Often Partisan

Hong Kong Round-Up

With various news from Hong Kong due today as posted on this blog this morning, I thought it would be a good thing to round up on what has happened and will happen next.

As you may already have guessed, the accounts have not yet come out. This isn’t something to worry about; whilst I did think that there was a possibility that they would emerge straight after the board meeting it wasn’t guaranteed and I am pretty sure that they should be released on Monday March 18. As ever, time will tell.

Carson has now had a day granted for a hearing to see if he is successful in getting his case transferred to the high court from the district court. This hearing will be on Tuesday March 26 and is expected to last one day. This hearing comes the day after the pre-trial review which is still booked for 9:30 am, Monday March 25.

As further news becomes available, I will endeavour to update you further.

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20 Responses to “Hong Kong Round-Up”

  • Gary R says:

    Almajir – is it strange that he’s having a separate day to see if his application is successful – how come they don’t do it during the pre-trial review? Seems a bid odd. Also, the fact he’s been granted this separate day, does it suggest that he’s likely to be successful in his application, or does it not have any bearing?

    • almajir says:

      The only thing I can think is that the pre-trial review is only scheduled to be 30 minutes long and they need longer to hear the defence/prosecution arguments (hence a whole day being booked)

      • Gary R says:

        Ah right, didn’t realize it would only last 30 mins. So, I’m guessing the fact it’s on a separate day is NOT an indication that he’ll get his application accepted. Is your gut-feeling that it’ll be thrown out? You’d think that intelligent legal people, and also a respectable Court, would see straight through such an application and come to the conclusion that it’s delaying tactics. And do the Prosecution have any influence on the final decision? They’ve already dismissed CY’s application, have they not?

        • almajir says:

          Even if it gets thrown out, there will be appeals…

          • Paul Carter - The Voice Of Reason he says:

            Maybe new evidence has come to light which needs more of a consideration.

            Anyway look, he’s entitled to ask for this under Chinese law so whether he gets it or not is down to the judge.

            If due process doesn’t take place the whole trial could be re-run again and no-one would like that. Is that HK trained barrister and Carsons best mate PP who has nothing to do with the case still over there?

  • Oldbluenose says:

    It continues to rumble on, so it seems, !!.

    I cannot blame C,Y. but it is fast becoming a farce, !!.

    Just hope it get’s itself resolved pretty quickly, as with awaiting the B,I,H, accounts, — Hopefully starting the long awaited countdown, !!.

  • Art Watson says:

    What a full box of tricks these lot are!

  • carlos says:

    Why was it assumed that the accounts would be published today? Presumably this meeting was to approve and sign off the accounts, surely we weren’t expecting things to be this straightforward, this is CY and his alternative universe we’re dealing with.

  • john from Oz says:

    Where is the Court in Honkers Al Majir????
    I’m there for the week starting MARCH 25TH.

  • nicko says:

    hi john how are you mate i bet you go to the court when are you back in brum heard you on the radio walking along the beach you jammy sod lets hope we are getting near to a conclusion with carson young and the sale of the club kro

  • Tony says:

    One should never prejudge, and the most dangerous adage ever is( No Smoke Without Fire) as quite often there is. But, If someone is sure of their innocence and their ability to prive it in a court of law, would they really engage in this circus of delaying tactics for quite as long as Carson has?.

  • RUPERT says:

    Is Pannu really on his way back to sell to Paladini Almajir ? Or is this another wind up from SHA?

  • chris says:

    according to tom ross i think i heard he was on way back as two interested parties

  • BhamCityJulian says:


    The accounts were never going to come immediately the board meeting approved them. It would be next working day minimum subject to whether there would need to be an announcement made to the HKSE

    CY Judicial Review

    You get a 10/20/30 min slot at short notice in which a judge decides if you have valid legal point in principle or you are just a time-waster. If it is the former then there is the challenge of finding a diary slot for the next hearing

    • almajir says:


      As to your second point – there is a day booked, as per the HK judiciary system, for the case for March 26. I think I’ll go with what they say.

  • BhamCityJulian says:

    Good. They found a slot. Bad news for us though if his arguments are accepted. It’ll be déjà by again with the last 15 months being Groundhog Day

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