Often Partisan

Beale Attains Pro Licence

Blues were proud to announce yesterday that Development Squad coach Richard Beale has attained the top coaching qualification in football having been awarded his UEFA Pro Licence. Beale is the third Blues coach after Kristjaan Speakman and Paul Harsley to have attained the qualification with Steve Spooner and Gary Rowett himself both also studying for it.

I think it’s pretty awesome to read that Blues have so many coaches who are working towards and attaining the top level qualifications available in football. I’m a big believer in building a good infrastructure within the club and part of that is having a coaching set up who have as many tools as possible to be the best coaches that they can be.

I’ll be honest and admit some personal bias that I am especially pleased Beale has got his badge. I believe that a lot of what has gone right with Blues Academy in the past five years has been down to the success of Richard Beale in the Development Squad role, and I think it’s a marker of how good he has been that he has been touted for manager roles elsewhere in football; not that I could see him going. After all, when Rowett was taken on it was made clear that the one member of staff who would remain in position regardless of who was brought in was Beale.

As the Carson era finally draws to a conclusion and the Paul Suen era is about to begin Blues are in a pretty decent shape at Wast Hills. More investment has been pumped into the Academy to improve the pitches and the levels of coaching/backroom staff; we’re seeing more and more players look to coming through the ranks and into the team. With the end of the loan window more investment has gone into the u21 side to make it a better bridge between the Academy and the first team with many more games being arranged to give players a feel of playing week in, week out as they have to at the top level.

It’s all reason to be positive. I know that some are disappointed that no transfer business has been done yet and I think some people would like to see Blues spend a lot more money in the windows but I can’t agree; I’d much prefer Blues were able to bring through young talent via the Academy – whether it’s players sourced locally or from afar. I think in the long term the way football is going this will become more and more essential as I think the gap between the top clubs and others will continue to widen. I’d much prefer Blues were a self-sufficient club that could build on internal success than one that relies on the whims of a sugar daddy – after all, we’ve had that and look what happened. A trophy, yes … but a few years of absolute pain also.

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39 Responses to “Beale Attains Pro Licence”

  • StaffsBlue says:

    For me, seeing our own coming up through the ranks gives me far more satisfaction than bringing in players from other clubs, who may or may not fit in. I’m glad we’re doing things the right way and building our academy… and with a new owner about to take over, our future is looking very bright at last.

  • Lich Blues says:

    In an ideal world the players come through the ranks. I think Blues like most clubs need a combination of home grown youngsters and some decent signings (as decent as the budget allows) to progress in the league. But I have to say I am pleased about the investment at Academy level. I can cope with the tedium of a stable club for a few years. Bloody hell it’s been hard work going home and away since we won the Carling Cup. Looking forward to next season now. Getting itchy feet. KRO.

  • Mitchell says:

    Agree with your comments regarding bringing through the young talents. Let us rid the days of old ‘has beens’and support the bright new players already bursting to play for Blues. Next season will not see a serious push for promotion imo-so put them in and ok we may make a few clangers but overall they should hold their own.Likes of Buckley,Lafferty,Halford etc.not to be repeated. If the Developement team has brought these new young talents we simply cannot afford not to use them for as surely as night follows day other clubs will certainly circle around and snap them up.

  • Rob says:

    I’ve played with and for Bealey and I genuinely don’t know anyone with a bad word to say about him. A fantastic coach with a good career ahead, I just hope it’s at blues. To boot, he’s as big a bluenose as any of us too.

    I don’t know specific stats but in this country I would think 5 members of staff with the pro licence at one club is a huge ratio. Could be wrong

  • Dave Mann says:

    We have the coaches but now we need the players and formation to get us to the promise land . KRO

  • ChrisG says:

    Although it’s always great to see young players come through the ranks I actually believe that it’s names that put bums on seats so to speak. I know we are in no way financially able and by being in the Championship we’re unable to bring in the Rooney’s & Ronaldos of this world, but it’s an unfortunate fact that these are the type of players a lot of people (especially kids) want to see playing.

  • J says:

    I agree, I doubt many clubs especially at championship level will have that many UEFA PRO Licence holders.

    Dan will you be going to pre season in Spain to check out the main performers this year? It would be good for everyone to see who’s hot and who’s not.

  • Mitchell says:

    Yes Chris,see your point-but last year kids had never heard of Rashford etc.but if the likes of VSO and Brown could emulate I am sure the fans would come and see the the new young blues.Also,Ronan Hale could be a kids favourite without talking about the journeymen like Graham,Smith and the like.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Agree with this. At the end of the day, every top player started as an unknown kid. It’s what they do from then on that makes them unknown or well-known. I’m more than happy to see our own in the squad than some journeyman out for a last payday.

  • Big Al says:

    Another positive – the scouting network has also vastly improved

  • Waycoolblue says:

    Even Man U only have 2 UEFA Pro Licence staff members.. And 5 is on a par with Barcelona :0)

  • Dr Peter says:

    There is every reason to be optimistic about our fortunes on the pitch with this good news from off it. Improving the technical abilities of players is vital as well as giving more games for them to develop tactical awareness.
    To support and encourage these young players and their coaches, it woud be good to introduce them, by name, at some home games, and then we could applaud them and show our appreciation of all the hours of hard work they’re putting in away from the limelight. Hopefully they’d be given a boost by this and help them feel part of the ‘family’.
    The future’s bright, the future’s blue!!

