Often Partisan

Three Points, Three Goals and a Large Slice of Humble Pie – Derby Reflections

Here are my reflections on the match between Blues and Derby at St Andrews

A Good Win

After a frustrating evening against Blackpool when I felt we could have won it was good to see Blues complete a win at the next attempt. It was the archetypal cliché of a performance of two halves which saw a fairly abysmal first half outweighed by a fairly decent second half with a highlight of ten minutes of excellent attacking football.

Credit must go to Lee Clark for changing things around at half time – clearly things weren’t working and a few players (notably Lovenkrands in particular) were having off days. It may have been seen as a measure of desperation at the time to have all three subs made by 63 minutes but the substitutes turned the tide of the game and confirmed my belief that one goal against Derby would bring more. The Rams were a poor side and it was only Blues and the Ref making valiant attempts to be poorer that made this any sort of a contest – had Blues played like they did between the 60th and 70th minutes all game it would have been a mauling.

Wes Thomas

I wonder if Wes reads OP? Yes, I slated him the other day but I’m a big enough man to admit that maybe I was wrong. Thomas was everything today that he hadn’t been previously – he led the line well, got forwards and hassled the defence and took his goals really well. I think it’s worth pointing out neither finish was a scrappy effort; both were well-taken finishes worthy of any striker and you could visibly see the confidence the first goal gave him.

The performance alone should keep him in the first team – with his first run forty seconds into the second half Thomas surpassed all the achievements of Peter Lovenkrands in the first 45. What Thomas needs to do now is build upon this game, and show that he can hit these sorts of levels every week – even if the goals don’t come if he can play with this level of pace and skill he will be very much worth his place.

Nathan Redmond

Do you remember when Nathan broke onto the scene against Nacional with a doozy of a finish, cutting in from the left before slotting it home right-footed? After a fairly long period out we saw it once again from Nathan; mazy runs, committing defenders and then a run which saw him cut in from the right before slotting it home left-footed. The sheer emotion that Redmond showed when he scored shows how much that goal meant to him – it’s been a long time coming this season and he’s needed the confidence boost but it was just as good to see him playing with the same passion, the same energy and the sheer joie de vivre that helped him explode on the scene 18 months ago.

Shane Ferguson

I was impressed again with our baby-faced loanee from Newcastle. In what is a less familiar left-back slot Ferguson showed his ability getting forwards and crossing once again but he also combined that with some good defensive work to give Blues balance on the left. With Wade Elliott not being a pacy winger it was imperative for Ferguson to get forwards and to provide width and he did that frequently; likewise, Ferguson had to do his job at the back and he did this with no less aplomb than we’ve seen from any other full back this year. If, as expected Rob Hall’s loan is terminated next Saturday we could do a lot worse than persuade Newcastle to allow us to keep Ferguson until the end of the season.

Paul Robinson

I’m not a massive fan of the old-stager playing left-back because of his age and lack of pace but in the middle Robbo can get away with that a bit and let his tough tackling and old wily defensive head shine through. He’s not as mobile as Curtis Davies but there are not many players as brave as Robbo and I thought at times he carried his central defensive partner who was a bit erratic and a bit shaky. With Caldwell only just returned to training and Ibanez MIA it was absolutely imperative Robbo stepped up to the defensive plate and he did so very well.

It wasn’t the prettiest at times but it was a much-needed win and it lifts Blues into fourteenth, seven places clear of the bottom three (although two of those sides have games in hand). It gave a lift to the fans and the team and by my reckoning means Blues will now only need maybe 2 wins from their remaining nine games to confirm their status in the Championship next season. Clark can take a lot of positives from this performance and I think players like Ravel Morrison, Nathan Redmond and Wes Thomas will all be demanding starts in the next game. The question is whether to accede to that or to continue using those players as impact subs.

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91 Responses to “Three Points, Three Goals and a Large Slice of Humble Pie – Derby Reflections”

  • Ali Duncan says:

    Nice positive review Dan. Can’t wait for Boro next Saturday, bring it on!


