Often Partisan

Carson Yeung: Repossession of Property Deferred Again

Carson Yeung was back in court today with regards to the repossession order against his house on Barker Road for non-payment of a loan dating back to November 2010.

On.cc reports that Wang Lifei and Yung Sau-mui – identified in court as his wife and mother respectively – asked the court to set aside the repossession order as they state that Carson Yeung didn’t have the right to place a mortgage on the house as he only owned 25% of the property.

The court has agreed to allow a further stay of execution on the repossession order whilst Wang and Yung present evidence to state their case in a further hearing at a later date.

Wing Hang Bank have sought repossession of the property since February this year due to Carson defaulting on a HK$50million loan secured on 1/9th of the value of the house.

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10 Responses to “Carson Yeung: Repossession of Property Deferred Again”

  • Mark Y says:

    CY’s legal team have done the job and managed to defer the family being turfed out on the street. CY must be praying now for a result at his upcoming trial. The big question is though as far as Blues fans are concerned is does he need the a sale of BCFC before the court case so at least he can squirrel away some of the proceeds for his future in the event he gets sent down? Or is he confident enough of the outcome of the case that the sale can take place after the result?

  • Masaccio says:

    Will CY sell a couple of players in Jan to help him boost his finances? Will it be too late by January anyway?

  • bluenose 11 says:

    i have seen reported todat that liverpool are after redmond surely selling prized assets iwould devalue the company meaning that any prospective buyers in talks with pannu would have something to say

  • bluenose 11 says:

    had to laugh at the add to the right with regard to this blog

  • nicky wicky says:

    bluenose its just more speculation by the press to get up the backs of blues fans!

  • Tom says:

    I have a funny feeling his court date for money laundering might take a while yet aswell, the quicker they send him down the quicker blues can get back on the up,

  • Oldbluenose says:

    Tom;, Carson Yueng, obviously made mistakes, !!. Surely no one can doubt that he did try and bank-roll our club, but his past caught up with him,!!.

    Whether he is found guilty or not, The court will decide, but ” cut-him-some-slack ” in the meantime, eh, !!.

    Our club will be sold soon, we hope, So he will be yesterdays news eventually, — Let us leave it at that, !!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • RUPERT says:

    I think some people need to smell the coffee, there is NO sale likely for a long time. This is another smokescreen to get people off there backs. This BIH lot will not let go of the club without fighting to the end they will fight until there last breath to hang on to BCFC its all they have, they dont want to lose it.

    • almajir says:

      Define “long time” Rupert.

      Will it happen quickly – no, I very much doubt that.

      Will it happen – yes, it will – because it has to. BIH cannot carry on as it has been and it will go or they will lose it.

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