Often Partisan

Blues make first capture of the summer

Birmingham City yesterday confirmed that former loanee Robert Tesche will join the club on a Bosman free transfer from Nottingham Forest on July 1. Tesche is the first capture of the summer window, with his capture meaning Blues have now captured two of their targets from last summer – whither now Rob Kiernan?

I think I’ve stated it many times before but I’m going to once again here and now – I think Tesche was more of a reason for success when he was in on loan than Fabbrini was. As such, I’m actually a bit more excited about us bringing in Tesche than I was for Fabbrini; as good as Kieftenbeld, Davis and Gleeson were at times last year I think at times we also lacked a bit of quality and I think Tesche will improve us in the middle of the park.

However, I can’t help wondering if this signing isn’t slightly low-hanging fruit – the easy one to get people going. Blues are well stocked in the middle of the park – the three above plus Reece Brown, Charlee Adams and Luke Maxwell coming through and are desperately short in other positions – defence in particular.

I suspect in the first half of the season it will mean loan moves for any of the aforementioned young trio to get them game time – with four midfielders for what will normally be two positions it’ll be hard for them to get a look in and in my opinion it’s vital they play first team football now to continue their development.

As much as I am happy that Blues have signed Tesche I really cannot stress how important I think it is that Blues bring in at least two defenders, a left footed left winger and a forward. The longer we get into the break without covering those positions the more concern I’m going to feel that we’re going to get to August short again – and if that happens it will cost us again.

However, it’s not a time to think negative thoughts. Although there is no transfer fee involved I can’t imagine Tesche’s wages will be low; the word was he was on £20k per week or more at Forest last season and his capture should continue to prove the point that while not rich by any means Blues aren’t quite the paupers they once were. That in itself should bode better for this summer.


158 Responses to “Blues make first capture of the summer”

  • Steve-0 says:

    Like the word capture don’t you?

  • ChrisG says:

    I echo your thoughts Dan regarding the capture of Tesche, in his interview yesterday he said that last season he was following blues results so he obviously has a real fondness for the club which can only bode well for the future, I just wonder now who GR will drop to accommodate him considering how much he’s sung the praises of Gleeson & Kieftenbeld.
    In the BM the other day the Don talked about playing on the left & says he actually liked playing there, I wonder if that’s where he sees himself playing in the future?. There gave been a lot of rumours regarding the future of Cottrill & if he were to move on maybe GR will play Don on the left & mags on the right.
    If the media is to be believed we’ve put in a bid for Shotton & if that goes through that would be one defensive position filled but I definitly think we need another CB as cover & we need a decent LB, that said if we did get another LB Grounds could possibly cover both positions. We also need cover for Caddis or in some peoples opinion a replacement for him.

  • Chris says:

    Do you think davis could be moved on? I like his combative style and his goal at the end of the season was quality he hasnt got enough consistant quality and because of his athletism GR plays him in a few positions, he shud never be a left winger or a no10.

  • mark says:

    wow wow we broke into that 10 million already lol

  • mark says:

    got to say my new blues shirt looks absolutely stunning cannot wait to flash it to the vilers kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I’ve been counting the days since the end of last season and this Sunday would have been 50 days. I’m glad we’ve got someone in before then, at least now we can see that they’ve got the ball rolling. A big dominating centre back next please Mr Rowett. :)

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I agree we are well served in midfield which includes the “Forgotten” man Koby Arthur.
    We have a promising left back in Steve Seddon. He is not the quickest, but is sound in the air and gets forward at every opportunity. Next season may be a little too soon for him.
    Jake Bidwell from Brentford would be my ideal choice for left back, and he is available.
    Ryan Shotton looks the most likely recruit at centre back. I wish we could afford Rob Holding from Bolton as I predict he has a great future ahead of him.
    Up front I would be pleased to see either Tom Bradshaw or Nicky Ajose being “Captured”.

  • zxcv says:

    Its not negative thoughts at all, to point what our priority signings should is what we need to be pointing out because we have a history of bringing in players (A) of not being any better than what we already have, and (B) for the wrong position. I am afraid still that we will end up as you say Dan getting to the summer without that real priority signing`s we are desperate for and that is a Centre Half and a left back. Personally I am sick to death tbh of saying just this for the last two seasons. At least we won`t be hearing Rowett telling us not to worry if the window closes as we still have the loan window to get someone in, we all know that’s a red hearing. So while I also agree that Tesche is on the face of it a decent signing (based on what he did for us last time) its not what I would have expected as a priority signing and I for one am not sure that Shotton is the right man either for that c/half position, I wouldn’t` mind him coming back as a squad player as long he is seen as back up to a really good centre half partner for Morrison as he himself needs a player who is better than him and not one of equal or less ability than him, a bit like Scott Dann was to Roger Johnson. Scott made Roger look better than he really was.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Agree with all that.

