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Carson Bail Application Hearing Set
It has been confirmed in Hong Kong today that Carson Yeung has applied for bail pending his appeal hearing and that the application will be heard on Thursday, August 21.
The application, which will be heard in the Court of Appeal in Admiralty, Hong Kong on August 21 is scheduled to take two hours. Carson will find out if he will be allowed out of prison on bail conditions pending his appeal which is due to take place in the early part of 2015.
Carson was convicted on five counts of money laundering in March of this year and was sentenced to six years imprisonment. The largest shareholder in Birmingham International Holdings has filed an appeal against the conviction but no date has yet been set for the hearing nor has his legal team been confirmed.
As I understand it, if Carson is allowed out on bail it is some indicator that his pending appeal could be successful; however, should his application be refused it would potentially indicate that the justice system do not believe he stands a chance in the Appeal Courts. In either way it wouldn’t affect the operations of Birmingham International Holdings as Carson holds no official role within the company; he would be barred from traveling abroad much as he was during the bail period between arrest and conviction and he would still be considered a convicted money launderer until if and when his conviction is overturned.
Tags: Carson Yeung, HK
39 Responses to “Carson Bail Application Hearing Set”
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Can’t see him getting bail or winning the appeal. He still seems to be running BIHL by proxy though.
Think you’re right AM!
It’s just like any puppetmaster, you can see the strings, but not the person who’s pulling them. They’re out of sight.
wonder when the strings will be cut as mail reporting bihl losing 1m per month !!
They’re not losing money nowadays !
check evening mail !!
08;, That related to the 2013/14 season mate
is it. should have gone to specsavers lol
Others have answered… its past info not current or forecast. Yep that’s the whole point right now the club is not calling on the owners for funds since its at least breaking even or maybe showing a surplus. That’s another factor that takes pressure off BIHL selling in a hurry !
says up to 30th june so whats changed since then ?
All the ” big ” earners are now gone, wage bill amongst the lowest in the land, lol.
How do you make that assertion?
I’d have thought that was blatantly obvious.
Do you have any proof he is running the club. I ask for two reasons, one you are leaving yourself or Dan open to legal problems, two, if there is proof I am sure the Football league would be interested.
don’t we just love being blues fans and having the most wonderfull owners any club could ever wish for….we must be truly thankfull to such a great guy like carson yeung
and BIH for all there great work over the last 3 years and putting our club on such a stable financial footing…we are truly in your DEBT…MORONS. KRO.
dave bcfc we have no debt, no administration, club running lovely winning awards….the board backed clark with funds for johnson and davis…more positive than negative methinks
Good to see you back mark. :-)
thank you my friend likewise ;)
I know let’s start a collection to cover CY legal costs or maybe start a “Free Carson Yeung ” campaign.You could lead the campaign Mark and you can use my bank account for the collection.
now art you are making me lol why because you have already stated that you have denied your grand-kids their season tickets. But you would grant me a opportunity to free CY…
Anyway there chances he might free himself so save your money….give it to the grandkids you tight so and so….they love the blues lol
Don’t encourage him Art… the last thing we want is mark getting his thrupenny bits out. lol
as ive said we must be truly thankfull….and if you believe that your believe anything…as far as more positives than negatives..me thinks not me old pal, no way jose!! KRO.
lets hope there more positives than negatives on Saturday our Dave, should put a smile on the 8,500 st holders…kro
Yeah, let’s have an official Carson Yeung Day. I’ll go for the 31st February. ;-)
2019 lol
Nah, I’d prefer two thousand and thirty twelve.
We have a large picture of Pannu pinned up in the work rest-room. I won’t repeat what complimentary comments and amendments have been made to the picture by the adoring Bluenoses!
We are in a better situation than some, Leeds, Coventry, Portsmouth and Blackpool to name a few.
But I agree with the fact the last three years they have failed at every level.
well Tuesday 21st August will definately be a interesting day…….i’m sure he would prefer being in his own house which i might add he got back successfully…..
It would be interesting because the 21st is a Thursday!
Oops! lol
maybe Daniel working too hard lol
might even be the 19th or 26th lol
Daniel;, Would it have any effect on us if he wins his appeal, ?.
You know summat?
i don’t give a flying frig!
Yep we are doing really well I hear …£2,000,000 in the bank ,and losing £1,000,000, per month….on your marks
In light of this latest injury to our defence, It was as well that L,C. bought Davis, as it will help fill in the gap in our defence with one of the others, without weakening the side further, ?.
If he wins his appeal he is back to where he was before his arrest except without the money
… and is eligible to be in control of BCFC