Often Partisan

Sticking with what we have

One question that has cropped up a bit recently on Often Partisan has been about potential loan signings. With loan season well and truly in full swing there seems to be an expectation from a section of the Blues fanbase that Birmingham City will dip it’s toes into the market and bring in another player or two on a temporary deal. I’m going to be controversial and say that I don’t think Blues need to sign any more loan players.

Okay, I’ll add a caveat. In our current situation, I don’t believe we require any more loan players. Obviously, if we get a nasty injury, then it may well be that we need to bring someone in to cover a position – but right now, I can’t see the need for another loan player. We have three players on loan already; Boaz Myhill until the end of the season, Chris Wood (who’s loan expired at midnight unless it has been renewed) and Guirane N’Daw until January. Whilst we’re allowed to loan another two over-21 players and another three under-21 players, we can only play five in a matchday squad so realistically it would only be a maximum of 2 more players that would come in.

The thing is I’m a believer that right now if we are to bring in a loan player, then they have to improve the team – not just a spare body but someone who is at minimum pushing for a first team place every week, if not an automatic pick. Is there anyone out there available that we can afford who could do that? I’m not sure that there is – surely, if there was someone available who could come into the team in that fashion, Hughton would already have made moves to bring them in?

I know from reading some messageboards that there was disappointment for instance that Blues didn’t bring in Jonjo Shelvey – unfortunately, Blackpool have the dosh to shell out a fair whack each week in wages to cover Mr Shelvey’s employment, and as such Liverpool have allowed him to go there. From speaking to people who know what they’re talking about, not many clubs allow players out on loan gratis – and we all know Blues have problems in paying much extra out in wages. We can’t offer any loanee European football (as we have submitted a squad which cannot be altered until January), so there isn’t that angle to give to the big teams. The only thing Blues could offer is first team football – which takes us back to the original point.

It’s why I’m not panicking whatsoever about the squad. I understand that it can be frustrating that Blues are now sniffing around the “scraps” as it were, but in honesty it’s not that bad. In the last eight days, Blues have three times given the opposition a goal headstart and come back to score and get a result; our last six goals have all come after the 65th minute. It’s evident that Hughton has a “plan b” to change things if things aren’t looking right, and it seems evident to me that we have a team that pretty much all happy to be playing and to be at Birmingham. I’d be happy if we just stuck with what we have and allowed them to gel and settle – a good run of form and we’ll be challenging at the top end of the table. I keep saying it, but the best thing to do currently is just to watch, wait and see.

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14 Responses to “Sticking with what we have”

  • Poul Møller says:

    I think we are short on right-back. Carr is probably at last being caught by his age and it seems like he will not last a long season without rest. So a young right-back with a lot of energy to go forward would be my wish. Generally the defence seems to be the thinnest part of the team this season – new situation….

  • thomas hallberg says:

    I agree and Chris Houghton must have a lot of credit for his way to rebulid the team with almost no money around.

  • Bradley says:

    Am I on the understanding that as Chris Wood was signed on a youth loan policy that we are able to extend his loan month by month instead of the 93 days we originally thought? as long as we have the agreement from the baggies. also come January we can sign him on a 6 month loan?

  • johnb says:

    re a rightback…..Parnaby was an an option…decent too…more pace than our current fullbacks thats for sure.

  • JohnR says:

    I agree with johnb. I cannot understand why Parnaby wasn’t signed particularly after he’d agreed terms. He would have given us cover across the back line.
    Other than that we need a creative midfield player but signing one on loan appears unlikely so I tend to agree with Almajir. We’ll just have to wait until Mutch is fit again, I think we are missing him big time.

  • Mark says:

    I totally agree with your comments regarding the current team needs time to gel, maybe at last they are starting to find their feet. CH possibly feels that he has enough in depth at the moment in this team, he may change it around again in January.. If the players he wants are available in January… KRO

  • Bluenosesol says:

    My concern is that the likes of Gomis, N’Daw, Ibanez, Elliot, Rooney and Spector, thus far are failing to convince. On top of that, Zigic’s performance against Forest was non descript. Higlights are Wood, Burke, Beausejour and King. Still lots of potential with the return of Mutch to come, Redmond, Asante also to hit their peaks. Some disappointment on lack of game time for Valles. Fahey and Ridgwell not yet back to their best. So I conclude that we have sufficient “potential” within the squad for me to win my £1000 bet (current odds 50-1) for Blues to win the league, however whether these players will peak as individuals and gel as a team, well lets enjoy the experience of finding out!

    • almajir says:

      Valles is injured; Tatts had Pablo as his MOTM v Forest and I can tell you I thought he was decent at Maribor; Elliott looks a good signing to me and Gomis can be very neat and tidy.

  • Denis Thwaites says:

    A few weeks ago I thought Blues were looking a bit short on players who could come into the side and make a positive contribution and I was also starting to get concerned by the number of players either not 100% fit or on the injured list. Parnaby for me would however have been a gamble given he was injured throughout most of his blues career so I am not concerned that didn’t happen unless the manager was undermined by the late decision to pull out! .The loan system did to me seem a must option for CH but I now tend to agree it is not necessarily the right road to follow. CH is starting to get a feel for the nucleus of the team he wants to play and whereas we were losing games from winning positions early season we are now reversing that trend. Blues are very much a work in progress and for an hour yesterday they were poor but confidence is a major factor in football and once we equalised you could see the confidence drain out of Forest and fill the boots of the boys in blue. I say just let the manager work with these players and he will improve the team!

  • bluenose11 says:

    i agree with most of what has been said we do need a right back not really sure that carrs age is responsible for his lack of form i would have thought any decline through age would have been a little more graduale than over one summer . on saying that the rest of the squad is looking promising afterall if we were to win our games in hand we would be in the playoff possitions and only three points off top spot so its not all doom and gloom.

  • Swedish Bluenose says:

    Agree with most of the comments and the high quality of the comments is really good, as is this website. I am also concerned about the right back position, against Forest we had to put Murphy there after Spector’s injury and his feet are not really used to that side of the pitch.
    Does anyone know if young Nathaniel Clyne of Crystal Palace could still be available? He has been on the club’s radar for some time, even if it was before Hughton’s arrival, and would be a great buy in January if there were money in the bank.

  • qatarblues says:

    Looking up again.
    Have believed for some time that CH is doing a brill job. No panics. playing football. Has options in every position now, and knows where and when to play certain players (usually)..Dignified, and quietly inspirational.
    Knows how to manage – depatures – board – contoversies – suad – impressed with his buy ins generally (give N’Daw a bit of time).
    Just doesn’t seem to panic – Yes I am a believer.
    The only way is up.
    Europe whilst being a new adventure – and seen by many as a step or two too far – is in fact giving CH the opportunity to bond the team – and the fans.
    Was in Maribor – sensational – and definitely not an easy place to visit (ask Rangers).
    2 Home games in hand 2 wins = top 6. I would be happy to be in top 10 come the New Year, from where I believe we can then really push on. KRO.

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