Often Partisan

Wednesday on Tuesday – Sheff Wed Preview

Blues face Dave Jones’ Sheffield Wednesday today hoping to bounce back from a nightmare defeat to Watford whilst the Owls will be looking to leapfrog Blues in the race from the relegation trapdoor.

Sheffield Wednesday

The Owls come to Blues on a streak of good form; unbeaten in five league games and having taken 11 points from their last eighteen possible. They haven’t lost an away league game since Cardiff at the start of December and have won four out of their last five on their travels.

Dave Jones is expected to keep the faith with the side that finished the 2-2 draw with Derby at the weekend with Connor Wickham potential partnering former Blues loanee Leroy Lita up front. Former Blues trialist Anthony Gardner should feature at centre back whilst Reda Johnson is not expected to be risked.


Nikola Zigic returns to the squad having trained to a good level on Sunday and with the probable return to fitness of Marlon King, Clark has options to change the side that was taken apart by Watford on the counter on Saturday. Paul Robinson appeared to pick up a knock in the game and was at fault for three of the four goals – it will be interesting to see if he will be retained or if his place is given to young Mitch Hancox. Likewise, Rob Hall could find himself dropped with Nathan Redmond a potential replacement and Morgaro Gomis could be moved out to make way for Hayden Mullins or Jonathan Spector.

I’ve seen plenty of people disagree with me but for me this is a “must win” game – a defeat will plunge Blues much deeper into the mire and even a draw will not help them climb from the mixing pot of teams just above the relegation places. It’s imperative now that Blues put Saturday behind them and do their best to put on a performance; a win could see morale lifted massively before an away trip to relegation-threatened Peterborough however a loss will put even more pressure on that game.

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106 Responses to “Wednesday on Tuesday – Sheff Wed Preview”

  • StevieW says:

    Mitch Hancox must play now with Redmond on the left, seemed to steady the ship on Saturday. How Clark chooses to use his strikers is key tonight and will show if he has any tactical clout in that area.

    We will ship goals as per usual but we do have the ability to score some I think. 1 – 1 or 2 – 1.

  • andy says:

    Yes it is imperative Blues get 3 points tonight, you have to win your home games, its interesting that Dave Jones rates Blues as the most unpredictable team in the League because to an extent its true. Im hoping to see a fired up Zigic tonight because he needs to put this lazy bones saga to bed.

    • Dan B says:

      In all honesty I really don’t care if Ziggy spends 90mins lying on the floor, as long as the ball bounces off him twice, goes in & we win 2-1 it’s job done as far as I’m concerned, it’s now not performances & style but wins & points that matter the most now – KRO

  • Ali Duncan says:

    Agreed. Defeat would damage morale and give Wednesday the chance to pull away from us by continuing their good run and boosting their confidence. Blues, IMO, must pick up 3 points tonight. A defeat would psychologically also do a lot of damage and potentially make the Zigic saga drag on longer.

    Credit where it’s due – LC has been brave throwing the kids into the mix before and I expect him to do the same with Mitch tonight if Robbo isn’t at full fitness.

    In other news….I hope my balls don’t freeze off!

    • Blueboy 88 says:

      Good Luck to Ali & everbody else at St Andrews tonight in the balls department.
      My recommendation is the Diadora BCFC fur lined jock-strap…keeps them nice & toastie..

      My wish ..a clean sheet & a late Zigic winner….perfect.

  • tony says:

    Despite my car being off the road and alot less enthusiasm after saturdays debackle i will be there but optimisms fast being replaced with the impending fear of doom.I really hope we win but relying on clark to get the team and tactics right is like asking for a miracle and for 100% EFFORT FROM THE TEAM is an even greater ask.

    Robinson must be dropped,his performances are getting worse and he was abysmul saturday.Hall has been dire for a few games and needs to also sit this one out.King is badly missed because hes the only decent forward we have .Gomis was awful saturday but hes not been to clever for a while and keeps getting picked.So we need try and beef up the midfield but as for a while options are limited to kids and donkeys.

