Often Partisan

Striking Options

Gary Rowett was quoted yesterday on the official Birmingham City website as saying that a lack of end product in front of goal was an issue. This came after what was a fairly toothless performance at Easter Road against a second string Hibernian team with just two weeks left before the start of the season.

In my own match report, I described the game as “insipid” and to be fair I think I might have been kind with that description. It wasn’t that Blues couldn’t score, it was more like they never looked faintly like scoring. It took 44 minutes to register a shot on target and I can remember no more than about two real clear cut chances – Blues weren’t creating anything.

Part of that was down to a lack of penetration of the Hibs defence; part of it was due to crosses not meeting targets on the odd occasion Blues did get in behind and part of it was due to Blues not being able to finish on the very odd occasion the chance properly fell to a striker. In my mind there is no denying that Blues do need someone – the question is who and more importantly how.

As someone who is wiser than I am pointed out, Rowett is in a bit of a quandary. Rowett wants to bring in a striker who is better than he has, but with limited funds. As an example, Blues declined bids of around £1.5m in the summer of 2015 for Clayton Donaldson – yet they are looking to try to bring in someone better for less money in a very competitive market. It’s not going to be easy.

That being said, it can’t be said they’ve not had options. Tom Bradshaw was watched and deemed not good enough, and he was certainly in the affordable bracket. Another target was Swedish international Emir Kujovic, top scorer in the Swedish top flight in 2015. Blues elected not to pursue him, and he ended up signing for Gent for as I understand it an amount Blues could afford.

Of the current targets we do know about, James Wilson is apparently being pursued by more than 10 clubs, Nelson Oliveira is likely to sign for a club that isn’t Blues very shortly – leaving us currently in the chase for third-choice Dynamo Dresden striker Tim Vayrynen among other mystery targets – it’s not exactly something that fills me with joy so close to the start of the season.

Granted, it’s not time to panic yet – two of our most influential players last season in Maikel Kieftenbeld and Jon Toral signed on July 27 and July 30 respectively and despite not having a full pre-season with Blues they fitted in quickly. That being said, I do wonder if we’re getting to the point where we’re like the single man at the disco, wondering if we should have turned down the easy chances early on and if we’re going to be fighting for scraps at ten to two before the lights come on.

Rowett has every right to say which player he wants and which he doesn’t, and to hold out for signing the players he wants to bring in. However, I think he will be judged on how those players perform; if Bradshaw scores 20 for Barnsley and Blues manage to bring in this year’s Nicolai Brock-Madsen it’s not going to look good is it? It’s a test of patience and I hope that Rowett is better at it than I am.

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174 Responses to “Striking Options”

  • Kazakblue says:

    Oh Daniel, where are the strikers of the like of Latchford, Hatton, Bridges and Francis, to name but a few who proudly wore the Blues shirt with passion and pride ?
    No, we cannot afford an expensive overseas striker, we all realise this, but what has happened with the training methods of our youngsters, can they not be fast tracked through under 21’s to being part of the first team squad?
    Are too many being rejected and released because people are thinking a “Step Up” to the next level is beyond them, how did our current manager and his coaches make the grade if someone had not had the confidence in them to advance?

    KRO, as ever

    • mark says:

      great questions….

    • almajir says:

      It’s not as simple as that.

      Name me one player we’ve released in the last five years from our academy – not sold, released – who has gone on to better things. The top clubs hoover up talent; it’s the way it is.

      • Kazakblue says:

        I was mainly questioning the training methods and the thinking or reasoning behind the coaches and managers thoughts, yes you are right, the big clubs will always hoover up future talent, but how many talented youngsters have we produced that could fit into our first team and score goals for fun, enrich our league standing or push us to the promised land of promotion and then be sold on for a much healthier sum than the last few years.

      • Andrew says:

        You can have all the talent in the world, it doesn’t say you will make it as a pro. Look at ravel Morriston, he was talked about in the same light as Pogba when they came up through the ranks together. Where is he now. It’s application and the right attitude that gets players to where they are in the first teams.

  • JH says:

    I’m confident that Bradshaw will deliver at Barnsley, leaving us with egg on our face. For the money I can’t see why we haven’t taken a chance – he’s proved himself in England, albeit in a lower league, so Rowett must have really seen something about him that to deem him a poor fit for us. Time will tell I guess.

