Often Partisan

Two Points Dropped – Wolves Reflections

Birmingham City failed to score for the fifth game in a row away from home as they were held to a goalless draw at Molineux. Clayton Donaldson, Jon Toral and David Davis all had chances to score in the second half but only David Davis was able to test Carl Ikeme who proved to be up to the challenge.

“A game of two halves” is a bit of a tired football cliché but there is no other way to describe today’s game. The first half saw Wolves on top although they rarely tested Kuszczak; the second period saw Blues almost rampant but their profligacy in front of goal saw them rarely trouble Ikeme; both Clayton Donaldson and Jon Toral were guilty of missing gilt-edged chances in a frantic period as the second half drew to a close.

David Davis returned to the starting lineup like a man with something to prove and although he picked up a caution in the 16th minute he was convincingly Blues’ best player. He buzzed around with a high energy that belied the sluggish first half, snapping into tackles in defence and waltzing through the Wolves backline with a beautiful run before remembering he was only David Davies and promptly losing the ball. Davis was probably the unluckiest not to score, his shot from the right hand side of the box smartly saved by Ikeme as Blues looked destined to finally break the deadlock.

One of the other key differences was the substitution of Maikel Kieftenbeld, with Jacques Maghoma coming on for the Dutchman. Kieftenbeld had looked a bit off the pace and was lucky not to collect what would have been his 10th booking of the season on the day suspensions cut off for that many cautions.

Maghoma offered Blues the outlet wide left that Toral couldn’t, and with the Spaniard moved into a more familiar central role he also improved markedly. The Congolese winger probably should have scored when Toral played a delicious ball through to him as Blues broke but in truth the ball was almost too good, giving Maghoma time to make a decision about what he wanted to do – with the almost expected result of him losing the ball.

I’ve seen people grumbling that Blues didn’t score again but today it wasn’t for the lack of trying; Donaldson had four chances by my count that on another day he’d have happily buried. He had (in my eyes) a claim for a valid claim for a penalty turned down when he was pulled down by his arm as he threatened to break in the box; however that evened up when Spector did the same to Dominic Iorfa only for the ref Darren Drysdale to wave play on.

Blues aren’t completely out of the playoff picture yet but they do need to start winning and winning soon if they are to be in the top six come the end of the season. Today was one of those games where you’d expect a promotion-chasing team to nick a win such was the bombardment in the second half on the Wolves goal; what Rowett’s men cannot afford to do now is to dwell on those misses.

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79 Responses to “Two Points Dropped – Wolves Reflections”

  • Gabriel says:

    Thought we defended well and, even when Wolves were on top in the first half, they didn’t get in behind too often. Some excellent driving runs from Davis too, we need him back in that midfield. Maghoma made a difference and Toral improved when he moved to the number 10 role – doesn’t work when he’s shipped out wide. Agree it’s 2 points dropped though, draws aren’t good enough for us if we want to catch Derby and Wednesday.

  • Mitchell says:

    Again the Fabbrini factor baffles me. Not used,not apparently rated as a vital match changing player and the body language of his bench today hints of not being part of things. Yes we improved after half time but that wasn’t difficult. GR is quality but his loan signing and permanent few are questionable. Spector I felt never commanded and Donaldson-for all his 100% effort is no real goal threat. Which leaves us as we were last summer-the vital need for a good CH and a striker.

    • atko says:

      Can only assume we are resigned to the fact that we will lose Toral at the end of the season therefore Fabbrini was brought in to play the no.10 role next season. I thought Spector did better than what Robinson would have done today, Wolves had a bit of pace up front and I think Robbo may just have found it too tough which may have even resulted in him not finishing the game if he hauled someone down.

      Agree with you on Donaldson. He’s been allowed to play too many games in my opinion. I know he had that spell out but as soon as he was fit he was brought back in. I think Vaughan would have benefited a run in the team & maybe he might have been able to find the net. As it turned out he ends up injured as does the Brock which as I commented the other day I’m convinced is brought on by the lack of game time. Had they been playing more they might have kept injury free.

  • andy says:

    Today we saw the difference between Birmingham and those in the top 6, a lack of goals will ultimately cost Blues a play off spot.

    • atko says:

      That’s why I say bring back Wes Thomas & give him a go. He cannot do any worse & scored 2 in his last game for Blues. How many can say that SINCE that day? I bet one, maybe two players maximum!

