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Rowett signs new contract
Birmingham City have confirmed today that Gary Rowett has signed a new contract with the club along with his backroom staff.
The announcement on the official site confirms that Rowett, along with assistant manager Kevin Summerfield, first team coach Mark Sale and goalkeeper coach Kevin Poole have all signed new deals with the club. The official site doesn’t give any indication as to the length of the contract but I am led to believe that Rowett has signed an improved one year rolling deal.
Obviously, it’s pleasing that the club have recognised the good work that Rowett has done and it’s a statement of intent that they wanted to reward him and his staff – particularly in the face of rumours of interest from other clubs such as Fulham in November. Rowett signing a deal also shows to me that is he happy with the way things are going at the club and that the ambition shown by the board (and possibly also by TTA) matches his.
However, I am also painfully aware as with Dimmy Grey that a new deal normally only means that Blues are guaranteed a better deal should that person want to go elsewhere – and as such with it being a rolling contract any club who wants Rowett only has to pay that sum up to take him on.
The truth is if Rowett continues to impress in the future at the same rate he has in his first fourteen months in charge it’s inevitable he’ll move on to bigger and better things. I think the club and the fans have to make the most of what they have and give him all the support necessary while he remains at B9 to make the most of his undoubted talent as a manager.
Tags: Gary Rowett
46 Responses to “Rowett signs new contract”
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Best news ever. I hope Richard Beale hasn’t been forgotten.
Great stuff; probably the most important signing in the transfer window!
Its great news but in the long term it doesn’t protect the club at all does it? In fact the deal that has been done puts all the balls into Gary’s court going forward. He absolutely deserves and improved contract and so does his back room staff, they have worked incredibly well together as have the team. However all thats happened is he’s had a pay rise. KRO!
I think we should all get off the negativity band wagon with Rowett potentially going…
1. We do not the discussions between him and Panos with regards takeover etc
2. Rowett could well be managing within an extremely well funded and run club depending on what comes from the takeover saga
3. Rowett is an ex-player, Hughton was not McLeish was not.. he has a connection to the club
4. He has said he has a job to do…. and many believe that job is getting the club back to the Premier League…. based on his performance in just 12 months, I believe he can do it!
5. He is a decent bloke… not everyone is about money, BCFC is a nice club to manage, excellent stadia, excellent facilities and arguably only second to the Vile in terms of saleabiltiy to the local area and young local prospects!
Not disagreeing but just maybe Gary Rowett wants what we all want? BCFC back where it belongs…
It just goes to show how quickly things changed as 12-14 years ago we were exactly where we should have been in terms of ability, now with Premier League, European football and a trophy it is automatically assumed we should be at that level.
Steve Bruce changed that…. he started the ball rolling, whos to say Gary Rowett cant finish what he started?
In fairness, it was Gold, Sullivan and Brady who got the ball rolling. I often think that, because of who they sold to, their importance in our recent history is often overshadowed.
But I agree with you on Rowett finishing what was previously started. Lets just hope (or pray, in fact) that the new ownership is more Leicester than it is Cardiff… only time will tell.
Best signing for a long time.Well done Blues.
What a negative article Dan! If I did not know better I would think that BCFC was an insignificant little club playing in the Conference league. So let me perhaps create a little positivity! Gary Rowett, our best manager in a trillion years has just committed himself and his fellow bluenose staff to a new deal at a football club that has massive potential. On the subject of trillions, we have no idea how big an effect potential buyers TTA will have on our beloved club and the budget that will be available to Mr Rowett and Co. My guess is that if TTA stack up in the way we all hope Gary and his contented team will not want to jump ship as easily as you appear to think. If the takeover occurs and TTA are the real deal, Gary and Co will be here for a long long time. How’s that for positivity!
Negative? No.
Balanced and realistic? Yes.
At the end of the day, if a player or a manager wants to leave and join another club, it’s gonna happen one way or another… contract or no contract. It’s the way football is. As OP says, it just gives us a bit more say in when and how much.
