Often Partisan

Gossip Folks Week Five

With three quarters of the transfer window gone, it’s time once again to look at how the transfer rumours have been progressing.

My updated spreadsheet is here. You’ll notice I’ve not included the story about Simon Cox; this was purely because whilst an enquiry was made it was also noted in the story that enquiry was rejected so the story isn’t about a player who might move to Blues

As you will know, the big news broke yesterday that Wigan Athletic have had an undisclosed bid accepted for Jean Beausejour. James Nursey mentioned on twitter that it was in the region of £4mil; I have to admit I think that’s high and I suspect that fee includes add-ons for things like Wigan staying up, winning the league, and consistently getting a crowd of over 20,000 – something Mr Nursey backs up himself with this tweet. What’s interesting is this article back in November where James Nursey said Beausejour wouldn’t be interested in a move to Wigan – I wonder if this still holds true for the Chilean winger?

The other big news of last week was that there had been an apparently an enquiry from Blues about taking Craig Gardner back on loan. Gardner is homesick for the Midlands, and has been to see Blues play when not needed on Sunderland duty. Unfortunately for Craig his wages at Sunderland would be a massive stumbling block to him coming back, so I can’t see him doing the prodigal son thing for the time being.

Of course if Beausejour does go this leaves a hole on the left flank for Blues to fill and no doubt the stories will kick into overdrive about who Blues will sign either on loan or on a permanent deal to cover this. I’m also surprised to have not seen much about a striker coming into Blues despite it being obvious Blues will be in the market for one.

I’m intending to do one more weekly round up next Monday before doing a full transfer window roundup on Thursday of next week.

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11 Responses to “Gossip Folks Week Five”

  • Euston 9.18 says:

    Maybe a new left back,with MURPHY getting a more forward position on the left,a good crosser of a ball,does well at free-kicks and can chip in with a few goals.

    Just a thought !!


  • Bazzathebluenose says:

    Whatever we get coming in they need to have pace; a quality lacking throughout the side at present apart from Redmond and it’s not right or prudent to over rely on the young man at this stage.

  • P'taah says:

    Be difficult to replace the physical presence that JB gives the left flank, something we need more of across the midfield as a whole. Euston has a very valid point, as Murphy’s defensive performances have not been the greatest of late.

  • Scoobay1875 says:

    I hear rumours about Danny Rose and Romelu Lukaku coming in from Tottenham and Chelsea on loan. The Rose move may be a little more feasible, if Lukaku were to go out on loan he would attract bigger clubs. Let’s just hope the exits are minimal and the rumours of Davies leaving is just idle speculation.

  • skareggae72 says:

    Surprised that Beau would want to go to Wigan,they look down.He was signed when we were in the premier so i cant see him increasing his wages with this move.After Roger Johnson speaking out a few weeks back & now this it certainly looks like players are being `encouraged` to leave for a fast buck,will this money be reinvested giving Chris a chance to get us up???? I HOPE SO

  • BigDave says:

    Rule of thumb, never trust Nursey. Facts don’t matter to him.

  • Mr Blue Sky says:

    If it’s anything over 3m it’s sounds a good deal to me, hope some of that money finds its way back to CH to strengthen.

  • Monkiiboi says:

    Scoobay1875 I’ve heard the Danny rose rumour but as for lukaku would be a defenetly no as he has played for 2 clubs already this season. If we do see some of this money from the beausajour deal then matt Phillips of Blackpool would be a great shout??

  • leigh says:

    Well, I don’t know how bad the financial situation is currently, but I wonder, we are just in a fine position , probably the best we could have hoped , even dreamed of at this point in the season.
    So what happens, we torpedo the squad for a short term financial boost.
    Plus ca change, rien ne change.

  • Wingman Blue says:

    The one of the old guard we could do with keeping, going – and to where, Wigan?! Whilst Jean’s performances have dropped off a bit since November, what point is there in going to Wigan? Or is it another case of ‘The Board’ forcing out a stalwart, any stalwart, for extra shekels?
    In Hughton we trust.

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