      A centre back is the priority for me. We’ve not had a dominating centre back since Davies left… and that seems like forever ago. Bartley did a good job for a while, but to go that long without one is negligent imo.

      • ChrisG says:

        I think you may be disappointed staffs, if the rumours are to be believed Shotton will be the next one in

        • StaffsBlue says:

          It would be a disappointment tbh Chris. Morrison and Shotton are decent centre backs, but not alongside each other. Each of them need a ‘proper stopper’ to partner.

          • zxcv says:

            Exactly right Staffs we really do need some one to dominate the area, I would say both Morrison and Shotton are a much of a muchness and what we really need a big commanding figure and Shotton is not that, in fact he`s not much of an improvement on what we have imo. We are going to collect a tidy sum from the Redmond deal so we need to invest a large sum of money on this position if we are to seriously improve and the same on a left back as well.

          • Andrew says:

            Bringing decent defenders (left back and centre) will allow us to obtain more of a natural threat in attack, whoever plays left mid has to do 2 jobs to cover the ineptitude of grounds. Build from the back not the front

          • StaffsBlue says:

            If the manager doesn’t bring in a specialist centre back, all we can expect next season is much the same as the last one. I’ll be extremely disappointed if we get yet another player who can play in 2 or 3 positions.

  • Kazakblue says:

    Nathan Redmond having medical at Southampton, £11 million, what’s the share for Blues??

  • steve says:

    Looks like Redmond to Southampton for £10 mill. More money in the bank to spend hopefully. Quite pleased with the Tesche signing.Be good to have him and Fabbrini in Midfield again.Did anybody see Panos holding up the cricket yesterday?

  • Littleblue says:

    Good signing because your right Dan we do lack a bit of quality in centre mid and I’m not sure maxwell or Adam are ready I believe a striker a left back and Shotton in will be it till January then go again for more quality. Gary can only buy in accordance to the money he has avaliable I would of loved graham or Feeny who have gone to Blackburn but I would think wages would of been a problem anyway. Kro

  • Dave Mann says:

    I agree with all that zxcv … Tesche is s good start and strenthens our midfield but centre half and left back along with a striker to REPLACE Donaldson not to challenge him is priority IF we are to better last season … Partnerships in the centre backs is crucial , we had Cunningham and Upson then Johnson and Dann and it is no coincidence that we had two fine sides when they played together and yes zxcv your right about Dann making Johnson better than he was though we did see the best of him before he did a runner to the dingles . KRO

  • Ian hethers says:

    Not sure still on Shotton especially when a fee is involved. Still think he has a mistake or two in him. Would go for Adrian Mariappa on a free from Palace. Still only 29 but experienced centre half with pace aswell. Then use the money available on bringing Bradshaw in. I

  • Blue Steve says:

    Tesche has got quality and considering there is no fee, this was a deal worth doing. As pointed out by Dan we are now well stocked in midfield and it makes sense for Charlee Adam to make a loan move next season.

  • jazzzy786 says:

    Top signing but will push the likes of Brown, Adams and Maxwell further down the order. It should make our midfield strong enough to play 442 though and get on someone up front to support Donaldson. Still disappointed we never tried Hancox at left wing which I think he would’ve been ideal. Moving on lets hope reuniting Tesche and Fabbrini brings out the best outta Fabbrini. Got my season ticket for next year. Roll on Cardiff.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Although we could probably cope, I’m not sure one centre back will be enough tbh. Spector, I feel, will be used to cover Caddis and Robbo isn’t a 30+ gps player anymore. Also, no way on this planet is Morrison a commanding centre back, so we need that kind of player for him to play alongside. Ideally, we could use a Kyle Bartley type player, plus either Morrison or maybe Shotton to play alongside him. Unlikely, but it is what it is.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    We are due 15 per cent of any profit Norwich make on the sale of Nathan Redmond.
    With him being on the verge of a £11m move to Southampton it means we are due £1.17m.
    Let’s hope we get it sooner rather than later.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Yep, having a medical today apparently. I suppose it depends how we recieve the money. If it’s over a period of time, it probably won’t make a lot of difference in the short term.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    According to Vital Football, we’re looking at MK Dons defender Kyle McFadzean. I do hope it’s BS, because it’s a humungous feckin no from me.

