Often Partisan

East End Boys

Birmingham City manager Lee Clark was sacked today following a sequence of results that saw one home league win for Blues in 24 games stretching back 389 days. Steve Watson has also been given his P45 leaving first team coach Richard Beale and chief scout Malcolm Crosbie to take charge of the team for the trip to Ewood Park.

As much as I admire Clark’s passion, his genuine love for the club and his knack for spotting the odd gem of a youth player I think his position had become untenable. I will admit to sending Panos Pavlakis an email while in the car returning from the game on Saturday to ask how much longer we’d have to put up with such desperate football; clearly the Greek’s patience had snapped too with Clark getting his marching orders within forty-eight hours – and before you say it, no I don’t think my email had any bearing on his decision.

So where are we now? No President, no chairman, no manager and no assistant manager – but maybe there might be some hope for the future that things on the pitch could improve if only slightly. I know some have said that they don’t think anyone else could do a better job; I have to disagree with that notion as I think a change has been needed for sometime.

I’d have rather Clark walked with his head held high post-survival but in clinging on he’s shredded a lot more of the remaining good will he had. As much as Birmingham City is a dead end world financially the east end boy from Newcastle couldn’t cope with the strictures upon him and crucially couldn’t inspire the players he brought in to perform as a unit consistently enough. My hope is now that someone will come in and give us a little lift, a little bit of joy and hopefully, a home win. That 24 match run in full:


It’s not a town in Wales, that represents our home form since we humped Millwall on the 1st of October last year. 12 points from 72 is just criminal.

Credit must be given to Panos Pavlakis for taking the bull by the horns and actually doing something. I know that there has been a lot of politicking behind the scenes between various members of the BIH board – indeed, I hear rumours from out in HK that it’s possible a certain person delayed the decision to sack Clark – but the situation has demanded that Panos take decisive action and he’s done that.

It’s a good start but now is the time to keep making decisions – and to become more open about doing so. I’m sure Blues fans will be more forgiving of things happening if they hear a reason behind it coming from those in power; without reasoning we’re left to fear, uncertainty and doubt and in those circumstances chaos reigns.

So now we have to look forward to the 33rd full time manager of Birmingham City to be appointed; on Radio WM tonight I was asked for who I wanted and while I didn’t really give a name I explained a couple of things I felt. No going back – which rules out Trevor Francis or Chris Hughton (neither of whom I think would do it anyway); no “newbies” (sorry Michael Johnson); but someone with a bit of experience who can at least get the players to grind out results – kinda like Mick McCarthy at Ipswich. Incidentally, Mr Clark, McCarthy spent 70k less than you this season in transfer fees – you’re not the only one who was working to a tight budget.

Whoever it is – it’s going to be a bumpy ride – because the real issue remains and will remain until the club is sold.

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials


377 Responses to “East End Boys”

  • bluenose08 says:

    I know you ruled out chris hughton but he would still be my choice based on the football he got the team playing. one match in particular stands out reading at home we played them off the park with really good football some of the best I have ever seen at st Andrews.

    • macca salop blue says:

      Although his hands were firmly tied behind his back financially (and to his credit he never complained about that), he didn’t do himself any favours constantly tinkering with the team, players out of position, in then out of the team, different formations, etc. For me he never came over as a manager that filled you with confidence that would inspire you, he just didn’t seem to have that aura about him and presence that you need to impact on a team, his interviews seemed dead pan and monotone and I can’t imagine the players heard anything else other than the same in the changing room as with the press.
      I do believe the right appointment could turn things round, but we’re talking a bargain basement appointment, someone who’s available for nothing and cheap. Although he wouldn’t be my first choice I can only think along realistic lines of someone like Brian McDerrmott even though he recently took up a position back at Arsenal. I wouldn’t be surprised if McLeish goes for it, but that could cause more trouble than it’s worth. Rowett and Robinson would require compensation and I don’t think the club will go down that road. You could throw Mark Cooper into the pot doing a decent job at Swindon, but I feel this job could be too big for him. Then you’ve got the likes of Dave Jones knocking around , not a great track record at Sheff Wed but well experienced in the Championship and would no doubt get players to respond to him …initially anyway!

    • ChrisG says:

      BN08 please try to remember that in that game & in fact all games that season CH had a far more superior squad than he’d have now

  • Anthony says:

    Glad clarks gone,6 months over due,for me it would have to be someone like steven pressley,decent job on a budget kro

  • Chas says:

    Apparently, Mike Phelan is the runaway favourite at the Bookies.

  • Marky mark says:

    Well at last Elsie has gone, there was a lot to like about Lee as a person but unfortunately as a manager he was left wanting in to many departments, I wish him good luck and look forward to our new man whoever that may be. Noel Blake would get my vote ticks all the box’s in our search criteria,

    I do think this is a major step on our road to recovery,

    • Ted says:

      Noel Blake – good call!

    • Geoff S says:

      Interesting shout re Big Noel Blake (plenty of coaching experience) but what is he doing now and would he have the management experience so vital for Blues right now?

      Hughton, Rowett or Phelan but shouldn’t we realistically count out any name where compensation would be involved?

      • Marky mark says:

        Not sure what he’s doing now, but got plenty of plaudits with the under 19s took them to two semi finals I think, I’m all for ex players as managers I think there’s a much better bond with the fans, I’d go for him under our circumstances but most of the managers on the lists have failed to some degree and wouldn’t come anyway, Alan Curbishley could be good but so long out of the game it’s a gamble

  • Eddie says:

    Apparently Paul Peschisolido was spotted at the game on Saturday.

  • Ted says:

    I agree with you regarding Trevor and Johnson. However, I’d welcome CH back with open arms. Unfortunately, I think you’re right in saying he wouldn’t come. My first choice would be Tim Sherwood… and he wouldn’t come either. KRO.

  • Anthony says:

    No to mike phelan

  • Anthony says:

    People are saying gary rowett,don’t think he would come.billy Davis any one?

  • Anthony says:

    I think with a decent manager we could have a little flirt with the play offs

    • steve says:

      Not a chance.I don’t think that squad is relegation fodder,neither are we promotion material. Just a mediocre mid table team.Which for now,i would be happy with.

    • Lee says:

      I see your point, an entire side of free signings from lower leagues…… Ridiculous statement

      • Blueboi14 says:

        Not so ridiculous!

        During the pre-season, I posted on here a comparison of the Burnley promotion team by listing their players and clubs they were signed from. All of them were lower league players with a few ex Man City players with no 1st team experience.

        So it it possible, but personally, mid-table is the best we can expect.

    • Geoff S says:

      Or a flirt with the bottle…

      Be fair, Anthony. Blues desperately need some stability and “feet on the ground” and, whoever is appointed manager, the owners are still an even bigger problem.

      • Anthony says:

        Mate if we had a manager who knew how sort a team out so we could hold on to leads,and a manager who play players out of positions,get loans players rates them but never plays them,bring players in from the reserves who ain’t played for ages,they will play a couple of games then you won’t see them for weeks,have a little think

        • Geoff S says:


          Lee Clark’s record (off the field restraints not withstanding) was pretty dreadful and I take your point.

          Who would you want as manager to replace him?

          • Anthony says:

            I would go for someone like tony pulis.what bout you?

          • Geoff S says:

            Reply to Anthony.

            There seem to be a lot of ex-Blues players’ names being touted and I’m not sure that always helps.

            Maybe Pulis, Hughton, Phelan or Rowett (I know, ex-Blues) but who might be willing to come and surely the fools who own the club ain’t about to pay out compensation for somebody. Or are they?

            Some are citing Phelan as odd-on-favourite. How has that come about?

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Although you usually have to pay compensation for a manager who’s already employed… is it the same for an assistant manager? Is there still compensation to be paid and, if so, at what kind of ratio compared to a manager?

  • Nicco58 says:

    Eddie Howe all the way!!…perhaps out our league in regards of compensation would be high but deffo my first choice.

    Steve Clarke being my 2nd and more achievable candidate

  • Paul Hawkins says:

    I applaud Mr Clark for his passion for the club but it was never gonna be enough because his tactics especially at home left us all baffled. I still believe that we have a squad capable of finishing mid table and with a new manager then it’s still possible. The three choices for me would be Chris Houghton, Gary Rowett (working miracles at Burton) and also Zola who deserves another chance as a manager. I’d also like to see Magic Johnson in some kind of role obviously not manager. I feel he wud be good for the club and knows about the passion of the club.

  • Andy C says:

    Looking forward to a full house next game as, being no apologist for Lee, all those who have said they refused to go to StAns until Lee was gone, will obviously be there in force?

  • andy says:

    I feel sorry for the guy, the club is in a complete mess, good luck to the new manager, dear oh dear.

  • Lee says:

    See what happens when someone who understands football is put in charge, pannu will have loved what’s going on, I can just hear chunky saying you asked for him, you got him

  • BlueSteve says:

    I would welcome back Chris Hughton with open arms! Would he really come though – probably not. Gary Rowett would be a realistic and good choice.

    • RichardM says:

      I would refuse to go again this season if Hughton came back. People have short memories, he treated us with little more than contempt, walking out on us after one season in charge when he had a better offer. Thanks, but no thanks!

      • Shirley Blue says:

        If someone offered me a better job with significantly improved terms and conditions I would leave my current employer. That’s life – get real. He wasn’t an ex-player or a supporter with any emotional attachment to the club. He is a professional football manager with every right to make the most of his career. That season under him we scored 95 goals and it was enjoyable to watch. You might not go but I am guessing many more would come back.

        • RichardM says:

          SB we want stability. What’s the point in bringing back someone who (if he was successful) would just dump us for a better offer. I agree loyalty is a thing of the past but come on, the guy courted us very strongly when he was out of work, writing dossiers on all our players – then dumped us after one season. How does the saying go – “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”.
          Anyway, why do you think Hughton was such a great manager? Inherited a largely Premiership side, failed to take them up, then crashed and burned with Norwich. Sorry, it’s a big fat NO to Hughton.

      • bluenose08 says:

        so if you got offered a job that doubled your wages you would turn it down. !!! honestly ?