    I hope we win and go for 2-1 but after saturday who knows what team will turn up….

  • Paul Carter want's shooting he says:

    This is the one all the antis are waiting for. Those and their filth partners on here are skulking in the background, fingers poised, praying we lose or even draw so they can spew out their anti-Blues rants whilst all the time fully assuring us they are, actually, 100% true blues. They have promised God to go to church every Sunday if we get beat in the next two. The joy that will bring to their nasty little hearts is immeasurable.

    They’ll be listening to their radios, computers, watching Sky or the results come in on the net anything bar attending the game and putting their money in. Then they’ll moan about how crap our players are. Banner lady will be taking her ‘Clark Out’ banner with her all ready to get out when we go 1 down. This is Blues fans 2013.

    Personally I wouldn’t play Zigic again. Not until we get a public apology for taking the p*ss out of my club and it’s fans. I’d let him rot however bad the results get until that time. Yes, I understand the reasons he should play but to me the honour of the club comes first. Not that honour means anything to the morons who will no doubt give him a standing ovation whenever his ugly face appears. I would bring Hancox in for sure and either Fahey and O’Reilly in if available. King and Lovenkrands up front for me.

    You’re in my heart, you’re in my soul, Come on you Blues.

    • Neil G says:

      This Paul Carter fella is he Lee Clark trolling this site.

      In his opinion we are in this position is because no one goes the games and our attendances are low. No Paul/Lee whatever your name is ( not the voice the reason that’s definite) it is because our manager is useless. He decides to have a public spat with our CF when Marlon is out injured leaving both main strikers unavailable in must win games. He thinks playing 2 midfielders up front ( ie Redmond and Morrison) and then has 3 strikers on the bench!!

      He then decides with players like Mulllins, Morrison etc that he will make them go from hero to zero in one game. One match starting line up the next bombed out the 16 altogether. His decision making is awful, his tactics non existent and his anaylis of the game on Radio and TV after frankly embarassing.

      He has not had any money to work with but what he has had he has wasted.Lovenkrands, Ambrose etc.

      So yes Lee Carter it is definitely the stay away’s who are to blame!!

  • mark says:

    Maybe it the players who have to redeem themselves not clark. Again we were beaten by a better team on Saturday. The scoreline probably would have looked better if some of players were playing at their max. So stop sniping at Clark. A lot of the senior players think they better purely on the season before. get real. it about playing for that blue shirt not your own ego’s. Play as team, win as team.
    Nice to see keith back, again you so-call fans slandered clark regarding this issue again got it wrong, Us genuine blues fans can see keith had problems at home not spat with clark, hopefully he will be like having a new signing in a few WEEK times. This blues team can play better and we need to go on another good run but hopefully win more than we draw. Hopefully put WEDNESDAY to the sword and we hammer a team eventually. I will be there thanks for the advice regarding the jock-strap as it -3 this morning.KRO…….

    • blaneh says:

      Hi Mark, while I agree completely that the players should pick up the slack too, are you saying that LC is blameless over Saturday? Yeh its good to see Keith back, an dare i say it ambrosia for the U21s too…

      • mark says:

        apathy is caused by fans who want to look for someone to blame regarding this season failure clark, board,pp, his expenses. It was not a good day at the office on Saturday for either the players or manager. Obviously when some fans pay over thousand pounds in season tickets they want blood., how thing change. if it don’t get their way how they moan, suddenly they become a football manager. I support blues through thick and thin since the age 7 and i am nearly 46 and believe Paul C comments are not insults or chap in blue in spain UNFORTUNATELY SOME our fans ARE NOT THICK skinned as our manager.
        Personal insults at Clark is disgraceful, and shame on them fans, they feel by doing this they get their money worth. I for one back clark til the day he goes one because he is our manager, same with mcleish , c. hughton, bruce they are our history like them or not…..KRO

        • blaneh says:

          At the end of the day Mark, every fan has a right to voice their opinions on the season on where it has gone/is going wrong. No matter whether they are season ticket holders, arm chair fans, ex pros or what.

