Often Partisan

Diop Moves On

Birmingham City have today opted not to extend Papa Bouba Diop’s contract any further and the Senegalese midfielder has left the club.

Diop, 34, signed for Blues on October 19 2012 and made two appearances in his time at Blues, with one of those being from the bench. It had looked like he had broken into the team properly after a good performance in the draw against Crystal Palace which saw him score the equaliser but unfortunately he tore his hamstring soon afterwards and his injury ruled him out of playing any further.



27 Responses to “Diop Moves On”

  • Oldbluenose says:

    We will never know just how well he MAY have served us, but I think it is best for the club that he has gone off the wage bill at last, !!.

    Though Lucas and Jervis have contributed very low transfer fees, they also have relieved the wage bill as well, as has the return of Gordon to Chelsea,!!.

    So the next question is — Who is next to go, ??.

    • Atahualpa is a BlueNose says:

      Alright OBN

      I think the list of possible suspects is quite long on your final question…

      You could probably take a pick from at least half a dozen players.

      Quite enjoyed having the big fella with us, just a shame we really did not get to see him more often in the first-team, as he could have shown some of the presence we were missing in the middle of the park. Story of our season with getting unfortunate injuries.

    • brocklbank says:

      comes nowhere near the half a million + pannu puts in his pocket
      and whose paying for the education plus board and keep for carson junior
      whose still over here and on the board

  • bluenose58 says:

    Clark and his backroom boys with any luck, followed by the other waste of spaces he signed Ambrose, Mullins etc.

  • Boozy Blue says:

    He’s met already from Tom Ross “Manager met Keith Fahey and is hopeful he will be back sooner rather than later but no date yet “

  • Kimberley Blue says:

    that is 4 players left so far in January… how many more?

  • prewarblue says:

    Ambrose , Mullins practically certain to be moved on,,,,,,on his displays so far I hope Robinson is not let go,,,,,Caldwood I think will be moved in the summer when his contract runs out,,,,,as will Ibanez .

  • Macc lad says:

    Burke next I think.

  • bluenoseneil says:

    Diop gone? No shock but a shame cos a few years back he would’ve been handy.

  • Blue Steve says:

    I reckon the only players that will covet any interest are:-

    Jack Butland
    Curtis Davis
    Marlon King
    Chris Burke
    Nathan Redmond

    Redmond has not really shown much this season but a consistent run on the right wing will do him good when Burke is sold. KRO.

  • DIOP & LEROY LITA would have saved us but age led to both being injured.
    FAHEY’S absence I’m afraid is out of Order….far too long….no explanation why he’s away.
    Unless it’s something really really serious I don’t accept his non-appearance whilst the club is going into oblivion.
    I’m just hoping PANNU gets arrested in HK and force the sale.
    Villa going down and so are we.
    No Derby next season.

    • almajir says:

      John – is it just possible that there is something serious going on with Fahey that’s none of our business?

      Also, why do you CAPITALISE names? It’s a curious affectation, and I’m curious about it.

  • Murph says:

    So true , it isn’t our business as its got to be serious as club wouldn’t allow it , anyway he may not be in the side with the lad Reilly playing like a true blue , all heart and no little class ! They had to drag him off last sat , anyhow back to the game sat , hope he plays two strikers and sticks with the other nine from last sat , give Nathan n Morrison the bench n see how we do , we have lacked top end lately , kro

  • Wingman Blue says:

    ermm… who was it that came and clapped the Tilton after the final whistle ?? Shades of Hughton’s last wave and embarassed handshake after the home play-off leg. Got the impression it was a
    “thanks guys, gonna miss you all…”

  • andy says:

    Its a pity Diop cant get on the coaching staff at Blues. Its no secret the big fella was very popular with the players and as Lee Clark stated, a huge influence on the youngsters. With the exception of Clark himself, Diop showed more desire and emotion than anyone else in the dugout!

  • Tony says:

    Think I have a way out of this financial mess we are in, You must be very familiar with Bordesley green the area Saint Francis stayed when he was a 15 year old. If you know the specific house and with the owners consent could we not charge £2 a head for a guided tour.
    Nice little earner

  • Woodlands says:

    Met Stephen Carr the other day – in the gym (what a legend), but I got the impression that his knee means we will never see him in action again. Very sad.

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