Often Partisan

Let’s Stick Together

Lee Clark urged fans this morning to encourage and support the team rather than blame their for their deficiencies as Birmingham City return to Championship action this weekend away to Queens Park Rangers.

There is no disputing it’s been a tough start to the season for Blues. One win in the league, four goals in five league games and a home record that sees Blues having won only four times in the whole of 2013 at St Andrews in the League is easily enough to ensure that it’s been some time since home fans last saw some cheer. I think it’s inevitable with the changes to personnel on the pitch and the slow downward trend in results over the last few seasons fans are going to grumble somewhat.

However, it does surprise me somewhat that people are so antagonistic. The club is in a situation now where we have to survive with players picked up from lower league clubs, north of the border and on loan from wherever we can because there is no money left to do otherwise. To be put it in the words of the inimitable Gary Rowett of the SHA website:

But we can’t really blame him [Lee Clark] anymore. He’s the pilot on a crashing lead plane, filled with passengers on their phones [airplane mode not enabled] and the fuel is custard. He’s just got to sit there, powerless and see what happens.

I will admit I’ve had my misgivings about Clark – picking Lovenkrands for the Ipswich game shocked me somewhat and I did wonder what he was doing going without any proper left sided players. There have been (fairly frequent) times when I’ve thought that Clark needs to change the formation of the team and I do wonder sometimes if he is a little too open in what he says to the press about players.

Despite all that, I’m going to say that I agree with him that we need to back and encourage the team. It’s never been easy being a Birmingham City fan – I remember it being hard supporting them at school in the third division whilst the mob from the other side of the expressway were having some relative success  – and I don’t see why things have changed now. The apathy surrounding the club at the moment is almost toxic and sometimes I get the impression that people almost want the club to fail to fit in with their pessimistic viewpoint.

I’m not saying that we should all be happy clappers; far from it. I think to pretend that all is rosy would be a foolish viewpoint and anyone who thinks we’re in for anything but a relegation dogfight this season is going to be severely disappointed. However, that doesn’t mean we can at least look for the positives rather than the negatives and it doesn’t mean we can’t try and get behind the team when they are playing – if anything they need us more than ever.

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95 Responses to “Let’s Stick Together”

  • JohnR says:

    Agree Dan, you’ve just articulated everything I’ve been saying since the beginning of the season Just because I’ve urged everyone to get behind the team doesn’t mean I’m happy about things at the club. My anger is directed at the owners and chief executive who don’t seem to care what happens to the club and not at the manager or players. All I can do is hope (like Mr Micawber) that something turns up.

    • John says:

      Quite right JohnR, as long as Carson and Pannu are connected to our club, we have no chance of success. We have gone gone rapidly down hill and it is totally due to their incompetence. It is only due to the hard work put in,by the backroom staff at St.Andrews,that we are surviving. We must back the team and the manager,to help them survive in the championship.

  • DoctorD says:

    In the words of the immortal Al Green (you need to get the song in your head to make this mean anything)::

    Let’s, let’s stay together
    Lovin’ you whether, whether
    Times are good or bad, happy or sad
    Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad

  • ryley says:

    I Can see Us shocking qpr,anyone know if ziggy back.2-0 to blues

  • Bluemat says:

    I agree what you are saying in terms of the way the club is being run from the top, its just horrendous. Its completely out of anyones control apart from Pannu. However for me that doesn’t excuse the organisation of the team on the pitch. I’m not going to knock the players i understand where they have all come from and the standard that they are, what it doesn’t excuse from the manager is setting out the team to be organised and to have some structure. Sometimes i turn up on a Saturday and just watch 11 blokes running round like headless chickens, there seems to be no game plan. So my point is i understand that the players aren’t really good enough but there should still be a game plan at least. KRO!

  • dave mann says:

    good piece dan, ive been supporting blues over 40 years and if i could have a pound for every
    dissapointment weve been through since then i would be a multi- millionare, weve had our highs,
    particualy this century but now were on a downer and all the doom and gloomers should stop
    moaning and get behind the team because its not lee clarks fault, its not the players weve gots
    fault because there only as good as what we got them for which was next to nothing.
    we all hate this regime and want them out now because its THERE fault so stop taking it out
    on the manager and the players because theyve given everything this season and i know
    cause ive been to all games bar one , its the quality we lack and thats understandable when
    youve got no MONEY, so get real and give it a rest.KRO.