  • AussieBlue says:

    Has anyone posted up a video of the Redmond goal yet? I’d love to see it from all the way over here! Well done guys.

  • Blue in Spain says:

    Great review Dan, and once again welldone Blues, lets carry that second half form in to the Boro match.

  • Art Watson says:

    Well done Blues a great 3 points.!

  • James Black says:

    At the moment im staying in the mountains in a far distant Asian Country which i wont name as i may be called a Chinese collaborator as its close. Where i am at present has no electric supply so i rode a Caribou into town to see how the result on Tuesday and Saturday went and delighted to say that 4 points outta six and 7 points clear of relegation zone, all is well with me now and will say it for the last time before i mount my Caribou and return to the mountains ” stop knee jerking, hating and being miserable old farts” Ok said it now wheres my Caribou, will return soon to see the result after Saturday.

  • sutton apex says:

    great win, clark is starting to get his tactics right. tough away games like boro go 4 5 1 – this is where wes thomas must cause havoc and lead he line – be interested to see the team formation next week

  • ChirsG says:

    Let’s be honest we all had a go at WT last week & it’s up to him now to carry things forward, one good game doesn’t make him Lionel Messi, but it’s a step in the right direction. LC said in his post match notes that he took WT aside in the week & had a chat with him telling him he still had faith in his abilities, clearly there is a lot more to LC than any of us see & obviously he has pretty good man management skills even if his tastics are sometimes a bit suspect, LC is still learning as a manager & at times this season not just his hands have been tied, but his arms legs & feet too!!, I think 3 more wins from the last 9 games & we will be safe & looking at the fixtures, I think that is certainly achievable. KRO

    • Ali Duncan says:

      Without getting over confident it’s very achievable. We have to play teams around us in Bristol City, Millwall, Ipswich and the Dog Eds. I personally think that even two more wins should do it. Watford and Hull aside we’ve been stronger at the back of late and if we can continue to keep it tight and score a few we could potentially look at a top ten finish. I’m not saying that will happen but the league is so tight that a couple of back to back wins can change things very quickly.

    • Blue in Spain says:

      No we all didn’t have a go at him, some of us prefer to try and give our players time to settle in without booing him,and without heckling him, trying to destroy his confidence!

  • Barry says:

    Nice review and well done to Blues. I take heart that most likely we should scrape up enough points to see through the season and avoid the drop but this is a far cry from our pre-season expectations. In the last campaign we (both team and fans alike) had the belief that we could give any opposition a game. The best we can say this year is that on our day we can beat a poor team having a bad day

    • Rob Field says:

      That’s the problem though barry.
      Too many people were being a little naive this summer and expecting us to take the Championship by storm, after such a good season.

      We exceeded last year as a result of having such a great manager. This year, it did look like we could go that step further. I for one thought that the team (on paper) was even stronger.
      I behind the scene pantomine and changes in the management team and technique have resulted in a slump – which in fairness was/is to be expected.

      Happy if we stay up though and even happier if we get the change of ownership for next season.
      Still undecided about the team management though. Can’t quite work out with I rate LC and co or not??!

      Onwards and upwards!!

      One worrying thing is, the amount of players we will lose at the end of their loan spells. Will we get them back or equally good replacements for next season?

  • Steve says:

    Great 2nd half..but lets not shy away from another dire 1st half showing. For me Spector needs to come out of centre midfield. We have to impose ourself earlier in the game and the sooner Keith Fahey can get back in there and provide a bit of composure the better. Loved Ferguson at left back. Seemed to be more involved coming from deeper. Thomas & Redmond injected life into us 2nd half and fair play to Clark for hauling Burke off as he wasn’t at the races today. But a great comeback and a much needed win!

  • ed77 says:

    Great win,well done wes thomas and lee clark,on to boro who have won 17 lost 17 so i think have a go up their dont go to defensive cuz they are stumbling of late.

  • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason he says:

    Brilliant management by Lee won us the game.

