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Blues Face Bulls Test

Hereford United have confirmed on their website that they will host Blues at Edgar Street on August 4th in a pre-season friendly.

The match marks the Bulls’ final pre-season game before the start of their Blue Square Bet campaign.

The match, which has not been confirmed as yet on the Blues website, is a repeat of last season’s friendly which Blues drew 0-0 in front of a massive travelling support. Hopefully Hereford will be a bit more ready this year for the potential numbers that may travel.

Once Blues confirm whether a first XI or a development squad will travel to Edgar Street I will update this article accordingly.


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14 Responses to “Blues Face Bulls Test”

  • Oldbluenose says:

    It appears that life does carry on despite our wow’s,

    Thank god we still [ at the moment ] have sufficient players, Eh, !!.

    • Steve G says:

      Beale is getting the youth team signed up by the looks of things, Amari Bell signed a pro contract – bell, butland, hancox, Reilly, Jervis, Gnahore, Asante, Packwood could all be in the first team alongside the likes of Redmond and Mutch – Beales Babes! Come on bring on all the has beens – we’ll tear them apart!

      • Oldbluenose says:

        Up until today, I had never heard of the lad,!!.

        Your comments about the youth being signed up, — may, –have the ring of truth there mate,?.

  • pierre says:

    forgive my ignorance,if we have no management structure in place who arranges pre season friendlies.

  • Blueboy 88 says:

    Theres a typo …..

    The word HIT is missing from the title……

  • Bluenosesol says:

    Website making a big deal about signing our 3rd youth this season on professional terms. Looks like that is PP’s intended way forward!
    Still waiting for the detail I need to renew my season ticket!

    • James Black says:

      Because rumour has it that Messi is out of our price range. Be realistic youth is the way forward and has not been used suffiently in the past. We are Birmingham not Barcelona.

      • Bluenosesol says:

        Last season we had Redmond and Butland touted as up and coming youths, both with international pedigree. However any management regime of sound practice knows that you cant play youths at the intensity as you would the adults and hence they were blooded in very small steps. So “be realistic”, youth has its part to play but it is not an overall solution. So I repeat, still awaiing detail.

        • Oldbluenose says:

          Substitute duties, with bits of playing time perhaps,?.

          • Bluenosesol says:

            Exactly that. And there could be long term benefits that we may unearth more little diamonds, but we still need a squad acquisition policy which will major on non youths. Cant happen until we have a manager and a financial commitment of one flavour or another.

  • […] that they hope to play Blues in the pre-season but as yet nothing has been confirmed. As I stated before on here, there is nothing on the official BCFC site regarding this […]

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