  • Agent McLeish says:

    IMO a lot of the pessimism is understandable as there seems to be no end to the current ownership status, no point on the horizon when we think these clowns will vacate the club. What I fail to understand is how any criticism for our situation can be directed to LC, he seems to get more stick than the people who have taken our club backwards.Therefore unless something changes with the ownership then there is nothing to suggest that things will improve, only that the situation will worsen. If we just look at facts then the club is still no closer to be sold, the current owners are clinging on to the end and we probably have a whole lot of bad news stored in the cupboard for the future. However, I’m an optimist and fail to see why the current owners are still clinging on but economics will eventually force them to relinquish. What lasting damage they leave as a legacy is another matter.

  • James says:

    I think some of the doom merchants need a reality check; this is no where near as bad as the Ken Wheldon/Kumar Bro’s era.

    Booing, moaning and general ” I know more than LC” talk just adds to the negativity that exists off the field – although the away following enjoys the occasion of ” going down the match”.

    Good article Dan – back the shirt. End of.

  • Carl says:

    I think its easy to say that we should all stick together but were not are we ? we have a owner who does not talk to us We have a chairman who does to us we have certain player who do not put the effort in (lovenkrads last week) the teams not doing that well and we don’t know if we will get sold go into admin It is like waterboard torture being a blues fan
    Maybe we have been spoilt since 2002 with prem footie cup runs etc. We forget the dark days of division 3. Also worth remembering some of our younger fans have grown up with us either being in the prem or fighting for promotion from the chump dark days indeed but for some its a new experience for some bluenoses.

  • dave mann says:

    going to the game is an occasion not a burden like some fans treat it, why they bother going
    if all there gonna do is slag off the team is beyond me, its the shirt, the pride, the players we should be getting behind and we should stop the booing cause that really gets me mad with anger, ok you pay
    your money you makes ye choice, ive NEVER booed my team and never will, and tell you what ime
    dam proud off that, the next time you boo just remember where were at, and thats all down to the

    • Ali Duncan says:

      I always contest statements like that Dave. I’m not calling you a liar but I hear that statement regularly and always remember the chants of ‘You’re not fit to wear the shirt’ away at Fulham in 2008 and to a man all 3,000 Blues fans joined in.

  • Darren Brown says:

    I can remember going to games in div 3 and having a great time ! Blues fans doing cart wheels down the grass back away at Wigan & away games on a plastic pitch at Preston,
    all great memories !
    This is my club at all times and this is what supporting your local team is all about !
    Come on ! let’s stick together for the team and here’s praying for a takeover with someone with local roots and some cash.

    • skareggae72 says:

      And who can forget the snowball fight at Exeter in the early 90,s as the blues fans in the terrace took on the blues fans in the seats,and i also got in for nothing for shovelling some some snow off the pitch.
      This just wouldn’t happen the higher reaches.

  • Art Watson says:


    Another well written article with some interesting views and opinions.

    Do you not think that Clarks mismanagement on and off the field has contributed to our downfall and will continue to do so until he leaves?

    Yes the owners are the prime cause of our current financial situation but Clark is the main cause of our current league position -his performance/acheivements since joining the club is appalling!

    I’ve said this before -any decent manager would have fired his coaching staff long before now.

  • mike b says:

    hi all….i appreciate the comments of all you dyed in the wool ..born bluenoses…..but i have only been going down for about 20 years mainly with my son in law (blue for ever) and my daughter (who has stopped going because of lack of entertainment)…i am nearly 70… born a miserable old sod….so i am never going to be happy happy am i??
    when stan lazaridis was with us i sponsered his boots. and could not wait for each match!!!! yes i still have my season ticket but it not good value for money!!!!!