    As for alternative options I’m as lost as Gary, I can’t stand to watch another home game where we lump the ball up at Donaldson and hope for him to hold off two bruising CBs – something has to change because it looked like he’d been found out a couple of times last year.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I said similar in the previous blog:

      ‘I’d prefer to see us build from the back myself. I get neck ache watching the keeper feck it into the floodlights, expecting our lone striker to win the ball against two big centre backs. Randolph did the same. 90% of the time, the defenders win the ball and it comes right back at us. Start our attacks through the full backs, or a centre back with a midfielder coming short to recieve the ball. FFS, play football, not hoofball.’

      • Dan Hickman says:

        Caddis, Grounds, Spector, Shotton, whoever you pla at FB I dont think they have the composure or ability to play it out from our own half imho

  • Big Al says:

    This is the team who finished last season in relegation form plus one. I really hope rowett knows something we don’t.

  • edd77 says:

    I wonder also how many strikers want to come and play the boring formation anyway ,strikers want chances and with the few we create they have got to have some shots/ goals ratio to be a success here, as for Donaldson I don’t think we’d get 400k now for him ,Bradshaw could very well get 20 goals but he wouldn’t have played under Rowett because he won’t drop Drop Donaldson or change formation,am I correct in thinking no loans after 31st Aug ? So I’d have thought more important than ever to get your business done early

  • Lich Blues says:

    In total agreement of your assessment of the match at Hibs Dan. It wasn’t a case of problems with the end product – more like the whole product.

    Truly woeful all over the field for the past two friendlies. What was most worrying at Hibs was that we didn’t have the excuse of a split squad like we did v Walsall.

    As Big Al says – let’s hope Rowett knows something we don’t.


  • jim the hat says:

    If this is the case surely this will put us out of the running for che Adams?

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Federico Macheda is available. I well remember his 10 goals in 18 appearances in 2014 and he was the real reason we stayed up that year rather than Caddis’s last gasp goal.
    And he is still only 24.
    He may test Gary’s management skills, but he has undoubted ability.

  • Pete Flamingo says:

    To make it worse many of the clubs we finished above last season are likely to be much stronger this season, eg Bristol, Leeds, Fulham, and Wigan look very strong. I’ll take 4th bottom right now.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    I would take £1.5 for Donaldson and play Vaughan there with Storer as cover. Use the money to pay the extra for Che Adams and move Maghoma to the right, where VSO would be cover. Use the Cotterill money for two full backs

    • almajir says:

      You’re assuming anyone wants him now Julian. We declined a bid last season, doesn’t mean anyone wants him this season does it – it’s oversimplifying things.

    • Stephen Crathorn says:

      What has Vaughan done for the club. How anyone says that he can replace Donaldson is not in this world. Look at their goal scoring records!

    • mark says:

      at moment jack storer doing the business i don’t appear to see any other of our strikers hitting back of the net lately…………… he should have been made available really against hibs.. At this moment in time players should be pulling up trees to want to play at the start of the season.
      My other question why would fans paid for friendly to watch players gaining their fitness utter bollox…They want to see players following the tactics/ their information, their sharpness, and if possible see goals!!

  • Charlie says:

    Should of got Bradshaw, he was a steal. I am now feeling the worse and think we’ll end up with another duff striker. The Hibs game show how poor we are at creating and scoring goals. We need at least a striker,left winger and left back, if not I fear we’ll be fighting at the wrong end this year, hope I’m wrong KRO

  • teejay says:

    i am so disappointed with the whole club at the moment sale delayed again and again I have lived in wales for a long time now but was thinking of getting a season ticket with 2 friends here. I really thought the club was turning the corner. I have told my friends about all the blues stories and the history of the club, and took them to a couple of games last season, we were all up for it this year with all the seemingly good times coming, I just do not see it we are not improving but it seems every other club has got exciting times ahead it hurts me to say it but we will struggle big time this year we do not have a plan b its the same old stuff so season tickets are on hold I want to see some action first

  • zxcv says:

    The oldest saying in football is “stop his supply and you stop him” Last season was an example, Opposition stopped Cotterill and that stopped Donaldson, Plus Cotts was out the team injured for parts of the season. All striker miss chances its the nature of the game you just need enough chances allowing for Nature, problem is we don`t create anywhere near enough to even allow for the missis. I said it then and I will say it again at 65 grand Bradshaw is going to come back and bite Rowetts arse.

  • Ken says:

    My word! There is so much negativity about all of these posts! How many times does GR have to say that Blues are not in the same financial position as most other clubs in the Championship? He’s made it clear on many occasions that what Blues can offer in terms of transfer fees and wages is at the bottom end of the scale and therefore selling clubs and players will hang on as long as possible to see if theres a better deal. Thats why he’s saying that yes it might even be 31st August before someone comes in and yes he does actually mean that. And as for comments about GR knowing more than we the fans do….yes of course he does but he’s not Barry Fry and doesnt conduct his business through the press. I think a lot of people on here need to have a reality check!