  • tttpaule says:

    The players we have are nowhere near good enough to flirt with the play offs in my opinion & unless BIHL Sell up we will undoubtedly be flirting with relegation. I do think now Clark has gone we have a better chance of retaining our championship status,

    • Anthony says:

      What’s the difference us an teams like,bourmonth,Ipswich,an a few other who have managers who know how to win,not just have good performances

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I hope you’re right tttp… although, if we can’t solve our goalscoring problem (and it’s a major one) I can’t see us winning too many games. Maybe a change in style would help them click… but I certainly wouldn’t put money on it.

  • Anthony says:

    Who would have tony pulis?a manager who knows how to sort out a back four

  • StaffsBlue says:

    It’s been said that the manager and his assistant have left… but is there any word on Alan Thompson? When a new manager comes in, will Beale revert to his former position?

  • Geoff S says:

    Staffs. What sort of job might RB do? And who is your choice for new manager?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Wasn’t Beale in charge of the academy before the manager promoted him?

      As for a manager, I’m wracking my brains to think of a sensible candidate tbh. As I said earlier, I’m not confident with BIHL’s track record for making sensible decisions.

  • Dan says:

    Dan?? as you got Clark the bullet, can you put a word in for Houghton and Karl Robinson with Pavlakis

  • Marky mark says:

    Question is who at the club has the experience or knowledge to get the next appointment right, I’m pretty sure most of our board haven’t heard of most of the candidates, who have we got in an advisory role

  • tom smith says:

    What about david parker the ladies manager, done consistantley well with the ladies team, birmingham born lad and would not have to pay any compensation. Granted a bit of a step up but maybe give him a go .

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Whispers going round about someone with Stoke City connections… who has played for them and been assistant manager. Noel Blake?

  • Peter Bates says:

    Would like Gary rowett don’t think it will happen so how about Noel Blake and Mick Harford lee Clark s home record was a total disaster that’s what should have lost him his job end of last season

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I think Noel Blake with a decent assistant, maybe Harford, wouldn’t be too bad a choice. He could certainly organise the defence… and Harford could drill the forwards. Whether it could work, I don’t know… but I wouldn’t be too disappointed if it was him.

  • Stan Moye says:

    Whilst Lee Clark can be given a certain amount of credit for his loyalty in managing in a difficult situation, l think the time was right to bring a new manager as he appeared to have lost his way and momentum. Due to the clubs financial and ownership plight, l think it only realistic that the appointment will be an “available” manager, and feel at this time experience is required, but we also need someone who will put up and tolerate the lack of funds or future vision. Whilst this is a big ask, it must be someone with more personality than LC, who must understand the fans frustration, and help restore a bit of pride and passion back into the team and around the ground. If the club can secure the right man it just might if results improve start to enhance the clubs appeal.

  • andy says:

    Gary Rowett is a young upcoming manager and is certainly not the man to replace another young upcoming manager. If the owners want to see improvement in a team full of players that are only here because the club hasn’t a pot to piss in then the new manager has to have experience and would somebody like Pulis really even consider working for a club that is being laughed at by many.

  • HK Phoey says:

    Prior to the end of last season a couple of people close to the club mentioned to myself that Malky Mackay was apparently on the back burner as Clarks replacement at the end of the season. My neighbours son plays in the youth academy and recently heard whispers of his name and another current Championship manager being banded around 2 weeks ago. Obviously these are just rumours and hearsay but just thought I’d put it out for others to hear.

    • Geoff S says:

      But are whispers helpful here and are Chinese owners likely to be impressed by a man (Mackay) who fairly recently admitted to making racist, anti-Chinese remarks?

      Hopefully, the Chinese owners Blues currently have won’t be in charge for too much longer but I say that because of how they have treated the club and not because of where they come from.

  • Eddie says:

    its Mike Phelans job,
    He was top of the list for Bolton job, soon as that went we’ve moved in with an offer.

    the bookies have separated him and Gary Rowett as favourite but as Rowett would require compensation to Burton, I’m backing Phelan

  • Gavin says:

    Another outside shout Kevin Phillips someone coaching who’s a fans favourite and has the respect of the players like I say just another hat to throw in the ring

  • Aussiebrum says:

    I’d love to see Michael Johnson – and I suggest he’d be the most popular manager at BCFC for many a day.

  • Chris W says:

    Not sorry he has gone, he did the best he could under very difficult circumstances and if he hadn’t messed about so much things may have been different. He was exactly the same at Huddersfield and I dare say he will be the same in his next post, if he gets one. I wish them both luck for the future as I do genuinely believe he had the club at heart.
    As we have no one at board level who has the slightest knowledge about football I would like to think PP2 will ask ex professionals for advice and guidance, or better still, pass the buck and engage a select committee.
    As for runners and riders, not sure about Mike Phelan, like Clark a very good number 2, Tim Sherwood, but would he come under the current constraints, in fact that goes to any decent manager, they must all be aware of the situation.
    I can be good for the club and I suppose better get there early Saturday due to the missing 10,000 will return….

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Jack Butland (remember him?) gone to Derby on a one month loan.

  • Asif ashiq says:

    We need a manager who can get the players to defend. Not spend much money. And get instant results. And gets the kids playing well. Hopefully its noel blake. Not someone like di canio or mike phelan

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Whoever comes in needs to get a hold of the under-achievers and give them a bl**dy good shake. Not sure how today’s news will affect the likes of Shinnie and Lee. It will certainly be interesting come January.

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Two duds Clark brought in. Offload them and get a half decent striker in on loan.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        For me, we need a goalkeeper who can command his area properly, a right back who can defend properly and a half-decent striker who can actually get the ball from his foot to the net with as little fuss as possible.

        Then, I think we might still be able to do something this season.

        • Stephen says:

          Good shout about needing a new Keeper, I’m actuallly glad that Doyle will get a few games instead of Gandolph because although a decent shot stopper he makes too many mistakes & I think Doyle deserves a good run to try to establish the No 1 spot, can’t do any worse than Gandolph can he & he’s been patient & extremely loyal.

          • Major Sharpe says:

            I’m sorry, but i’d sooner see Novak in goal than Colin Doyle. Poorest keeper we’ve had since Andy Gosney.

          • Chris W says:

            The worse keeper for me has to be the late Terry Twell, played two and conceded 6 goals, sadly he died last year aged 66.
            Doyle has been a loyal servant, since the club stood by him, so it is up to him to stake a claim if he has any ambitions.

          • Geoff S says:

            Reply to Chris W.

            I vaguely remember Terry Twell being on the club’s books at the same time as Jim Herriot (not the best ‘keeper, either) and also Dave Latchford.

          • Chris W says:

            His was on the books at the same time, big Dave was the youth team keeper then, Twell played in place of Herriot against Portsmouth where he was beaten by a 30 yard lob, we drew 2-2, the following week he let in 4 goals at Norwich. He never played a league game again and finished at Bromsgrove FC

          • BhamCityJulian says:

            I thought Twell played one game: a 5-5 at home to Blackburn 1964/5

          • Chris W says:

            That was Len Beel, bought in as cover for Johnny Schofield, played that one game.

          • jazzzy786 says:

            Fans need to be realistic about possible appointments – Moyes? Pulis? No bloody chance. We will go for the cheapest option meaning no compensation so that rules out the likes of Rowett and Cooper.
            Billy Davies and Malkay McKay are not yes men so they wouldn’t get the job. Chris Hughton and McLeish returning – not happening. The best we could possibly entice would be the likes of Steve Clarke, Tony Mowbray or Brian McDermott. Whatever happens we need to keep the likes of Richard Beale for the youth team development.

            As for the poster above who says we are over expectant fans. We’ve had 1 home win in 24 games and not once have we shouted Clark Out. I think we are probably some of the most understanding least expectant fans out there. No fans out there would’ve put up with the crap we have.

    • Chris W says:

      Hopefully it will give them all a well deserved kick up the backsides, and not before time either. I think that was another problem, complacency.
      Maybe now the players will begin to play for each other and as a team.
      Everyone has a point to prove including the likes of Shinnie and Lee.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Not sure about tomorrow night, but once a new manager comes in, hopefully, everyone will start with a clean slate and do their utmost to impress the manager…. who will hopefully see that Robbo should now be put out to pasture. Will still be interesting to see tomorrow’s formation and team selection.

        • Chris W says:

          I should think the selection will be much of the same.
          Personally I would start with Packwood and Hancox if they are not injured with Hall and Caddis.That would push Edgar up along side Reilly in central midfield with Cotterill and Gray left and right, Koby playing behind Donaldson, or maybe Novak to start and Gray to come on second half.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I should think the selection will be much of the same. Personally I would start with Packwood and Hancox if they are not injured with Hall and Caddis.That would push Edgar up along side Reilly in central midfield with Cotterill and Gray left and right, Koby playing behind Donaldson, or maybe Novak to start and Gray to come on second half.

            I too would start with Hancox at left back. I Would possibly play Hall and Grounds as the centre backs… and Packwood at right back. With Gestede up front for Blackburn, we need loads of height in there… he destroyed us on his own at the end of last season. I’ve never seen a striker have an easier game. I’d stick Davis, Edgar and Reilly in the middle, with Cotterill right and Gray left. Up front? I’m buggered if I know.

          • Chris W says:

            To be fair with Koby and Gray why not start Johnstone, can’t do much worse than Thomas or Donaldson.
            As for your midfield I’m not sure if Davis is fit for this game.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I read that his hip had loosened up a lot and that he had a good chance of playing tonight.

  • pedantic pete says:

    I hear David Moyes is looking for a job :)

  • Stephen says:

    Hopefully Pulis but doubt we could afford him, he is good at organising the back line & would get the players doing the simple things well.

    It would be nice to see players in correct positions & to really use the wingers to hit the byline & get as many balls in to the box for the strikers as possible. Shore up the midfield with 2 terriers (Reilly & Davies if fit). How about seeing Hancox at left back, is he injured or fallen out of favour? We need his passion.

    Just hope Koby Arthur & Demari Gray keep getting game time & hope Reece Brown gets back in too.

    Robbo needs to hang up the boots, as does Spector, we can’t carry them anymore.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Spot on about Robbo and Spector.

      I would move Grounds inside to vye with Hall for the second centre back spot… and let Mitch Hancox and Amari’i Bell slug it out for the left back slot. Davis and Reilly I think are our best CM partnership. With Duffy out, it’s down to Cotterill and one other for the wings (not really sure who’s the winger out of Gray and Arthur.) That just leaves right back… and we really, truly don’t have a good one.