  • Mirkwood55 says:

    Missed out on two possible CB signings yesterday – Ben Turner went from Cardiff to Burton and Dan Burn is on his way to Wigan from Fulham.

    • Richard Granfield says:

      Mirk…..Turner is a Blue Nose, but he is injury prone and with Burton only giving him a 1 year contract they must realise that.

      • chris says:

        Turner feels he’s over that injury spell since he had an op last season but he only came back towards the close of the season so time will tell

  • JamesP says:

    Not sure I understand why this would push Maxwell and Brown out on loan. Rowett has already stated he considers Maxwell a good left sided centre back (which might be why he’s not rushing to sign a ball playing CB) and Brown as a no. 10.

    That leaves Gleeson, Davis, Keiftenbeld, Tesche and Adams for two spaces. My view is that one of them will be moved out – I’d hope Gleeson as Adams is good on the ball and Davis/Keiftenbeld aggressive, ball winners.

    We now need a left back, a left winger and a striker or two.

  • KC says:

    I sense a feeling of doubt about Shotton which imo is justified.

  • blues mad says:

    Get John Egan from Gillingham classy centre back

  • Oldbluenose says:

    The forgotten midfielder,?.

    Shinnie is also back with us, — Any thoughts,??.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Will Fabbrini be in the side come August 6th ..? Not so sure myself if we get the players we really need ! KRO

  • Arlan says:

    What about Hal Robson Kanu for upfront? ,been released by readings so would be on a free!

  • Dave Mann says:

    Played well towards end of the season but £1.5 million fee shouldn’t make any difference to his position in the team if he plays like he did when he signed ! … Put it this way if Fabbrini and Donaldson start at home to Cardiff I will be a little bit supprised and dissapointed that we haven’t strengthened them areas .. My opinion of course but Groundhog Day AGAIN springs to mind . KRO

  • smudge says:

    I think Fabbrini was brought in knowing that Toral was always going back to Arsenal and maybe Fab knew that so didn’t put too much effort in. Next season I expect him to be the main man and should do ok apart from the usual lapses in form/injuries/suspensions. Like many of the replies on here it’s obvious that we have a decent midfield now so I am hoping that GR spends some time creating a hard to beat defensive unit. If he can do that then I think the we will see greater flexibility in the formation. As always looking forward to the start of the season hoping we can stick two fingers up at the pundits who will earmark us for relegation….

  • Dave Mann says:

    I don’t think any bookies or pundits will have us earmarked for relegation if they do they’re homework and realise we have money and new owners by October so can hopefully then push on …. As for Fabbrini being the main man!.. If that’s the case then relegation is a possibility .. Again my opinion . KRO

  • Dave Mann says:

    Ime glad you said ‘ experts’ because that they certainly are not . KRO

  • Dave Mann says:

    Exactly staffs . KRO

  • I hope GR signs both shotton and Egan . But I feel now that we have signed tesche I feel a loaned striker and centreback will be our limit till january window . .

  • Dave Mann says:

    Don’t agree William .. We need to sign both a striker and centre half .. Not loans !!! .. Shotton and Eden .. Nah !! Not good enough ! KRO

  • Mitchell says:

    What disappoints me is the fact GR likes to sign the players he feels comfortable with and can control. Nothing wrong with that but if we really want to make a step up then fresher approach has to be exercised. If Shotton signs then so far Ewan Chester has imo not been required. Tesche,Fabbrini and Shotton not streets ahead of our in house player plus the younger talent.

  • Dave Mann says:

    As I said Mitchell ‘ Groundhog Day ‘ mate .. New approach, new ideas , new formation .. Maybe new manager ? KRO

  • Blue Eyed Boy says:

    Have to agree with Dave Mann and Mitchell,I have to be honest and say that I have no faith in GR and his signings to-date – Clearly he is happy with players at a certain level and fits in his comfort zone however Blues will not progress with such minor signings,and looking at the teams that have come down as well as the other strong contenders like SW,Cardiff,Ipswich,Derby,Brighton to name a few ,I can only see us competing in or above the bottom zone. If Blues could employ a Director Of Football to work alongside GR and give guidance,experience and influence the addition of better quality players then this would benefit all,but suspect this would not be welcomed by GR?
    C’mon Blues up the anti and go for it,the club and fans are ready and willing to support..are you?