Solution is to get promoted this year. Then there is no pull to go anywhere else next year :)
Get Fabbrini signed up along with Toral if possible and a couple of more recruits in and with Rowett signing an improved contract it means there’s money there along with intent to try and turn things round .. Good news and let’s not knock but enjoy it and all pull together for the rest of this transfer window and for hopefully a great end to the season :-) all the way .KRO
Yep fabulous news! Entirely positive. I believe most managers are on one year rolling contracts these days, the suggestion that this could just improve his saleability is rather negative. In the hire and fire world of management and the rate at which managers can be flavour of the month then sacked these contracts suit both parties. I’m fairly sure that all of our past managers since Bruce have been on rolling contracts. KRO
Absolutely bang on Steve , positivity over negativity every day of the week before, let’s get a few more down stans Saturday and show our support for our promotion pushing team and manager . KRO
Exactly. It would be great to get a special mood down there on Saturday like the Watford game was for Rowett as well as the team.
After the excellent performance at Derby there should be a feel good factor too, we need to play our bit in helping the team to kick on. Let’s get our friends heading back… I will be there as always!
Ditto! KRO
I don’t think there’s too much surprise in Rowett signing a new contract. It ties in with his transfer policy this season, of signing players for, not only now, but the future too. I think he’s possibly got a 3 or 4 year plan in his head. I do think he’ll leave eventually, but It won’t be this season and I’d be surprised if it was next year either.
Sadly I disagree. I think he’ll be with us maximum 12 months.
Only time will tell. :)
Thats what Arsenal fans said about Wenger.
Im so happy. Gary has signed a contract im also happy that the players are performing excellent the little niggle i have is with carson if we cd get that out the way it wd b bloody great im hoping for premier footy as well but the biggest joy of all come end of season wd b to see that vile loud mouths go down im not going to say the team because i feel physically sick if anybody mention them but eh all im concerned is blues also lets see all those great bluenoses come back to st andrews massive kro
Their arrogant/ignorant fans have had this coming for a long time. When they eventually drop, justice will have been done. As for us, everything in the garden is (more-or-less) rosy. Going for the play-offs, manager on a new contract, players being brought in for now and the future. The inbreds must be spewing. :)
What is really interesting is the fact that should we get 3pts.against Ipswich with Sheff.Wed. after that- and no distraction of the FA Cup- the fever pitch at Stans.will never have been so high in years. More important the players fighting for that shirt like never before. Lower half teams away and who knows? My real hope is that Vaughan and Donaldson get on the scoresheet soon. Ipswich the key and patience required for a full 90 mins plus by us all.
Think we need to get real Gary and co deserve a pay rise and that’s what they’ve got. However unless the contract length has been extended and it appears this isn’t the case, then that’s all that’s been done a pay rise all round. This in itself does not mean there’s any greater bond between club and management but it is simply a statement of the obvious…. Employees just don’t refuse pay increases do they ?
Think you’re contradicting yourself. You say they have deserved a pay rise and got it. So all good then, even if this is just a reflection of a positive commitment what is wrong with a bit of feel good factor, hell knows we need it?
With your kind of logic, nobody would ever bother to get married as they might get divorced one day. Nothing is forever in football, but enjoy the Rowett love in you misery!
This is great news , all we need now is the talk of who we are buying to stop and actually buy somebody that will enhance the first team . .
Who knows what will happen in the future but but we have a lot to be thankful for under GR. For the present if he signs up Fab to go with what he has already plus a defender I’ll be over the moon. If he doesn’t sign anyone I’ll be disappointed but after Saturday believe we can take on anyone at our best.
With regard to the future he has genuinely got the vision to pursue a structure which connects experience with youth within a defined development strategy. The youth coaches must find it very refreshing. Although we produced the odd gem I cannot remember such an emphasis being put on development. The forthcoming changes to loan rules has helped to force the issue, but I would like to believe that GR had already identified that this had to be the right route.
Agree.GR is astute and can see the changes in the loan system are going to become a problem if he doesn’t plan for it by bolstering his resources with some young prospects.
GR and Blues are a great fit at the moment.He and his staff are all ex-players and they can cut theie teeth in the championship without the pressure and expectation of the instant success demanded by a lot of clubs who have money to spend.GR would only need to look as far as Paul Ince to see what can happen if you jump ship before your really ready.
On the subject of him leaving it just comes with the territory of being successful like it does with the players.Unfortunately we are not in a position to call the shots these days but time will change that.
All you can do is keep him signing the contracts which he has just done so happy days.