  • dave mann says:

    not getting value for money Mike at the momment agreed but is it more about support, passion
    and love for your club than just money?KRO.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    For me, it’s not about what division we’re in, it’s not about who is manager, or who the owners are. For me, there no excitement that could beat that hairs-standing-up-on-the-back-of-your-neck moment when the team comes out of the tunnel and you hear the cheering and clapping. Still gets me the same as it did when I was a lad.

    • TracyKRO says:

      For me its about supporting the BADGE, We used to be a fortress down at ST Andrews now its better for the AWAY sides cause there’s no support for Blues just booing, moaning etc.
      Come On BLUENOSES lets change it from SHEFF WED, KRO

  • Tony says:

    The most important thing is to get 10points clear of the bottom three, if the worst comes to the worst and we go into admin we will not be relegated.
    But we have little chance with Clark in control

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Relegation hasn’t crossed my mind once this season and I doubt it will. We’re not clicking yet, but we’re not that bad. Once we start hitting the back of the net, we’ll be fine.

  • dave mann says:

    we coudnt get 10 points clear of the relegation zone last season Tony at any time so that will be
    difficult weather admin happens or not this season also. except for playing lovenkrands against
    ipswich, which lee admited was wrong to start him, hes picked pretty much what hes had
    available, relegation is possible but ive said all along were be ok, as for the manager if you guys
    can list me managers available to take the job for next to nothing and do a better job id be happy
    to look at them and voice my oppinion on them.KRO.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      To be fair to Lee Clark, since he’s been at the club, he’s always stated that when picking the team, he goes with what he sees in training all week. He did it with Zigic when he was slacking, then brought him straight back in when he upped his effort. He said that Lovenkrands had been looking good in training, and all his stats said he was fit and ready. He perhaps should have started on the bench, which Clark admitted.

      The thing is, if a player is putting in the effort in training, it must be soul-destroying not to even get a chance. Well he did get his chance… and it’s solely down to him that he didn’t take that chance. No one else.

  • Chris W says:

    Had plenty of highs since I started back in the days of Gil Merrick being manager and Blues drew 2-2 with Roma.
    People calling for LC’s head seem to forget we can’t afford to, the same as the players we have got.
    We have got what we have and for the foreseeable future we have to accept it, LC has this season done reasonably well and only he knows why he had a sudden attack of insomnia against Ipswich and hopefully it cant happen again.
    QPR will be expecting an easy afternoon with what they have on paper but Blues seem to play better away from home and that has been the case with the new lads this season, a surprise would not come as a shock but I don’t think it will be such a rout as some expect one goal either way and I feel it will be Blues to come out favourably with 2-1 result if Ziggy starts.

  • Art Watson says:


    Do you honestly believe Clark is being paid next to nothing more like £300k pa .

    I have little sympathy for Clark-he’s extremely well paid and his results are appalling..

    In any other industry he would have been fired by now.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I was no lover of Hughton like a lot of people, but I was always 100% behind him till the day he jumped ship. I detested McLeish’s style of football, but I was still behind him 100% till the day he left.

    I’m behind Lee Clark 100% while he’s our manager. Same as I have been behind every other manager we’ve ever had in my time (I go back to Freddie Goodwin.)

    • Cleggy says:

      No lover of Hughton? What’s wrong with you?

      • StaffsBlue says:

        He made plenty of mistakes himself…. and it was obvious he was never going to stay longer than one season.

        • Art Watson says:

          Have to disagree.

          Proberbly the best manager in recent years.
          Can’t fault the guy for moving on -Clark would do the same if he could.

          Only the fans have loyalty -the rest are chasing the dollar,

          • StaffsBlue says:

            I respect your views, but I have my own.

          • Ali Duncan says:

            That is the first time I’ve heard any Blues fan say they were not a fan of Chris Hughton. All about opinions but I’m very surprised to hear (read) that from any Blues fan.

          • StaffsBlue says:

            It’s not the first time I’ve said that I wasn’t keen on Hughton. At times, I was exasperrated with some of his selections, tactics and substitutions. That doesn’t mean I didn’t support him 100%, because I did.