  • Pods says:

    Excellent call from Pete Flamingo, several other clubs who finished below us are snapping up players.
    Unless someone knows of a potential target which has not come to the surface, we could well be in trouble for the start of the season.
    Panic buying is not right, but we must act before 6th August.
    I believe if we finish 14th we would have done well

    Ask Steve Bruce for some help


  • Texas Pete says:

    This is not the right mood for starting the season or is it the negative doom and gloom mob taking over again. Blues lean history means that fans are genetically prone to pessimism about the club which is why we are the dogged never say die, backs to the wall type for the team. So GR says we lack the striker. We all knew that and the goalscorer is the hardest most expensive role to fill. The right player hasnt appeared been revealed yet, but there is still time. Doors open wider as the season approaches so for the shrewd purchace we must expect deals to be done around the first game. It sounded like the friendly games didnt show us the best of blues and preseason games often dont. Even if we dont get everything we wished for, being solidly behind what we have is more important than a striker, because the confidence of the team depends on the fans.

  • john says:

    I,ve said it many times before, Blues fans have to wake up and realise, that until new owners are properly installed, this club of ours is going nowhere. This coming season is going to be no different than the last, we will hope we can maintain our position in the championship. We cannot compete, financially, with the majority of the teams. Until Ernst and Young and the The Hong Kong Stock Exchange , install TTA as the new owners of BIH and, more importantly, BCFC , it will be a case hanging on. Even when TTA are installed,it will be a case of ” who are ya ” !!! Gary Rowett is working in a very restricted environment, how long will he put up with it !

  • The old saying is that those that want something for nothing get nothing … why can’t we loan a striker for nothing till January pay 1.2 mill now and 800 thou in January . Or take Adams on loan till January then pay the full fee Of 2 mill …or as a last resort take Adams on loan till jan at 1/2 a mill…loan a striker to them for nowt and and pay 2 mill in January to beat newcy browns to him

    • StaffsBlue says:

      I suspect you could be right. The reason for waiting and waiting to bring a striker in, could possibly be that it’s going to be a premiership cast off or academy player on loan. I’m not a great fan of loan players but, I suppose as long as it’s not Agbonlahor…

  • edd77 says:

    Big Al’s hit the nail on head about the worry it’s the form of the last 3months of last season added to the fact of no striker ,it will make us slightly pessimistic certainly doesn’t fill you with confidence this league is tough and two 10 place finishes means nothing going into the new season we all start again

  • Martin says:

    We play the same way alot and teams know how to shut us up. We lost some pace and penertration when Gray went and struggled to break teams down. GR for all the reasons we know has struggled to bring in players who impact things in the system we play. Survival is best situation and with the new crop of ex premiership clubs and parachute payments the championship is becoming far tighter and difficult. Which means more money for competative squads is needed.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      With the counter-attacking system we play, you have to have at least two players of speed and a striker who can put chances away. We have none of those things, so the system will continually struggle to function.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    Our average points per game slid us to relegation the moment Chucho was left out the team and not replaced. This is being repeated by the sale of Gray.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    In all honesty, I think of the players he brings in this summer, Mr Rowett will be judged mainly on the striker. If he doesn’t bring in a proven striker who is better than Bradshaw, then his judgement will be questioned. Unfortunately, he will have brought that pressure upon himself. As I said before, I accept that he has the advantage of insider knowledge on Bradshaw, but, saying that, I’m expecting someone pretty good as the alternative. I suspect I could be disappointed.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      He certainly needs a striker but wheather he should be judged on being better than Bradshaw is open to question because nobody really knows how good Bradshaw is.I can’t help but have a bit of sympathy for GR because anyone who he thinks might fit the bill is going to have half the championship after him and we just don’t have the financial clout to trump them.Its all going to boil down to a deadline day type scramble imo with players deciding which is the best deal and kicking off a big domino effect.Its not the best but it’s where we are at the moment.Would like to hear what Mr Chester’ take on it is considering he was brought in to improve our recruitment network.

  • Bluey says:

    Rowett says that a lack of an end product in front of goal is an issue. How encouraging that he has spotted that.

  • Ken says:

    Goals win games. No goals no wins. Hence why good strikers cost mega bucks. He was never going to go for Bradshaw while Vaughany is there, theyre the same type of player…

    • Bluey says:

      Therein lies the problem.Decent strikers cost the most in transfer fees and wages. We haven`t the kind of money to bring them in so what does GR do? His options are 1) to try and negotiate a loan deal for a Premiership player 2) promote a player from the u21`s and give them a chance 3) take a punt on a cheaper, lower league player,hoping he can uncover a raw talent or 4) wait for the next window and work with what we have at the moment. I have a feeling that option 4 looks the most likely at the moment.