  • Dave Mann says:

    They had better be mate otherwise the shit will hit the fan ! KRO

  • carlos1875 says:

    How come GR never had another look at Dan burn he played realy well when at blues now looks like he is going to Wigan another missed player

  • Dave Mann says:

    Because he’s not good enough ok . KRO

  • Blue Eyed Boy says:

    Dan Burn would have been a good acquisition,after all this Tesche signing is the same scenario.
    He played for Blues before and knows the club well,oh I forgot he wasn’t a GR signing and has played above Divisions 1&2..silly me!

  • carlos1875 says:

    Was good enough to but a blurs shirt on and steady the back line

  • carlos1875 says:

    I agree with you blue

  • Dave Mann says:

    Yes he was but no he wasent ! KRO

  • williammorgan says:

    Blues defence needs a bit more pace , Burns slower than what we have got , blues often struggle with getting the ball away from their half , compared to what’s on offer Shottons passing ain’t half that bad ,for me it’s all about improving every situation of the team with the next player signed ,Egan’s contract is up and at around 22 is young enough to improve , but if blues can get better by all means …..

  • Matt says:

    Dan Burn is terrible, has got a turning circle like the QE2. Would like a new left back, centre half, maybe 2 and a forward. Would also like another pacy winger. Following the theme of strikers coming back I’d have Chris woods back, he’s the sort of striker that scores in patches, think he’d be good for blues. Maybe out occur price range

  • Mitchell says:

    It really is a sad reflection when some fans genuinely believe the current crop of signings is moving forward with progress in mind. I can accept that we all have differing opinions and choice of players we would like being brought in-but surely to start recruiting old players who’s clubs cannot wait to release is not the answer. Ewan Chester was surely brought in to give a new impetus and forward thinking to our club,not to recruit the old brigade. If Shotton signs then our 3players already in make up the numbers but not the improvement needed to sway the bookies away from their predictions.Blue Eyed Boy and Dave Mann I feel want new impetus and formation-are we not just the few who can see it?

    • BhamCityJulian says:

      The new season is a play-off challenge at best. Tesche is a definite upgrade on Davis and Gleeson. Now for three new defenders please

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      I think you are entitled to your opinions but are very much in the minority and do not reflect the feelings of the majority of Blues fans.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    Rowett talks up players even those out of the team because they are not fancied e.g. Novak, Thomas. I’ll expect to see Davis go. Can’t pass and usually headless

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    The role that Davis does will be taken by Maxwell we’ll find

  • Tony says:

    Rowet has a comfort zone, he knows he cant handle players of high quality hence he goes for this mediocre model all the time It really is his Achilles heel.
    Its not his fault its just the level he feels comfortable with, but that’s no good for us time to act and be bold.

    • steve says:

      How do you know that,when has he been in a position to sign high quality players?

      • zxcv says:

        Steve its called reading between the lines, things like why did he sign Fabrinni ? because Jon Toral is one such player that I believe a manager like Steve Bruce would have brought back for next Season no trouble. Rowett on the other hand has no experience whatsoever of how to keep such a talent happy enough for him to want to come back and bringing in Fabrinni showed Toral just what Rowett thought of him. So Rowett blew any hope`s the fans had of Jon coming back this season by getting his replacement before he even left us. You can call it opinions or reading between the lines ie what your eyes perseve to be the situation.

        • Mitchell says:

          Quite right zxcv. This is the point that many fans do not get. Let the likes of Toral go which was always on the cards and resort to old heads being brought in like Tesche,Fabbrini and Shotton is no way forward. All these players are not required by their clubs and for obvious reasons. Yes, I would prefer Davis and MK with an exciting youngster like Brown or Adams or Maxwell than have a now laboured Tesche and a flimsy Fabbrini who imo will not add any improvement. GR needs to get Chester to get that next step going and stop this ridiculous policy of going back in time.Anymore returning ‘nearly men’ will only result in the phrase ‘God help us’.