    He took the right people off an bought the right people on. I just hope that Nathan can find the form of yesterday every week as he would be an automatic starter if he could. Burke is rapidly becoming 2nd half man and had another poor first 45 and Zigic well what’s the point of saying anything, he’s pretty much undroppable now.

    3 cracking goals. Think Thomas was off balance and on his left foot for the first, a real nowhere goal which no-one expected. I was so thrilled for him as the scapegoat guys don’t just use the net, they sit around me. As I shouted to the guy who had shouted out loud ‘Thomas you’re an embarrasment to the club’ he’s the embarrasment and I wish ‘fans’ like him would stay away. The second was taken on the run with a cool confidence seldom seen this season and Nathans was his signature goal cutting in beating defenders and a wicked pacy shot into the corner.

    Dan, you should never have singled Thomas out for a whole blog of his own. The weakest link should get the most support not be ruined online. Not that he is the weakest link as yesterday showed. Was so chuffed for Lee and Wes yesterday and 14th? Not bad.

    • mark says:

      its so futile by some fans I bet he went quiet he when scored lol

    • Dan H says:

      Two great finishes from Thomas, strength and pace for both, Dan should do a few more Blogs about individual players if this is the result

      Blogs next week about Ambrose and Caldwell’s performances

    • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

      Paul, in one sentence you say its a disgrace the amont of fans going to games and with the next breath you slag them off for having a go at a player who hasn’t looked like he should be playing football until yesterday. One game doesn’t make a summer. However well done to LC for making the changes at half time, one critism is why didn’t he start with Redmond? I wasn’t at the game (WORKING) so can’t comment really.

      • Chris Smith says:

        “Paul, in one sentence you say its a disgrace the amont of fans going to games and with the next breath you slag them off for having a go at a player who hasn’t looked like he should be playing football until yesterday. One game doesn’t make a summer.”

        Thomas has worked damn hard in the games I’ve seen him in (all home) and I do have to wonder what have you seen? First time on he was hanging off the defence and popping up ambush style (he had a chance in I think the first five minutes of his first start). He had a game where he missed sitters in a game where the entire team were missing sitters. And finally picked up two, in a period of time that was roughly the same as it took Chris Wood to score, remember what he was like at the start?

        As for starting Redmond, he’s been patchy all season, Burke has been consistantly better. That’s why you pick Burke. I’m wondering if PLK and Burke would have come off if they hadn’t taken received those fouls, I get the impression that there may have been a precautionary element in there.

    • bluenosed says:

      “14th Not Bad”, Sorry PC It’s woeful and disgusting.

      • Chris Smith says:

        I’d say it’s expected considering losing Ndaw. Also the amount of games, new manager, player performances at the start of the season.

        There’s a few games such as Blackpool where points should have been gained, you can’t manage a player putting the ball wide or scuffing of missing a free header. If we say accuracy lost 9 points (three games) where LC’s tactics have been fine (most of the draws and a few of the losses) Blues would be up around 7th now.

        Player performance has a lot to do with the league position, not just the manager.

        • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason he says:

          Injuires to key players at key times too Chris plus not being able to spend money on players

          • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

            just checking that the supposed voice of reason and the custodial of HIS club knows what he is talking about, NOT, so what did we spend on Ambrose? Chocolate buttons? LC has spent more than CH did.

          • almajir says:

            No, he hasn’t.

            Elliott – 500k
            Ibanez – 500k

            Ambrose – 250k

          • Chris Smith says:

            Yeah, but that has been the past three seasons which is why I left it out. Nine games to go, if Blues win the lot then play offs are possible. Clarke got to two in his second and third seasons at Huddersfield, nineth place finish in his first. I’m not saying it’s gonna be done but considering the improvement of the team, in stark contrast to home form of earlier in the season then it could be an outside chance.

  • Blues girl says:

    What is up with Ibanez? Aj, would you keep with Robinson at centre half?

  • Ernie says:

    Clark out. Tactically naive. Lost the dressing room. Thomas is a donkey. Hughton is God. etc etc

    • RichardM says:

      One swallow makes a summer…etc..etc…why do the Clark brigade think those who don’t rate him are upset when we win? Delighted with the 3 points and delighted Thomas made me look stupid!! That’s assuming he can do it week in week out.

      • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason he says:

        Do you know anything about football pal?

        Obviously not, if so you would know that the player who never has a bad game has yet to be born

        • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

          you might be right but, 1 good game in 6 isn’t brilliant is it? I hope I’m wrong about Thomas and LC but still not convinced. The 9-0 against Barnsley and Watford keep springing up, but 3-1 against Derby makes us look great??

          • James Black says:

            Staff. Without bothering to go into detail, or pick apart your comments, i think its easier to simply say that i really don’t know whats up with you. Your truly unbelievable. It goes beyond reason i genuinely think your nuts really. Never mind, have a nice day but something tells me you never ever do.

          • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

            Nothing wrong with me James, just have a dose a reality. Are the LC brigade saying your happy with the football and the the results? Because I’m not and I’m actually intitled to an opinion, because its different from yours doesn’t mean its right or wrong. Talking of being wrong, I forgot we paid money for Elliot so stand corrected, but I think we paid more than £250k for Ambrose?

  • mark says:

    agree with all sentiments on here hopefully a few more bluenoses will jump on the team and Clark ship as we sail towards our promise land. If not they can continue eating humble pie…..WES did take the goals well, extremely happy for Nathan exactly that Clark would like to see from our young players. Shane looks MORE AND MORE like another great acquisition by Clark, who supposedly out his depth and inept. Keep proving the doubters wrong we love you. Inclarkwetrust……KRO celebrating into the long hours. Hope all well James Black, hope it not too cold in the mountains fly the blue flag………..mate

    • JimBob says:

      inclark we get relagated, boring football, get spanked by barnsley,hull,watford, drab post match inteviews. lee clark we love you. what a joke.

      • JimBob says:

        No mate just saying as i see it. you must have brilliant disscussions if that the level of response you give when you don’t agree with someones opinion. the voice of nothing.

      • mark says:

        maybe its in your best interests not to go then……………..

      • James Black says:

        Jimbob, was you drunk and feeling bitter with life when you posted that. My god ok whatever you say and thanx for giving the rest of us such amusment. Unbelievable some guys really. Ok we aint Brazil, but hey were moving forward, wehat is wrong with some people here. Fans??? are you sure????

  • psmith says:

    Good to see LC being given some credit for his introducing the subs; he has taken many brickbats so lets give credit when it is due. Also well done all the contributers to this blog. I happened to look at the Derby web site and was amazed at the Forest v Derby hatred. Whist we do often disagree I feel we can behave like grown-ups. KRO

  • blueblue says:

    That second half performance was fantastic, play like that and we’ll beat anyone. It was also great to see Redmond back to his best and clearly enjoying his afternoon. I know this isn’t going to make me popular, but… whilst i agree with previous tweet that referee had a poor game, i don’t think he picked on Zigic. I thought Zigic had a poor game in terms of attacking, passing and ball control, but i also felt he deliberately went to ground at every opportunity. Not only is he never going to score a goal lying on his arse, neither is he going to get free kicks for throwing himself on the floor.

  • Johnners says:

    You’re a big mam to east the humble pie. Hope others are munching on it also. Agree with all you say in your review of yesterday’s game. Just wanted to add that the boy Ferguson has got fantastic feet. Two or three times yesterday he shimmied his way out of danger with the ball seemingly glued to his feet. Lovely to watch. Also, how about Reilly’s cracker onto the underside of the cross bar? As much as the substitutions I think this was a game-changer since it woke up the crowd and some of the team too. I may get slated for this but I think there is a touch of the Gerards about Reilly (Steven not Anthony!) – tackles, shoots, picks a simple pass, etc. Very promising and it would be interesting to se him partner up with Fahey in the centre of the park.

  • andy says:

    A very large slice of humble pie yes but up to that point yesterday, what u said was correct Al. Thomas was looking out of his depth and it was just an opinion like many have on here. There isnt a better time for him to start hitting the back of the net.

