Often Partisan

Site News

Often Partisan will be going read only from midnight on Saturday night to midnight on Monday night.

I’ve run OP now for a little over two years and in that time I’ve posted almost every single day since August 2011. As things are a little quiet at the moment I’m intending to take a break completely this weekend; comments will be turned off but you will still be able to read the articles – however, I have some technical maintenance to do as well and thus for a short while articles will be unreadable too.

OP now receives something like 200,000 hits every month and in excess of 100 comments a day, and recently broke the 3million all time page views barrier. I’ve done what I can to keep advertising to an absolute minimum – I have refused countless offers of sponsored posts and inline ads – but server costs and time spent on the site is gradually going up and as a consequence it’s becoming more and more expensive to maintain. If you would like to donate to the site to help me build it further, please click the following link. I am in the process of developing an exciting project linked to the site and to Blues in general and I hope to bring news of that in the next week or two.

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