          What guys like Paul and Blue in Spain fail to grasp is when people offer different opinions, they immediatly discard them and start banging their chests saying how right they are with constant rhetoric.

          Occasionally though, they are right and there are fans who say obviously stupid and wrong things on here, maybe through lack of facts, speculation or down right ignorance/stupidity. But 90% of the time they just stick their fingers in their ears humming KRO to anyone who decides to argue against them.

          I’m sure that everyone here, including Paul and Blue are smashing blokes/Girls IRL but the whole point in when people debate is that you respect the other persons opinion and offer a rebuttal to it if you believe it warrents it, not just discarding it or making a snide comment.

          • Ali Duncan says:

            Nuff said.

          • Blue in Spain says:

            blaneh, you don’t seem to get it do you. I have said time and time again,all for differing opinions, but if you insult anyone, be it the manager the owners or others accept the insults back and stop being so precious. Those that dish out the insults to Clark should man up and take it! Call him a poor manager, give your reason, but don’t say, muppet, liar, donkey, get back down pit,drunk etc. Or if you do, don’t cry like a sissy girl when you get a bit of abuse in return,.

          • almajir says:

            Alternatively, Mr BiS, you could grow up and not sink to the level of abuse…

  • blaneh says:

    The time is now fellow noses, us fans need to start banding together and get a good possative atmosphere back down blues, I hate to follow in a Paul Carter esc mode, but i think blind devotion to the team and LC is the best thing we as fans can do now until the end of the season.

    We need to get behind the lads 110% sing (like we have done alot in the past)even when we are losing, we can be that bit extra that helps grind a draw or grab a winner and relax thos 11 bodies that start the game tonight. The players need us, the club we love needs us, so lets start tonight with this massive game against Wednesday.

  • Dave says:

    Seems that as long as Clark keeps picking players like Robinson, Gomis and Hall when there’s hungry young blood on the bench we can’t hold much hope. I used to be an optimist, this season I’ve turned into a right old grumpy ba$tard. Hopefully six points from the next two games and we can breathe a little easier leading up to the run-in. Good to see Fahey back, I know he divides the Bluenoses as well but we have missed him in the middle. KRO

  • Richard Granfield says:

    The term “MUST WIN GAME” is overused as are terms such as “GREAT” when used to describe ordinary players or goals.
    The only “MUST WIN GAME” is when if you lose or draw you are relegated or miss out on promotion.
    There are still 14 games to go,I hope that the 46th game is not a “MUST WIN GAME”.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    If we are wallowed tonight it curtains. “What the curtains?”. “Aye lad. The curtains”

  • tony says:

    Again the voice of treason gets away with refering to people who disagree with him as filth, whilst others are censored why?.

    • almajir says:

      If you don’t like what Paul says, ignore him.

      I let that one through as it wasn’t that bad. I am watching though.

      • Paul Carter want's shooting he says:

        Thought I’d cleared that up Dan

        When I use the word ‘filth’ I am referring to Villa

        • Ali Duncan says:

          Have a day off Paul – you’re so predictable. Your responses now have become like pie in face comedy and the joke really is on you. As said above, you’re probably a smashing bloke and your love of the club is admirable but to refer to people that are clearly Blue, love our club yet have a different view to you as filth (Vilers) is embarrassing. You’re making yourself look very silly and often juvenile. I often agree with your points but you really need to let this one go and change the record.

          • Paul Carter want's shooting he says:

            Listen Ali we all know what’s going on on here ok.

            Don’t tell me people love the Blues when A/ They never go and B/ Come on here postin negative comments day in day out and then when someone like me encourages support, for supporters is what they claim they are, they get pelters.

            There are definitely filth on here (last time I say it by filth I mean Vi*la) and others who just wanna take the p*ss but have no intention of ever going down. Ever.

            I have disclaimed enough times that my comments are not aimed at low income/unemployed/ex pats. Have a look tonight at all the empty seats then have a think about a team in the same city, bottom 3, on telly, knocked out of a semi by a mid table 4th divison side live on TV and then a championship side the same week. Home game after that? 30.000 mate.