  • JohnR says:

    The second half was the only time this season when I have actually enjoyed the football at St Andrews. I am surprised to be writing that after what was a truly abysmal first half, as bad as anything seen in a long time.
    Clark had to do something and to be fair he got it absolutely right with the substitutions. Thomas in particular brought pace and energy up front which Loverkrands had been severely lacking. Redmond looks back to his best and replaced Burke who had been very poor in the first half. I was so pleased that Morrison came on he is the one player we have who can put his foot on the ball, find a pass and create something. It has been a mystery to me why he’ s not been starting every week.
    Surely all three subs have to start next week.

  • Atahualpa is a BlueNose says:

    A good result and a decent second half performance. What I will say about LC is that, even though he is still a rookie young manager, most of his playing experience has been gained in the EPL with big established sides, and he has played with illustrious names. You do not really get to do that if you do not know your football and cannot play with some ability. We should never have worried too much about relegation – a couple of wins in this division moves you 5-7 places up the table and that has never been beyond us no matter who was playing or who against. LC needs to be given the opportunity to try and build a team and squad he wants and needs and then we can be a bit more judgmental about the fella.

  • Blueboy88 says:

    Best thing yesterday was the 3 points , hopefully we can now get away from this relegation scrap & look forward to Championship football next season.

    Credit to Clark for the signing of Ferguson, a fit again Mitch Hancox can only blossom & learn more with him in front of him.
    Wes Thomas has also set his personal bar a lot higher, & now needs to produce the same level of performance week in week out.

    Also great to see a reminder of what a great talent Redmond can be, & what a real love of the club he has..KRO

  • bluenoseneil says:

    I am going to take a moment to be fully supportive of Paul Carter and echo the view that what’s important for our club in the remaining games is positive feeling, better attendances and support of our club.

    Thomas hits the back of the net twice and frankly surprises a lot of people. I am glad to see there aren’t that many hitting back ON THE NET (!) cow there isn’t much negative you can say about 3 inspired subs and a stronger 2nd half performance that resulted in a win.

    I said last week we need to keep taking points off the bottom 12 and we have achieved that this week.

    We will be lucky to get 3 off Boro away as they are fighting for supremacy near the top but its not beyond LC to pick a team that COULD compete as long as it doesn’t feature Caldwell…who in my opinion is done for the season.

    BUT if we don’t win LC won’t be the villain because we aren’t a top 6 quality side this season and have no divine right to be. If we win against Boro we will have really earned it but I think a point is realistic.


    • Ali Duncan says:

      Boro’s form is awful. They have won 2 out of the last 10. I see no reason why we can’t go up there and turn them over. Millwall and Barnsley have won up there within the last month – why can’t we?

      A positive start and keeping it tight for the first twenty minutes is key.

  • marky mark says:

    Massive win and that’s all that counts at this point in the season.
    Just wish we could get going quicker, first half we were crap and not for the first time.

    Nobody can deny LC management did the trick today, and a special mention for Robinson who still gives everything

  • chris says:

    He made the subs after a dire first half showing from some and as Lovenkrands said on his twitter acc, he had a bad day when nothing went right.
    That and being 0-1 down and for a change he made early subs and it worked.
    I do agree with his Friday interview about young high energy players and i can see many changes towards that direction in the summer, with Shinnie maybe being the first of many.
    I just wonder, that if that is how he see’s it why did he bring in so many old players in the summer (Mullins, Ambrose and Lovenkrands). I can understand Robbo and Diop as window had shut.
    Think it may have been he still learning and the jump to Champs level and this season should be a big learning curve for him.

  • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason he says:

    And dare I say it yesterdays performance shows why Clark pulled Zigic in.

  • Tony says:

    My opinion of Clark has not changed he manages on a wing and a prayer, the subs came of yesterday as they will one time in a dozen. Only credit he deserves in bringing them on with enough time to make an impact and not with ten mins to go, no humble pie eaten here.
    Still want him peddling North east in the summer.