          • bluenose08 says:

            I am proud to say i was a big fan of chris houghton as he got the best out of the players available to him and did us proud in europe. When it came to giving interviews with the press he was very composed. If you look at the amount of games we played that season it was a great achievment by the team and the manager to get to the play-offs.

    • TR7 says:

      You’re in a very small and virtually exclusive club by disliking what CH was trying to do with the team during his ( unfortunately ) short time with us , but each to his own I suppose.
      Reminds me of the Blackadder line when the mad captain says “Opinion differs on whether a ship needs a crew ! I say you don’t , and EVERY other captain says you do ! “

  • mark says:

    Agree staffsblue – with 46 games + cup games this team will find it feet. 10 or 12 games should give us some insight where we are heading…..regelation for the doom mongers imo I believe we are better than some appear to think from what I have watched. Togetherness was lovely to see at the yeovil cup game…..fans players manager……. If this can be achieved we have nothing to fear, only the turmoil from within the fansbase can turn its ugly head….. There is no happy clappers here …….. Just the rise of the bluenoses….fans for life……kro

  • Bob Your Uncle says:

    Good, valid points made here by Lee Clark. We are not going to be world beaters with a bunch of freebies and youth loans, along with every player of any value being sold. Pray for new owners and let’s hope that the squad we have at the moment can do some good.
    It’s a miracle that he has even been able to attract some decent players (Ferguson, Caddis, Burn, Randolph).

    Blues to beat QPR! Keep Right On!

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I have a feeling he’ll go 3-5-2 against QPR. If we’re not firing on all cylinders up front, it’s vital to stay tight at the back. Plus, with Caddis on board and having had 2 weeks training, it can only be a plus.

  • the timms says:

    Wow. What a quote from Gary Rowett!

  • The Francis Fake says:

    There is no doubt that LC made a very disappointing start last season and made some bad signings that we are still stuck with. However, he turned things round pretty well and adapted a number of different formations in the 2nd half of the season often with success and I warmed to him. This season his squad has been weakened further and under very difficult circumstances he has had to to try and put together some sort of competitive squad with limited resources. In my view the jury is out as he must put square pegs in square holes and not field such an unbalanced team down the left as he did against Ipswich again.

  • dave mann says:

    Art Watson, did i mention that clark was on next to nothing, i said the next manager would be on next to nothing because things are getting worse, as for is results theyve not been that good but if we
    sack him we pay him and we cant afford to do that can we! football isnt like any industry is it as
    you well know, players paid more than managers that dont happen in any other industry so that
    doesent apply here. I agree with you on hughton he done a great job and got us to the playoffs
    thats why a premier team came in and he went just like clark would do if he was offered a job
    but i cant see that happening some how. still waiting on managers to take over for 5k a week,
    let me know when you can think off some yeah! KRO.

  • Bob Your Uncle says:

    Maybe Blues fans should stick together by doing something about the owner issue? And I don’t mean some tacky writing on a bed sheet job.

  • dave mann says:

    and what would that be Bob, have them all shot,cause that sounds a great idea or we all chip
    in and buy the club, some fans cant afford to go these days, or so they say so cant see us
    raising 20 million there, any other ideas? KRO.

    • Bob Your Uncle says:

      Something that would get noticed on TV. Something that would show Blues would be a great club to invest into but how we are not happy with our situation. Probably would require us selling out the ground, which with Blues fans current attitude I can’t see happening, but hey I’m just trying to think of ideas.

    • Chris says:

      I believe we could raise ten million with a 10000 fans out of the 50000 around the world all chipping in a grand each, this could support a bid by larger investors.
      Some fans may only put in £200 whereas others may put in £5000.
      I even know a villa fan who bought blues shares in the past, so anything is possible.

  • Art Watson says:

    Dave Mann

    I except your point concerning Clarks salary and sorry to say I misunderstood your post.

    My apologies

    With regard to a future manager -I can’t give you a list because I don’t know who’s out there at the moment but I’m sure someone will be found who will do a far better job than Clark.This is pure conjector as I can’t see Clark walking without a pay out.

    The sooner we get rid of him and the owners the better!