            Then when you come on this site and all the antis/experts who never go are having a go you may feel a bit like I do.

          • almajir says:

            The problem is Paul you don’t ever let up. It’s all you ever say, and people (including me) are getting bored of the shtick.

        • BhamCityJulian says:

          Paul, calling the Villa ‘filth’ is just juvenile

  • tony says:

    Blaneh, their purpose is to create controversy they dont believe a word of what they are saying Its just a laff a wind up doubt if either go down to Stans

  • tony says:

    I respect your rights as the owner of the only worthwhile site concerning the blues almajir, respect your judgment too .

  • Paul Carter want's shooting he says:

    [comment edited – no need Paul]

  • prewarblue says:

    I too have complained about certain posters,,,,,but now just intend to do as AJ told me,,,,,if you dont like them ignore them,,,,there are others who post who do not set out to inflame tempers and have a reasonable opinion that is worthy of “Discussion”,,,,I may not agree with your opinion but its yours,,,,the same as you may not agree with mine,,,,no-one forces you to read those who rant,,,,in time they will grow tired of being ignored,,,,respond and they win

  • marky mark says:

    Agree Al, must win game, whoever plays will get my support, positivity on the terraces will assist the team on the field.

    No excuses tonight for not going, we don’t want to hear-

    Carnt go I’ve got a cold
    I’ve lost me bus pass
    I’m not going whilst that Clarks in charge
    I’ve gotta look after me nan she’s sick
    If I go I carnt feed my kids
    I would go but I’m washing my hair

    Get down bloody game, bring bloody mates, watch us win and go and get pissed

    • chas says:

      Here you are Mark.. I HAVENTlost my Bus Pass( I really have got one),
      I havent got a Cold,
      My Gran died in the early 60’s,
      I can afford to go,
      My Kids are all flown the nest and Wife doesnt eat much.
      I havent got any hair to wash.
      I dont let my Like /Dislike of any Manager decide if I want to go..

      I just cant be arsed after the tripe we have been served up over the last few years(excusing most of last season, but definately this year)

      But I will still be very happy/ very sick at 10pm , depending on the result of the Match..
      Oh, by the way, I had a S/T for Myself for nearly 30 years and also my Daughters for years.They dont go either, but are still the first Texts I get asking about the result,etc.

      • marky mark says:

        Well at least your honest you cannot be arses, true supporters don’t give up after one poor season, the previous seasons have been some if the best.

        True fans stick through all the bad times and given our history you should be used to it.

        I think the fact you carnt be ARSED to go is the worse reason of any

        But I respect your honesty

        • chas says:

          ONE poor Season..I started in 1961, stopped for a couple of years in the late 70s, took my Daughters down,all with Season tickets and still went(with a ST ) till two years ago..I honestly dont think I can be called a bad Supporter..And I forgot to say, I have a Car as well, and a guaranteed place to park , and still cant be arsed..Any chance of texting me the happenings during the match ?

          • marky mark says:

            I don’t recall saying you are a bad supporter

            But of all the reasons for non attendance ” cannot be arsed ” is the most unforgivable

            I consider you nothing more than a casual observer, perhaps you should get a ST for the vile.

            And as for texting you updates I will be to busy supporting the team along with the other fans who can be arses and haven’t given up on the club

          • marky mark says:

            Arsed not arses. Lol

          • chas says:

            :-)..I was joking about the Texts Mark..

  • Blueboy 88 says:

    Almajir , what do you know about Ghanaian teenager Koby Arthur who has been given squad number lucky 16 for tonight ?

  • mark says:

    Thank you for your reply Blaneh
    Sorry to bang on the drum again but slandering manager is acceptable and trading personal insults at the manager of our club ?????? football opinions yes ……sorry Tony..can you disprove he don’t go!!!!!!
    I will continue the debate i stand for my club regardless of the perilous situation we are in do others!!!!…..I respect the rights of opinion AS it makes a healthy debate and on almajir blog Paul free to do this. Whether you agree or disagree with his opinion is up you as fans, yes he likes being controversy so what maybe the truth hurts some fans..life would be extremely boring without him. As for so- fans on this blog it appear to be fine to strike accord in personal attacks on the club manager when thing go horribly wrong as well. You don’t here me say almajir look a that. you don’t like it read something else.