  • sheldonman says:

    I agree, the second half performance was pleasing and the substitutions worked a treat. After all LC’s talk about pace etc, why on earth did he start with a midfield of Reilly, Spectre and Elliot. ?When I heard the team news on the radio I wanted to turn the car round and go home and I wish I had after witnessing yet another dismal first half. the injection of pace and passing ability after the break proves that he has the players there to win games, but why only play them when we are losing games.
    Let’s hope that Clark has learned a few lessons from yesterday.

  • AussieBlue says:

    Thanks for the video link Chris. He caught ’em stone cold didn’t he? 7 defenders between Nathan and the goal! Lovely stuff

  • carlos says:

    Absolutely dire first half in which a poor Derby side visibly grew in confidence, is this what LC and his coaching staff worked on all week? Second half threw on some young, talented and hungry kids and they turned it around for him. Redmond has been terribly mismanaged this season, why has he been playing second fiddle to other clubs kids? Good win in the end, couple more should do it.

    • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

      totally agree, Redmond is better than a sub for a team in the bottom half of this division, but LC can’t or won’t see it. Funny people saying Burke or Redmond I say both because in Callum we now have the legs in the middle to have two wingers before when Mullins was in the midfiled two wingers wasnt the way forward, anyhow I’ll be called an anti Vile fan, because Paul will disagree.

      • carlos says:

        If Ferguson hadn’t have been playing left back you could guarantee he would have played or been brought off the bench before Redmond. Clark has set him back after Hughton gave him just enough game time last year. This year should have been his breakthrough year where he became established, but like so many others he started the season with no confidence and has struggled all year.

      • mark says:

        so maybe a dip in form maybe be problem…to why he not playing regularly do you not think or agree…

  • Tonytiler says:

    I know we shouldn’t get carried away with Thomas yet. But once he scored he seemed to want to shoot from anywhere. He seemed to brim with confidence. My pal who sits next to me said. Several games ago if Thomas scores in a blues shirt that he would give me £20. Fair play to him he didn’t celebrate just opened that wallet and handed it over. Cheers mr old china you know who you are and this as contributed for my mboro match ticket. Also I thought ravel did great as he seemed to have gone a little stale before Clark rested him. Kro.

  • Alan Watton says:

    Have to agree with you about Thomas. I didn’t think he had a clue and maybe was the scource of Ziggy’s discontent. How could he be in the side infront of a guy with 60+ international caps?
    The answer of course was to play them together and Ziggy was first to congratulete the guy.
    The finishes were really good and if he can put together some kind of run the loss of king may not be so bad.

  • Paulo says:

    Good article almajir, and also a relief to have an unexpected win and something good to write about. I have to admit that the pre-match drinks, the banter, the walk into the stadium were not exactly solemn, but I (and others) were not expecting such a reward. It was so good to see Fahey come back (albeit on the bench) and see Lee Clark take the plunge and bring back Redmond and Thomas. After the initial first half, and a rather excessive police presence, it was strange to see the tactics changed somewhat and the attack was on. However, I have to say that although Ferguson went on a run and tore up their defense at one stage, and Wes Thomas shrugged off all the uncertainty and belted in two targeted goals ..and I agree Redmond deserved full credit for his attitude and display …there was one other ..Ravel Morrison, who instantly changed the game and took on their midfield and delivered the pace and atmosphere successfully. I know it was an awkward move (if not controversial) to take off Callum Reilly, as I didn’t see the need to, but in the space of two minutes, it gave Ravel a chance to get stuck in. In my opinion, it was this moment that really put pressure on Derby, and Nigel Clough knew it.
    I have to also add though, as it is becoming so important now, that the spite, vitriol, obscenities and blame are becoming ever more vocal and apparent towards Lee Clark lately, and in fact were still increasing even when we were winning 2-1, but also on the final whistle. The security around the stadium has also increased and is just unnecessary. Here in OP, we have the advantage of almajir’s research in order to make our own conclusions, but sadly the majority feel that constant persecution of the man is now the norm. Now, opinions are all good and well, and I’m sure most don’t realise the damage it is doing. I understand the term ‘Clark Out’ will always be there, but isn’t the root cause of our non-start sitting in HK?
    Nice to see the atmosphere return for a bit though!!!! I so hope it continues.

