVFC will you???
Listen Bluenosesol – I am a season ticket holder I am just not joining the McLeish hate brigade – he has been a remarkable manager for us. Caldwell is an average Championship quality player, which by your standards of Blues might be good enough but I don’t follow the low expectations of most blues fans – why not aspire to win the league? How many relegated teams would settle for top half? Wake up!!
IF you think like that then don’t renew your season ticket, maybe take up other hobby mate…We have CH NOW MOVE ON WHAT LOVELY FOOTBALL… OR take yourself of to the other side of the city and watch their rubblish…..kro We have move on extremely well with CH THANK YOU………
Sorry Mark – as Arthur pointed out earlier are we not allowed freedom of speech? Where I sit in the ground everyone agrees with me. No need to get so worked up about it – you may be a raving homosexual for all I care – so what? Everyone is entitled to their opinion
Okay, take it easy fellas or I’m going to start deleting comments.
sorry mate too come in again, I have been blues fan for very long time, it would be decent of you refrain from making comments like that. If you cannot deal with the debate then dont comment!!!! I am happy to discuss about birmingham city which almajir appears to be very good at…….KRO