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Thomas should never have been loaned out… twice. He’s not the greatest player we’ve ever had..but he’s more likely to score than Vaughan or Brock-Madsen. In fact, if he’d played 30 games like Donaldson, I’d bet he’d have outscored him by now.

        • atko says:

          Now that I do agree on Staffs….never thought of it that way either. Donaldson isn’t a striker really, certainly not an out and out striker. Don’t get me wrong, everything else about his game nobody can fault, just his finishing let’s him down & why he isn’t a striker.

        • almajir says:


          More to Thomas being loaned out than his quality. He demanded to play, wasn’t happy with being on the bench. Our squad is small and we can’t just swallow people being iffy because they might be useful, upsets team harmony.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Fair enough. But, if I was Thomas, I’d be a bit miffed at not being given a decent chance too.

          • Bluenosesol says:

            Sorry guys, for me Thomas wouldn’t make the Walsall team. He is an option but not one that would produce results. Any port in a storm isn’t a mantra I would subscribe too. KRO.

  • Womboune Blue says:

    Definitely 2 points dropped against an extremely ordinary Wolves side. Seems to be a tactic in away games to sit back in the first half and allow opponents to dictate the play, which is ok against the likes of Hull and Burnley, but not against mid table teams.Thought Rowett might have taken a bit of a gamble and bought Fabbrini on for Total for the last 20 minutes as I don’t think Wolves would have coped with him. Even so, we had clear opportunities to win the game and Donaldson’s and Toral’s misses were inexcusable. Really think we will struggle to make the playoffs now and the lack of goals is a major concern. We live in hope though kro

    • atko says:

      I think Fabbrini would have made the game more frustrating for Blues fans. The referee was adament he wasn’t going to give Blues the run of the green so I’m pretty sure a few fouls on Fabbrini would have gone unnoticed which could have even cost us if in dangerous areas. We already conceded one goal a week or two back when Fabbrini was fouled.

      I think we need to start defending from the front EVERY game. We have impressively defended from the front against the likes of Hull & guess what? We won! The way I see it is if we sit back and invite teams on to us like we do most games, we may as well be playing with 9 men. We start defending from the front like we did against Hull and a hand full of other games this season, we will actually play with 11.

      How so? Our wide players will actually be able to attack instead of being on the back foot defending all game. Defending from the front benefits the front players AND gives the back four a breather & releases a bit of pressure from them. It ain’t rocket science & we have proven we can do it.

  • Little Al says:

    Last eight games we have only scored a total of three goals! If this continues it will cost us dear.Play Toral, Fabbrinni, Maghoma! Davis. Give Donaldson a rest, together with Cotterill, who seems to have his eyes on the EUROS, we need goals. Surely it would create a more scoring opportunities. At least it is something different.

    • atko says:

      I’m not sure who is going to score playing all of them. Little Al! Pretty sure you mean we would have to play Toral up front wirth Maghoma & Davis as the wide players & Fabbrini as the no.10. I think Fabbrini is more than a little lightweight up front on his own & Maghoma couldn’t shoot his way out of a paper bag. Alternately you could go 4-4-2 with both Fabbrini & Toral up front. We might create one or two more chances but I’m not convinced we would have anyone on the pitch to convert them.

  • Jaffa says:

    We need a goal scorer.Agree with atko Fabrinni should of come on.A frustrating day today and a bit narked with the first half formation.Wolves were there for the taking today but we still have a game in hand.

  • Dan Hickman says:

    Think a clean sheet was important psychologically today, gives us a platform now to hopefully kick on. I think we all know that Donaldson isn’t a 2 goal a season striker, but our biggest challenge I think is finding a way to keep things tight and also have enough bodies committed forward to capitalise on his hard work. I personally think that finding that balance is the key to us making the play offs. Surely now as well Davis has to get a few starts? People say he offers more bite and tenacity, but he showed he can do more than that, when did you last see Gleeson running at players offering a goal threat? I’m a Gleeson fan but think Davis has to be ahead of him now.

    • Dan Hickman says:

      Meant 20, but after today 2 looks a smore realistic target!

    • atko says:

      I think the team we started with was okay except I would play Maghoma instead of Cotterill. In fact I would play Davies for the remainder of the season. He was the best player on the ptich by a mile today. He has the sharpness & fitness having not played all season & is not afraid to shoot unlike Maghoma who tends to dither about too much.