    • Oldbluenose says:

      Well thought out piece, Paulo;, I agree with all of it,!!.

      I still have reservations concerning Clark, — BUT, — It is rather obvious that his tenure this far, has been ” clouded ” by the non-apearance at board level, with much meaning or assistance thereby the guy was/is, brave to take us on in the circumstances, [ credit to L,C. ].

      • BhamCityJulian says:

        Not brave at all. Unemployed manager takes job with kudos and keeps fingers crossed

        • Paulo says:

          Hey, I too have my reservations about Clark, as most people have done. I’m not exactly anti-LC or pro-LC, I’m not exactly on the fence either. I just have the principle that he is ‘accountable’ rather than ‘responsible’ for what results have been achieved so far, that’s all. PP chose him because he didn’t have to pay any compo, and he could start immediately. But what LC has had to do, is be subjected to the flack, which is in part due largely to PP himself (never mind BIHL), whilst his chosen back room staff are not exactly praised either. But really, it’s a bit like a certain saying ..’not a pot to p*** in or a window to throw it out of’. That’s our finances.

          • Oldbluenose says:

            Ha-Ha, Paulo;, I like the sayings that you quoted in your last paragraph, mate.!!.

            Birmingham City Julian;, You may well be entirely correct, my friend, Problem is we are unlikely to know just how well he may have performed under ” normal circumstances “, — i,e;, Having some cash to buy ” even slightly ” upmarket players, ??.

  • Tony says:

    Clark is a lucky man how many other managers can get on with the job without interference from the Chairman and board and still make a dogs ear of it?.

    • Blue in Spain says:

      No interference and no backing, two more injuries, King and Hancox, but no chance of bringing anyone in, you really are a tiresome whining bore Tony!

  • Blooflame says:

    I don’t think you or any other critic should think about munching on humble pie. Any criticism has been valid. It was a win… and thank God… but that’s all it is, a win. After what I’ve seen this season my view will not change

  • Tony says:

    Iam grateful for the win, but it was in spite of Clark not because of him, I cant get the thought of Barnsley out of my head complete humiliation in front of the cameras too,nor Watford although they were a decent side, but no Birmingham side should ever ever be beaten like that by Watford.

  • Art Watson says:

    Not only is Clark an inept manager he’s also a financial liability!

    I’m sure new owners will move him out .

  • ed77 says:

    We get a good win why dont people just enjoy that go to work 2moz after a winning weekend,i find that lee clark getting more stick than yeung is amazing,fact is god hughton WALKED OUT on us not because of clark but because job was impos to do with these owners just like mcleish did,maybe just maybe clark was only 1 who wanted job so until new owners just back him

    • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

      and you come back and say the same thing when we lose 5-0 to Barnsley and 4-0 to Watford AT HOME……. Surely as a club we are better than that??? If not I’ll start to agree with you… just remember we lost 5-0 at home to the club who is now, yes now, bottom of the league.

      • ed77 says:

        Where did i say i think its been a good season and i think hes a great manager i said credit for sat and also when we had a good boss he walked i also said until we have new owners just back him because until then we cant sack clark anyway,whoever pannu gave the job in summer they where keeping it because we cant pay him off,rather be stuck with clark than roy keane, phil brown think them were only 1s linked with the job,be realistic we are above a team that spent 8 million on a striker what we spent in last 2 years?And yes barnsley was a disgrace manager, players disgrace,but i still went to brighton the nxt game and that was a great win.

        • Staffordshire Blue Nose says:

          LC wasn’t the only person that wanted the job but PP wanted him now we cant afford to get rid, he should have been sacked the day we lost 5-0 at home but we didn’t have the money. there is a perfect replacement at the club who works with the development teams. Kevan Broadhurst called him out well before LC was given the job and Kevan was rigt.

  • Blue in Spain says:

    You said it…..

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