Often Partisan

Caleb Folan

So, we know that Caleb Folan has been training with Birmingham City for the last couple of days with a view to signing the Leeds-born free agent striker. I thought I’d try to take a look at what he’s been doing recently to get a better idea of what kind of player he is.

As those of you who will have looked through wiki know, the Irish striker’s stats aren’t brilliant; in the English leagues he has only scored 28 league goals in 180 league appearances (although 84 of those were from the bench) – stats that aren’t exactly awe-inspiring to say the least. However, Caleb has spent the last season of his career out in America in the MLS with Colorado Rapids where he got 6 in 26 which is better. You can see his first two goals for Colorado Rapids in the video below.


From reading through various Colorado forums, it would appear that Folan occupied a position within the team that we know well at St Andrews – that of the scapegoat. Whilst his goal return was okay, Folan was one of the better paid players within the Rapids set up and with the MLS having a firm wage cap and quota on international players it meant that being okay wasn’t quite good enough. Throw in a few battles with ankle and knee injuries and it’s definitely something we’ve heard of before from a Blues striker.

Caleb Folan was apparently trying to gain US residency at the start of 2012 (which would have meant he was no longer a foreign player for the purposes of the quota), but by the end of the month he was linked with a move to Greek first division side Panionios (where he would have joined ex-Blues striker Njazi Kuqi) but that fell through due to his wage demands and on February 3rd he was released from his contract with Colorado Rapids one year early.

It’s been confirmed that Folan, who was ranked the 198th best player in the MLS last season is now training with Blues, and the question is whether Blues will take up the option to sign him or not. If Caleb Folan is to be in the match squad against Chelsea at the weekend he must be signed by Friday midday at the very latest.


17 Responses to “Caleb Folan”

  • skareggae72 says:

    Im trying hard to see some poitives in this article/signing,but,frankly,i cant see any,but rather than be downbeat,lets see what he can do against Chelsea,maybe he will outshine there £50m striker,but im not holding my breath on that one.

  • pakp says:

    These are the type of players Blues may end up signing as we seem to be struggling bringing in the players CH wants on loan as clubs are rebuffing the approches.

  • Nigel1875 says:

    Christ the bloke is on trial and hardly a number one target of Hughton’s. We need bodies, we have no money and he is free! Don’t people get it?

  • prewarblue says:

    From the little I have seen of this player,,,,,not one if signed to go on a long term contract,,,,,,looks more like an older version of Jerome !,,,,,miss more than he scores [ if ever ],,,,and if signed long term would be a liability on cash flow terms like Bent was for the duration of his contract

  • tmsblues says:

    I watched Caleb (and King) at Hull City most home games when they first got in the Prem. Can’t say either were that impressive and Folan in particular got ‘the bird’ from the crowd on many occasions for his inept performances.On a good day he tries and he can be an awkward gangly forward to handle that can hold the ball up and head on OK. His shooting though as per his record is very much less hit and lots more miss! Having said all of that he probably has more to offer than Rooney from the bench.Thank goodness we didn’t get King’s other Hull pal Cousin … Now he was a lazy selfish and egotistical pile of rubbish that hull had real difficulty getting off their books !!

  • leigh says:

    On the basis of what has been said…..No. We want someone to fire us up the table, we have had 2 good cup runs they were the icing. We do not, at the end of the season, need a god sized squad that is not good enough to be the basis for next season…………..see if you can do a Bendtner/Larsson, go up, and then pay the money to keep them in a settled squad.

  • parkp says:

    With clubs rebuffing Blues attempts to sign the players CH wants on loan, then maybe free agents like Folan are the only way to bring players in at the moment. We desperately need to bring bodies in especially after the weaknesses were there to see on Tuesday night.

  • Denis Thwaites says:

    Possibly worth looking at Sone Aluko on loan from Rangers. A left winger who grew up at Blues so will be familiar with the surroundings. Could do worse given the difficulties there and as he has only just gone there and is playing and in addition has no long lasting infinity with the club! A concern would be if we looked again at Cousin who apparently may not be registered with Rangers but who they had said they had signed. The concencus view on him is that he doesn’t fit the bill. One thing is for sure we do need to bolster the numbers given the games already played and the fact they continue to come thick and fast.

  • quokkasskip says:

    we cannot sign Aluko as it would be an international transfer and its outside our transfer window. Cousin is v doubtful and clouded by the fact he has registered for Rangers but he is not yet approved by the SPL. Agree we need a striker badly and I am not looking forward to going to the bridge to watch Rooney upfront on his own vs Chelsea. (that said Chelsea’s defence are bobbins at the mo and Rooney may well do ok)

  • Shane says:

    If we are going to sign him with the goals to games ratio he has got Houghton might as well throw in Jervis and Asante as we already have them paying there wages and they have been involved in training etc. all season long where as Folan hasn’t played since November

    • poppa999 says:

      It’s a pity Asante and Jervis have gone away, got match sharp, and then left on the shelf once more. I think a young eager talent (as Redmond has proved), would be more useful than 90 minutes out of a 25% fit veteran.

  • harry bcfc says:

    calm down people he is free and we have no striker give him a chance he might be alright besides CH has loads of players he looking at

  • Ted says:

    I agree with Shane.

  • jazzzy786 says:

    Okay he doesn’t sound great but if anyone can get an extra 10-20% from a player its CH. lets not destroy a player before he has even worn the famous royal blue. on a short term contract I think he may be ok and prove all the doubters wrong.

  • tmsblues says:

    Is Parnaby still out of work? He could do a cover job on a number of fronts but is the relationship with the club over because of the failed sigbing last year. We need a striker and oh dear Cousin could still be ‘free’ !! He is a talented guy but with an attitude that can upset the team. He is 35 too. Don’t think its worth the risk except on a pay on play basis !

  • Fred says:

    198th best player in the MLS? That’s still 138 places higher than the Vile loanee Robbie Keane!!

  • Boy from Oz says:

    I know we are putting a lot of faith in CH bringing in some loaners but I doubt they will hit the ground running, which is what we will require from them. Personally I am more excited at the announcement that CH is taking along a number of the youngsters for the Chelsea game, nothing to lose, put them in and give them a go, they will remember it for the rest of their lives and who knows they may just do the deed. Raw talent, enthusiasm and testosterone may just be enough to run the pensioners in to the ground.

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