Often Partisan

London Nights

This is a bit more of a personal blog than I normally do, but I wanted to jot down some thoughts before the big game tomorrow. I’m sitting at a PC in my best friend’s flat, and I can see the Arch of Wembley from his balcony. It’s finally sunk in – we’ve made it, and this is going to be probably the biggest game I’ve ever witnessed.

I was too young to go to either the Leyland DAF or Autowindscreens finals; with no family who liked football or Blues there was no one who could take me and I was reduced to listening to it on radio. I was in America for the Worthington Cup final, and whilst I did go to the Playoff final I feel that tomorrow I’ll finally have achieved an ambition – to see Blues in a major final. Hopefully, I’ll achieve another one – to see them WIN in a major final…

People have spoken about how the media have ignored us, and how it’s barely noticed we’re playing. To be honest, I don’t care in some ways. I kinda like the fact that there isn’t a media love in about the club, and that for many we’re unfancied. I’d feel wrong supporting a side that everyone else does – the contrariness in my nature I suppose.

I have no idea of the team, or the system we will play. All I ask is that the team play as well as they can, as hard as they can. As long as I feel proud we gave it a shot, I don’t care who takes the plaudits. But I will be over the moon if we do somehow do it…

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