    • Stephen Crathorn says:

      Ken,there is one Mega difference, Bradshaw scores goals, Vaughan don’t. End of………

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Nice goal by Jack Storer again for the U21s against Albion.

  • Pods says:

    Steve Bruce is on his way to help us get a striker and other key positions required.


  • Dave Mann says:

    Never thought I would say this but he can have the managers job now if he wants it as far as ime concerned .. Great times under Brucey and we had money to burn …. Happy days :-) KRO……, ps : I know he wouldn’t take it and I know we can’t afford him but I can dream :-(

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Thing is, could he do the job now without the dosh to spend?

      • Dave Mann says:

        We will never know unfortunetly . KRO

        • zxcv says:

          its the whole thing you would get with Brucie, He understands the game 200 % more he has managed big name players, he knows what it takes to get teams up, He has signed more players big name players than Rowett has had dinners, he has the respect earned the respect of players he is a players manager. he has managed Prem League team the only manager who has taken Blues up Twice first time after 16 years of the likes of rowett and others trying to. If I had my way he would be in tomorrow he knows this division and how to win, been a winner all his life HE is what is needed at this club right now without any shadow of a doubt. Rowett managed err Burton. where o where is the comparison, no brainer. go get him Panos.

  • it’s only the youngsters and the ladies that is keeping belief going everything else is bringing grief ….

  • Dave Mann says:

    Same here mate … My wife and son keep my tail up but despair on the Blues front is hard to stomach at the moment .. Think I will start watching the U21s a bit more .. Lot more entertaining . KRO

  • Tony says:

    Rowet also said things they were doing in training was making them heavy legged, which begs the question why the F— DO THEM .
    Every time I criticised Rowet I was accused of being ultra negative, well seems most posters now agree with me. He does not have what it takes, there are players out there who we could afford and would make us better.
    He is afraid of quality he couldn’t handle it irrespective of money, time for him to go.
    Problem is this club is too nice, too decent they were with the imebecile Clark and they are with this guy he belongs in league 1 OR 2

  • swissjonny says:

    This really aint looking good. He should grab Macheda now if hes going cheap.

  • Seem vital football’s GR propaganda machine has read your article about Bruce Dave they are saying how lucky to have him …

  • Mitchell says:

    From time to time Staffs and myself get a feeling in our water-and today is my turn. Just get that inkling that a Prem.striker is on his way. No inside info.or anything hearsay,but just that feeling we may have something to smile about.

  • Poul Møller says:

    8 months without a single goal from Vaughan. Get rid of him and sign Macheda long term and Le Fonde short term from Cardiff.
    I would like our midfielders to challenge more. Kieftenbeld and Tesche have good shots from the distance – shoot more! Make their defenders more busy by threatening from distance and there will be more space for the striker. We did that with Larsson and Gardner not so long ago. By the way they are both available, aren’t they?

  • eric says:

    Oh come on Dan = I have a lot of respect for you but OF COURSE ROWETT IS BETTER AT THIS THAN YOU………..KRO

  • Waycoolblue says:

    Negativity that’s all this is. We have offers/bids in for 5 players. Che Adams, is the one everyone knows about but their are other targets. I agree with most supporters that Bradshaw could have been a quality signing but that’s gone now so time to move on.

    I didn’t go to Hibs so cant really comment on what went wrong. But I was at Walsall & IMO nether blues or Walsall created anything we only pushed up because we went a goal down witch came from a penalty. Had we been pushing up all game we would have created a lot more chances and maybe gone on to win the game.

    But come on there is plenty of time to get signings in GR him self as said we have 5 bids on the table and more targets behind those bids. He as said he is confident we will have at lest 1 or 2 in before the first game with Cardiff. So get behind GR and the team (squash the Negativity) KRO

  • mark ryley says:

    Daniel you seem to be back tracking a bit now as a few weeks ago you seemed a bit cocky when someone had mentioned about going for Bradshaw and you cut them down by saying “maybe we are going for better strikers ” making out you know more than us .now you are sounding worried like the rest of us.

  • Pods says:

    We have just missed out on Gonzalo Higuain signed for Juventos instead.
    Not slow there Gary.

  • ChrisG says:

    Just seen that Rowett is on Hulls list as new manager. PLEASE god make it so, we’ll have Brucie back

  • I have got a feeling in my water too ive just cleaned the pond out and i felt a frog . I beieive Gary has got a promise too I feel he as a back up striker if his prem strikers want to much money ..