      • Stephen says:

        I know what you mean about RB but Caddis has the pace so is the only choice really, hopefully he’ll get back to doing what we have known him for as an attacking right back rather than a centre mid (another one of Clarke’s square pegs in round holes).

        I liked Bell in his one game as he got forward & looked comfortable on the ball, but think he needs more game time and possibly to have more loan time, Hancox for me all day.

        Would be nice to see Matt Green again when he’s fully fit. Personally I think e do have decent fire power for a mid table team but we just aren’t making enough clear cut chances for them.

        • StaffsBlue says:

          That’s the only thing I would disagree with you on Stephen. I think we’ve created many good chances for the strikers, quite a few that it would be harder to miss. But miss they have. I still say that 3 goals each is an extremely poor return considering the chances they’ve had. They have to start finding the back of the net regularly if we stand any chance of getting away from the bottom of the table. It’s a tough ask for limited players I know, but they’ve got to man up and get on with it… get in there where it hurts.

        • Chris W says:

          No complaints with you comments apart from the last paragraph.
          We haven’t had a problem with creating chances, it is the knack of converting them.
          This is the main concern as some of the chances created would have been easier to score than miss.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I assume you’re replying to Stephen, Chris? Because your comments more or less mirror mine. :-)

          • Chris W says:

            Yes I think I answered before I received your post, Sorry Staffs, but great minds think alike.
            I try to answer posts in order I receive them, that way I give my viewpoint without prejudice.

    • bluenoserob says:

      Does anyone really believe that someone like tony Pulis would come to us.We need to get real. we will be shopping in the same store for our managers as we do for our players.It would be great to get a well known manager but it aint gonna happen.Phelan or rowett would be ok by me .But a big name …..dream on.

  • raymondo says:

    No-one has said anything aboutut the guys left in charge of the team for tomorrow night. Any comments?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Beale was our academy manager until Fazack and Terry Mac left… other than that, I know nowt about him. Malcolm Crosby is an ex-Sunderland assistant then manager. He’s spent a number of years now as a scout… and appears to be well-respected as such. I don’t think it really matters much who’s in charge tomorrow, we’re not expected to get owt up there anyway.

  • Evesham blue says:

    Great news. Best news I have had in ages. It has been a long long dark night with no light in sight. Loved LC’s passion but was mystified by his tactics. Change well overdue

  • StaffsBlue says:

    The one thing that worries me about the new manager, is what kind he’ll be. Will he be like Clark, willing to give the academy players a chance… or will he be like McLeish and Hugton and prefer more experienced players? It’s something that needs thinking about. It would be a shame to neglect the academy now it’s doing so well.

    • Chris W says:

      We would have to go for an academy minded manager as we have no or very little money to spend even when the window opens.
      We may see the number of loans increase, but again we could see us in the same situation of them being recalled unless we can pay a fee.

    • RichardM says:

      Given the current finances, I think it’s a mute point, whoever takes over will have no option but to blood the youngsters. Will be interesting to see how much (if any) money he’s given in January. Even if we do well Gray I can’t see the money being given to the manager to rebuild.

  • AussieBlue says:

    An inevitable and correct decision I guess but let’s at least be true Bluenoses and acknowledge how Lee Clark tried and tried and tried against overwhelming odds and did believe in the club and his job. Yes he could have done better but he did keep us up last season…just and for that we should be eternally grateful.

  • Art says:

    I was probably one of Clarks greatest critics and still am but it was nothing personal it was all about results and his management abilty.I wish him well for the future and hope he finds a job better suited to his limited ability.In the meantime I would love CH to return and Billy Davis would be my second choice.

  • ChrisG says:

    According to the BM, Hughton is the fans favourite to take over, I hope these same fans will turn up when he gets us relegated. When CH was in charge last time we had a whole different squad of far more superior players. He could of & should of imo got us further in europe….but he failed, he could of & should of imo got us promoted……but he failed, he jumped ship & went to Norwich….where he failed….oh sorry no he didn’t fail, he made a huge contribution to them getting relegated. CH is not the man we need & to be honest all the names that are being banded around, the so called favourites with the bookies, i’m not sure I fancy any of them as our manager.

  • Geoff S says:

    The odds seem to be shortening on Mike Phelan. I ain’t a fan of bookies but their odds are usually based on something other than guesswork. BetVictor and Coral have got Phelan down as odds-on-favourite so what does that tell you?

    Any thoughts?

  • Geoff S says:

    I meant to add Mike Phelan is 52 and has never actually managed a football club so what is that about? On a slightly more positive note, I can’t help thinking his time at Man Utd as Alex Ferguson’s assistant for 5 seasons must surely have given Phelan a stack of useful experience.

    Ferguson had his critics but his managerial record puts most others in the shade. If Phelan is the next appointment (and I assume the same person or people who dismissed Lee Clark and Steve Watson would be making that decision), let’s hope some of Ferguson’s unquestionable footballing abilities rubbed off on him.

  • paddockblue says:

    It was sad but inevitable that Lee Clark had to go. However we are all assuming he was sacked for footballing reasons maybe and I only say maybe he has gone on financial reasons. I know they have to be paid off but maybe that won’t be done immediately.The shares are an all time low and funds have to be saved. I wouldn’t be surprised if Richard Beale and Malcolm Crosby get the job full time

  • Stan Moye says:

    This is a crucial appointment, and one BIHL needs to get right. If they make the correct one it will bring stability to the playing side, unite the fans, and hopefully make us a more desirable proposition for new owners. Some of the names being banded about are unrealistic, first things first we should advertise the post in order to see what genuine applicants are out there, secondly we’re probably only going to offer a 12 month rolling contract, and any thought of compensation might prove to be a deal breaker. Mike Phelan and Noel Blake are unknown quantities, any ex premier manager is likely to want wages far in excess of our budget, maybe Steve Evans?

  • Blues girl says:

    I wouldn’t want CH.Going back is never a good idea.I would love Tony Pulis but he would never entertain the idea!
    I don’t like to question your stats but didn’t we beat Brighton this season at home?

    • Luke says:

      That’s the “one win in 24”, and the “W” in the sequence, so you’re not questioning Dan’s stats, but agreeing with them.

    • Tony says:

      Not so sure, Pullis needs a job if we presented it to him as a challenge, short term on the proviso if any premiership came in for him we would release him he may consider it.
      Its a long shot but I would certainly try, Rowett is not ready for a job this size, would not want Hughton back, Phelan has only ever been an assitant

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I have a feeling that the likes of Pulis and Moyes will be waiting for the Christmas rush. There’s always a Premier club that dumps their manager in time for the January sales. :-)

        Agree with your other points though Tony.

  • Art says:

    Share price today has shot up by 34%

    Could be a positive reaction to Clarks departure or may be some other pending changes.

  • Geoff S says:

    Whoever made the decision to sack Clark had to do so in the knowledge compensation would have to be paid because of his roll-over contract. Could this mean some compo might also be coughed up to bring in Clark’s replacement? Or maybe not.

    This said, it seems we are at the move-the-deckchairs-round-on-the-Titanic stage right now because it is change at the very top which is still the main problem.

  • Roy Smith says:

    Once again Blues fans living in fantasy land. We sadly are not a big club any more. Lousy crowds no money limited squad, so why would the likes of Howe or Pulis come here?
    If he had some experience I’d go for Jonners but in our predicament we can’t risk it.
    As for Hughton. A man so loyal to the only club willing to offer him a job that he only waited to put on his running shoes before disappearing in a cloud of dust when he saw that the going was about to get tough, NO THANKS.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I think there will be a few surprises in th starting eleven tonight. Nether Packwood nor Lee played for the Development Team yesterday and may feature tonight.
    As for Richard Beale he has supported Blues all his life and I hope he is kept on by the new manager.
    Mike Phelan is the realistic choice for me.

  • GoodyBlueShoes says:

    Gary Rowett with Paul Peschisolido as his number 2.

    • Geoff S says:

      Any reason for this angle on ex-Blues players?

      • GoodyBlueShoes says:


        It is much like the rest of the posts on this blog. . Speculation based on rumour but this is a strong rumour. I have been told we (the fans) will know who is the new management team by this coming Friday lunchtime. I stress though this is speculation.

        • Geoff S says:


          Who told you there would be a new manager by Friday? With respect, you did actually concede it was speculation.

          I have just seen that at least 6 different bookies now make Mike Phelan favourite and 4 of those are odds-on so who knows?

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Phelan probably has all the relevant credentials, but he’s never done the job before. My worry is, that great numbers 2s often make pretty average number 1s. The unemployment lists are littered with failed number 2s. In the position we’re in, can we afford to take the risk?

            I’m not at all confident we’re going to make the right call. I’d be very happy to be wrong though.

  • bluenose57 says:

    Did anyone see Tony Mowbray and his ontourage at Blues last but one home game?If we are talking about passionate ex Blues players how about Kevin Broadhurst, seems to talk sense to me every time I hear him on the radio.Personally I would like to see Tony Pullis,however I dont think we have the funds to attract him.

  • Mike James says:

    After making the inevitable decision that a change was required, the Club desperately needs to be stabilised as quickly as possible. We cannot afford compensation to buy out a Manager already in post even at relative minnows such as Burton. The one bright light over the last couple of years has been the developments with the Academy and it is crucial that any new Manager buys into that – especially as he will have no money to spend! He must be a good organiser and coach as we definitely need to be drilled in transitions from defence to attack and visa versa. Although he comes with baggage from his last position, my choice would be Malky Mackay. If not, Steve Clarke is a very highly regarded coach and would fit the bill. Would any right-minded Manager come though?

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I can’t see why the clamour for Gary Rowett, other than his 2 year Blues connection. If we’re going for a lower division manager, why not someone like Paul Cook, or Justin Edinburgh? Both have been doing the job longer than Rowett, with varying degrees of success.

  • Adam True Blue says:

    Think we could do far worse than Tony Mowbray.
    Why could we not afford David Moyes? Surely we would pay him more than his current earnings?

  • dave mann says:

    lets wait and see because I agree about not going back and not having newbies so the list we have is about right, rowett, McDermott, steve Clarke would be my three but as rowett as my favourite I don’t see us paying burton compensation for him so that leaves steve Clarke or brian McDermott but what do I know……..maybe carson yeung will take the job who knows but lets get someone in before Saturday and see what crowd we get, propably wont make any difference as these owners are not going anywhere but at least something as happened. KRO.