  • .KC says:

    Dreadful, dreadful finishing. For all his hard work Donaldson cannot finish and Vaughan and B-M are not replacements. We were awful in front of goal in the second half. Yes the Don’s and Toral;s misses totally inexcusable ! At the start we could not put anything together but we did improve against a poor Wolves team but to no avail . Terrible finishing. 2 points absolutely given away. No excuses please.

    • atko says:

      Think that is the frustrating part today KC. Had we have scored it would have been a perfect performance. We defended pretty well, we created chances (in the second half), we just cannot score. I think GR should be lining up a striker or 3 for next season even now never mind waiting until the season has finished. It’s going to cost us very soon & I’m almost scared to say we won’t get a better chance for the playoffs after this season once Toral leaves.

  • Alex T says:

    When we have scored only 3 in 8, what’s the harm in throwing Ronan Hales in?? Worst case scenario, we don’t score….. Much like the current lot!

    • almajir says:

      a) If you’re going to say things like that, get his name right – it’s Ronan Hale.
      b) He is absolutely, utterly, nowhere near ready yet. The championship is a massive step up from the u21s and he’s not even featured that regularly for that team…

  • Tony says:

    Why put our most dangerous player wide on the left where he is totally ineffectual?, the poor sod spent most of his time defending. Why persist with Donaldson? he cant score I would get rid of him, he’s a worker but not much else.
    Rowett is getting close to the line as far as I’m concerned, he is ultra cautious he wont take a chance I could have had a couple today the finishing was atrocious, the only urgency in that team was from Davis he should be a permanent fixture until the end of the season.

    • atko says:

      Donaldson being the only ‘striker’ we have in the club right now that is available so I am guessing he has no choice but to play him. I think we need to be thinking of playing 4-4-2 with Toral actually partnering Donaldson upfront. Midfield would be Davies, Gleeson, Kieftenbeld & Maghoma. That would definitely be my formation and team for Fulham.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Another possible way, is to leave Donaldson on the bench, play Toral in the advanced position, with Fabbrini behind him… with the warning that any player banging it long will be fined! I really am sick to death of that tactic. It doesn’t take a tactical genius to close that particular door.

        • atko says:

          That’s the problem Staffs, we are too busy inviting the opposition on to us instead of taking the game to them that our wide players are permanently defending instead of attacking. We have no choice but to punt it up to Donaldson. As I say elsewhere in this thread, the rare occasion where we defend from the front has enabled us to get the wide players attacking & low & behold we won!

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I totally agree. For two thirds of the game, our wingers play as auxiliary full backs. Sometimes, it’s no wonder they look knackered once they reach the last third of the pitch. Maghoma gets through more work than anyone in most matches.

  • Ken says:

    today we saw why we wlll miss out on the play offs…we dont score enough goals. No point pontificating…the plain fact is we do not win enough games and will not do so with this group of players

  • Shirley Blue says:

    Gary Rowett’s first game as Blues manager was away at Wolves coming off the back of the 8-0 debacle against Bournemouth and we were second from bottom in the table. We hung on for grim death for a 0-0 draw that day. We played them off the park in the second half today let down by some poor finishing. All I would say is look how far we have come in a very short space of time. So when I read comments like “Rowett is getting close to the line as far as I am concerned” I would suggest you be very careful what you wish for because it doesn’t take very much for things to change very quickly.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I do think Rowett is ultra-cautious, sometimes too much so.. but no one could argue that he hasn’t done an exceptional job this season. If we fail to get to the play-offs, then it will be entirely down to the players and their inability to put good chances away… and get three points when they’re there for the taking.

  • Matt says:

    When Toral our most competent finisher missed that sitter, I had a very good feeling we wasn’t going to score. Hopefully our scoring streak starts soon! This was virtually the same team that scored 5 & 3 past Fulham & Derby, in Rowett we trust. KRO!

  • Texas Pete says:

    GR is a beam counter, not in a bad way, but he calculates to remove pressure. So his target is still 72 -78 points. Whether that is a top six position is only a bonus of achieving the points goal. The 2 real aims today then were an away point and that was achieved and also the defence stopped the bleeding. If all 3 points were nicked then all the better.
    We did lose two points from two away games so we do néed to nick an away win to make up for that.
    GR pointed to 3 home games in a row and that will be the clincher. If that doesnt go well we settle for a top half position I suppose.
    I really hope the Cardiff game is not a “them or us” finale. After 8 games in April, the under 16s may have to be called up.
    It really is still a long long road for the boys in royal blue. KRO.

