Often Partisan

Player of the Season 2014/15

It’s the time of year again to consider which player has made the biggest contribution to Blues’ season and cast your vote for who you want to win the Often Partisan Player of the Season award.

I’ve produced a poll on the right hand side of the website with a short list of six players who I think have had the best season. The vote will be open until midnight Saturday and I’ll announce the winner when I present them with the trophy on April 28 at St Andrews.

Please note any votes in the comments WILL NOT count.

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45 Responses to “Player of the Season 2014/15”

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I wouldn’t have voted for him, but I was surprised Caddis wasn’t in the list. I’d have certainly put him in if Shinnie and Gray are in there. Morrison has only played 16 games, so I wouldn’t have voted for him either. Just my personal choice of course.

  • fingles says:

    Has to be Donaldson. A top pro. Works his socks off , gets battered every game, but just gets up and gets on with it.

  • mineheadblue says:

    After going to the game on Saturday I’m tempted to say Diego Fabbrini!!! However, for me it’s David Davis, he’s brought strength, drive and stability to the midfield and (like Morrison) I think we really miss him when he’s not there. Nothing to disagree with in respect of the list though, they’ve all been great…..KRO

  • Bluepengin76 says:

    Got to be Clayton!!…worked his socks off.KRO

  • Dave Mann says:

    It’s Donaldson for me then Davis second and Morrison third though he was out for a while injured. Grounds is a supprise omition for me but its your choice Dan and that’s fair enough as it is OPs choice…. One things for sure is that Rowett is slightly ahead of Clark as Blues manager of the season , that’s a nailed on certainty surely !!! … Goal of the season?? Kro

  • StaffsBlue says:

    I voted for David Davis… just ahead of Clayton Donaldson. I wouldn’t have considered any of the others.

  • paule says:

    Donaldson for me home & away he works his Bo***cks off then Davis and thirdly for me would be Caddis, I think next season if he continues to perform like he has since he came to us Morrison would be in for a shout, KRO SOTV.

  • RobMidd says:

    I couldn’t have argued if the choice was only between Davis and Donaldson. The others have done well, as well as Grounds, but it’s a 2 horse race surely? Think CD has just about got my vote.

  • sean says:

    Donaldson for me is an easy pick he scores all the goals… an unsung hero in my opinion is Grounds consistntly 7 out of 10 and scored the odd goal too…. unsung is just that though i suppose

  • Michael says:

    Also surprised Caddis not included I would put him just behind Donaldson

  • B34blues says:

    Clayton for me apart from his work rate for the team his non stop running and chasing defenders but his goals have been vital

  • oldburyblue says:

    Donaldson for me. Got to be the best target man in the league. How much would he be worth if he was a natural goalscorer?

  • Agent McLeish says:

    Wot? No Caddis?

  • StaffsBlue says:


    Those 4 would have been my contenders. The most consistent players form-wise.

    Gray, not consistent enough, same with Cotterill, Shinnie and Gleeson. Morrison was on for the title, but got injured and hasn’t played enough games. Randolph, some good games, but too many poor ones for me.

  • MA24 says:

    Yeah Paul Caddis deserves a place and even David Cotterill – may have had a few games where he didn’t turn up but very good for us this season.

  • Captain Blues says:

    It is Davis all the way for me but Donaldson I can understand. As an aside although I wouldnt nominate him for player of the season I do think Cotterill gets too much stick sometimes, yes I know his work rate is fairly poor (typical old fashioned winger really) and in particular the last few weeks hasnt been the greatest but if you took his goals and assists out of the equation for the season we would have considerably less points.

  • daddyblue says:

    A mistake there Dan with the omission of Caddis my 3 would have been
    1/ Donaldson by a country mile
    2/ Davis
    3/ Caddis
    and a special mention for Robinson , who held us together in the dark old days, just before Rowett
    and after he came. Kro4ever

  • Agent McLeish says:

    For me…

    1. Donaldson – plays the lone striker as good as any.
    2. Randolph – unsung hero, has ‘won’ us many points.
    3. Davis – midfield general – has kicked on.
    4. Caddis – consistent, versatile and professional.

  • Sir Harry 1875 says:

    Cant beleive you have’nt got Caddis in there!! But having said that it has to be Donaldson.

  • Dan Middleton says:

    How can Caddis and Cotts not be in there!? Too much time watching the HK stock exchange and not enough time watching the games lad!

  • andy says:

    Its Clayton Donaldson for me by a country mile.