  • Paul Carter want's shooting he says:

    Am amazed that me going on about supporting the club bores you Dan but 100s odf negative posts dont seem to

  • clubclassblue says:

    I disagree with some of the above comments, but thats what its all about I suppose.
    I think Zigic has to be on the bench at least, so that we can see if he still has the desire and energy to cause problems and create/score some much needed goals for us.
    If he gets on the pitch and looks unfit or disinterested then he will get pelters and we will all know that LC was correct.
    A fit Marlon is a must and whoever we play in wide positions are going to have to work thier socks off, both when we are attacking and defending. The back four need some protection at the moment.
    Sorry to pick players out but Hall didnt do enough and Thomas just isnt good enough.

  • sutton apex says:

    i want clark sacked, i think zig should play blah, blah, blah. lets save it for after the game – tonight we must back our beloved blues and BE THE TWELTH MAN !! COME ON BLUES – KRO SOTV

  • terryfw says:

    I can only offer my support to Lee Clark, who had the balls to give Zigic a public rollocking. I wish more managers would tell us what goes on in training. I strongly suspect that players turn up in their Bentley, have a kick around and then nip off to squeeze in a cheeky 18 at the Belfry.If we are totally honest, Zigic fully deserved this dressing down, and Clark just confirmed what the rest of us have suspected for a long time. It seems now that he has pulled his finger out and put in a shift in training, probably cancelling his luncheon appointments until the heat’s off. I personally back Lee to get the best out of Zigic and I strongly fancy him to score tonight. Blues 3-1, no problem.

  • Paul Carter want's shooting he says:

    Yep £55K this week for that 1 good training session

  • Mac says:

    The Blues need our help now more than ever in recent times. As a blues fan of many years, I think I’ve seen most things. The fabulous forward line in the early 70’s (Latchford, Francis and Hatton) a time when most Blues fans thought our time had come.
    Unfortunately it was a false dawn and just a few short years later we were in the Weldon, Kumar era. Despare – would we go bust? What would become of us? Then in the 90’s new owners – a bit of wealth – some investment and pretty steady progress until we got back into the big time in the early 2000’s. A few short years later, we win a cup and achieve our highest ever finish. Now disaster we’ve fallen again. The point is Blues were started in 1875. We are famous for being an innovative club. (First limited company, first to reach a European final) We are also famous for our support. A full St Andrews is a scary place for the visitors – we need to recreate this atmosphere (non of our current crop of players have experienced it) We’ve been down before and we’ll be down again in the future – That’s the only thing you can depend on being a Blues fan.

    Just keep the faith and support the lads and the manager – That’s what we do!!!

  • Atahualpa is a BlueNose says:

    Throughout the season I have never really felt that Blues have been in serious enough trouble to be threatened by relegation. Yes we should be nowhere near the position we are in the league, but the blame cannot be simply apportioned to any single individual or factor. Add to that the fact there is much worser teams getting much crappier results than us, and it all points to us being ok for this season at least. Of course it is never ideal when you hope that others are going to perform less credibly, but this is such an unpredictable league, two or three decent results propel teams 8 – 12 places up the table.

    I can understand the frustration with LC and some of his decisions concerning tactics, players and formations, but to expect him to try and cater for everyone’s views is always going to be difficult. Throw into the mix that many were unhappy with his appointment in the first place (he was not my first choice), the fella was/is always going to be on a hiding to nothing. Whatever transpires with Zigic today, LC will not be receiving any credit – even when its due.