  • David L says:

    Just a thought.

    We know what the Don can and has given us. We’ve an idea of Vaughn’s strengths and weaknesses. The Brock is on Olympic duty.

    So…play Hale against the Vale!

    I know I’ve not seen him play. I know those who have say he’s not ready.

    But what we do know is that what we’ve tried to date isn’t cutting it.

    What would be lost if we said to a raw youngster : there’s 45 mins – go out and make your name. If he doesn’t make it, that’s fine – no damage done, another year to learn, and the club hasn’t gone backwards. But if he looks half way decent……..

  • To be fair to Dan we all have changed our minds a few times over players out of desperation but you can only dangle a large carrot in front so many times before you doubt getting it so will settle for a smaller carrot .but if things drag on and we start to doubt that we won’t get any carrots then it will be interesting to see where the carrot will end up ….

  • StaffsBlue says:

    There have been names of strikers bandied about, there have been reports of a bid for wide midfielder Che Adams, but, apart from the Charlton lad weeks ago, not much has been speculated about the left back position. Anyone heard owt?

    • ChrisG says:

      It bothers me that GR is & has been more focused on replacing Caddis than Grounds. Thru the years we’ve been blessed with some really good left backs but without doubt Grounds is the worst & i’d just love to know what GR sees in him especially as a former full back himself. I reacon as long as Rowett is in charge he won’t be replaced. We haven’t really replaced Dave Murphy who was a proper LB not a LB wannabe like Grounds is.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        It’s a little bit worrying that three positions in the side haven’t been addressed so far. Unless they all just drop in our laps together, that’s a fair bit to find before the season starts in 11 days.

        As for right back, we have Caddis, Spector and Cogley, so I don’t see the importance tbh.

      • Richard Granfield says:

        Chris G………OK Grounds is not another Mark Dennis or Julian Dicks, but that is not HIS fault.
        He was signed from lower league Oldham by Clark and is a League 1 standard full back.
        He has been picked by Clark and Rowett and has tried his best, but at his age I cannot see him improving to a top six Championship operator.

  • Mitchell says:

    ChrisG. You may have something there with GR and Brucie.Nice,very nice thought.

  • Pods says:

    I have just spoken with Steve, he still has his house to me next door. He is away in Florida at present but would welcome a return to blues.
    Watch this space

  • Dave Mann says:

    And I’ve just seen Carson and Pannu pull-up on the stans car park … You wind up merchant Pods , hey what are you like :-) KRO

  • Pods says:

    Good old bantor Dave
    Let’s hope we hear some positive news shortly.
    Have a good evening mate.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Needed after the Hibs game mate .. Negativity more than reality is the in word at the moment .. The realists are not being negative enough !!! .. and ime being serious by the way ! KRO

  • Stan Moye says:

    Guys, whilst l’m as frustrated as anyone regarding the lack of transfer activity. Whilst GR is not coming across as positive as l’d like, what we don’t know is have the board made real money available, or are there cash flow issues? If not why the hell has the club not brought in the much needed additions. At this stage we should be rating to go, but it’s all a but if anti climax for me, so far l might add.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      I reckon your on the money there Stan.Actions speak louder than words for me and we seem to be in the market that waits for the scraps at the end rather than give the fans s signal of intent by pushing the boat out and giving them a solid signing.Panos isn’t exactly going to come out and say we’re skint as we wouldn’t sell any season tickets but at the end of the day if there’s nothing in the pot it’s not his fault or the managers is it.Fans just have to accept the situation although I cannot blame anybody for being frustrated.

  • It seems a long time since we thought that the jinx of STANS had gone when lifting the cup at Wembley against the great arsenal a lot has happened since ….ah well KRO

  • Pods says:

    The latest news from Birmingham Mail is GR is a leading candidate for the Hull job. Several other blogs are saying the thing.
    As I said earlier Steve Bruce may be back.?

  • ian says:

    Blues has foolish two player sold too cheap sell player Gray was £8m from B’mouth now £3.75m to Leicester and Nathan Redmond £3.2m He join to Southampton £10m Why why blues sell player too cheap ???!!!!…. Set out Vaugham without goal score he loves exaggerating so far he is shit player !!!!…I wnt new bring player strike !!!!….Lovely wow China rictest man top of world he 19th richist takeover at wolves also another china ristest man £28Billion mabye takeover at West Bromwich Fc mmm mmm WHERE where where takeover bidder at blues???

  • StaffsBlue says:

    According to SSN ‘Executive Chairman Richard Scudamore confirms discussions ongoing regarding a winter break.’