    • RichardM says:

      I’d take that “win or bust” right now Texas Pete, if we’re still in contention by the time we go to Cardiff that will be a minor miracle!

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I do think Kieftenbeld should be rested for a couple of games. Like earlier in the season, he looked jaded, but that wasn’t unusual, he’d come from a league where they play football at 10mph with practically no contact. It took him a while to get used to the Championship and needed that rest. But, he came back firing on all cylinders. I think he may need that again.

    • atko says:

      I read on Blues site that he came off because he was honest enough to admit he was lacking in energy according to GR. Maybe he does need a rest, especially with games coming up fast with little time for rest. I think Davis definitely deserves a stint in the team now anyway. Man of the Match today & I would play him for the remainder now.

  • Mitchell says:

    With three home games the need to get a striker in is the final throw.Before everyone starts yawning about ‘what’s new’- GR needs to remedy a few clangers and get a threat upfront. If he can’t then I for one will applaud a return of Wes Thomas certainly over the hapless Vaughan even if fit. Yesterday was a dire example of players on the books who don’t have a calling for scoring . Fulham in their terrible relegation position will fancy a point. If our striking position is not addressed by Friday I would eat humble pie and welcome Thomas on the bench or better.

    • Singapore Brum says:

      Fulham fancy a point Mitchell?

      I think they will fancy 3 points against a team that simply can’t score. They need to go for it just as much as we do and if we sit back and let them, Fulham will take advantage.

      I know I keep playing the same record over and over, but slowly but surely, I think most on here now have their feet firmly grounded with the reality (there’s that word again) that we are not promotion material. We never were really, despite the odd run of good wins that brings that ever feeling of optimism that we Blues fans regularly suffer from, only to have that good feel factor cruelly taken away time after time.

      Yes, we still can make it. We still have home games against 3 of the top 4 and home form is pretty decent of late, but every game is beginning to be must win games and we are slowly running out of games.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Awfully first half but much better second half , first half couldn’t pass , play it along the grass and my neck was hurting due to lookin up to the skies for the ball , second half when Toral moved inside we started to play and pass the ball and create a few chances and could have won the game late on .. Davis was impressive and the wolves fans appreciated that by booing all the time and he was the shining light for us ..I don’t go with this 2 points dropped rubbish , we didn’t start with 3 points so don’t know how we lost 2 points , we stared with a point and finished with a point , nothing gained and nothing lost , were still in there and that game in hand against Leeds is becoming more important and with 4 home games from the next 6 games coming up we are very much still in the pack . KRO

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      Exactly Dave.Far too much negativity going on for me.Our home form has become our strength with 6 wins from 7 and anything like that with a game in hand we will be in the top 6.
      Good to see us have a go and create some chances yesterday.Another day and we could have had 3 goals easy and that’s the way it goes.Hull had twice as many chances a few weeks back and have got top strikers.

      • Mitchell says:

        That’s fine and I understand your point. It is the very fact that we cannot hit the target. Donaldson and Torals miss was almost unforgivable and this is what teams in our position need to practice. As always Staffs is right-get em shooting at Wast Hills today and if not for me then come Saturday make Staffs a happy fella.

      • Singapore Brum says:

        Whatever you and Dave are smoking – I want some of it lol.

        • Hillfield Blues says:

          Why?If we win our game in hand and continue our home form we will be there or thereabouts won’t we?

          • Singapore Brum says:

            I did kind of say it tongue in cheek. Yeah, I would be thrilled if we go on a run and peak just in time for the playoffs. But I am not holding my breath.

  • Deanblue says:

    Yes too much negativity for me too
    If you had offered me a point at Molineux at the start of the season I’d have bitten your hand off
    The 5 home games in April will be the key – if Stans coverts back from being a library to what it used to be we have every chance. It’s up to us.