    I believe that the root cause of so much friction and antipathy within our fanbase is caused by those that do attend a limited number of matches in any given season. Why??
    Last season those that only come out for the ‘biggies’ more than likely attended our european nights and against the more tasty teams we locked horns again with after some time. In most of those matches we performed well and credibly. Those folks then went away with positive vibes and feelings and created the ‘ripple effect’ of passing on the good atmosphere and displays to family, mates and colleagues and so on and so forth. This season there has been so much negativity in the media and amongst ourselves – doesn’t matter for what reason, and those that turn up for the odd match already have some pre-conceived ideas and if we perform shit – which has been the case in fairness on some occasions – those ideas get ‘quantified’ and snowballed.

    Those that have attended throughout the season – home only in my case – can say that we haven’t been brilliant but we’ve not been as rubbish as thought by many who possibly comment without having made too many realistic and practical comparisions.

    One thing that I have noticed is, at the start of last season, CH and AM before him, had both been ‘advised’ by old PP (and no doubt CY passed on his ‘expectations’), that the play-offs were the minimum objective. Has that been the case at the start of this season??
    I am not aware of this being made the case with LC. Perhaps even PP and CY knew that this was an unlikely burden to lumber the team and manager with. Hardly any resources on the team and our better players being sold or put up for sale/transfer was never gonna make this happen.

    If LC is still our manager at the starting of next season, I sincerely hope he is allowed by whomever the owners are, to craft a team and squad of his choice and then we will be in a better situation to judge him. One thing is for sure, this season will have gained him much more experience and ‘insight’ into management than he had perhaps bargained on before it started and we are only 2/3 into yet!

    • Ali Duncan says:

      Atahualpa – I agree with you in that for most of the season I thought there were worse teams than us and I wasn’t really worried about relegation. However I think the next two games are massive and if we’re pointless from those two outings come 5 o’clock on Saturday then my view will drastically change.

      However, chins up and hoping for a straight out of the blocks performance tonight and some decent attacking football.

      I know there has been talk of what constitutes a must win game, my humble opinion is that it is as the short and long term damage on the outcome of this season and potentially the future is massive.

      • Atahualpa is a BlueNose says:


        Very valid points.

        If we cannot put up decent shows in these next 2 matches, you’re right – we really will be up against it and any fears we have will become alot more real.

        That edginess we sometimes start with is something we should try and eliminate and play without fear that hinders us in getting forward or even making the odd mistake when something doesn’t quite come off.

    • Oldbluenose says:

      Atahualpa mate, I agree with your comments, It cannot possibly help any manager, that we have an absentee chairman,!!.

      With no guidance from boardroom, L,C. has had little help from that quarter, [ nor ” old-head ” guidance ],

      Man-management, and P,R. savvy, needs teaching,!!. He has not had that sort of help, !!.

      • Atahualpa is a BlueNose says:

        Hi OBN

        Yes I agree with you.

        In most cases a manager should expect and receive more support, advice and guidance from boardroom level. Other then fleeting appearances, PP has been sadly lacking in many respects.

  • Dave mann says:

    the clubs a total shambles at the moment but it wont stop me going to peterboro saturday
    hull the saturday after and renewing my season ticket again for probebly the 31st season.
    by the way 3-1 tonight, and yes i think ziggy will score. kro.

  • prewarblue says:

    I can agree with most of your points Oldblue,,,,,but with members of the board being taught [ or missing theirs class ] in H.K how to do their duties,,,,,an “acting” chairman who is out to line his pockets,,,,with no experience of managing a football club, how can he get guidance from above,,,,,as for “Old Head” guidance,,,,surely he should listen to his backroom team,,,,,I can agree L.C needs all the help he can get,,,,,but will he listen,,,,thats the question,,,,,common sense tells you you dont drop your main striker when your already short of an “old head” striker due to injury,,,,,common sense tells you not to start a game with no recognised strikers but leave three on the bench that are fit

  • Dave mann says:

    maybe all thats going on at the club is making everyone including the fans loose their
    common sense. me included because for love or money i cant pick clarks team!