        • Waycoolblue says:

          Jon Toral was never going to come back he sees his future with Arsenal. Fab will come good. Tesche is 100s better than Davis Tesche plays box to box holds up the ball spots a pass. I am expecting us to play a 4-3-1-2 or 4-3-3 as some call it, Kieftenbeld Tesche Gleeson the 3 in midfield Fab at number 10 we need a striker a CB or 2. We need a left back

        • Sideshow Bob says:

          er Rowett brought Fabbrini in because it was for a good fee (compare money spent elsewhere) and he knew Toral would be going elsewhere if not staying at Arsenal because we cannot afford him. Do people on here understand the words ‘budget’ and ‘bringing in what you can afford’? I think not

  • Blue Steve says:

    i really can not understand all the negativity towards GR. Its a minority view though. He has made mistakes but many of them have been due to the constraints he has worked under. The vast majority of supporters are happy to have him as our manager and look forward with real hope.

  • bhamcityjulian says:

    Maybe Toral was asked and he declined; maybe Arsenal were asked and said no.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I don’t understand why people are so surprised by the Total situation. Right from the time he joined us, Toral stated quite clearly that he saw his future as going back to Arsenal to fight for a place in their first team squad. Even if he does go out on loan again, it will probably be to a lower Premier league club, to further his progress. They’ll most likely think that yet another season in the Championship won’t offer that progress. Who knows.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I don’t think we can right-off our chances of a play-off tilt just yet. I’m reserving judgement on our prospects for the season until I see the squad come the 6th of August. I think this is Mr Rowett’s season of destiny. He’s done well with two 10th place finishes, after the season of near-relegation. But, I think the fans need to see progress this season if we’re to avoid becoming stagnant.

    The signings we make this summer are vital. Get it right and there will be genuine excitement for the coming season. Cock it up and Rowett will be on a hiding to nothing before the season starts. Tesche is a good piece added to the jigsaw, but we need to get a wriggle on with signings with just 16 days before our first friendly.

    • southcoastblue says:

      Completely agree about this being crunch time for GR – unfortunately for him he’s done enough to raise expectations to the point where he may not be able to deliver! Also completely agree that the summer signings are vital. I just wish we could move on from banging on about players who’ve got some kind of link with the club and think a bit wider. Things like which opposition players impressed last year? Who are the star players at league 1 clubs?

      And remember we still haven’t go the money to buy the quality players we’d like!

  • Dave Mann says:

    As it stands now then a top ten finish next season is unlikely but by August 6th that could all change with the two defenders we need and the goalscorer we need so judgement day will come when the new owners finally take over in October and by then we should be more clear on what we can expect from the season and the manager and the players we have signed and need to sign come January . KRO

  • Steve says:

    No pleasing some people. Tesche excellent signing, should improve our midfield and help Fabbrini to get on the ball quicker and in better areas. Suggestions that Rowett won’t sign higher profile players as he can’t deal with them are quite ridiculous, we have never had the money for them. I’m quite sure he knew of Toral’s situation before bringing Fabbrini in. Keep positive as there is plenty to be positive about!

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      Nail on the head Steve.The bottom line is that we are not in a position of strength financially so how can people be critical of the level of players we sign?.Some fans just need to accept the situation we are iin a bit better.

  • Dave Mann says:

    I agree about trying to stay positive Steve with the new owners coming in and money available but this league is getting tougher each season to get out off and this will be our sixth season in a row in the championship .. If not the season coming up then the season after we have to get back in the premiership but it will be difficult if we don’t get the quality in or spend some good money so positivity is all well and good but we have to be carefull on our expectations . KRO

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Have to agree with that. As I said, I’ll reserve judgement on our chances until I see how the squad looks come August. As exciting as a lot of last season was, the last few months were deflating. The management have to take all steps necessary to avoid that happening again. Strengthening in the right areas of the team with stronger-minded players would help massively.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      Exactly.Blues are not going to be tearing up any trees on the transfer front any time soon and tenth last season was about right which most of us predicted although it’s worth remembering we were in the top six for most of it.
      Let’s just see how GR does with some more stability in the club and a bit more financial support from new owners before we make some of these over the top judgements.Tesche is a very good start to his transfer dealings this summer for me.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Agreed. Another 3 or 4 of his quality and we’ll be fine. If they are players of lesser quality, then it will be as you were. Although, I suppose another season of consolidation wouldn’t be the end of the world, at least it would allow the new owner to get his feet firmly under the table.

  • Shirley Blue says:

    Blackburn are skint aren’t they? What about putting a cheeky bid in for Shane Duffy given we need a big, commanding centre back or am I setting my sights too high?