    Great! That’s all we feckin’ need.

  • Mitchell says:

    Lost faith in B.Mail some time ago. GR to Hull very wishful thinking. Still get that feeling we just might get a couple of gems over the line this week with a couple of surprise departures.Imo vanity rules with GR and he is desperately on the ropes as we stand now.

  • Womboune Blue says:

    Bradshaw has just scored for Barnsley against Hull. I know it’s only a friendly but he obviously knows where the net is. Can’t help but think we’ve missed an opportunity here. Kro

    • StaffsBlue says:

      He’s not good enough. Isn’t Rowett’s word good enough for you man?? :))

    • zxcv says:

      I am certain that one will come back and bit his arse. What more did he have to do than score 20 goals for two consecutive seasons fgs he is a natural goal scorer and he proved he is. Rowett wants sacking for that alone let alone wasting the last 4 Transfer windows. Come on Hull come take him away Please.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Tbh, if Hull brought Rowett in now, I’d be astonished. He’s not exactly acheived anything as a manager so far. I can’t think of a single reason why they’d take the chance… except he’d be cheap maybe.

  • Womboune Blue says:

    No Staffs. Is it good enough for you?

  • Jazzzy786 says:

    Pre season is all about fitness. Players (especially known first teamers) play within themselves so not to pick up injuries. The only players doing well are those trying to make the first team like Cogley, Brown and Storer. I was surprised only Brown out of those 3 was given a squad number. I think Che Adams will be thus years Rob Keinan. We will chase him and not get him and get a Prem loanee in late.

  • Murph says:

    And a second !!!

  • bluenoserob says:

    GR could be a good fit for Hull, club in crisis with no money to spend. As for Bruce coming back to Blues, I cant see that , no way

  • zxcv says:

    I am just worried the timing might be a bit out if he had left Hull in about a month to 6 weeks from now and we had the egm sorted then it may be a real opportunity to get him back as I really do believe he has a real soft spot for us. After all he enjoyed a lot of success here and was happy until the crook came here.

  • Tony says:

    Well Well Well Bradshaw scores twice for Barnsley, the natural goal scorer deemed not good enough for Blues has just put the ball into the net twice.
    Cant wait to see the better player Rowet is going to sign, Tell us the real reason you didn’t go for him Gary?.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      As much as we’d all like an answer to your question Tony, Rowett is hardly going to denigrate a player in public is he? I understand your frustrations completely though.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      So 2 goals in a friendly and your shouting I told you so and give him the sack.A few of you need to remember that this is the pre-season and the season hasn’t even kicked off yet.Cannot believe some of the negativity towards Rowett on here.

  • Tony says:

    ZXCY is correct for that one decision alone Mr Rowet and the empire building Beale should leave us.

  • Murph says:

    Cos he likes to play a single stricter who gets the odd chance and hopes 5 in midfield makes us look decent as tactics all about defence n not coceading , typical defenders thoughts not letting goals in but if your scoring you’ve a chance of winning !? Not knocking him but please have a game toe to toe against most of the teams and give us a team with confidence and entertainment please .

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I think calling for the manager’s head is a little previous tbh. He has to be given, at least, until the turn of the year. Who knows what will happen player-wise between now and the end of August. Let’s see what he can do between now and then… because by then, we’ll have played our first 5 games and we’ll know our squad for the first half of the season and what chance we have of making a go of it..

    • zxcv says:

      That’s your opinion its obviously not mine or others. I would drive him to hull right now without hesitation and I don`t feel the need for 5 games of the season because I have been saying this since at least the last two windows with all the tripe he spoke about bringimg in players who will improve the first team ext ext. sooner he goes the better for me.

    • Andrew says:

      He’s the complete opposite of Clarke in the transfer window. It will cost him his bcfc job

  • Steve says:

    Tom Bradshaw scored two tonight against Hull, I am like most very frustrated with GR and not being able to bring in the players we obviously need.

    He talks a good story, less talk Gary and more action.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I’m just willing to give him time to prove himself. The rest is up to him. If he fails, he only has himself to blame.