  • dave mann says:

    karl robinson as just come to mind, that would be a good shout but compensation comes to mind again. KRO.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    If we’re taking on someone who hasn’t done the job before (e.g. Phelan) it’s a risk. If we take on a manager from Leagues 1 or 2 (Rowett, Robinson) it’s a risk. If we’re taking on managers who have, to some extent failed (sacked) at other clubs (Mowbray, Clarke, McDermott, Davies) it’s a risk. But… how much risk can we afford to take?

    So we need to minimise the risks by having football people making the decision. But Pavlakos? Really?

    • Chris W says:

      Whoever comes in will have to work with what we have unless the board have a new sofa stashed full of money, so whoever will be a risk until they stamp their own brand on things.
      The question is do we go safe and someone who is experienced at this level or chance it with a manager not tested at this level, as LC was.
      I think I’d favour someone like Billy Davis, though he did throw a wobbly due to lack of funds when he took over at Forest.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Putting aside the fact that I can’t stand the sight of the man… Davies would worry me. He’s on the verge of barking mad half the time. Add to that, the fact that he’s always bleating on about lack of money for players, could you really see that working? Very touch and go.

        • Chris W says:

          He was popular in Nottingham on both occasions. Certainly don’t want McDermott.
          Can’t say I’m that impressed with any of those managers who have the relevant experience, and money is always going to be an issue unless, as I said, they have a new sofa well stuffed with cash.
          Inexperienced like Rowett would be the cheaper short term option and if that were the case why not ask TF to come in and oversee things in a sort of director of football, or better still ask him to take the roll on a match basis until funds are found to get a decent manager in.
          Everything is pure speculation and I wouldn’t be surprised if PP2 hasn’t already got a replacement in mind.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I definitely agree on bringing TF on board in some capacity, even if it’s just as an ambassador for the club or maybe a mentor for the new manager. We need to get a bit of Birmingham back into the club.

            For me, I really don’t know on the manager front. Like you, none of the candidates really stand out for me. Whoever it may be, some fans will be happy, some fans won’t be and some will be ‘meh.’ Same with most appointments at most clubs.

          • Chris W says:

            “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. John Lydgate.
            Whoever comes in will get my support for the duration, along with some stick as is the norm.
            We wait with baited breath and hope PP2 uses those around him who have experience in such matters.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I’m the same. I’ll support any manager we have whilst he’s at the club… even if I can’t stand him. It’s the way I’ve always been. I disliked McLeish and Hughton for various reasons, but they had my support 100%. I was the same with Clark and the next manager will get the same from me. Until he’s gone. :-)

  • mark says:

    i see can see blues getting hammered tonight probably about 5=0 blackburn have two very good strikers……

    • Chris W says:

      Yee of little faith Mark :-)
      I think any pressure the players were under will be lifted and not bogged down with all the technical stuff LC was trying to instil, they will go and express themselves, I’ll go with a draw 2-2

    • StaffsBlue says:

      We need height (Gestede) and mobility (Rhodes) in our defence…. so if Beale and Crosby select Robbo tonight… that will be handing Blackburn the points on a plate.

      I think there’s a case for moving Grounds inside with Hall… and pushing Edgar into centre-midfield alongside Davis and Reilly. We also need to be quick and mobile on the flanks, to counteract the likes of Marshall and Conway. But, if we persist in twatting long balls forward, we might as well not bother turning up. Hanley and Duffy will swallow them up and burp out our striker(s.)

  • dave mann says:

    but would it supprise you if we won tonight….not me as blues always pull results out when you least expect them…..be interesting to see formation and team selection tonight. KRO.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      With the change in circumstances atm, I’m not as confident as I usually am away from home. The only plus point, is that Blackburn haven’t beaten us at Ewood since 2010. But, they haven’t won any of their last three games at home either. Add to that our own upheaval atm and I think it’s a hard one to call. I’m expecting a tonking, but hoping for a draw.

    • mark says:

      that’s what panos will be thinking as good fortune as occurred at both fulham and bolton,…..if some of the players that didn’t turn up for clark, are suddenly going to spring into life…..yep more defeats….then the new man going to need time maybe 10 or 12 games, before more than lightly the knives come at him or so- calls will come with further excuses that it Clark team……..glad a got skin of Rhino lol

  • RichardM says:

    I can see a good case for Owen Coyle, knows the divison well and has had success in it with Burnley. Was it Wigan or Bolton that sacked him last time round (I can’t remember) – but I do recall it was just after relegation from the Premier, they were expecting to be top of the division by some distance (they weren’t) but he was only given about 4 months, not long enough for any manager.

    What’s more he’s available, so no compensation…

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I’m kind of on the fence where Coyle is concerned. I’m really not sure about him. He did a fantastic job at Burnley, but came a right cropper at both Bolton and Wigan. Some managers are a perfect fit for one club, for example, Eddie Howe with Bournemouth, but have little success with other clubs.

      The one trait he shares with Lee Clark though, is that he thinks he’s never wrong. I think that’s what the fans at Bolton disliked about him. It’s a case of comme ci, comme ça, but, I can’t say a definite NO to Coyle.

  • Hullblue says:

    I count 12 names in this list wanted by posters……………. perm any one and go to the betting shop ?

  • Adam True Blue says:

    Not a big fan of OC myself but Mark I am with you, I wouldn’t say no to MM.

  • Adam True Blue says:

    Sky Bet showing Phelan’s odds at 1/1 now.

  • bluenose58 says:

    David Moyes if you can tempt him. If not then Gary Rowett. The rest on the supposed list don’t inspire at all.

  • richard di says:

    Yeah worried about blackburns strikers.
    Its a game to set up on the break.
    Are people missing that pescisolido was near dan on saturday?
    Phelan blake johnson davies rowett pesci are ok for me
    Def not mcdermott hughton mcleish clarke coyle or anyone who has been sacked recently prem or championship

  • richard di says:

    What odds on pesci?

  • richard di says:

    Karren brady?

  • Adam True Blue says:

    PP (pesci) showing at 20:1 but do we really need another pp?

  • StaffsBlue says:

    With this board and their complete lack of football knowledge, it could just as easily be someone from out of left field (a la Leeds and Hockaday.) I certainly don’t think it will be anyone inspiring. That just doesn’t fit in with the ethos of BIHL.

  • dave mann says:

    ime getting a lot of feed back on mike phelan and with his track record at man u under sir alex ime beginning to take a likeing to what this man could do as the main manager…..bring it on I say….but that’s about the forth time ive changed my mind so what the heck. KRO.

    • Chris W says:

      My only concern Dave is he was only a number 2 and a good spokesman for SAF, now if he could drag SAF away from his golf, that would be a real coup…
      Welcome back from your holibops, hope you are well refreshed because I feel the season just got longer and harder…

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I have the same feeling about Phelan. As a coach, he might have a track record, but as a manager… zilch. I think he’s one of the biggest risks of all the listed candidates, for that reason alone.

        • BhamCityJulian says:

          These players need a very good coach more than a good manager. Let’s get our priorities right.

          ps BIH will think the Man Utd connection good for the share price

      • dave mann says:

        I might need another one chris at this rate but I said earlier its going to be a long cold winter so lets bed in and see what gets thrown at us. KRO.

  • Adam True Blue says:

    You would think something would have rubbed off from Sir Alex, but now I am remembering Keanes attempts. Just hope something happens soon so that we can build for the future!

  • TracyKRO says:

    I just want someone who knows the championship and plays players in right position.
    Who ever it is I will give them a chance because at the end of day, they not his TEAM.
    We ALL need to get behind the NEW manager and TEAM even if its not your choice.
    On a different note I hope the players who have not played these season gets a look in, like Packwood, Hancox. Shea, Lee, Johnson

    • Oldbluenose says:

      It will be good to see how all our players will react with a different manager,?.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I think that’s what we’re all waiting to see. Will it vindicate the theory that it was all down to Clark’s selections/tactics…. or will it be a case of same old same old? Crosby has free reign for tonight… let’s see what he does with it.

        • Oldbluenose says:

          Staffs;, That, /////, Is my point exactly, We know these players are bottom end of the food-chain, but if anyone else can apply the tactics nous and proper direction from them ?.
          It has long been on my mind that if only someone else could apply himself differently upon them, possibly we could still be comfortably mid-table until this bloody board have gone,

  • Goodie says:

    Does anyone think McCarthy would leave Ipswich for blues he can work without money

    • StaffsBlue says:

      It’s highly unlikely. Mick has got a nice cushy job there and, he’s now seeing all his hard work come to fruition. Ipswich will be there or thereabouts this season methinks. Why would he want to walk away from that… for this?

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Just read Crosby’s match preview. Asked about our profligacy in front of goal, he said..

    “When you get the chances that we’ve had, you have to take them. That’s not bad luck, that’s bad finishing. That goes across the board. It’s not just forwards that miss chances. There is a responsibility there to have a bit more composure when we get in and around the box and can we try and finish better than we have?”

    Let’s hope they’ve been practicing their calobs off these last 2 days.

    • mark says:

      providing we dont let any goals in early staffs, and take our chances if not Blackburn score early its good night Vienna ………..coming back to gray i am of the opinion gray will be gone in January……and possibly koby if he also keep plugging away in the first team…….

    • Chris W says:

      Well at least he has hit the nail on the head, players fault.
      Saturday we had 15 shots, 5 on target and 4 of those were from Gray and one from Cotterill, so what were the strikers doing?
      Set pieces are so predictable and woeful.
      Negative movement on throw-ins, schoolboy football, toss it in hope down the line.
      Football isn’t rocket science, all about creating space and movement, preferably with a ball.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        First thing we need to do, is stop the hoofball… starting with the goalkeeper. It gives the striker(s) no chance. The ball just keeps pinging right back, so what’s the point? Get it to the full backs/centre backs and let a midfielder make himself available for the pass. That way, our attacks will start the right way… and give the strikers and wide men the chance to go at teams, instead of always playing with their backs to the opposition goal.

      • Shirley Blue says:

        They are not good enough to do that and we would concede even more goals than we already do.
        What do you think the opposition would do if we tried that all the time.