  • Littleblue says:

    Can’t believe people on here slagging rowett. He can only work with the budget he has and he plays the best system that suits the players he has. And if you think 10m in January is enuf for automatic promotion think again still think we will pish for playoffs. Imo

    • Dave Mann says:

      We know £10 million pound is not enough for promotion and that’s over three transfer windows by the way and your second point of making the playoffs in your opinion .. I don’t think so !! KRO

  • Bluesy6 says:

    Littleblue, spot on, nice to see some one talking with their feet on the ground and not their head in the air.

  • Bluesy6 says:

    I should have said head in the clouds, before i’m picked up and corrected

  • Gary R says:

    People are talking about this 10 million as though it’s the definitive total TTA are going to give us. In my personal opinion I think this is a STARTING figure not the final figure. As far as I’m aware TTA have not said they’re not prepared to go over 10 million. I actually think they will if there are players available and we can realistically attract them to the Club.

    • I think many fans WOuld like permanent players this window . The only problem with that is with the money we have in this window we don’t want to gamble on cheap players as we will have to get rid of them later, best we buy 2 good players players now and loan two till January , then let the loan signings go back unless they are good enough to sign , and sign three good players in January ….

    • bhamcityjulian says:

      The £10 was for public consumption. It wouldn’t be misleading to shareholders and the HKSE if it were more but it would put up the cost of the transfers

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Blues has only 18 outfield players with squad numbers including Tesche, so how many more do we need?
    Answers on a postcard.

    • Gary R says:

      5 in my opinion.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I think we need at least another 4. Two centre backs, a left back and a striker. A natural left-sided midfielder would be nice as a bonus. That doesn’t mean we’ll get them.

      Mr Rowett saying we needed 3 or 4 new players is, imho, an extremely conservative estimate.

  • williammorgan says:

    I think many fans would like permanent signings in this window , but with a smaller amount this time I think that rather than by cheaper players and then have to get rid of them later , that we would be better off buying 2 good players one being tesche and then 2 on loan till till January , then sign three good players in January …

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Redmond has signed for the Saints. Believed to be £11m.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      Can’t remember what the deal with Blues and Norwich was but should mean a significant amount of cash coming our way.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I can’t remember either. Wiki says “…reportedly an initial £2 million plus up to £1.2m in additional payments.”

        • Richard Granfield says:

          Staffs…..It was reported that we get 15 per cent of any profit. So we sold him for £3.2m, Norwich sold him for £11m, which means we get £1.17m.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            Better than nowt I suppose. :)

          • BlackCountryBlue says:

            Not as good as hanging onto him and getting 7/8 million (reduced allowing for the fact he would have remained a championship player). It will be in instalments as Southampton wont be paying up front, however if Norwich guarantee us £x on a regular basis based on what they are getting we can reflect that in how we finance any incoming deals/wages.

  • Littleblue says:

    Dave Mann that’s what this is all about opinions you have yours and I have mine.I firmly believe if Gary is given that amount of money he will buy the quality we need even though like I have said before its not a lot in footballing terms but I’m sure rowett and Co will do there best. Krone!!!

  • Littleblue says:

    And thank you bluesy6 for your kind words lol I’m a bit new on here. I just expect to much after the crap couple of years under Clark and I feel building slowly like we are is key under our financial situation at the minute.

    • Mitchell says:

      Little blue. Good to hear your comments. Dave Mann,Blue Eyed Boy,myself and many others-not all – are realists that our current squad and acquisition of past players will in our opinion not be anywhere good enough to make the step up that we require. Not anti Gary Rowett by any means but to be where we want to be e.g play offs-is far off with current squad. Fresh,new formation and a definite move from the lone Donaldson ranger is a must. Rowett has done well but we cannot live on forever being grateful. We have a young crop of players who can contribute more imo than bringing back old hands who GR simply feels comfortable with.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        It could be that Rowett is spending part of the transfer kitty now. I’m hoping, but not confident, that come the winter window, a bit more money will be forthcoming, depending on where we are in the table and whether a play-off push is viable.

      • Hillfield Blues says:

        Mitchell.Whilst I respect your opinion I think you should stick to doing just that.Im sure the other posters you mention are big enough to air their opinions themselves.
        I happen to agree with your view that our squad is not strong enough to reach the play-offs…..at present.This summers transfer activity hasn’t really kicked off yet and most players are on holiday or playing in the Euro’s so to be moaning about signings and formations at this stage is just premature to say the least.