  • Dan Hickman says:

    I am growing impatient with the takeover, with the transfers and am resigned to the fact that our brand of football will be the same next year. I don’t want to see Rowett leave because a) I think he has done a decent job of steadying us and should be given the opportunity to develop the team (even if he isn’t doing it quick enough for my liking) and b) I don’t see anyone who could come in and do a better job. Yes there are managers that are doing well but sometimes a club and a manager just fit at the right time. Our first choice when Clark left was Karl Robinson, who was flying at the time, how are they getting on now?! Clark went 40 odd games unbeaten at Huddersfield and look how that went. Also in the back of my mind is how we slid downhill when Bruce tried to change us so quickly from a tight unit into a more expansive team, Gronkjaer, de Ridder, Kapo were good players but it was too much too quick. Be frustrated, but remember the grass isn’t always greener. And as much as it is the players job to play with passion, they will only buy in if the fans do too

  • Texas Pete says:

    What a bunch of whiney schoolgirls. “I want it and I want it now”. The season isn’t started yet and the backbone of some stalwart fans has gone limp like a drunk too late for last orders. To patient and reasonable people there is still tomorrow and we dont need to become desparate and demand immediate action or else. So a deal has gone by, so be it. On to the next and possibly better one. Be careful what you wish for.
    I just cannot understand the turning on GR while he is elevated to a strong candidate for a premiership team! He is committed to Blues even though there is a lack of money and ownership. At the same time some look to Bruce who just left newly promoted Hull because they have no money to spend. There is no logic in that. Grow up and provide strong support through these difficult decisions and tough times.

  • swissjonny says:

    He is not committed to Blues.He is an ambitious man adept at the Tony Blaire school of flannel. We have been a useful stepping stone for him but he will jump as soon as the right offer comes along. I wouldnt be so dismissive of Brucie ever coming back to us. We would have to have a proper owner in place but geographically and emotionally I think the job would please Steve Bruce.

    • Hillfield Blues says:

      Blimey Swiss,that’s a very strong criticism of our manager there!!.OK frustration is going into overdrive here and some need to calm down.Accusations of not being committed to the club are unfair and unreasonable.

      • swissjonny says:

        Mate he would have gone to Fulham had he not had a pay rise. Its his job you cant blame him ! Its nothing personal Hillfield just the sad facts of the commercial side of football.

  • williammorgan says:

    He would be the ideal choice for the hull board , but does he really want another board that wants the manager to do what he is doing now , or does he want the next board to spend big so his selection of players are not a gamble but a certainty , He is not quite ready yet and he gets on with Pav . He could find a very different atmosphere at Hull …as the fans there could be a lot less forgiving …

  • Richard Granfield says:

    I think all the negative comments from frustrated fans comes most recently from not being able to score a goal against a second tier Scottish clubs reserves less than a fortnight from the opening game of the season.

  • williammorgan says:

    Perhaps the team heard of the hull offer a couple of games back .

  • williammorgan says:

    According to sky sports their is 8 names before him ….

    • StaffsBlue says:

      Only 8? I still say he doesn’t have the requisite experience to manage a premier league team. Before he came to Blues, I questioned whether he had enough experience and know-how to manage us in the Championship… so I certainly don’t think he’s ready for the premier, or big name players.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    I wonder if Cleary can play left back?

  • Dave Mann says:

    God help us !! KRO

  • Cleary not in the recent fifa 16 liverpool player top 22 ratings so moved on ..

  • Mitchell says:

    What are we to expect at Port Vale tonight from the squad? If GR wants a credible performance he must surely go with a strong line up with the inclusion of the new lad Storer. It would be nice to see this player alongside Donaldson from the start with Cotterill and Maghoma in there also. Storer is no green novice and at his age could be an unexpected surprise with his scoring knack. Perfect game for him and as we stand now,the perfect timing.

  • Dave Mann says:

    That’s why we haven’t signed a striker .. we have Jack Storer .. as for Maghoma and Donaldson ime afraid they are history to me and need moving on NOW , no argument , no going back ……. Hibs is still very fresh in my mind and the stench from that performance needs removing . KRO

  • Littleblue says:

    Never herd so much bullshit!! Not you Dan what you right is superb I’m talking about dave Mann and zxcv an staffs who are forever slating rowett. Well guys your clueless you know nothing about football and you obviously know nothing about blues financial plight.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      It’s called opinion… you know, just like yours.

    • Dave Mann says:

      Littleblue , stay little because your opinion and observation of the game itself and the problems ahead of us of gone totally over your head .. go to more games and you will see the problem on the field .. Idiot coment from an idiot poster… Absolutely clueless . and the thing his you know you are ! Keep it clueless , idiot !! KRO :-) :-) :-) pillock !

  • That bad then Dave .i have thought for a while now that there is something not quite right .we lack that ability to kill teams off.happen we need a couple of bad asses out there ..

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Interesting team selection tonight.

  • Dave Mann says:

    At the moment I don’t find enything intersting about our selection . KRO

  • Richard Granfield says:

    SHOCK. I can’t believe it……Today’s under 21 game……Hale didn’t score a goal…..There must be a mistake……He always scores.

