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The Carson Trial – Day 8
More security firms were called to the witness stand in the eighth day of hearings of the ongoing trial of Carson Yeung on five counts of money laundering.
Wen Wei Po reports that the Prosecution called Tang Sui-kei, of Guotai Junan Securities to the witness stand, to testify about Carson’s account activities with that firm. Tang confirmed that Carson opened an account with his firm in September 2001, and that at the time of opening the account Carson told the company that he had an annual salary of HKD1million (circa £84,000). Tang also confirmed to the court on cross-examination that Carson traded over HKD100mil (circa£8.4mil) of volume through the accounts in 2001-2, and that the firm wouldn’t have paid Carson his profits in cash but in a crossed cheque made payable to Carson only.
There was also a statement read out from Lippo Securities which outlined massive amounts of money held by Carson in accounts there. This came in stark contrast to tax records that showed Carson declared zero income between 1999 and 2003.
The case has been adjourned until 9:30 am, Monday 20th May (2:30am BST).
Tags: Carson Yeung, Tang Sui-kei
38 Responses to “The Carson Trial – Day 8”
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When this is all over, do you think you should write a book on this. Might become a best seller
I’ve thought about it
I think it’d sell, dude.
I doubt it, when its all over we’ll all move on, no one will want to go over all this again.
Even if it’s not a nailed-on hit with Blues fans, there’d be a big football market for it, let alone people who are interested in reading about high-profile crime.
One thing that is bothering me. What checks were all these companies doing on the sources of the money Yeung was paying in? If Tang Securities knew Yeung was getting £80k p.a., did Tang Securities not ask “how come you can suddenly pay in ten times your income?”
That might be fertile cross-exam ground. I.e. they knew the source behind Yeung was bona fide, or else they would have reported matters to the rozzers.
CY sure used a lot of security firms! Rely on your updates and can’t wait for day 25 update. Great work, kro
If CY is found guilty and receives a custodial sentence and other financials punishments, what would be the implications for BCFC?
Spoken about this before.
If Carson is found guilty, he’s basically got to go – from both BIH and BCFC.
So “Poision Pete”, in charge of B.I.H and BCFC hasnt happened ?,,,,,Yeung in effect has already been removed from both
Not at all.
Everything Pannu has done has been signed off by the boss.
But how much of the signing off has been influenced by PP? TBH I think that is the real question. I do have to wonder who is really working for who.
Transferring his shareholding to his son no doubt?
Football League wouldn’t allow that either – shadow director rules.
Great news ,we will have new owners by the time we’ve colonised mars
if you write a book then get pannu to consult on it .Being the law abiding honest person that he is then i’m sure he’d do a book signing charging us for his scrawl.
I could also add my signature for a small fee, but please keep it to yourself.
Why not say his monies are gambling winnings? No paper trail and no taxes due.
You’ve been watching Breaking Bad?
As we dont knwo what his defence is going to be, how do you know he isnt claiming that ?
Can we have a competition for title of Almajir’s upcoming book?
any more?
I’m impounding your car son????!!!!
The Rise and Fall of the {“Yeung”] Roamin Empire !! ,,,,,,[roamin because its been everywhere ]
The MisAdventures of “Yeung” Baron Von Munchausen ,,,[The Worlds Greatest Fantasist]
The Trials and Tribulations of “Yeung” Don Quixote and his faithful companion “Pancho {Poison} Pannu”
My Part In the Downfall of Yeung [apology,s to Spike Milligan ]
Of-ter The Nick [Instead of Partisan !]
That reggae song Yeung, Guilty and Blue
Brings to mind a chant, ‘you’re going down with yamyams, down with the yamyams’
Once again isn’t this about where the money’s come from and who’s it is.
Carson down the Pann-u bend
If cu goes down can he sell to pp for a song enabling him to hold to the reins
Fantastic work AJ.
how about this for the title off your book dan!
THE GOOD( lee clark)
THE BAD( carson yeung)
AND THE UGLY( peter pannu)
just about sums up all three stars off the story to be honest.
Yeung and Pannu
The Story Of How 2 Men Screwed Over A Football Club And Its Loyal Fans
A book is good idea,we already have a tv series.FAWLTY TOWERS
The book should be called
The Hairdresser, the thief, the launderer and his puppet
Surely the name of the book should pay reference to a Chinese Laundry.