  • Eric says:

    Paul Carter is seeking attention – just like an infant. Do not respond to him – he will not like that. Good luck tonight Blueboys, KRO

  • swissjonny says:

    Pannu needs to speak to at least try to unite the club.Hiding in a Wanchai bar is not an acceptable attempt at leadership.I doubt he is capable of a Henry V type affair but he needs to say something to get us together and singing off the same hymn sheet.Forget the politics ,forget next season its about the right here ,the right now.Come on you Blue Boys!!!

  • tony says:

    I see Clark is now saying his sisters had to go without presents at Christmas in order for him to have football boots and that he is a very wealthy man. What a pity his parents did not buy him a doll then again dont suppose he could have managed that
    Negative comments about Clark are acceptable, to me hes an inept fool, worse than that he is a conman taking dough under false pretences I want him out.

  • mark says:

    When it comes to club I supported since 7 listening to deranged comments like this is quite childish. Sorry to say you need to grow up.

  • tony says:

    in my own field i have achieved plenty Marky, but I dont see the need to tell everyone where I was born and how rough I had it, hes like a little boy

  • tony says:

    He was an ordinary midfielder nothing more, dont tell me about supporting the Blues I have seen midfielders down here who would knock him into a cocked hat Kendall, Gemel, Bobby thomson, there are dozens. In the end he will go I just want it quickly like now.

  • Evesham Blue says:

    Hmmm. Sheff Wed’s form worries me and Connor Wickham and Leroy Lita upfront will be dangerous. No clean sheet for us then. You know the rule about strikers who played for us returning to St Andrews? Lita is bound to score. WE’RE DOOOOMED!! lol

    Clark is bound to stick with Robinson as well, play players out of form and get his tactics wrong. Then he wont change it quick enough. I have no faith in the chap. Sorry.

    We are either going to have another debacle of Barnsley/ Watford proportions or Ziggy will come off the bench and score the winner?

    I do wonder what Clark’s video analysis guy is telling him about wednesday.

  • tony says:

    He says hes played with the best in the world does he mean Keagan? his magagerial ability is now accepted by virtually all as non existent, he is a conman because he cant do the job he knows he cant do it. yet he will not walk away This is Birmingham City we are talking about, Why does he take notice of social media sites (facebook he should be above that but he reads the posts he knows the percentages on opinions, I dont care where he was born or what he had for Christmas but I do care about Birmingham City and he is killing us.

    • marky mark says:

      Fair comment Tony,

      I just think your being a bit unfair on him that’s all

      Given he is young, first big club, no support from above, no money, a host of players who’s contracts are up who don’t give a damn, and ownership issues to boot.

      I’m sure he will admit to making mistakes, but we should judge him on the season end.

      Here’s hoping for a win tonight


      • Evesham Blue says:

        Fair comment but when I listen to the stuff that comes out of LC’s mouth he doesnt strike me as a ‘shrewd tactician’ or media savvy for sure. I dont think he is learning from his mistakes either as he goes a long albeit there are mitigating circumstances.

    • mark says:

      Unfair understatement but his entitled his opinion for thats its worth. Blues win tonight he probably Clark lucky.. Nothing changes from fans like that.

  • Roy Smith says:

    I am so so bored with all the sniping and bitching.
    We all know the standpoints of our regular contributors so can they shut up slagging each other off,accept that people have both a right to disagree and also a right to stay at home if they want to and stick to football related comments.

    • Oldbluenose says:

      Now, That would be nice for a change,, eh,!!. Football related comments only, !!.

      Leave the ” slagging off ” to kids in the playground, !!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  • chas says:

    Kinganad Zigic both play..

  • chas says:

    That isnt a new signing, it should have read King and Zigic

  • Stephen says:

    No room for Redmond again, what’s the kid got to do.

  • Steve-0 says:

    Jesus Christ, seriously? All of the above before kick off and nothing after? This site is going down hill, because of posters.

    I hope this is a phase you’re all going through and we can have some semblance of a good website back!

  • zxcv says:

    Plenty of effort in the team, clark needs to leave well alone now and saturday becomes a must win now as 1 out of 6 at home is just not good enough so if we can win on saturday then win our next home game then it will look a whole lot different 7 from 12 not so bad.

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