  • Dave Mann says:

    He didn’t today . Get over it ! KRO

  • zxcv says:

    I was hoping he would start with Storer, tbh I can`t make much sense out of that line up, one striker one winger, Lets see how they line up. Dave, ignore the twerp mate.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      If he’s going to play Vaughan from the start, he needs to give him 70-75 minutes. If he can’t score in that time against a team like Port Vale, I’m afraid he probably never will.

      Dave, I said interesting selection because I can’t really see where he’s going with it. It seems that it’s all about time on the pitch still, when it should be about finalising the team for the Cardiff game.

    • zxcv says:

      Your right Staffs about he should be finalising the team he wants for the Cardiff game.

  • Richard Granfield says:

    Tonight’s lineup is full of players with a few exceptions who will not be in the team for the Cardiff game.
    I predict Saturday’s lineup, barring injuries, against Roda will be the team for Cardiff.
    It will be an injustice if Reece Brown doesn’t make the starting lineup Saturday considering his excellent form in pre-season.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    According to Tatts; “Blues start in a 4-1-2-3. Gleeson sitting, Tesche, Davis in midfield just ahead. Shinnie wide left, Cotterill wide right, Vaughan up top.

    Yay, Shinnie’s back in his wide left position. :)

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    Looks like we’re back in for Che Adams.Second bid has been made.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      The BM says: ‘Whilst the exact value is not clear the whole package is understood to be much closer to the Blades’ valuation – believed to be around £1.7m. Adams, a former Coventry City trainee, is understood to be interested in moving back to the Midlands.’

      Sounds good.

      • Hillfield Blues says:

        Well if GR is in the process of signing his main target of the summer he has to be commended on his patience.Its been a frustrating summer and if Adams is the one he wants then we have to back him.
        There’s been a lot of rubbish spoken on here from some so hopefully this might stop some of the negativity if it comes off.A wide left midfielder with some pace is just what we need so fingers crossed Staffs.

  • Stan Moye says:

    Good news if it’s true that we’ve made an improved offer for Che Adams. Let’s hope we can get it done thus time. Might just be the first signing that gets us all refocused in a much more positive frame of mind.

  • Mitchell says:

    Many commenters irritate each other a great deal,but let’s not stoop to this kind of verbal brawling. Daniel must be thinking ‘why do I bother’

  • blue eyed boy says:

    Can we have an end to any nasty comments,everyone is entitled to their opinion and whilst we dont always agree there is no need for insults. In regards to our fellow supporter/blogger Dave Mann as far as I see things this guy always puts a positive slant on his comments and never questions anyone else’s comments in a derogatory manner,follows our club all over the country and loves Blues with a passion.Basically the sort of guy we need to listen to and share our trials and tribulations that we Bluenoses have to carry. I myself have serious concerns about next season and have expressed these from time to time but its from the heart and as a season ticket holder for 35+ years then like anyone else I have the right to comment and understand that some will not always agree ,and I never profess to be right,but lets not get abusive. Dave you will do for me mate KRO

  • Mitchell says:

    BEB says it all.perspective achieved . Well done.

  • paule says:

    Why some people have so much pent up anger is beyond me, everyone on here is entitled to their own opinions so to come on here offering to meet fellow supporters in pubs is ludicrous,If you need to let some of that anger go little Blue do so in a controlled environment and you won’t get locked up!! Lets discuss football and hopefully the coming season will make us all happier.

    • Dave Mann says:

      Ime a big enough man to call a truce if littleblue wants to .. Is opinion is not mine but he’s entitled to it so we will leave it there . KRO

  • Steve says:

    No need for any of this nonsense, the whole purpose of this is to share opinions.

    I must say though I can see why some are really frustrated with such negativity towards Rowett when nothing has even gone wrong yet. We always do this down the Blues it’s like a self fulfilling prophecy we moan about how crap things are when things are precarious then make the situation far worse. We then seem to revel in how crap things are and self indulgently boast how loyal we few are or use our predicament as an excuse to not bother go to games at all! Unfortunately this seems part of our Brummie make up. It’s a shame our glass is so half empty when it comes to the Blues; truth is if we had the kind of positivity of Man City fans there is no limit to what the club could potentially achieve. Unfortunately we seem to court negativity and tire of and push away the positives.

    He may not be flawless but for God’s sake, please, give Rowett a break, given the circumstances he appears to have a steady, methodical approach to improving the Blues. It might not be as sudden as fans want but I do believe, like many ( hopefully the quieter majority) that he is doing an excellent job. KRO

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