  • neil says:


    20:01 02309 BIRMINGHAM INTL Announcements and Notices – [Unusual Price/Turnover Movements – Standard or Super]


    • blue says:

      (Stock code: 2309)
      This announcement is made by Birmingham International Holdings Limited (the Company) at the request of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Stock Exchange) and pursuant to Rule
      13.10 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the Listing Rules)
      and the Inside Information Provisions under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance,
      Chapter 571 of the laws of Hong Kong (the SFO).

      The board of directors (the Board) of the Company has noted the increase in the price and trading
      volume of the shares of the Company (the Shares) today. Having made such enquiry with respect
      to the Company as is reasonable in the circumstances, the Board confirms that it is not aware of any
      reasons for such increase or of any information which must be announced to avoid a false market in
      the Shares or of any inside information that needs to be disclosed under Part XIVA of the SFO. The
      Board collectively and individually accepts responsibility for the accuracy of this announcement.
      By Order of the Board
      Ma Shui Cheong
      Executive Director

      Hong Kong, 21 October 2014
      As at the date hereof, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Cheung Shing, Mr. Peter
      Pannu, Mr. Ma Shui Cheong, Mr. Chan Shun Wah, Mr. Cheung Kwai Nang, Mr. Chen Liang and
      Mr. Panagiotis Pavlakis and the independent non-executive directors are Mr. Wong Ka Chun,
      Carson, Mr. Gao Shi Kui, Mr. Liu Enxue and Mr. Li Hangou

  • dave mann says:

    lets hope so because they’ve not only been missing chances they’ve been missing barn doors and corner flags also so lets hope it all comes good tonight and we win 5-0 and were all be wondering what the fuss is about and saying Lee who ?…KRO.

    • mark says:

      van gaal one point better off than moyes was same time last year, and supposedly spent more money…if we wait a bit longer he might become available by Christmas….
      its suddenly become rose y outside…….

  • neil says:

    They sack clark share prices rise

  • dave mann says:

    sorry to put a spanner in the works but I don’t rate and don’t want david moyes as manager….reason…..he done a very average job at everton for 10 years, winning nothing and keeping a very good squad in the higher reaches of a division that they’ve always been in and what was expected by everyone at everton, he was totally out of his depth at man utd and as NEVER won a major trophy or had the charisma or personality that inspires me to have any faith in him what so ever…would cost to much and would not deliver for us on the field in my opinion..
    a total waste of money….ide rather have Lee back than employ that looser….that’s it ive said my peace. KRO.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      It’s a fair assessment dave. Although, he did a decent job at Preston in this division, he again, won nothing. But that goes for 21 managers every year.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I see that prat David Harewood has got a few more column inches in the BM. A few months ago, he wanted David Moyes to take over… now it’s effing Gandolph. Some people should just keep their gobs shut. BM desperate for a (non) story again. How about getting off their ar$es and going to the ground/training ground and interviewing a few people, get their perspective on things. I’m sure they could find a ‘source’ from somewhere.

  • dave mann says:

    I see jasper was pushing for moyes also…find that very strange, but everyone to there own and were all support whoever takes over and get behind him even though hes gonna have a lot of pressure on and off the field from over expectant fans and idiotic owners so I wish him the best of luck…hes gonna need it. KRO.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I’ll be surprised if it’s too much different to this tonight.


    Caddis Edgar Hall Grounds

    Cotterill Davis Gleeson Reilly Gray

    Novak (because he holds the ball up better)

    • Chris W says:

      Not much wrong with that, but…. :-)

      Is Davis fit if not I would push Edgar there and bring in either Packwood or Hancox.
      I am not a big fan of Gleeson so would go 4-4-1-1 with Arthur playing deeper behind Novak, and would consider using Johnstone as a second half sub.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        That’s not the side I’d pick personally Chris, but I think it could be close to what we might see tonight. The caretakers have already said that they don’t intend to change much. Like you, I’d push Edgar forward with Davis and Reilly, closing up our soft underbelly. I’d also play Hall and Grounds together, bringing in Hancox.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    BIHL share price up 41% at the close today. Is it a coincidence this comes a day after Clark’s dismissal or is it a price adjustment after recent falls?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I know absolutely nothing about shares etc, but would sacking the manager have that much effect on share prices? If, say, Paul Ince was named manager tomorrow, would there be a similar % drop? Serious question, as I said, I know nowt about it.

      • Art says:

        Many factors (mainly financial) affect the share price of a company but key personal employed by the company is also a key factor.

        If the CEO of a successful UK company was to suddenly resign you would expect the share price to fall-conversely if a poor CEO was fired and was going to be replaced by a someone with a better performance record you would expect the share price to gain value.Its mainly about the city having confidence in the management team and the business plan to deliver the profits.Hence the reason why BIH shares have lost 60% of its value.

  • Geoff S says:

    At 16:30 the “Oddschecker” website shows Phelan’s odds drifting a little while Rowett now seems slight favourite with a number of bookies.

  • Blooflame says:

    Rejoice! Rejoice!

  • david says:

    Karl Robinson it is then

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Looks like it’s going to be Karl Robinson the MK Dons manager according to Sky Sports News.

  • Swedish Bluenose says:

    I have nothing against Karl Robinson or Gary Rowett, but would it be so smart – considering the position we are in at the moment – to replace a young, ambitious manager without Championship experience, like Lee Clark, with another young guy without that same experience? And, as so many pointed out, the club has to pay compensation to Dons or Burton.
    Of course, their salary demands are lower than the likes of Tony Pulis, Owen Coyle and Brian McDermott, but they have at least showed what they can do in the Championship.
    If Richard Beale can be successful tonight, he could perhaps “do a Tim Sherwood” and stay the season out, who knows?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      If we’re going with an untried manager at this level… we might as well stick with Beale for me. At least he knows the club inside out… and more importantly, the players, what they’re capable of and what they’re not.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Karl Robinson is only 34 and is still at the start of his managerial career. This as well as the compensation needed makes him unsuitable for the job.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Oh bugger… Robbo’s in. Expect a few goals against. :(

  • StaffsBlue says:

    OMG! Just looked at the rest of the team. :-O The weakest midfield I can remember. This ain’t gonna be pretty.

    • Geoff S says:

      The “Top 9” rubbish in the “Mail” about candidates for Blues’ managerial position just goes to show the contempt this loathsome rag has for BCFC.

      It is not a joke and would that slavishly pro-Villa gutter sheet do the same if that lot up the road were looking for a new gaffer?

      • Shirley Blue says:

        Pathetic isn’t it? The Sports section of the Mail used to be a good, informative read but has gone rapidly downhill in recent years. These days you shouldn’t go near it unless you have an IQ in the single digits. Must be why it’s popular with Villa fans as you mention then.

    • Art says:

      Don’t ask me why but I fancy a draw!

      • Chris W says:

        Well so much for picking their own team, if anything with both Gleeson and Eardley along with caddis Midfield it is probably a worse selection than even LC could conjure up.
        On the Karl Robinson front Talk sport claim Blues have been denied talks.
        I just wonder about BIHL, are they as broke as we are led to believe, or are they going to go into debt knowing they won’ have to pay it off.

  • Tony says:

    Looking at that team they are going to need a hell of a lot of inspiring to get anything out of the game, I’m sure Beale does not have the qualities needed.
    The midfield is lightweight, cant see much hope but can but hope I guess.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Usual problem of missing chances. Usual suspects.

    • Chris W says:

      A brave effort, considering the line up and the weakness of the midfield we didn’t get over run, another positive is Robbo not getting a booking, shucks, that means he is available for Saturday.
      Another game created plenty of chances (18 shots and only 5 on target).
      Forwards just not good enough, time for Johnstone to show what he can do I reckon.

      • mark says:

        Why don’t see if our caretaker at our ground any good, maybe give Doyle a chance he fancy himself…this is where we are……no one else to blame……..tinkering with the team???what about continuity ……all the things thrown at clark tenure!!

        • Chris W says:

          The thing is Mark, if you are going to demand higher wages you have to produce the goods, Donaldson has had a decent run but only come up with 2 goals, he isn’t even assisting in goals.
          I agree LC was slated for tinkering, but he still persisted with Thomas and Donaldson as strikers, I’m surprised trading standards haven’t investigated the pair of them, because strikers the ain’t.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            IMO, one of the problems with Donaldson, is that he’s too laid back. He saunters around and is never alert to chances that come his way. If you’re a striker, you should be on your toes and expect every ball to come to you and be prepared for it… even if it doesn’t arrive. He basically needs to wake up.

    • mark says:

      Well at least clark was vincated from this loss, they be on later bloody ref should have been a penalty lol
      If I was Clark don’t feel down he who laffs first laffs last wish you all the best for future……thanks again for saving our ar£es……kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    It’s time to drop Donaldson to the stiffs for a while. 12 games, 2 goals. He just hasn’t got a goal in him atm. Make the choice between Thomas, Novak and Johnstone.

    Eardley has hardly played.. and when he does, he doesn’t last long. If Hall isn’t going to play, why put him in the squad? Right back is a major problem… and the same up front.

    But, I suppose 1-0 is a respectable result under the circumstances.

    • Chris W says:

      Another plus, none of the teams around us got away, apart from Fulham drawing we are still in the same places.
      Have to agree, Donaldson just hasn’t got it, amazed he came with such a prolific record and demanded more than £5k pw. Seen better strikers in the local park.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Donaldson’s scored some cracking goals over the years, but, maybe it’s a step up too far for him. Or maybe it’s just a confidence thing. Either way, he needs to play himself back into some sort of form.. and we can’t afford for him to do that in the first team. It’s costing us games. Thomas looked more dangerous in his short time on the pitch again. I don’t believe he can play up front on his own, any more than Donaldson, but in a two, he’s useful. Try him with Novak or Johnstone.

        • Chris W says:

          Maybe, Green stepped up two divisions and was scoring goals before his injury, can’t wait to see him back.
          Maybe Novak is the difference, can’f fault his work rate and certainly knows how to hold the ball up.
          From what I have seen Johnstone could get a few goals given a decent shout.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            This is my point with Novak. His workrate beats anyone else hands down, he can hold the ball up better than anyone else and he’ll play anywhere you put him and put the same effort in. He’s not the best player in the world, but he was our leading goalscorer last season… from the left wing and I believe he would have done ok this season if injury hadn’t done for him.

