Often Partisan

BIH Directorial Changes – short update

Relegation has been hard on Birmingham City, and the parent holding company has seen it’s share price take a hit in Hong Kong. However, it was rocked further last night by the departure of two directors from the company.

Mr Ip Wing Lun, who was company secretary as well as an executive director, and Mr Chang Kin Man, who was an independent non-executive director both announced their resignations from the company last night, and both confirmed that it was for personal related reasons.

The Chinese media have seized on these departures however. Apple Today stated that Carson was denying the impending departure of the two directors until the announcement was made, and points out that the holding company is now short of independent directors and will need to appoint them post-haste. Whilst it is concerning that Carson would feel the need to deny something like this so strongly, it is worth noting that Mr Ip’s wife Wong Po Ling (Pauline) is still an executive director of the company.

At the moment, this is all that is being published in the Chinese media that I can find, but as the story develops I will update on here as and when necessary.

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