  • ChrisG says:

    Yesterdays game was almost a replica of the game at Derby but with 3 vital things missing…the goals, first half under a bit of pressure but not really in any danger, second half totally in control with vitual all out attack. Though i’m angry at the result & yesterday I was seething!, I just wish we could be more consistant & play like that for the hext 10 games, I personally think we have nothing to lose now, we’re not gonna get relegated so lets “have a go” as Brucie used to say, if we make the play offs great, if not we’ve not just let the season fizzle out.

  • Dave Mann says:

    We certainly have nothing to lose Chris and our form from one half to another is baffling to say the least but that game in hand win puts us a point off 6th and three points off 5th so with still 10 games left and other teams around us also not breaking away its game on …. 20 points at 2points s game gives us 75 and that could / should be enough so the target is still there . KRO

    • Singapore Brum says:

      The last 10 games brought us 15 points Dave or 1.5 points per game. That included two 3 nil wins against Ipswich and Derby in games 9 and 10. So the last 8 games have brought us just 9 points and 3 goals. That is effectively down to a point a game.

      Of course we can slice and dice any way we want to, to prove a point. We just need to get that ball rolling again. I thought that might just start after beating Hull, but we didn’t build on that result and hence the usual pessimism from some of us here.

      • Dave Mann says:

        Correct Singapore Brum and that’s why I said 20 points needed to make the playoffs and not 15 or less because that as we all know is way off the mark .. Yes it’s propably 6 wins and 2 draws from the 10 games but with a spat of home games coming up its still possible and that’s the point Ime making mate :-) KRO

      • Hillfield Blues says:

        Win the home game in hand against Leeds and we’re 1 point away from the playoffs.Why be pessimistic? A bit of hope,desire and positively is what is needed surely Singapore?.

        • Singapore Brum says:

          Hillfield, my positivity mostly went in the FA Cup semi against Leeds back in 1971? The rest went at Old Trafford against Fulham a few years later.

          Seriously, I am fed up with getting my hopes high only to have them come crashing down. Of course, “that” win 5 years ago was a dream come true and that’s something I never thought we would do in my lifetime. I think the ownership issues don’t help really and until we get a clearer picture of what investment is likely to be provided in the future, thoughts of EPL are a bit pie in the sky to me.

          If we win a couple on the bounce then I might just start believing. Until then, I remain half glass full in everything in life except BCFC.

          • Hillfield Blues says:

            I understand where you are coming from SB and I would put our chances of the playoffs at about 35-40% at this stage.A few good wins could change that though.

          • jonno11blue says:

            SB if you are going to mention games from history get your facts right. The semi against Leeds was 72 and it was Maine Road where we lost to Fulham.
            I remember in my first season, as a youngster being asked after we lost the semi final to WBA in 68 whether I’d still support them well 48 years later I still go to every game home and away including pre season friendlies and other than the odd magical moment like promotion 72, 02. League Cup final and all the trips in Euro most of it has been a build up then disappointment so nothing changes

          • Singapore Brum says:

            That’s being a bit pedantic jonno – I did put a question mark after my 1971 date, I was working off memory as opposed to looking it up at work. Yeah, I was at Hillsborough and Maine Road for those semi’s and at Villa Park for the WBA loss in 68 where Tony Brown scored a goal that hit the post and went in, whilst Vowden (I think) hit the post for Blues and it stayed out. Astle scored another for Albion on his historic record of scoring in every round, including the winner in the final.

            And yes, it has always been ups and downs as a BCFC fan, I get it. It doesn’t mean I have to accept it but I get it.

    • ChrisG says:

      We could easily do it Dave IF we are more consistant. I think Davis has to be a certainty to play if we are to have any chance though. My one worry is that Davis didn’t just play like that cos he was against his old team, having said that when Cottrill was injured & Davis was a regular we went on a pretty good run

  • I think Thomas is not blues answer , he has an average of a goal every three games mostly with lower clubs , with blues it never happened , I never thought his passing was that good either, I think we need another KeV Phillips till we can afford a top striker to go with Donaldson .,

  • Bluenosesol says:

    Wednesday spent 9 million in the summer, Derby spent 24 million versus our £600k. The average wage bill in the Championship is £23million quid.
    If we finish top 10, GR has performed miracles yet again as the peanuts made available to us screams relegation.