          • Chris W says:

            Wonder if it is worth giving him a punt at out-and-out striker with someone like Arthur or Johnstone just behind him.
            It took Novak some time to settle but when he did the goals came, hopefully the same will happen with Donaldson, with most strikers it is a confidence thing and Donaldson’s seems shot.
            We are in the unfortunate position that we need players to hit the ground running, if he had LC would still be with us and we would be at the other end of the table.

          • mark says:

            sorry chris point to staffs we simply are not getting any lucky breaks, rub of the green that ever anyone wants to care to call it…..
            and i am afraid to say except for the wigan game this has been thought-out the 12 games,individual errors which i have personally lost count, yet i was lamblasted when i put the blame firmly at the players door , constant scorn laid at clark door, and yet again no clark today, and the players failed to secure a possible draw, even with that amount of shots certainly someone upstairs definately does like us…………hey staffs

          • Chris W says:

            Not arguing that only Wigan have turned us over, I too have blamed players, but the manager has been picking the same players who have constantly made mistakes or underperformed.
            Randolph has been one of the biggest culprits yet has been ever present in the league until last night.
            Robbo is not and never will be a centre back, yet he is put there, too short and too slow, he is also a liability, surprisingly he never got booked last night.
            If you constantly put square pegs into round holes you will always be dis-jointed.
            Sometimes you have to make your own luck too.
            With the midfield we put out last night I think it is a credit that we only conceded one goal, we certainly had chances and even hit the bar.
            Hopefully after having a week to work with them the caretakers can stamp their own trait into the team, there is no pressure on them apart from personal pride and satisfaction, it is up to the players to put themselves in the shop window for any potential new manager.
            If rumours are true we could see the new man in the stands Saturday.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Yes, there have been many defensive errors so far this season (accounting for most of our goals against) but, apart from Wigan (4-0) No team has taken us apart. We’ve been in every other game until the final whistle. The single biggest reason we’re not picking up the points we deserve, is the fact that we can’t score goals.

            We’ve scored just 12 goals in 13 games @1.08 per game. (Only 3 times have we scored more than 1 goal in a game… and we’ve only won 1 of those 3 games.) We’ve conceded 20 goals in those 13 games @1.53 goals per game. Just 1 extra goal in most of those games and we could be 11 or 12 points better off by now. The margins are so fine. Solve our goalscoring problem and we’ll climb the table.

          • Chris W says:

            Not a good goal/game ratio at either end, it was our defensive record early in the season that kept us up last term.
            For me it would be a case of back to basics and use the players from last season, Packwood and Hancox with Hall and Grounds, we need to clear the ball by playing it down the line as we did with Caddis and Burke, this is not happening with Cotterill, he is coming too deep to chase the ball.
            Just my view on how I see it.

  • mark says:

    Been saying it for a while now we do lack quality, Rhodes nearly had a field day.. ……how any one expected these players to became a unit within 12 games is absolute joke..IMO..18 teams in this division are better than us, of those 18 nearly all have been in the premiership……at sometime or other…..we are small fry…..

  • mark says:

    A extremely heavy cold saw me not going but a big well done the 400 which did….kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    There are players who, after a dozen games, just don’t look up to this division. They should be taken out of the firing line and kept as back up only, until January. Keeping these players in the team will just continue to hold us back. We’ll never progress with them.

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Good job we have got all those much better quality players to come in instead then isn’t it.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Sarcasm. Well done.

        • Shirley Blue says:

          We have got what we have got which is virtually no championship quality whatsoever. The likes of Novak, Lee and Packwood are not going to make any difference. Was it really wise to go and get virtually a whole new team of players in the summer who were no better than what we already had rather than get four or five better ones on higher wages to improve the quality of the squad.

          • mark says:

            It abode well for the future as we are possibly getting a league 1 manager or lower , should be alright if it all goes to plan we be ready for the drop…….maybe they forgot to put a clause in clarks contract pay him off now while they got some money before it’s too late…..obviously a conspiracy theory…..

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Surely (or should that be Shirley) there are players you would have played instead of others tonight?

            I agree with Lee and Packwood, but there are others that have hardly had a look in this season. Doyle (deserves a run,) Hancox (remember him?) Hall, Duffy (when fit again,) Thomas, Novak, Johnstone, Green (when he’s fit.) They might not be world beaters, but they can shake things up a bit… put those that have been ‘undroppables’ under a bit of pressure for their places. Stop things getting stagnant. Do you not agree?

  • Eddie says:

    SkySports are reporting Rowett has been given permission to talk, and Phelan has dropped down the betting odds to third favourite

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Not a very auspicious start by the club to ask for permission to speak to a manager (Robinson) without making sure he was interested. If this continues we will become more of a laughing stock than we already are.

  • tttpaule says:

    Shirleyblue is correct Clark should never have brought near enough a full squad of lower league players, problem is you may get one or two players to step up to the task but who are the experienced players they are learning from? I don’t think we could afford to keep any of last seasons players because of finances & can’t attract decent championship players for the same reason we can’t pay them a realistic wage for the division,even Donaldson wanted more than the 5k cap & he ain’t pulling up any trees with his two goal contribution so far. I think our only hope is BIHL employing a experienced manager to keep us in this division but wouldn’t hold my breath. Until these Muppets from BIHL have gone we will struggle and our fanbase will decline even more.

    • Shirley Blue says:

      I don’t think this squad is good enough to stay up as it is whoever comes in. Whoever it is needs to offload, in the transfer window, some of the rubbish Clark got in to use the wages to get in at least three genuine Championship class players right up the spine of the team – centre back, centre midfield and a centre forward.

  • blue lizard says:

    It is blindingly obvious that whoever comes in is going to have little or no money with that in mind an experienced manager at this level is needed, someone with connections to cadge a couple of decent loan players ..like it or not what we have is not good enough although this time around they are ours..also someone who will add a bit of passion and discipline and throw some crockery if it’s needed! I think a few of our current squad would be ducking for cover!!

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Personally, although the squad isn’t anywhere near as strong as most clubs, I think we have enough decent players to, at least, hold our own in this division. It feel it could all change with fresh ideas on the training ground. Little tweaks here and there to iron out players’ faults and weakness. The coaches we’ve got/had obviously aren’t good enough to do that. I really don’t think we’re as far off as some people make out.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    The BM talking about Blues asking permission to speak to Gary Rowett:

    ‘The move – which is expected to be granted – is one of several by Blues chiefs, who have put together a football panel to identify the right man to replace Lee Clark as manager. The panel is made up of two members of club staff and two independent advisers with a football background/expertise.

    Blues executive director Panos Pavlakis will oversee matters.’

    Wonder who the 2 members of staff are: The kit man and the tea lady? Joking. Probably Crosby and Beale.

    The 2 independant advisors: Peter Pannu and Steve McManaman? Again, joking. I wonder if Sir Trev is one.

    • Chris W says:

      Must have read my suggestion on OP, joking.
      He seems to be going about this in the right manner though, has to be positive.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        If I knew who the two members of staff and two independent advisers were, I might have a bit more confidence in them choosing the right man for the job.

        • Chris W says:

          It does give the impression that he is not doing this on his own as PP1, so for me he has taken positive action and, though having the final say, is getting advice and structure.
          I should imagine one would be from the legal or finance department, the other would be the secretary, as they have to sign all the relevant paperwork.
          As for the independent advisers I couldn’t even begin to guess at, I’d like to think TF would be one, just hope Frank Worthington isn’t after his inebriated escapade on the pitch recently.
          Not a lot of noise coming from the press office or BM.

  • mark says:

    my feeling is we need a strong minded person installed at the stans, but that’s not going to happen….
    Rowetts love for the club is not going to help much, he must think long and hard about his move from burton they have a real possibility of promotion( why give that opportunity up!)….. the expectation of a miracle worker might be too much……saying that if he got big bOLLOX AND THINKs he it worth a punt, i would gladly back any manager (even OC) the chance to see if they can do better job than what Clark had to deal with…………

  • blue lizard says:

    Sorry Rowett not for me.He is untried at this level,and I don’t want to see Burton players being bought in to an already lower league team(which is now what we have with the exception of a couple of promising youngsters) A young manager is ok if you are not deep in the doo doo and need dragging out sooner rather than later..at least Clark has gone the right side of Christmas so a decent experienced manager can make changes to players and tactics(remember those?)..

    • mark says:

      so a decent experienced manager can make changes to players and tactics(remember those?)…..
      Where are those experience decent managers??……affordable?? so clark gone = decent experience manager………..laughable…..you might not want Rowett but he could still be coming….
      By the way why DONT you email Sir AF see if he come for free now he retired…jeeeeeeeeeez
      if he got two strikers that can score more than what we got whats your problem?

  • The Timms says:

    No to Rowett – Blues legend yes but he’s manager of Burton. Surely we can aim higher than that? Although reports are saying the MK Dons manager was approached, so clearly not!

    No to Houghton – I don’t think he was that good a manager. He had a good team on a high being in Europe. He once played 4 wingers in a 4 4 2 midfield at home which is unacceptable. We lost that game.

    I’d welcome Big Eck back with open arms.

  • blue lizard says:

    Brian McDermott

  • StaffsBlue says:

    There aren’t many out of work managers that float my boat tbh. I would think that most managers in the Championship are out of our price range. That leaves the bottom 2 divisions. So all in all, we don’t have a massive choice anyway.

    McDermott, other that one great season at Reading, not done a lot. McLeish, would possibly get results, but it wouldn’t be much fun… and there’s no saying he can do it with the level of player we have now. I don’t really think it will be Rowett… which leaves Phelan or Coyle. How will I control my excitement?

    • mark says:

      it was lead to believe that OC WAS in the stands at blackburn , also he lives there methinks…

      not going to be much left if rowetts throws the trowel in, if it was to be believed that clark was possibly on 300k surely rowetts be half that?/ as the saying goes they love making a saving lol

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Coyle has managed Burnley, Bolton and Wigan, so it stands to reason he probably still lives in that general area. If he does take over us, he could buy a house in Solihull maybe…… at least it’ll be handy for when he buggers off to the Vile. :-D

        • bluenoserob says:

          Do you think we could afford Coyle staffs ?

