Often Partisan

Loan Windows

Tomorrow sees the end of the emergency loan window and it with it the last chance for Blues to sign any players – or to send any out on a temporary basis. Blues currently only have Robert Tesche, Lloyd Dyer and Rob Kiernan on loan at the club as opposed to the multitude of temporary transfers of last season. Will we bring anyone else in?

Although I think Rowett was looking at another player, I don’t think it will happen now. Blues are in a position where safety is almost certain, where there is virtually nothing to play for and thus it would beg the question of what would be the point in spending money. There is of course the option of loaning out players but I don’t think there are youngsters left who need to go out on loan and it would appear none of the fringe players who would be available – Mark Duffy and Neal Eardley as examples – are wanted by other clubs.

Last week, the FA fought for and won a reprieve to the ending of the emergency loan window next season, gaining another year’s grace from FIFA. The FA are adamant that lower league clubs need it as they can’t maintain large squads; equally FIFA are adamant it has to go eventually to protect the “integrity of the competition” which makes for a standoff and the need for a permanent solution that is equitable to both.

Birmingham City have made good usage of the loan window in past years – but I wonder in some ways if it is a good idea. There has been a lot of discussion about how smaller clubs can’t afford to run huge squads but I don’t think that’s the issue – I think the issue is the size of larger club teams and the amount of players they loan out. If large clubs hoover up players they think *might* have it, then how are smaller clubs supposed to hold on to them unless they offer ever increasing amounts of money – money that they may not be able to afford.

With the changes that are forthcoming over homegrown players and restricting players from outside the EU I think bigger clubs will be thinking more about holding onto the young English players they have because they are going to need them to satisfy the rules – but of course if a squad is too large are players going to be happy to be sat around “just in case” – and if they are, what is that going to do for the state of the English game?

Premier League clubs are currently limited to 25 players over the age of 21 with a certain number having to be trained within England and another figure having to be trained within the club. However, under 21 they are unlimited on the number of players that they can have. I think that there has to be a point where clubs are restricted to a squad of a certain figure – something like they have in America with the roster system, with various dispensations for long-term injuries. That would then force PL sides to let go of some of their younger players, which would filter down into the lower leagues. It might be that those players given the chance of first team football for a club then improve – and as the club would own their contract they can make some money out of the transfer fee.

I know it’s a simplistic idea and that there is a lot more to it than that but I think its a conversation that needs to happen if the England team is to improve – and if the league is to remain at 92 clubs.

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41 Responses to “Loan Windows”

  • asif says:

    no more loan players for me. use youngsters. give them game experience

  • Dave Mann says:

    With Morrison and green back I think another loan is pointless now. Kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    If we were to bring one more player in, I think someone who is comfortable in the No.10 role would be useful. Every player we’ve player there hasn’t worked, except for Shinnie, so a back up would be nice. As we only play with one up front, a striker would be pointless. To be honest, I doubt Rowett will bother… he’ll probably save his dosh for the summer.

    • Mike T says:

      Glad you said ‘except Shinnie” Staffs – thought I’d have to disagree with you there for a moment! For me, Shinnie, with the exception of Gray, has looked our most naturally skillfull player this season, but, for example, at the recent home game against Huddersfield, he can be let down by his fellow midfielders i.e. gray and cotterill, and left isolated with limited options available to fully influence the game as he is potentially able to. We looked a better team going more direct in a 4-4-2 in the last part of that game, but as Shinnie doesn’t fit in a standard centre-mid 2, he was the fall guy. Whilst I am not suggesting that we build a team around Shinnie, I think the team is stronger in a 4-2-3-1 compared to a 4-4-2 which exposes some of our limitations, but other midfield players need to step up and provide further support to the number 10 and centre-forward in order for us to be successful on a regular basis.

      My Summer wish list wouldn’t necessarily be a ‘number 10’ as I feel Shinnie, Gray, Novak and Brown adequate currently. It would however include a left-back, at least 1 centre back (Kiernan and re-signing Gunning would suffice) centre midfielder, winger, and likely another striker as I get the impression that Rowett doesn’t particularly fancy Thomas and Johnstone, time is against Green to prove himself, and can’t see Zigic being around either. You may need to add goalkeeper to that list depending on the outcome of contract talks. Could be an interesting summer! KRO

  • Bluenosesol says:

    With each loan comes the cost of partial or full wage costs. I dread to think what we are paying for Dyer’s wages but as far as I can see, it is dead money! Many of us were at the debut of a 16 year old kid who scored 4 goals! Lets give the kids a chance. PS GR states that Morrison may not get his place back as Spector has been playing so well!! I’ll have to run that one through my Google translator as I have read it several times and it still doesn’t make sense!! KRO!!

