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The More, The Merrier

One would have to be living under a rock for the last few months to not know about the Olympics currently taking place in London, such as the wall-to-wall coverage within the media. One thing I picked up on today was about the problem of empty seats at some of the venues, and whilst I was listening to the chap from LOCOG talking about solving the problem it led me to thinking about St Andrews and the problems Blues have with filling it.
Tags: Attendance, St Andrews
Posted in Birmingham City, Talking Points | 26 Comments »
an open letter

Dear Blues Fans This isn’t the easiest letter I’ve ever had to write, but the way things have been I feel it’s kinda necessary and I hope you understand my intentions. It’s also not going to be the nicest of letters you’ve ever read, but things need to be said and this is the only […]
Tags: Attendance, Blues Fans, Open Letter, Wembley
Posted in Birmingham City, General Ramblings, Talking Points | 5 Comments »