          • StaffsBlue says:

            To be honest Rob, can he afford to be choosy? He’s been out of work since last year… and it will only get longer if he refuses jobs. I’ve no idea how contracts work, but , couldn’t any manager have it written into his contract, that his salary would be reviewed upon the club being sold?

  • Dave says:

    Coyle was great once, then he lost it and never got it back. Phelan must have learnt something during his time, so he seems the only real option.

  • dave mann says:

    youve said it already staffs that the new man is not going to be someone who will blow us away with exitement at the stature of the name but i must admit that when i got home from work yesterday and saw that we had asked mk dons if we could talk to karl robinson i was a little exited purely because ive been telling my son over the last two years that if clark went i would like him to take over but a lot of fans say that hes got no experience at this level and you are nor gonna find out unless you give them a chance but thats a dead dodo anyway so it looks like gary rowett and again hes got no experience at this level but we are not gonna know unless we give him ago and at the end of the day theres not a lot to loose at present except championship status and at the momment thats where were heading anyway so i say WHY NOT!!! KRO.

    • Chris W says:

      We have got lower league players and at the moment we are probably looking at Division one next season which could see the end of BIHL.
      They are not going to sell because they want Premiership money for a club they have stripped bare, the only other way to get rid is for administration, and that would see us take a 10 point deduction which would definitely see us relegated.
      As I see it, whoever comes in needs to stamp their own brand on the club and players, they need to stabilise the club, bring back the supporters by playing decent football and showing some fight.
      I would defy Mourinho to keep us up with the players we have, but he could get us playing decent football.
      If we stay up whoever will be a hero, if we go down whoever will be exonerated because of LC’s legacy.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I must be getting old, but there aren’t too many managers that would cause even a ripple of excitement for me. Championship: Holloway, McCarthy. League 1: Cotterill, Clough, Cook. League 2: No one really. John Still at a stretch.

    As you said dave, I’m not expecting to be too impressed. In fact I’m bored with it already.

  • Goodie says:

    Looks like it’s gonna be rowett could be a good choice if we could get t.f to help guide him but am I dreaming ?

    • StaffsBlue says:

      He’ll want to bring Kevin Summerfield with him I would expect. Whether he’ll be allowed anyone else, I’m not sure.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Been on the Burton boards and they seem resigned to it.

        • Oldbluenose says:

          Staffs;, It would seem as though Rowett, has been given permission to hold talks with us,?.
          He does NOT have a contract with Burton, — So would cost nothing in compensation, !!.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Burton fans seem to think he may have a gentleman’s agreement with the chairman that if a certain club comes along……. That may be why he turned down Blackpool.

        • Tony says:

          Staffs looking at Burtons goals against column not too impressed, I know you like an open game but for me it starts at the back.
          Prefer a 1-0 win to a 4-3.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Absolutely agree. All the best teams are sorted at the back first. The rest of the team is built on that. That’s why I’d prefer someone like Mad Mick. He’d sort them out.

  • The Flying Pig says:

    If we want to make a safe appointment, then surely we have to go for a manager who is experienced at this level and who can organise the individuals we already have in order to get the best out of them. The sum of all the parts and all that…
    If that is the case then it has to be: Megson, Davies, Mowbray, McDermott or Coyle; but that is not particularly attractive to me as a supporter (if pushed, I’d prefer Mowbray from that bunch).
    Although it carries more risk, I’d much rather go with someone with an affinity for the club, with a bit of experience of managing – so either Cooper or Rowett. I’m not sure which of those is the better, but I’d be happy with either.
    Also, if Dean Smith gets the sack at Walsall, go and get Richard O’Kelly as the coach.

    Whoever gets the job, let’s just hope that they have a clear vision of how they want to play with a Plan A and a Plan B, but not much more as footballers are simple souls who do not want things to be complicated. Playing players in the right positions might help – cue response from Mark.

  • Goodie says:

    I think rowett could be ok as long as he’s allowed to choose who he wants with him if it’s summerfield then we get two bluenoses . Rowett could surely get the best out of we got something LC could not do due to his constant tinkering. If you look at burton he used basically the same first 13 to 14 players.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    We need a coach who can improve the players from what they are now. Clark made them better players than they were last season at their previous clubs… but I think he hit a wall. Now we need someone for the next stage. Not sure a newbie would be that useful to us atm tbh. Experience of a relegation battle isn’t essential, but would help.

    • Shirley Blue says:

      Who did Clark make better?

      • StaffsBlue says:

        As the season has gone on, I’ve seen improvements in Grounds, Edgar, Thomas, Cotterill, Hall and Davis. They’re not the best players in the division by a long way, but I’ve seen improvements in them from where they were at the start of the season. Add to that, Brown, Gray and Arthur have come on a lot since last season. If you can’t see any improvements, you’re watching different games to me.

        • mark says:

          pays him not to take his rose tinted glasses down the stans ;)

        • Shirley Blue says:

          Yes I must be. Thomas can’t get a start. Hall has been injured or left out for most of the season. God knows where Brown is so not sure how you can determine he has improved. Edgar was better at the start of the season without any doubt. Davis can’t get through a whole game. Gray and Arthur will naturally get better with experience and games. Absolutely nothing to do with Clark.

  • Tony says:

    If we cant get Pullis then I would go for either Megson or Coyle, has to be someone with a bit of experience who is not afraid to kick some Ass.
    In my opinion Clark let discipline slide we need someone to bring things into line, not ask the players what they would do in his circumstances

    • Shirley Blue says:

      I am ok with Rowett as an assistant manager but it is hugely risky if he is going to be the main man. We need someone with gravitas, charisma and experience. Someone these players can believe in straight away and give them confidence. That has what has been sadly lacking over the last couple of years. Who that is I havnt got the faintest idea.

  • Tony says:

    Mad Micks eyes would sort them out, let alone anything else.

  • Goodie says:

    Staff you talk a lot of sense I see where your coming from I just don’t think the experienced manager would come to us and work with both his hands and legs tied behind his back

  • paulo_bcfc says:

    Aside from the obvious ‘preverbial’ storm that points to where we are – on a competitive basis, I wonder how Panos made the decision to sack Clark, knowing how much of an ‘elephant in the room’ Pannu has been? Or is it as simple as it seems? If Panos has some clout, then maybe he should be a bit more visual and audible with it.

  • Royalblue says:

    I really don’t get the Phelan thing.
    So he was assistant at Man U, so what? You get to his age and you’ve never been a manager you either don’t want to be or know that you can’t do it.
    Why should we want him?

    • Richard Granfield says:

      Royal blue……….As you say he was Assistant Manager at Man U for 5 years, assisting arguably the best and most successful manager Britain has ever known. He learnt at the masters feet.
      A better apprentiship for becoming a manager is unimaginable.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Clough and Taylor developed 2 of the best teams around in the 60s and 70s. It was said that Taylor did most of the coaching… but when he went on his own and took over at Brighton, he didn’t pull up any trees. Probably the best, were the Liverpool guys, Bob Paisley and Joe Fagan. Whether anyone will take a chance on Phelan, I don’t know.

    • Royalblue says:

      It just amazes me that some people think that just because he worked under ferguson, he is qualified to manage a championship club with ,let’s be honest average players.
      Didn’t see too many clambering for him when moyes kicked him out.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        This is my opinion too. Although he’s worked with the best…. has he worked with average players? League 1 freebies and Bosmans? Is it a risk we can afford to take?

  • Darren Brown says:

    Football is all about contacts and who you know ! So what we need is either Steve Clarke who has served Chelsea,West Ham,Liverpool & West Brom or Phelen who has been at Man Utd,Man City.
    What we need to do is pick off the young and experienced players and gel them into a team as Steve Bruce did in his Blues days reference Larson,Upson and Bentner.
    If Steve Clarke was chosen I would have a front man doing his interviews as he’s rough edges communicating with the media.
    This would be my way forward and I would like to wish Lee Clarke all the best for his honest efforts.

    • Royalblue says:

      So you want a team of loans again?
      If I remember right the arsenal loan connection was Brady, so nothing to with the manager.
      I don’t like Steve Clark but at least he has done the job with some respect.
      I will echo your sentiments on Lee Clarke.

      • Darren Brown says:

        Loans !
        I want a team of talent which should be played and used to there strengths ! The best Blues defence was from Fulham and Swansea last season strong , tall and quick !
        It’s not rocket science that the best players normally make the best teams !
        I’ve a friend who coaches at Liverpool and in his words Steve Clarke was the reason Liverpool did so well when he was there.
        Please look at Derby and what they’re doing and have done with loans I.e Wisdom and Ide.
        My view on staying up last season was the use of sub of Ide and Danns missing a sitter on purpose CV7blue

        • Royalblue says:

          The same defence that was ripped away from us by the parent club at a momentds notice?

          • Darren Brown says:

            Very true but this contributed to us staying up and beggers can’t be choosers !
            Blues cannot afford fees and big wages and if we as we’ve done sign all lower league players that’s the place we’ll be.
            All we all want is a rocking St Andrews and team to be associated to with flair and talent to entertain us !!!!!

          • StaffsBlue says:

            That has always rankled with me. Why Bartley and Burn couldn’t have stayed here is beyond me. It’s not as though they were regulars in the Prem after they left us. Burn is getting a few games now, but haven’t heard of Bartley since. Is he still at Swansea?

          • mark says:

            hi Mr Brown you be lucky to see that again for a long while imo…..what you see now is what you get….whether the new manager get any leeway i doubt it…..this why some of the managers looking in wont bother. They have exactly the same tool as clark did, it come down to whether they can further the players any further than what clark could… with regarding to talent our very own talent will be continued to be on display…….i bet you are getting the message right now………you never know burton might have a decent striker we can poach…….

  • StaffsBlue says:

    We basically need someone with a bit of experience. Someone who won’t panic when things get a bit iffy. Rowett has had it mostly good since he’s been a manager, but what would he be like when things aren’t going right? Could he hack it at this level when things aren’t tickety boo?

    • mark says:

      and this lot on here get on his back maybe after couple of heavy defeats it amazing how love can turned to hate lol hey staffs

      • Royalblue says:

        Look at the job Kenny Jacket is doing at Wolves!
        That’s what we need, not Phelan.