    • Agent McLeish says:

      Art, I’d rather judge LC if he was given a fair crack of the whip, not handed a team where all the better players were sold and no resources to do much about it. I can’t see how even Sir Alex could make a successful team from that so you views on LC seem harsh. Agree with your views on the owners though!

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I’ve said exactly the same a few eeks ago. The likes of Ferguson, Mourhino and their ilk wouldn’t stand a chance at BCFC. To quote dear olf KK, “I would love it, LOVE IT” if the so called top managers had to cope with the conditions and restrictions that Lee Clark has had to put up with for the last 2 season. Lesser men would walk away…… in fact, they have done.

        I wouldn’t say for one moment that there aren’t managers who could do a better job than Clark….. but not with eff all to spend.

      • Art Watson says:

        Agent McLeish,

        My assessment of Clark is based on his perfomance since joining the club not his recent record and yes he’s under great financial constraints but that why we need a manger who knows what he’s doing.

        In my opinion he’s a PR disaster/lacks any consistent tactical nous/a very poor manger/motivator and continues to make the same mistakes.All this is driven by a massive ego and very little substance .

  • dave mann says:

    fair play bob and i can tell you have the club at heart and thats ok by me, you care and your
    worried like all proper blues fans are but we could charge nothing to come and see blues play
    protest against the owners, show how investable we are and we would still struggle to get
    25,000 fans through the gate and convince billionaire owners out there what were all about.
    we might be the second city, but were second rate compared to the premiership. The trouble
    is Bob some blues fans talk the talk but cant walk the walk and that will always be the case.

    • Ali Duncan says:

      Unless we got promoted and large away support swelled the gate we will struggle to get 25k for a VERY long time.

      Many Blues fans have realised after a 9th placed finish, a cup final win and a Euro adventure that that is as good as it gets. Blues (other than a Zillionaire coming in) will never challenge the upper echelons of the game. The game is now so predictable and boring and with the glass ceiling in place financially and with club structures and support bases only improving at the top of the tree fans have got bored.

      Who likes seeing their grand old club pumped 5-0 in the prem repeatedly away from home or scraping the odd 1-0 home win and being happy with that? Football for want of a better word is f**ked and I can understand why people have turned their backs on it. There are other cheaper and arguably more fulfilling interests and pursuits and if people want to do those instead with their hard earned cash then so be it.

      Yes it gets on my knockers when the stay aways want 5 tickets for Wembley after not going for 10 years but you’ll always get Glory Hunters and if they choose to do other things with their time then that is up to then.

  • dave mann says:

    the thing is Art , and apologies excepted, clark will only leave when the owners go because
    has you rightly said he wont walk without a pay out and we cant do that at the momment so
    lets see what happens because new owners will propably mean new manager and you will
    get what you want concerning lee clark, but respect lol. KRO.

  • dave mann says:

    Ali Duncan, i said we would struggle to get 25,000 if it was free, read my blog properly
    before jumping the gun. how would fans get 5 tickets for wembley if they havent been for 10 years
    and if fans choose to do other things with there time then there not blues fans are they!
    jesus christ give me strenth.KRO.

    • Ali Duncan says:

      Lost you there Dave. I was simply stating my thoughts about high attendances not returning to Stans anytime soon (meaning I was agreeing with you). I also commented on stay away fans WANTING 5 tickets to Wembley, not GETTING.

      However on point 3, why are they not fans if they choose to do other things? Freedom of choice mate. I always use either the word fan or supporter. Fans like the club and watch out for the scores yet don’t really attend whilst supporters do exactly that, support the team by being in the stadium and cheering them on and of course financially contributing to the club.

      Anyway, let’s not be pedantic anymore. Each to their own.

  • Bob Your Uncle says:

    I say we at least go down fighting, its worrying that our fans don’t seem to care now. Show the younger generation that you want to support your local club, not the likes of Man Utd & Arsenal. Maybe do something for our next sky game, like not one person sit close to where the directors use to sit and shove everyone in the tilton.

    P.S Clark won’t ruin our club, managers and players come and go, but the owners can.

  • Blueboy 88 says:

    Gary Rowett is correct , you can’t blame Clark .