    • suenoble says:

      It wasn’t his debut old son!

      • Bluenosesol says:

        Hi Sue (Old Gal), You are of course absolutely right, but at the end of the day does your valid observation materially affect the fact that the precedence of a 16 year old scoring 4 goals for Blues in his first season represents a solid anecdotal reference to support the notion that today we should be blooding our youngsters? Francis had gone 10 games without playing since his debut and if the manager had not had the conviction to throw him in and give him a second chance, then the Bolton story would never have unfolded! KRO X

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Have to agree Bluenosesol. There are certain players, those who make a difference, who have to come straight back in when they’re fit. We don’t have too many of those, but Morrison is one.

  • Trevor Honnor says:

    Digressing slightly from the topic…

    I can’t come to terms with this “nothing to play for right now” mentality.
    You are absolutely right when you say it, and yes Blues aren’t going up or going down and yes this is definitely their mentality at this time.

    I have played and still do play with lads who even during a friendly at about 12 levels below the Championship, give absolutely everything they have every time they step onto a pitch.

    I always thought this “winners mentality” was a massive factor in becoming a professional footballer. The difference between lads who have real talent was how dedicated and committed they are to every single training session/game. Essentially professional footballers are born to win, or want to win everything no matter what.

    I was there in Cardiff on Saturday and we looked like an Alex McLiesh side where we lumped it up to Donaldson (or Jerome) and everyone watched him work his ass off holding the ball up for players to come charging up to help him. I can’t remember seeing anyone help him once. Everyone also seemed scared to shoot too or perhaps too relaxed in/around the box and got blocked or tackled.

    My stance as manager would be – We are here RIGHT NOW to win a game of football. We’ve trained hard all week for this. Give me 100% or stay at home.

    Winning games or at least competing in them is surely better than maintenance.
    These players must realise that they are now in the shop window, either for other clubs (if GR doesn’t want them) or for next season when they might be fighting for a place. Regardless, supporters deserve much much more than Blues going through the motions on a Saturday afternoon just because we have avoided relegation, We have around 1/5 of our fixtures left to play this season, too early to be relaxing for me.

    Back on topic,
    With regards to the loan window – I always panic a little bit that a good loan signing who does well for Blues and gets goals etc… is actually putting himself in the shop window and will be snapped up by a bigger/richer club – Macheda is one example, I’m just glad he didn’t score on Saturday.
    From a loaning out perspective, I like the fact that younger players can get experience lower down, but it would be nice to see them used when they return to Blues.

    • mark says:

      that it now we are safe…. gel a couple of young players to give them the experience of the championship ( myself reece brown looks top of my list to maybe get some 1st team experience) nothing like getting your bags packed early for summer holidays lol……

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Macheda was actually injured in the warm up on Saturday and didn’t play. ;)

      I personally don’t think it’s good enough to be going through the motions. Paying customers deserve better than that. What say you Mr Rowett?

    • Oldbluenose says:

      Trevor, i totally agree with your opening comments, mate. there are still ” fringe ” players who should be given a run-out in 1st team competition to be able to judge their capabilities for either keeping them or finally deciding they need to go to free up the squad for next season, ?.

      As regards to youngsters like Brown, Koby etc;, a least 10/20 min’s run out for experience can easily be still accomadated surely,?.

      • Trevor Honnor says:

        Another point that I forgot to add (thanks OldBluenose) is that if we are “happy” with the fact that we aren’t busting a gut to win every game and losing isn’t as bad as it could have been before GR took over… Then why not give the kids a run out. 20/30 mins at the end of a “nothing” game?

        This further emphasises the fact that we don’t need a loan player right now as we don’t need rescuing from anything… But blooding the youngsters – A definite YES from me.

        • Trevor Honnor says:

          PLEASE NOTE:
          When I say “we are ‘happy’ not busting a gut to win games” – I’m talking about the players – Not the supporters!

          There is no pleasing us supporters :)

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Reading what the manager was saying on bcfc.com this morning, it looks like his intention is to send the best of the youngsters out on loan next season to gain experience. So I think that to expect him to blood many, if any, this season will lead to disapointment. From what we’ve seen so far, I think he’s far too cautious to take many chances.

        As for playing out the rest of the games like we’re already on the beach, I don’t think there’s such a thing as a meaningless match (apart from international friendlies of course.) One win can take you up one or more positions in the table… which in turn, can be a better proposition for any players we want to bring in come the summer. For instance, any half decent player would probably choose a team who finished in the top 10-12 over a team who finished bottom 6. So yes, every game is important… because there’s 3 points up for grabs!

  • Leigh Larigo says:

    Not simplistic, just plain obvious. Unfortunately ‘money talks’.