        • mark says:

          yes the yam yam manager got a excellent record 56% win percent 65g 37w 18d 10L cannot be sniffed at….when we go to wolves that’s one match i think we could get a hiding…..

          • Royalblue says:

            Yes could be an uncomfortable afternoon.!
            Still going though.

          • mark says:

            of course royalblue still some tickets left not quite sure of the numbers going, but my mate quoted 3,500 allocation for blues….. not sure if he right though…..kro

          • StaffsBlue says:

            David Davis will be well up for that. He’s got a point to prove. Hopefully, a new manager will be in situ and will have us a bit more organised. I have a feeling that it won’t be the stroll people are expecting.

            Tbh, I’m surprised at the type of football Jackett is playing at Wolves. At Watford and Millwall, he was a long ball merchant. Can’t knock him this past season and a bit though.

          • mark says:

            absolute right staffs his win percentages with those team was a lot less around 42% or 40%

          • mark says:

            wolves game sold out 2,500 which not bad, my mate nearly thousand over. Should be a wall of sound at their ground….

  • mark says:

    gathered tottenham have joined in with their interest in gray, obviously Liverpool have the first option
    Valuation speculated is around 2mil…….just maybe clark was told that gray will be on his bike in January….sorry to say other starlet will be seeking pastures new if a price war develops in January, and providing gray continues his good progress, which i might add was clark that gave him the platform to do so imo……

  • Darren Brown says:

    Way forward !
    Steve Bruce has cherry picked players that have bags of talent but don’t fit in to there current teams plans !
    We need to look at this on a lower scale but it definetly can be done.
    Lots of clubs have massive squads with players not playing.
    CV blue

  • Richard Granfield says:

    What I don’t understand is why a man (Phelan) who was in the management team who’s club won the Premier League and Champions League cannot manage in the Championship.
    However a manager who has only managed in League 2 can!

    • mark says:

      Football League Third Division: 1981–82
      Norwich City
      Football League Second Division: 1985–86
      Manchester United
      Premier League: 1992–93
      FA Cup: 1989–90
      Football League Cup: 1991–92
      FA Community Shield: 1990 (shared)
      European Cup Winners Cup: 1990–91 cannot disagree with your comments Richard quite a roll call everyone deserves opportunity……..

  • mark says:

    won it three times out the fives years with SAF also did alot of donkey work as SAF was not favor with the BBC during that time………

  • blue says:

    if we cant get pulis or phelan to do the job,i think noel blake was a good shout.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    We need a coach who the players can respect and advice to make them better players and eradicate their weaknesses. They need to be able to organise a defence and give inspiration and confidence to strikers. Being the manager’s friend and confidante comes a poor second to these requirements. 

    To me this means that League 1 and below managers and coaches aren’t suitable. Are Rowett or Robinson going to inspire everyone? With respect, are our strikers really going to improve from Summerfield’s master classes?

    In our current circumstances we need a top-class coach more than a top-class manager so my choice would be Mike Phelan. 

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    Here’s my thoughts.

    We need a manager that can galvanise the supporters; that can inspire the players can get this on to the back pages; that can get bums on seats; that can improve the share price

    We need a coach who the players can respect and advice to make them better players and eradicate their weaknesses. They need to be able to organise a defence and give inspiration and confidence to strikers. Being the manager’s friend and confidante comes a poor second to these requirements. 

    To me this means that League 1 and below managers and coaches aren’t suitable. Are Rowett or Robinson going to inspire everyone? With respect, are our strikers really going to improve from Summerfield’s master classes?

    In our current circumstances we need a top-class coach more than a top-class manager so my choice would be Mike Phelan. 

    • Royalblue says:

      We have players of limited ability, so it’s about man management and motivation.
      You can build a good team out of average players if you know what to do.
      When has Phelan done that? By all accounts he is a good coach but that was with top players.
      His CV shows he has worked with a great manager, that is it.
      If he gets the job I will support him 100% but his appointment would be a mistake.

      • Chas says:

        But as far as I can see, most of our failings are down to lack of a cohesive Tactical plan, so a good Coach would rectify that, and an excellent Coach, which Phelan undoubtedly is, would certainly be able to improve matters.
        Saying that, I am not getting excited over any names, I have done my share of that in my time.

      • Richard Granfield says:

        Royal blue…….Which manager have you in mind who is a good man manager and motivator?
        How would you define good man manager?

        • Royalblue says:

          Simple really, a good manager gets his players to run through brick walls for him.
          A great example would be Mourinho.
          If you are asking me who I would like to come to the blues I would say Tony Pullis.
          I personally think Rowett will get the job and I’m ok with that because I think we are getting a calm,
          Calculated young manager who is on the way up.

          • Richard Granfield says:

            Royal blue…….You say Mourinho is a good man manager and I agree with you. But your logic is that Phelan you say is a top coach but only with top players. You would presumably reject Mourinho in the unlikely event he wanted to manage Blues for the same reason i.e he is a top coach but only with top players.

          • Royalblue says:

            Richard, I said by all accounts Phelan is a good coach, not a top coach.
            I am fairly sure that Mourinho could motivate a pub side.
            Of course the real point is that Mourinho is actually a proven Manager and not just a number 2
            There is a massive difference.

      • Richard Granfield says:

        Royal blue ….We will have to agree to disagree, but it’s Mike Phelan for me.

  • dave mann says:

    ive just applied to pavlakis for the managers job….waiting for a reply…..why not? ….this would be saturdays team.
    caddis edgar hall grounds
    cotterill davis rilley gray
    novak donaldson……….4-4-2 or 4-4-1-1….hang on me phones ringing!!! KRO.

  • TracyKRO says:

    Hope you get it Dave lol
    good selection for Saturday to

    • dave mann says:

      cheers Tracy, would have been randolph but for suspension so ime going with this team and that formation, if we dont win saturday i will resign on the sunday and let someone else have a go…thats fair enough i think………seriously though i hope we get someone in by saturday which means the next 48 hours so it gives the fans somethig to look forward to wnen going to a home game because as ive mentioned before i missed brighton and our 1-0 win because i was in italy so its 23 games and 12 months and counting since i saw blues win a league home game, thats just bloody ridiculous and totaly embarrasing so new manager and 3 points saturday and then i might cheer up a bit and enjoy the week end…..come on blues!!!RO.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I would give Doyle a run of at least 4 games. He’s not play much and it showed at the start of the Blackburn game. But, he got better as the game went on. He deserves his chance.

        I think the timescale for a new manager would be more like the Wolves game, than Bournemouth. Unless they’ve already decided on Rowett. Even then, I doubt he’d be in charge this weekend. I think Crosby and Beale will get another game before they have to step down.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    I think if it’s offered to GR it’ll be with no promises of bring over his coaching staff. PaPa will want GR to use RB and Jonno. If RB wants to go back to running the academy then that will free up a slot for an attacking coach but I don’t expect they’d want a better pedigree than Kevin Summerfield. Kevin Poole might be a better GK coach judging on Randolph’s display

    • Chris W says:

      Think Kevin Poole could do a better job than Randolph, if I remember he was cover for Ian Bennett in the late 90’s.
      I definitely think we need a new GK coach as John Vaughan is doing much to improve what we have, he might be better with the academy keepers, at least KP has played at all levels in the professional game.
      To be honest I think we need a clean sweep right through with the 1st team, let Richard go back to the academy and nurture the young lads.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I’m hoping that, by the end of the season at the latest, we’ll clear the decks as regards goalkeepers. I wouldn’t be keen to start another season with Randolph and Doyle. We have two highly regarded young keepers coming through, who wouldn’t cost us a penny. We have to give them a chance sometime and, you never know, they could be our keepers for some time to come.

        • Chris W says:

          From what I have seen on local news Nick Townsend looks a very competent and is well spoken of by the Lincoln supporters, could be the next JB or Dave Latchford (Youth Player come Good), I would like to see him given a go.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I wouldn’t be averse to Townsend and Trueman being our Numbers 1 and 2 next season. Would be nice if the likes of Hancox, Bell, Brown, Gray and Arthur established themselves as regulars too. Now wouldn’t that be something?

          • Chris W says:

            I’m beginning to drool just thinking about it.
            However, back to reality, I think it might be Div 1 unless the new man can work a miracle or BIHL win a lottery or two.
            Looking at the supposed runners I think Rowett will be the man, I just don’t think he has the experience to drag us up the league, footballers are a clique bunch and once they are set in their ways it is difficult to get them to change, one of LC’s problems I think.
            I hope I am wrong, but I’m a realist and try to look at how things are.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I totally disagree about relegation Chris. Most teams who go down are sh*t, playing sh*t football most of the season. We’re neither. Only one team in 13 games has really turned us over… and, but for some hideous shooting and even more hideous refereeing, we could be sitting comfortably in the top 10. That’s not the sign of a bad team, just an unlucky one. Take our chances when we’re on top and I’m certain we’ll see a more confident team. Also, we need to come out of the traps better at the start of the second half. That’s when we’re losing momentum.

          • Chris W says:

            Not saying we are a bad team Staffs, just can’t see how this current squad are going to change and BIHL are definitely not going to change their structure in the near future.
            Maybe I am being pessimistic rather than optimistic, fear the worse and anything above is a bonus.
            Just how I see things, I certainly hope I’m wrong and going by my predictions I invariably am.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    I think if it’s offered to GR it’ll be with no promises of bring over his coaching staff. PaPa will want GR to use RB and Jonno. If RB wants to go back to running the academy then that will free up a slot for an attacking coach but I expect they’d want a better pedigree than Kevin Summerfield. Kevin Poole might be a better GK coach judging on Randolph’s display

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Alan Thompson has left, which frees up the U21 spot again. I think Beale will revert back to his old job, leaving either Rowett or whoever is the new boss and his assistant to fill the management spots.

  • Casper says:

    As a bluenose from Burton I’m excited at the idea of setting Rowett on. He’s doing a marvelous job at the Brewers and while I’ll be sad to see him leave Burton when he inevitably gets tempted away by a bigger club, I’d be more than happy for Blues to give him a chance. Correct me if I’m wrong, I thought I read somewhere that no compensation would be payable to Brewers as well.

  • An Element says:

    We just need a Manager who can run the Club on budget! The shoe string is slighter than your average liquorice lace and he will need to stand firm against an incoming Board, should the Club be sold? Kro!

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