  • La La La says:

    Clayton the Blue Battering Ram got my vote
    2nd would be David D the midfield Dynamo
    3rd would be Captain Caddis
    Best young player Dimmi
    Most improved Shins

    • Shirley Blue says:

      I would agree with that.

      The other three in my top 6 would be Randolph, Grounds and Cotterill. Morrison as good as he has been hasn’t played enough games to be considered for player of the season.

    • StaffsBlue says:

      There wasn’t any real competition for young player of the year tbh. Kobi Arthur got a handful of games ealier in the season but, apart from him, Gray has been the only youngster who has had a look in. So the YP of TY was a walkover really.

  • Andrew says:

    Caddis for me closely followed by Donaldson, surprised Gray made the list, I think he’ll come good but for most of the season he’s been non existenet…

  • Neil Clews says:

    Clayton Donaldson. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Nobody has worked harder for Blues AND delivered goals. What we wanted and expected out of Nikola Zigic, Cameron Jerome, Emile Heskey and others in recent past and never really got.
    Hands down the best lad on the pitch for us this season.
    Honourable mentions to David Davis, Demarai Gray and Jonathan Grounds too.

  • Blue Steve says:

    A clear top 3 of:-

    1. Donaldson
    2. Davis
    3. Caddis

    The rest either didn’t play enough or were too inconsistent.

  • Nose 2 says:

    It was really close between Donaldo and Davis for me, but I went for Davis.

    Both have been tremendous, my vote went for Davis simply because he shows all them Dingles what a quality player he is.

    I remember when we signed him the comments from the Wolves fans were shocking on their forum…

    He’s shit… etc etc etc.

    So well done To Davis for sticking it to them and looking how McDonald has lost form when it really matters…I bet they wished they still had him! .


  • bluenoseneil says:

    Clayton Donaldson. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Nobody has worked harder for Blues AND delivered goals. What we wanted and expected out of Nikola Zigic, Cameron Jerome, Emile Heskey and others in recent past and never really got.
    Hands down the best lad on the pitch for us this season.
    Honourable mentions to David Davis, Demarai Gray and Jonathan Grounds too.

  • Adam True Blue says:

    Donaldson for me, for the commitment and passion, wish all players pulling on the blue would show the same level, he might not have always got the goals, but hopefully that will happen next season.

  • Sam Marsh says:

    Has to be Dyer folloed by Zigic!

  • Forever Blue says:

    I too am surprised that Caddis does not get a mention. He has given us a 100% commitment every match. I can only surmise that as it is usually the strikers and up-front midfielders who receive most of the accolades, this also applies when naming a player of the year.

  • 11thhour says:

    Caddis was a parks pitch player till rowett turned up, 70% improved now, davis could only play 60 minutes till rowett turned up, 70 % improved now, clayton gives 100% but has had some really poor games, cotts puts in a ‘worldie’ cross or shot every 20! Could have been morrison or spector but have not plkayed enough games, Randolph is in and out, Shinnie, much improved but no, and Gray is young player of the year, but the one 100% unspectactular 7/10 every game this year, with one mistake (Brentford away)!Is Grounds, best header of the ball at the club, great defender, should be 1st choice CB next year………… And he isnt in your short list!!!!!!!

    • almajir says:

      Two things.

      1) Most people actually don’t rate Grounds. I’m not one of them… but player of the season, no chance.

      2) why does a QPR fan (judging by your email address) care?

      • 11thhour says:

        next year will be my 33rd year of buying season tickets (multiple). Ive missed 3 away midweek games this year, Yes, I feel I have every right to care!!

        • almajir says:

          My apologies – I just see QPR in the email addy and I’m confuzzled.

          Grounds is a solid player, but nowhere near POTS.

          • pete says:

            I too think Grounds has had a good season and better than an inconsistent Gray and shinier who has played half season and scored a couple and always subbed. Then again caddis would be my choice after being leading captain, rediscovering old firm and being a supply marauding down right.

  • Dustin Ackers says:

    Disappointed to see no mention of my all time blues legend Marcus Bent

  • raymondo says:

    Donaldson this year. Maybe Fabrrrini next year?

  • Robin says:

    Donaldson worked his backside off on his own

  • Rob Wood says:

    Off topic slightly but does anyone know who were BCFC’s picks for players of the decade at the FL Awards?

    I see it was put out there on @BCFC but didnt see the final list.

    Donaldson clear winner for POTY.

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