    Clark like his coaching staff , & like most of his his players , are symptoms rather than the cause of the continuing demise of our football club.

    They shouldn’t be anywhere near our football club , but we all know why they are , & its that cancer that requires major surgery asap.
    Maybe then we can all go forward together once again.

  • The Francis Fake says:

    I have watched Blues for 50 years and my experience tells me that one day Blues will bounce back again, believe me. The crowds and atmosphere will be back. The trouble is I haven’t got a clue as to how long into the future this will be!

    • mark says:

      a fair and frank interview from a chap with over 40 years experience,,,,,, he noted no scouts aboard….. no surprise there…… while Carsons still hk maybe he can do bit…..must be some good hk players surely…….. worth gamble….lol

    • mark says:

      a fair and frank interview from a chap with over 40 years experience,,,,,, he noted no scouts aboard….. no surprise there…… while Carsons still hk maybe he can do bit…..must be some good hk players surely…….. worth gamble….lol

  • Bobble says:

    The last lot to visit StAns were McCarthy’s Ipswich, apparently improved by a manager with PL experience with two clubs. They were the dominant team physically winning all the second balls, but then what, it was mostly rubbish. Lee C is trying to get the ball down and play a high tempo Blues style game. He works bloody hard, is changing things, has brought in some good players and has the support of the players. Be careful of what you wish for, leave LeeC to get on with it, chopping and changing never did any team any good.

  • Duncan says:

    Can’t understand the fans who want Clark to ‘do one’ – who in their right mind would want to replace him? He’s on a hiding to nothing at the moment and overall is doing a decent job considering he has zero funds, never knows who’s going to be sold and knows that if the club is (hopefully) sold that he could be out of a job. Be careful what you wish for: a change of ownership yes, but a change of manager? Could just be what sends us down rather than keeps us in mid table.

  • Tony says:

    Duncan this situation is a god send to Clark he can do no wrong, if he gets us relegated before Christmas some will say what do you expect with limited resources.
    He is already getting his excuses in, the thing is he has the squad to finish toward half way, with Zigic, Murphy back its not a bad squad.
    He plays right footed players on the left side ,he sticks creative players on the wing he put square pegs in round holes as has been said he is a PR Disaster ,the man is without honour he knows we cant afford to sack him so he just stays on.
    OK We cant sack him so reverse his role with Richard Beale, give him a go put Clark in charge of the development squad

    • Duncan says:

      I respect your opinion Tony and even agree that he’s made some bizzare tactical decisions and team selections! However, I don’t think our form over the last part of last season and even so far this one is cause to sack him or have him resign. We will still probably finish mid-table with him at the helm and surely he wants to prove himself despite the club scenario rather than sink in excuses? When you question honour I think of ole Ginger sticking 2 fingers up and crossing the expressway rather than LC using us as a meal ticket.

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    Its interesting to see how people change their views in a few days. From slagging off Lee Novak for simply not delivering the goods even though his workrate is 100% to suddenly telling everyone that it isnt a players fault if he isn’t good enough….it might be an idea to check what you have previously penned before making comments otherwise people will simply dismiss your views. Regarding Chris Hughton, Staffs isnt the only one who didnt rate him as the best thing since sliced bread and still he gets praised after coming back to raid us, its only his own poor transfer dealings that mean he only managed to get Nathan off us, he wanted Davies Burke and Butland!! Just remember when you call players fifth rate that are still wearing the Royal Blue and didnt pick themselves!

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    If Lee Clark stays snd sticks to the terms of his contract he is dishonourable and we are only honouranle because we cannot afford to be dishonourable?! Unbelievable!

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    Also Tony you say his squad is good enough WHEN Zigic and Murphy are back…they are not back yet! I don’t agree with some of his decisions but I think that some Blues fans might take a look at what we would do if he did resign, you must imagine that their are a queue of people waiting to step in?? Wake up and smell the coffee…..we are ALL in this together!!