  • peteblue says:

    i wrote on the previous blog (11/03) that we need to start scoring goals , and we need to dip into the loan market for a striker now ?, after sunday`s wolves game , i still think that !, thats 2 points dropped not 1 gained . our lack of goals could cost us dear at the end of the season , i trust GR , but he needs to stop thinking donaldson is just going through a bad patch , we need a ch & striker otherwise our season will fizzle out , dont get me wrong i always thought we were punching above our weight , buts its good to be where we are . but what happens when we miss out on the promised land, because of goal difference ?. i trust GR but he can be very frustrating sometimes . but wouldn`t change him for anything . KRO .

  • My concern is that if we don’t make the play-offs then certain factions of our support are going to lay into GR and his coaching team. My view is that where we came from not very long ago it would be something approaching a miracle if we do get into the top 6. There are clubs below us with stronger squads who would love to be where we are now and my view is that we are where we are due to good management not despite it. The other issue is that people are saying we need to get another striker in. The answer to that is yes but who the hell is going to let us have a fit, on form striker on loan at this stage of the season. We only got the likes of Vaughan and Buckley because they were not in their clubs plans for the rest of the season as they were recovering from injuries. A dose of realism is required I think.

  • Texas Pete says:

    If we get into the playoffs it will become legendary. It is expecting too much of our manager and the players and the club or at least it is too early. But right now it is very possible and I will take it if it comes and shrug my shoulders if not. We have as much chance as any team in the top 9.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    We have 6 home games left…Fulham, Brighton, Leeds, Burnley, Preston and Middlesbro.
    4 away games left…Charlton, Reading, Huddersfield and Cardiff.
    All of them are winnable. With Vaughan in particular and Brock-Madsen in general likely to be fit for Fulham, Rowett and his lieutenants need to work out different tactics to maximise goalscoring.
    Rowett doesn’t want a reputation of being the Championship’s Tony Pulis.
    I would be far happier failing to reach the playoffs by playing attractive attacking football than scraping into the playoffs with boring play.

  • Mitchell says:

    I just hope GR has the lads on priority shooting practice this week. After Don.and Toral’s dreadful misses yesterday we need every session dedicated to shooting. I know Staffs is pulling his hair out over our shooting and I don’t want him bald by the end of the season.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Let’s be honest Mitchell, when you’re directly between the posts in and around the 6 yard box, the very least you expect is a shot on target. To constantly shoot wide in those circumstances is bewildering.

  • Dave Mann says:

    I would have thought that our manager wound know that we need to score more goals to win more games and shooting at the target is the only way we’re get round this problem , he his the manager so without being sarcastic I think he is aware of what needs addressing , Ime pretty calm about the situation because like a lot of us I’ve seen it time and time again , let’s hope Fulham suffer like they did at craven cottage and we sort that goals for column out. KRO

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Proper strange team is Fulham. Second highest scorers in the division with 56 goals and the second worst defence shipping 63. If it finishes 0-0, it will be the biggest shock of the season.

  • Dave Mann says:

    5-2 will do nicely staffs but as long as we win I ain’t bothered how we do it . KRO

  • Mitchell says:

    Daniel. Can you enlighten us as to this Deal involving BIHL and CY. News just broke apparently. Thanks.

  • Bromsgrove Blue says:

    Another frustrating day at Wolves. Having battered them in the second half we again failed in the most important thing in putting the ball in the net. This has been our Achilles heel all season and it looks like it will thwart our play off chances. As I said previously, Donaldson is never going to poach enough goals to get you into the top six positions, how we could do with an Andre Gray or Gary Hooper but they cost big money which sums up where we are. Kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Blues have taken up the year’s option on David Davis’ contact. Thoroughly deserved.

  • Mark H says:

    Get back to basics Blues. If you only get two shots all game, at least get them on target! 7 shots, and only one on target is poor, make the goal keeper work for their money, saying that, Wolves were no better, but they ain’t trying for a promotion place. Shooting needs to be addressed this week. Get your shot on target and anything can happen, like a deflection, or a rebound off the goalie or defender, but shooting wide is a complete waste of time.

  • Andrew says:

    Point gained

  • jazzzy786 says:

    Just goes to show how much we’ve missed Gray since January. We have lost a major threat down one wing. Cotterell has been poor since coming back from injury. I’d like to see two pacy wingers in Maghoma and VSO with Toral in the hole. Donaldson is not a natural finisher and needs help in opening up defences that is why pace up top is vital to stop him getting isolated . A possible swtch is playing Davis higher up the pitch as his high energy game running at defences could pose problems for the opposition .

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