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Kieftenbeld Signs

Birmingham City have today officially confirmed the signing of Maikel Kieftenbeld on a three year deal for an undisclosed fee.

News had broken over the weekend that Blues had met the release clause in the midfielder’s contract with Groningen and it’s pleasing to see the deal concluded with a minimum of public fuss.

After all the ongoing stuff with Tesche and Fabbrini (and the previous Kiernan shenanigans) I think it’s good that Blues have got this one over the line fairly promptly after news broke on the deal. It’s hard to say much on the quality of Kieftenbeld as I’ve never seen him play but the word from some people who have is that Blues have picked up a decent buy for the role in “two” that Rowett habitually plays in the middle behind the attacking players.

With the added confirmation from WalesOnline that online rumours surrounding the capture of David Cotterill from Blues was premature to say the least it’s a positive day all around for Blues fans. I did say in my piece yesterday that there wasn’t much of a story and I’m very happy that confirmation has emerged quickly that Cotterill isn’t on his way out. I’m hopeful he’s another player we can tie down to the club because for all his petulance (he picked up more yellow cards last year than Paul Robinson) and inconsistency he is a goal threat who can change games.

From my standpoint I think Blues are now only a “number 10” away from a fairly decent team; with Edgar coming back into the reckoning to replace Kiernan and youngsters such as Reece Brown and Koby Arthur looking more likely to step up and get more gametime I think the squad is in good shape.

If Blues are to bring in someone as an alternative to Fabbrini, who can create space and help take pressure off Cotterill and Gray we could have the spine of a very good team. I’d rather see us sign a player to do this role than take someone on loan even if it means taking a raw talent and developing them – the team as a whole seems to be one that can grow together and I’d like to see that continue under the quality of management we have in right now.

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51 Responses to “Kieftenbeld Signs”

  • Nigel sale says:

    I think due to the problems with the vale of the euro against the pound this may have helped with our bid hope this continues

  • Dave Mann says:

    As I said yesterday that if Edgar can buckle down and play alongside Morrison and now with kieftenbeld on board and cotterill staying put we’re only a good No10 away from a side that can compete in this league and maybe pull our weight but attitude must change from Burton and show something now against Benfica . Kro

  • MrYuzhai says:

    We need a striker..

  • Robin says:

    pleased they’ve wrapped the deal up today,i am a little concerned about the other centre half & like you i would be happier with Edgar rather than Spector or Robbo,but in GR i trust completely kro

  • edd77 says:

    Devante Cole on trial playing against benfica b

  • pete says:

    What happened about Josh Martin who was being so well spoken of? As a back up and if we have Edgar I think this is sorted. For me though I would like 3 at the back as I think this would suit grounds, Morrison and spector. Also think caddis is made for right wing back.

    • Richard Granfield says:

      Josh Martin is only 16 so not ready for the first team yet.

      • pete says:

        Maybe but would like him to go out on loan or be back up if that good (was stated he would probably play at some point last season) rather that fester. Just curious how he has gotten on in past few months or so?

  • tony says:

    This kid is Andy coles son, Mn city his club, his goals / games ration is 1 in 4, if he is half as good as his old man he will be some player.

  • Steve says:

    Need a striker plus another option at ‘No.10’ Not sure about Edgar. His marking left a lot to be desired when he played early last season. Plus he prefers midfield or so he said.

  • atko says:

    I think the ‘Number 10’ is GR’s main headache given he has tried several players in that role during pre-season & probably ain’t done yet. If he can get a decent payer in for that role I think he will be happy with how things have gone. I don’t think he is overly concerned for other positions now as there is reasonable cover. I think the likes of Donaldson, Thomas & even Johnstone & Novak can be reasonable up front with a decent ‘Number 10’ so that has to be the key area to strengthen IMO.

  • Dave Mann says:

    Sounds like we played quite well today with a reserve team against Benfica B and had a few chances , well done lads and it looked like you showed more fight than Saturdays first team . Kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I’m pleased with the new signing. I hope he can forge a partnership with David Davis. They both like a tackle. :) Also, that’s how you conclude a transfer. Bish, bash, bosh (or whip it in, whip it out and wipe it, as my old man used to say. lol)

    • Blue Steve says:

      Do you reckon it will be Davis given that he played Gleeson when Tesche came in Staffs?

      • StaffsBlue says:

        Sorry Steve, I’ve not been convinced by Gleeson since he arrived. Too lightweight, gets knocked off the ball far too easy and watches play more than gets involved.

        • Shirley Blue says:

          I think he could play the new guy, Gleeson and Davis especially away from home . Davis would be the one pushed further up the pitch. GR is obviously a Gleeson fan as am I. He can pass a ball and that’s what Rowett wants.

  • Blue Steve says:

    We failed to score in pre season again today. I’d like to see a number 10 and another striker really. If we have only spent 180k on Kieftenbeld then maybe there is some cash left in the kitty……

  • Shirley Blue says:

    For me, as things stand at the moment, our biggest problem is up front if anything happened to Clayton Donaldson eg if he got injured. Novak and Thomas are not good enough to play on their own up front or in fact at all. We need another Championship quality striker who is capable of getting 15-20 goals a season. Ideally I would have liked to have seen the likes of Eardley, Edgar, Hancox, Novak and Thomas to have gone by now and replaced by a quality partner for Morrison, an attacking left back and as already mentioned someone who could do the Donaldson role or partner him. There is still too much deadwood in the squad but if no-one wants them there is not much GR can do.

