Often Partisan

Vaughan Moves On

Little over a month after officially signing on a Bosman free transfer, James Vaughan has left Birmingham City by mutual consent to join League One side Bury.

The former Everton striker failed to find the net in 17 appearances for the club and had seen himself slide down the pecking order with the transfer of Che Adams and the emergence of Jack Storer.

I can’t help but feel sorry for Vaughan. Although I don’t think he’s truly a Blues fan his dad is a massive one and I think the striker wanted nothing more to score at St Andrews for his old man. Alas, it just was not to be; the longer time went on the less likely it looked he would actually score as his confidence seemed to dip further and further and as such, the only goal he did get was in a pre-season friendly at Kidderminster (and even that was at the second attempt).

It got to a point where I’d be willing to offer free bets on whether who would score first; Vaughan or that other striking misfit Nicolai Brock-Madsen. I can see the Dane on the way out on loan as well if I’m honest (if anyone will take him). I think as Storer emerged it only made it more likely that Vaughan would depart; indeed there was some thoughts around Blues that he might not even sign for the club permanently in the first place.

I can’t help but feel that Vaughan’s exit does leave Blues a little light up front, even though we do only play with one striker normally. It reinforces the pressure on Clayton Donaldson to get the goals; on Che Adams to live up to his price tag and on Jack Storer to overcome his hot-headed nature and to settle into a potential first team career. Will it open a pathway for someone like Ronan Hale to make it? He’s certainly got the goals… but he’s also about as hot-headed as Storer…

What the move for Vaughan does do though is free up more money for wages to bring in another body into the team at left back. With Andy Shinnie gone for the season up to Hibs and Koby Arthur spending a few months at Cheltenham Town surely there must be money available to bring in a decent left back on loan; I suspect any money for actual fees has now gone having been spent on the aforementioned Adams along with Greg Stewart.

So farewell James. While the goals weren’t there the effort and the love certainly were and I for one hope you find your goalscoring groove at Gigg Lane.

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