Often Partisan

Olly Not Going Anywhere

Despite being heavily linked with the St Andrews hotseat, Blackpool are adamant that Ian Holloway isn’t leaving the club.

Blackpool’s secretary Matt Williams has told the Blackpool Gazette that there has been no approaches for Ian Holloway’s services from any clubs.

Swansea City are also heavily linked with the former Plymouth, Leicester and QPR boss but the Seasiders are adamant he’s staying put.

The Daily Mail has today linked former Hull boss Phil Brown and former Charlton and West Ham manager Alan Curbishley to the role.

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56 Responses to “Olly Not Going Anywhere”

  • andy says:

    Neither was Chris Hughton
    Are you looking for a full time job with the Mail,its the sort of non story they would print

    • almajir says:

      Cheers Andy.

      • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason says:

        Out of order that, Als blog is far more informative than the Meaning Vile, I wouldn’t have that Vile rag in my house.

        Also with Al you know he’s a proper Blue not some journo who never puts a penny into the club who claims to be Blues.

  • Mickey07 says:

    All depends if holloway wants to stay at Blackpool though doesn’t it??we will see.

  • AD says:

    Redknapp to blues!!!lol

  • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason says:

    Or maybe come to a club with no money, a transfer embargo, owner grounded in Hong Kong and with a set of accounts with a disparaging comment on them unique in football history.

    Bet he can’t sleep at night musing that one over.

    • Coy says:

      That honestly wouldnt put him out, Blackpool is the 1st prop run club his worked at, the others before (at the time he was incharge) was in termoil, he is mad enough to miss that kind of excitment.
      After seeing his tactics againsh Blues in the playoffs espec when under pressure not sure he would be a great choice any how, one things for sure the would never be a dull day at st andrews

  • nicky wicky says:

    There have been reports that he was going to Swansea, so if he is still available why doesn’t PP make an enquiry. Blackpool finshed one point and one place behind Blues, and I thought that a full strength Blues would have beaten them,but they out played Blues in the semis to get to the final, and were unlucky not to go to penalties.This straight after relegation from the Premier League. This Blackpool team seem more defensively solid than in previous years!

  • p'taah says:

    come on olly ..it’s a no-brainer!!

  • danny boy says:

    as i keep telling everyone its curbs

  • Blueboy 88 says:

    Depressingly the Mail report also indicates that –

    Of equal importance is the fact that the cash-strapped Championship club will approach a manager who is currently unemployed.

    Which would rule out immediately the likes of Holloway, Karl Robinson etc…

    Curbishley would be a safe pair of hands – but would he come..?

    Brown is a nonesense all sharp suits , with a perculiar spray tan orange tinge to his skin ,
    but potentially could provide the prospect of some lively half-time
    entertainment by sitting the players down in front of the Tilton , then ridiculing them in public… .

    • andy says:

      Like i initially said its the same kind of non story the mail would print

      • Euston 9.18 says:

        Sometimes it’s best to see who writes these “so~called” EXCLUSIVES !!

        A,Mr BRIAN DICK wrote the back page EXCLUSIVE in the e`mail about brown today.

        WHoooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • Blueboy 88 says:

          Having just googled the aforementioned Dick…

          He is apparently the Birmingham Post & Mail RUGBY correspondent…

          Say no more….!!!!!!

          • James Black says:

            Blueboy your absolutely right about Curbs being safe hands. As Regards to Brown who needs a man that when his team was overachieving humiliated them publicly and from that day to there relegation hardly picked up a point. that kinda man management we don’t need.
            Now they are linking Keane too, oh Jesus
            no please.

    • nicky wicky says:

      Blueboy they also said that Holloway might be an exceotion because PP likes him and the compo would not be high. Brown would play good attacking football,but he is a bit suspect defensively. I remember Hull only stayed up on goals scored!

      • Blueboy88 says:

        Nicky Wicky – Brown’s last stab at football management was with Preston NE
        where he achieved a relegation from the Championship , & was finally sacked for only winning one of his last 11 league games in League One……..
        Why on earth would we want to even entertain the prospect of bringing this man to manage our great football club…?

  • Hodgetts08 says:

    Just seen Daily Star linking Steve Davis of Crewe with the job !!!! Who ????

    • James Black says:

      If you research you will find out and he is a very decent candidate. I don’t think any of the bigger names linked are relevant to what we need with the exception of Curbs. Its not about names if it was then the call would be Kenny Dalgleish and god help us if that was to ever happen. The most over rated manager in football history but his got a big name.

  • Denis Thwaites says:

    Putting Harry to one side as he wouldnt manage Blues in a million years, none of the candidates mentioned have particularly good track records hence why they are unemployed. I cannot believe in their current financial plight that Blues are going to try and negotiate for a manager where they have to pay compensation. We are faced with having to put up with a manager who will not have the same motivational qualities of CH and a team that will be weaker than last years given we will undoubtedly sell any players that we receive offers for. I doubt whether Davis/Butland/Burke/Redmond will be with us come transfer day. This is what we face however difficult it is to swallow and we just have to roll with it until something gives with the current owners.