  • andy says:

    Blues certainly do need a striker to put the pressure on, a natural finisher, but finding one is tough for most clubs never mind Blues.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    It’s vital that we start getting goals from the three behind the striker. Looks like we played well against Benfica B today, but again, were wasteful in front of goal (makes you wonder if we ever practice shooting.) I would say that an alternative to Shinnie is imperative, unless he suddenly finds his scoring boots, which is unlikely after 2 years, but, you never know.

  • tony says:

    180k is not that much, surely there must be plenty more to spend.

  • tony says:

    How about switching Gray inside as a number 10, he has the skill and can finish, I realise we would be negating his pace but he could open things up.

  • I think only cotta has anywhere near to doing the number 10 role ,apart from heading he has the capabilities to do a great job there at number 10 . kro

  • sackboy says:

    looks like a good player . hope Devante Cole is like his dad

  • Hillfield Blues says:

    Well the gauntlet has certainly been thrown down to this Dutch kid…..do for us what Tesche did. At £180 grand if he even comes close it will superseed GR’s best business when he signed Morrison.
    When interviewed he said that GR had watched him loads of times so let’s hope that the Bromsgrove Mourhino has pulled another ace from his sleeve.
    Good luck to both of them and I hope it comes off.

  • Mitchell says:

    Striker issues:- is this worth considering. Cardiff have signed a few strikers including Ameobi, and Joe Mason on extended contract. One player ‘extra’ to requirements is Macheda. Worth bringing back on loan?.

  • Dave Mann says:

    I wouldn’t say no Mitchell as is goal record for us was great and maybe he could play that role behind Donaldson or even alongside him ,? Would love him back from a personal point of view of course. Kro

    • Mitchell says:

      My continued preference for a striker alongside Donaldson remains Hylton(Swindon). It still annoys me that he was allowed to join them when at Redditch only a season ago. This player scores goals and would flourish under GR.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      The problem with that guys, is that it looks like Rowett is not for turning. His tactic is one up front and he’s rarely deviated from that. So, you could bring in ten strikers and he’d still play just Donaldson, barring injury or loss of form.

      • pete says:

        Think he has not really had a lot of flexibility in past. Thomas tries hard and novak was out of form. Also he has not had a out and put choice of wingers as he might do now. He would give options with a new centre forward partnership. I would love to see 3-4-3 and think this would suit us best, so it is all opinions at the end of the day. Not sure what Rowetts are tbh

      • jazzzy786 says:

        Did you see Donaldsons air shot versus Burton? The only strikers who look like they have a bit of understanding between them is Johnstone and Jones.

        Kieftenbelder can he kick it? Kieftenbelder yes he can

        • StaffsBlue says:

          I’m looking forward to seeing him play. Apparently, tackling is a strong part of his game. I don’t think we’ve had a player like him since Savage.

          • pete says:

            Sorry staffs – I have to disagree
            For my money the best tackler of a ball I have EVER seen at blues is muamba. Poor passer at that age but god he could tackle!

  • pete says:

    Based on mark sale’s comments on bcfc website there are more going through at the moment so I expect news later today or tomorrow. I am unsure what the deal for Cole is though??? Or whether last night helped his cause…?

  • Conor hourihane looks a obvious choice to sign ,if blues can afford him , he’d make a good no 10 ,

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Would be nice to get a win on Saturday. Our friendlies so far have produced 2 wins, 2 draws and 2 defeats.

  • StaffsBlue says:

    Jonathan Grounds is the latest to sign a contract extension… until 2017.

    • atko says:

      Just read that on the wall on Blues Website. Good move that IMO. Under GR he improved dramatically & was one the most improved under him. Still prone to the odd lapse but on the whole well worth keeping hold of him. Considering he was one of those that had to step up from a lower league he coped well in the end as I say under GR.

      • StaffsBlue says:

        I think Rowett sees him as a centre back, maybe not immediately, but eventually. So, if he doesn’t bring another centre back in, he’s a decent option. Good signing.

  • Mark H says:

    The more I read about MK, the more I think it was a good signing by the club. I had never heard of him before, but there’s literally 1000’s I’ve never heard of! He sounds like a driving force in midfield and a natural leader. Let’s hope the club can surprise us with another couple of players before the first game. I’m getting excited now. KRO.

  • Mitchell says:

    With the arrival of MK I foresee the team sheet as follows. For plan B. I have bracketed the replacements- mainly under performing during a game. Bit of fun really as injuries can obviously muck it all up. Kuszack, Caddis Morrison Spector (Edgar) Grounds, Davis Gleeson (brown)’ , Cotterill (Maghoma/ Arthur) MK Gray, Donaldson (Novak/ Thomas).

    If you take the remainder of the squad, including the youngers players such as Jones, possibly Cole, Harding coupled with Robinson,Eardley, Hancox, and Shinnie it isn’t looking too bad. Might just get midway up the league.

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