  • sappy sad says:

    ………..your right we do have to stick together ,…were family ,and it shows ,…we all have blue noses ,…..life in general nowadays is hard to most ….and for blues fans the last two years have been very hard ,and what do we do when we feel down we turn to blues to see us through ….the championship is very close talent wise between all clubs as blues results have shown ,.we have moaned because we so much want blues squad to do well …SO COME ON LIFT YOUR HEARTS UP AND LETS GO FOR IT TOGETHER ,….we have a dream ….k.r.o.

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    Great comment…..he looks just like his dad…he has his (blue) nose ….

  • tony says:

    Steve I have not changed my views I said Novak was 5th rate and he is,no tetraction here

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    I wasnt referring to you Tony but someone else. The comment was made calling Novak Fifth rate and useless (para phrase) and then today the same person made the call to support the players as the lack of talent wasnt their fault! Everyone has their own view and that is what makes these blogs so interesting but consistency of views is also important if you wish to be taken seriously. I cannot comment on you using the fifth rate comment as I dont know in what context you used it but your view is as vakid as anyone elses.

  • Roy Smith says:

    Some people amaze me. The owners should sell the club cheaply, the manager should resign and become unemployed, Zigic should take a pay cut.
    When the people who write these things are willing to sell their homes for half their value, resign from work if they have an illness so as not to be a burden on their bosses or take a pay cut to help the firm I will pay attention, until then!!!
    The owners are a disaster, Clarke might not be any good, then again can we tell in the present circumstances? and Zigic isn’t worth £60 K a week but then in my opinion no footballer is worth that much, but they are not going to commit financial suicide for Blues’ fans sake.
    Get a reality check some of you.

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    I wasnt referring to you actually Tony but someone else. Everyone is entitled to their view but the person I was referring to called him fifth rate and then said we should get behind them as their lack of ability isnt their fault. If getting behind them is calling them fifth rate then god help us if they ever turn! Having your view is what makes blogging interesting but please be consistent!

  • mark says:

    tina turner lets stay together or we are family – not a cat in hell chance Dan of fans sticking together, you got few fans with massive ego’s of their own……

  • mark says:

    clark to play 352 against QPR matt green double……. l

  • Always a Blue says:

    Just going back to Chis Houghton I did rate him but he had a little bit of luck with numerous last minute winners and the following players list below at his disposal if you do a comparison for this season comparing the two managers is a little unfair.

    Chris Wood proper goal scorer
    Myhill(better than Butland)in the short term
    Riidgewell until Jan
    Beaujisour until Jan
    Marlon King fit all season
    Andros Townsend
    Steven Caldwell before his legs had gone
    Fit David Murphy
    Backing of the fans with Europe in the back ground and minimal expectation.
    No one month contract signings who can’t get a club etc

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    Looking at that list is a fair illustration of how much of an advantage Hughton had, I think Steven Carr was also playing. In all honesty I think he was a failure when push came to shove as we were beaten by an inferior Bla kpool team over 2 legs with the premier league beckoning.

  • Blooflame says:

    Listen, this joker could have a team of internationals and still get beat. He’s a joke… the players and the fans know it but “must support him for the good of the team”. You must be kidding!! We chased off the best board anyone could have wished for, they put us back where they found us ..and we deserve it. We should be banging on the gates to have him and Pannu removed but we won’t. We always support when we should protest ( Bruce – who did his usual walk out) and protest when we should support (Gold /Sullivan). There is no real independent support group, they all get drawn in for tea and biscuits. I love my colours, “my tribe” but I fear our leaders will destroy us and we’ll just allow it.

  • Steve Aerobic says:

    You are welcome to your opinion of LC as we all are but dont look back at CH through rose tinted glasses as he had the real opportunity to get us back in the Premier league LC has had no chance of that and he has the support of a lot of real Blues fans. I take it from your posting that you will now be arranging your own independent supporters group to bang on the gates of Stans(good luck with that as the Chinese are in HK) it will be interesting to see how it goes. Please post joining instructions so that interesting fans can get behind you.

  • mark says:

    looks like the comedians are out again ho ho….

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Comment removed.

    Staffsblue – will you please stop linking every news story as it becomes available to the comments on these articles, this is not a forum. I’ve told you before to stop doing it, and this is my last warning, I’m just going to start deleting comments on sight.

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