    • nicky wicky says:

      Denis you are assuming that the football league are going to lift the transfer embargo anytime soon. With the embargo in place it is highly unlikely that any of these players will be sold especially Butland given the situation with Doyles contract. The owners are desperate,but i don’t think they are crazy and if the players were sold with the embargo in place then they would have problems operating as a going concern as no-one would be able to come in!

      • almajir says:

        Nicky, you keep saying this – you need to listen to me. You are wrong.

        Blues WILL be allowed to sign players if they sell players. The league WILL allow Blues to sign players to ensure that they have a squad to complete fixtures.

        If Blues sell a keeper, i have no doubt that the league will allow them to bring a cheap replacement. If they sell a centre back, the same.

        Got me?

        • nicky wicky says:

          But that is a transfer so how can that happen with an embergo in place?

          • nicky wicky says:

            If that is true then what is everyone worrying about as the club can trade as normal!

          • almajir says:

            Because Nicky, as I’ve continually told you (and you haven’t listened), it’s at the league’s discretion.

            It’s not normality but it’s not what you’ve been saying either.

          • nicky wicky says:

            You haven’t told me. I’ve only joined this site recently,,,,,,,,and I don’t know if you’ve gone into detail about the embargo. As far as i know Blues aren’t allowed to sign any players, and it’s affecting the players who’s contracts are running out! Everyone is pannicking because of the embargo because Blues can’t sign players. If what your saying is true then whats the point of the embargo might as well lift it so that Blues can get some loans in!

  • AdamBActual says:

    I’d give Nick Barmby a shot. Unproven but worth a risk, he did well at Hull, with next to no budget. Curbs is a weak choice but I can see why he is linked, ex Blues, proven record etc. Bit too old school for me though. Zola would be a coup but, I can’t see it happening. He would want cash to spend.

  • P.J.Nicholls says:

    Before all the non-Blues supporters get carried away I suggest you work out the true status of BCFC.
    The accounts in question are for year ending June 2011.
    Since these accounts have been put forward the club has received several transfer fees plus parachute payments plus higher than average attendances for a much larger than normal games played-60plus.
    If you take a look comparing us with the likes of Blackpool,Wigan,etc if Birmingham are in trouble so are 60% of the Championship as are many of the Premier clubs.

    • ironfirst says:

      Is that why the accounts are clear we need to sell this summer to get through next season.

      Yes, we get parachute money but we still have payments on the £30M plus Mcleish paid and wasted.

      Does anyone really think the financial situation has changed at all, in fact simply got worse.

      Do you really think the fact the auditors could not sign off the accounts is a good thing ?

      We are completely stuffed and the sooner all the fans stop pretending otherwise and dreaming of fantasy takeovers and managers, the better.

  • Macc lad says:

    Steve Davis is a Blues fan who used to manage Northwich before he joined the coaching staff at Crewe. A bit too much of a risk for me.
    All this talk of Holloway being at a stable, well run club? Well they lost players the last time they were promoted because they failed to pay bonuses due contractually. One, famously took them to an industrial tribunal, won, and then left for next to nothing the end of that season. Holloway described their training facilities as the worst he’d ever known, although they have announced that they are building new ones this year (although will that actually happen?). They too have an owner who has had run ins with the law. Owen Oyston was imprisoned for rape, although he now owns the club through his wife and his son is the chair. Holloway was critical of their home support in the wake of the play off first leg, as well as being complimentary of ours. Holloway may well have no interest in leaving Blackpool, but it’s in no way due to it being a stable, well run club.
    Curbishley is 55, whereas Hughton is 53. Why would that make Curbishley old school?
    We couldn’t afford to pay Redknaps dog, so I think that rules him out.
    Who I want? Holloway. Who I think we’ll get? Clark

    • AdamBActual says:

      I said old school, not old. Fresh ideas and tactics, ability to work with what’s in front of them. Know their place within the structure. Work with fans. Etc Etc. Hughton was all of the above and we loved it.

      • James Black says:

        Adam i believe Curbishley ticks those boxes. His a club builder as well as a good sound tactical manager that does not rely on expensive imports to build a quality team. The job he did at Charlton was amazing and personally i would love to see him at the Blues.
        I worry cuz now there is talk of Keane and i don’t think we need an ignorant thug in to run the team somehow. I cannot stand that man. Davies i wouldn’t scoff at
        but Clark and Brown does not set me on fire at all, but whoever it is i will back them.

  • Steve-0 says:

    Andy this isn’t a newspaper

    comment edited

  • Daddybluenose says:

    I wouldn’t say no to Steve davis of Crewe a brume lad who may be able to keep the heart of blues rolling on and give us a fighting chance in what will be a very tough division next season.