    • Bluesy6 says:

      Littlebluemy comments from a previous post
      June 23, 2016 at 9:36 pm
      I know some of you wont agree with this but we are at the present time in rebuilding phase, yes there is money for players but that is limited compared to the teams we are up against in this league.
      I have said before that the work being done behind the scenes by Panos and GR is geared up for the future development of the club it does not look like a short term fix to me there appears to be a great deal being done regarding the infrastructure of the club with the long term future of the club in mind and with GR’s involvement I don’t see him going anywhere but BCFC.
      A settled leadership is what is required to give stability to the club and also assurance to any young players coming through the ranks or new players joining the club.

  • Littleblue says:

    Mitchell I hear what your saying but I believe rosette plays that formation because not only he likes it, it suits the current players and I honestly think we haven’t got at the moment good enuf players to play for example a 4-4-2 I also know one day rowetting will leave or be sacked it’s the nature of the business but I would just like us to be on a level playing field with other clubs spending wise. Here’s hoping maybe one day. Kro

  • KC says:

    Just hope we don’t end up with Shotton and Aluko as ” improvements” to the squad

  • Littleblue says:

    I agree with Shotton kc but they might be all we can afford at the moment if it’s true. Kro

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      When Shotton has started in his natural position alongside Morrison at Centre half he has done very well and is an upgrade in Spector and Robinson.

    • Mitchell says:

      My only reason for including the names of Dave Mann and Blue Eyed Boy is because they have posted their doubts of bringing in former players like Fabbrini and Tesche instead of using the younger talent that we have. MK,Davis,Robinson and Gleeson are mature enough to help the addition of a Brown or Adams or Maxwell which would lift the crowd instead of a returning player. Our future is bright but not if we fail to introduce a talent when the time is right. Now is that time-particularly when imo this season will not be the one when we seriously challenge a top six club.However you and Hillfield make good opposite opinions which is good.

      • Hillfield Blues says:

        Apart from Kieftenbild our midfield isn’t strong enough.Gleeson and Davis are honest but give the ball away cheaply and are squad players imo.
        I agree completely that our promising younger players should be given their chance but what if the manager feels that they are not ready or not even good enough?We at least have to have a reliable,consistent box to box player who can keep the ball and dictate,Tesche is that man for me.A BM poll suggested that 94% of Blues fans thought the same.

      • Shirley Blue says:

        What’s the obsession with having to play these younger players? We desperately need some quality in to even maintain where we have finished the last two seasons. Our current midfield is nowhere near strong enough and if we are relying on the likes of Reece Brown from what I have seen we are more likely to be in a relegation battle than anything else. Bringing in Tesche on a free was a no brainer. Getting in good players isn’t going to be easy so when a good one wants to come to us you take it.

        • StaffsBlue says:

          I agree totally. With all due respect, youngsters like Brown, Maxwell and Adams aren’t going to learn much from the likes of Gleeson, Davis and Kieftenbeld. They’ll progress much better playing with and being around better quality players. Maybe we don’t have the money to bring in those type of players, but it won’t happen until we do.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Charlton have signed striker Nicky Ajose, so that’s another rumour consigned to the bin.

  • williammorgan says:

    1-1 England ,unbelievable as we watched the the set piece before the match on tv and still failed to put a defender on the far post ..

    • StaffsBlue says:

      England players are just embarrassing. We’ve just got progressively worse over the last 20 years, to a point where we can’t even beat the likes of Iceland. Heads should be hung in shame.

      If Hodgson had picked 11 Championship players, he would have got more heart and more fight than those overpayed, over-hyped Premier players.

  • Walker says:

    kyle bartley is going to leeds i read yesterday. pity as rated him a lot more than dan burn

  • StaffsBlue says:

    ‘Denny Johnstone has joined Colchester United for an undisclosed fee with various add-ons.’ bcfc.com

    Another player who was never given a fair go.

    • mark says:

      sorry my lack input euro2016 this why players who have not been given a chance by the manager, they do come back and bite you on the a**e….they have something to prove.
      Because managers have their favs, they become a little one eyed when looking over other players.
      old roy has found this out at england bunch twats who are over paided, think they are world class, a big well done to iceland

  • mark says:

    tesche will improve us how do you know he could get a injury?? maybe make this point when he played 5-10 games of the new season. Last season was last season…leicester to win the title again i don’t think so. When these players come they think they have a right to be in the starting eleven.

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