Gary — if you’re reading this, well done mate and keep up the good work. If we’re in the top six come seaoson’s end, you’re a genius.
Dan- sadly I think he will only be with us 12 months- please explain, a peculiar comment on a happy afternoon, what makes you say and think that ? crystal ball or fact ?
Gerard. I found Daniels comment interesting.12 months contract then at best?.
It will always be a 12 month contract. Dan doesn’t think he will be here longer than 12 months. Everyday that passes,he still has a 12 month contract.
Dan why are you such a negative Nellie these days?
What have you got against Rowett? He makes us so happy and you keep trying to take the illusion we have of him.
You are turning into a grumpy sod!
I think that if we were to get through the playoffs and get in to the premier league then Rowett might stay more than 12 months , if not and we fail admirably then some club will appreciate his work and take him in the summer and it will last 5 months ..my opinion but which Premiership club will take him on ? or if not why leave us for another championship club , just asking ! KRO
Agree.Hes in the right place at the right time at Blues.Turning average players into good ones and motivation are his key strengths to me
Who’s to say he’d be any good with 20-50 million to spend in the Prem? Different ball game.
Even in 12 months time I think its very unlikely Rowett will get a premier league job, those jobs are rarely given to someone from the championship
so the main threat therefore is a move to another championship club, and the key to that is where we are in terms of our finances and the ownership then, if things are looking promising here then at that point I can’t see him leaving, if things are looking worse again he’ll jump and who can blame him
he seems a fairly calm guy so if he does go I think he’ll take a more sensible balanced decision on where he goes to than Hughton did who just jumped at the first offer he had despite it being a poor one
Congratulations to (EXCELLENT HUMAN BEING ).Gary Rowett , I can hear is wife and kids laughing from here , keep right on laughing….
It’s a sensible move by the club. If he goes we get more compensation and that’s all we can do. I don’t think he is in any rush to leave but if a good opportunity comes up then that’s just the way it is.
GR is not daft. Win-Win situation at Blues. Elsewhere he would be hired as a Head Coach and hit a rocky patch and it’s good-bye Gary. He is Mr. Birmingham City at a very young age and deep down he knows it. It’s the feeling I get and Daniel may be right but in my opinion he knows what is best for him and his family. Brian Clough ran things from top to bottom-good times and not so good.
That’s the one thing that will stop Rowett from moving. He’s stated quite clearly that he doesn’t want to be a head coach and he doesn’t want to work under a DoF. Fortunately for us, it seems a lot of clubs are going down that route.. and it rarely works out well.
Staffs. It just to me feels it is also right for him unless an Everton or a similar low key status prem.club comes knocking. Derby is my doubt and always have. Just get little uneasiness from time to time about them. In the water again Staffs.- sorry!
Derby.. maybe. But not yet awhile I wouldn’t think, at least not until they’re looking for a manager… and not a head coach.
I think for GR this is a long term adventure. It is a big club with a big can I say unlimited potential. Gary can achieve a lot here without the expectations of another club (that could be looking to poach him now).
Whatever is built from now will be Gary’s doing and he has the club’s support to implement his grand plans and dreams The club I hope are seeing they have the jewel in the crown and have to invest and build around him. It reminds me of the Francis era where the player was the catalyst for investment and the necessary upward movement of the club in order to keep him.
We must rally around the good intent for short and long term plans to give it a momentum like the away fans had at the Derby game.
If we have no money to spend again I would not blame him for moving on .
Please don’t let it be villa .!!!
Any young or new Bluenose reading this I would urge you to watch on you tube Blues v. Ipswich 2nd leg at Stans.in Carling Cup. Wonderful 9mins.and atmosphere never to be repeated. It was the year we met Liverpool at Cardiff final. Worth the watch and enjoy the drama of great goals and a centre forward who is to me a legend.
This contract is reward for GR and his staff but has little effect on the club.He was already on a rolling contract so i don`t see how it changes too much unless there`s a buy-out clause increase.I agree with OP on this that i feel he`ll only be with us for next season and no further. If he`d signed a 3 year contract i`d be more inclined to think he`s in it for the long haul but if this so-called takeover doesn`t happen soon i reckon he`ll be off when a better opportunity arises.KRO.