  • skareggae72 says:

    I hear that Crewe was a bit of a one man team last season(Nick Powell)and with him being sold to Man Utd its highly likely,if blues made an approach for their manager,blues fan Steve Davis would be interested,maybe we could get Powell on loan(on clearance of transfer embargo)
    Also being at Crewe im guessing he is useful working with young players too

  • Lichfield Blue says:

    Steve Davis sounds like an intersting choice! Could we afford the compensation? i doubt that, so it must surely be someone from the Job Centre.

    Out of those mentioned, why not Curbishley? He’s an experienced manager has worked with limited funds at Charlton and had them playing decent, attacking football both in the Championship and the Prem. If we were writing the ‘ideal candidate’ profile, I suspect he might be the one of those mentioned who most closely meets our requirements.

  • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason says:

    No way will Curbs take the job in these circumstances

  • oldburyblue says:

    Where a manager was born or for whom he played has little relevance to me. I do not believe that any manager, or player come to that, tries any harder for a home town club than any other he works for at that time. CH had no links with us before he came and I thought he was a far better manager than those who had previous links.

  • Macc lad says:

    Crewe were in no way a one man team. How is that even possible? Powell is an 18 year old 1st year professional who scored around 16 goals. It was the organisation and discipline instilled by Davis that made Crewe so difficult to beat in the run in that got them into the play offs and ultimately promoted.
    Even after that I’d say it would be a huge risk to appoint someone with his lack of experience. I would imagine, though, that his salary would reflect the position Crewe were in, and where Davis came from, so he would be a considerably cheaper option than Holloway, and it’s reported that he would cost £500k.

    • skareggae72 says:

      I haven`t seen Crewe this season,so im just repeating what some media/pundit said on talksport the other week(not sure who it was),of course,they are not `actually` a one man team,they had one star player who made the team tick,it happens,1986 Argentina-Maradona.

    • Blueboy 88 says:

      On the Crewe theme another ex Dario Gradi protege Steve Holland is now Chelsea’s Assistant Manager , No2 to Roberto Di Matteo . A very highly respected , & well connected coach .

      Now before everbody shouts WHO…..!!!

      Turn it on its head …would you leave Chelsea to become the Birmingham City manager in the current circumstances ..?

    • nicky wicky says:

      probably would be cheaper doesn’t mean it is the right choice. They got over £2million for CH leqaving so £500k so i don’t see the compo as a problem. You get what you pay for, if they pay a little extra for Holloway then it will generate an interest in the club and season ticket sales. Would Davis do that?

  • Bluenosesol says:

    Any new manager will meet PP and will ask pertinant questions like “What is the likelihood that the club will go into admin this season?”. The accounts contain remarks which suggest we probably will. If PP gives an honest response, what chance do we have of securing anyone’s services?
    Our only chance of securing a decent candidate’s services may be to pay 12 months salary in advance. That could happen once we offload Foster.

    • nicky wicky says:

      Bluenose you only go into admin for owing money to the taxman or being bankrupt. There’s nothing in the accounts to suggest that Blues are heading for admin. Blues can’t sell Foster while the embargo is in place because of the situation with Doyles contract. We might need him. They have to carry on as a going concern and how can they do that without a goalie.Don’t say Myhill because that would be a transfer. Until Blues appoint a new manager and show that they can put out a team without selling too many players then the football league may not be willing to lift the embargo!

      • almajir says:

        Nicky, read my last reply to you – you keep getting it wrong on the embargo

        • nicky wicky says:

          Look almijr there is supposed to be an embargo on all new transfers in, but apparently you can sign youth players if there already at the club. If we sold Foster to Albion say and they offered Myhill surely that would be a new transfer and break the embargo otherwise whats everyone worrying about as theres nothing to stop Blues acrrying on as normal!

          • almajir says:


            Put it this way. As I’ve repeatedly told you, you’ve got it wrong on the embargo stuff. Leave the speculation about it alone. I’m going to have something up very shortly with definitive answers.

  • Daddybluenose says:

    Oldbury so if CH would have waited and the tottenham job opened up you don’t think he would have been one of the first ones there with his cv come on look at mcCoist and rangers.

    • oldburyblue says:

      My fear at the time that Harry was strongly tipped for the England job was that CH would replace him. It may be a bonus to Spurs that CH had previous connections but the bottom line is that he would get the job because he is a bloody good manager. My point was that if CH had gone to Spurs he would not have worked any harder than he did here or will do now at Norwich.

  • James Black says:

    Keane no no thrice no. The man is an ignoramus.

  • Ad says:

    On a serious note I think curbs would be a great appointment, he believes in giving youth a chance and with the financial difficulties surrounding our club our youth is potentially our saviour. His done fantastically with Charlton, west ham whom wasn’t overwhelmed with cash and the England u21. Also he has a great knowledge of the game and some fantastic contacts which could be vital in the loan market. no matter what happens once a blue forever a blue.kro

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