  • Dave Mann says:

    We’ve got pride to play for and I for one on bank holiday Monday will be down in Bournemouth hoping for some revenge for that 0-8 drubbing .. A couple of Seasons ago we lost 0-5 at home to Barnsley and went there on Boxing Day and beat them 2-1 so that’s my game to look forward to along with the dingles on the 11th April so there’s still work to do yet!! Kro

  • Bluedad says:


    Your right that its a simplistic view but I completly agree with your analysis and opinion, it could also benefit the national side. But PL clubs would oppose it

  • daddyblue says:

    What you say Dan on the loan system could never be adopted because it makes far to much sense kro4ever

  • andy says:

    I think Rowett has already pointed out that any player that decides the season is over and plays half hearted, will not play for Birmingham City again. I just hope he reminds the players of that every day. I work hard all week and pay good money to watch my team so I expect to see the right attitude in games and of course winning them!

  • Mitchell says:

    It is blatantly obvious that Morrison needs to be back at centre half. Partner could be Robinson or Kienan. Glaring omission bluenoses is Spector. Not an oversight I can assure you. He is a decent player in the Wade Elliot mould. Very useful to a good League One outfit.I know GR rates Spector and possibly wants him around, but I really cannot see the point UNLESS GR fears for survival next season. This is fair enough as it will be vastly more difficult than this season with the likes of Leicester, Burnley and either QPR or Sunderland.Youth I fear will be a dangerous option.

    • steve says:

      I would have no problem with Robbo alongside Morrison. They were brilliant before Morrison’s injury.

      • Shirley Blue says:

        They were but I do think we have got to look forwards to some extent and Robbo is 38 now. I would like to see Moririson wth Gunning as soon as both are fit. The other possibility is have a look at Grounds as the left sided centre back with a view to getting s more attacking left back in during the summer.

        • steve says:

          I agree SB,i was thinking for the rest of this season really. Be solid and get as many points as we can. I don’t think Robbo will be on the beach yet.

          • Shirley Blue says:

            Yes it will be interesting to see what GR will do regarding the centre backs. We definitely don’t want a bad finish to the season and I reckon he would like to get 60 points. Can’t see us getting anything at Bournemouth and Watford so that leaves 6 games to pick up points. Reading and Bolton away we might get draws. Rotherham, Wolves, Charlton and Blackburn at home. Only real banker is Rotherham. Anyway a decent finish and Villa fall apart and get relegated and I will be more than happy.

        • StaffsBlue says:

          That sounds good to me for next season, Morrison, Gunning, Grounds and Kiernan as the centre backs.. with Robbo there in case of emergencies.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      The whole point of having the likes of Spector in the squad is so they’re versatility can be of use when we have injury/suspension problems. I don’t think that you could say he was necessarily a first choice in any position as such,but a very useful commodity non the less when we have problems at centre half,right back and midfield. I didn’t even know he could play centre back but he’s come in and done very well indeed when we struggling badly for some cover. Definitely worth a new contract for me.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        He was a centre back at Man Utd and West Ham HB.

        At the end of the day, every squad needs at least one or two utility players, so we may as well stick with Spector. He would never be the first on my team sheet, in any position, but he certainly has his uses.

      • Shirley Blue says:

        Totally agree – he can cover half the positions in the team and no way is he only League 1 level. Only issue I can see is that he is probably one of the highest paid players at the club if not the highest so he will probably have to take a cut.

        • Hillfield Blues says:

          Well I don’t think he’s done his chances of a new contract any harm if you listen to GR.
          Now that he’s shown he’s capable of filling that role if called upon it might come into GRs thinking in the summer. Kiernan hasn’t done much wrong but I’d love to see Ben Turner come in if finances allow. It must be a nightmare for Rowett not knowing where he’s going to shop with the state of things at BIH.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I suppose he’ll be like most managers, with an A list and a B list.. but with us, there’ll probably be a C list too, just in case. I still think that the more dead wood Rowett can ship out, the more leeway he’ll have bringing players in. Time will tell though.

          • Shirley Blue says:

            It’s no more parachute payments that worries me – that is a very big drop in revenue into the club. Will the wages budget for players be even more restricted than it is now?

          • StaffsBlue says:

            If the wages drop any lower, we won’t need a parachute.

  • Ash Bromfield says:

    IMO we don’t need to bring in any more players. Players like: Solomon-Otabor, Koby Arthur, Reece Brown and Denny Johnstone have been on form for the U21’s recently; Rowett should give them a chance, especially with us having nothing to play for.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I see Kenwyne Jones has gone to Bournemouth for the rest of the season. So he’ll be up against us again soon. Didn’t see him going out on loan.. 13 goals in 36 games for Cardiff this season.

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