  • Texas Pete says:

    Investing in our own patch means we get top talent coming through, which is good for club economy and also econmically good if they move elsewhere. Relying on players from elsewhere means the money goes elsewhere and the players are not invested in us, just in the best deal for them. Its a bit like having chinese owners, with money but no football or blues love, just a self interest in business. Lets invest in our own local set up, and see it prosper from within, the stars will rise, then we will others wish they were here from far and feel privileged if they pass the test to be invited in.

  • Training up our own young talent is great . But a successful side needs 16 quality players in it all at one go . The top PREM clubs snap up most quality under age players because the league do not give the lower clubs enough protection . We always have sold off our young stars at STANS. Not even barca has had anything near 16 home grown young players in one of there sides . For me we need to pick up young player prospects 18 to 20 an bring them on but buying players still has to be a main source of players . We have a dream not a fantasy . So lets not talk out of our HARRIS . We need to sign players and any manager that cannot do this for whatever reason Must be let go .

  • Tony says:

    Its great bringing our own talent through but what do we do in the meantime? we need proven quality players now, I have severe doubts that any of them will make the type of player we need.
    Someone mentioned Carter yesterday but he was never anywhere near top class, we should be aiming higher, I see Cardiff have let Turner go a good centre back, where were we.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    We need 18-20 players of first team standard, then supplement the squad with 3 or 4 of the youngsters… Solomon-Otabor, Adams, Brown and maybe Maxwell. They have to experience first team football at some point if they’re going to progress. U21 football can only take them so far.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    According to the BM tonight “Blues WILL sign Robert Tesche.”

  • Bluesy6 says:

    I know some of you wont agree with this but we are at the present time in rebuilding phase, yes there is money for players but that is limited compared to the teams we are up against in this league.
    I have said before that the work being done behind the scenes by Panos and GR is geared up for the future development of the club it does not look like a short term fix to me there appears to be a great deal being done regarding the infrastructure of the club with the long term future of the club in mind and with GR’s involvement I don’t see him going anywhere but BCFC.

    A settled leadership is what is required to give stability to the club and also assurance to any young players coming through the ranks or new players joining the club.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I note that Dan Burn has agreed a deal to sign for Wigan….No loss.

  • bhamcityjulian says:

    We have signed Tesche

  • Royinamillion says:

    Just received this note from a bluenose mate of mine:
    ” Following Brexit the government have announced plans for the immediate deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants. Aston Villa have therefore decided to close of the whole of the Holte End for next season”.

  • mattblue says:

    Tesche on a free. Couldn’t wish for a better first signing!

    • StaffsBlue says:

      It’s a very good start… although, personally, I’m more interested in how he intends to strengthen the defence.

      • mattblue says:

        Agreed Staffs. Need a LB and CB with pace and strength in my opinion; Specs is too lightweight and Robbo is simply old! I think Caddis was slightly unfortunate to be dropped for games last season; I don’t think he’s our weakest link.

        • StaffsBlue says:

          I think strengthening the defence significantly could make all the difference. If we have a solid defence and a good keeper behind, it should spread confidence throughout the team.

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    Great first signing and will go straight into the side at the expense of Gleeson.Shotton will do at CB and some strengthening at LB and a quality striker next but there’s no rush.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Gleeson is Rowett’s golden boy so it’ll be interesting to see how he’s going to fit Gleeson, Kieftenbeld, Tesche and Fabbrini into the same team, with Cotterill, Maghoma and Davis to keep happy too. There will be Adams and Brown waiting in the wings too. He likes a midfielder does our Gaz. :)

      • Hillfield Blues says:

        On his day Gleeson is s good player but is too lightweight and not in the same class as Tesche.Can see a good looking 4-2-3-1 developing with Tesche and Kieftenbild sat behind the attack.

      • Mitchell says:

        Yes,good point made Staffs. Sincerely hope I am wrong but feel Tesche has complicated the midfield issue. Never has there been a better time to use what we have plus our 2/3 talented young players who may possibly now be feeling a little disillutioned.

        • Hillfield Blues says:

          Tesche is a better midfielder than anything we have at the club so his signing doesn’t complicate anything,he just strengthens our midfield.

          • Mitchell says:

            I understand that and respect your view. However, you are classing Tesche as we saw him-he is not the same player. Injury and total lack of form has made him an outcast at Forest. Harsh maybe but as we have discussed this in recent days-Forest fans are not daft and for them to want rid does say something. Only time will tell and really hope you are proved right in him being the best midfielder that we have.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I think that because of their previous stint at the club, Tesche and Fabbrini have a lot to live up to. Whether they manage it remains to be seen. As you said Mitchell, Tesche arriving has complicated things slightly, but we did need a box-to-box midfielder.

            But, with Kieftenbeld, Gleeson, Tesche, Davis and Adams contesting 2 places, I can honestly see one or two wanting out at some point in the season, just to get first team football.

  • Tony says:

    I’m intrigued by this license thing does anyone know can anyone put in for it, even someone with no experience of football, or do you have to have some coaching experience?.

  • swissjonny says:

    Tony, purely because a chap at my gym is doing his badges I think I can answer this.Basicaly the first few badges are relatively straightforward.The one that Mr Beale has just got is not.You have to be accepted by UEFA and put forward by your club-and it costs big dosh. Even for the lesser qualifications there is continuous appraisal, weekends away and you have to put in active coaching time with a Club which is monitored. Seems pretty full on-well done to our man!

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Looks like Redmond is going to Southampton for £11m. I hope Gary can get his hands on the money due ASAP.

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