Often Partisan


Video Podcast: The Accounts

This week I talk about the release of the Birmingham International Holdings interim accounts and the implication those have on the sale of Birmingham City FC.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 9 Comments »

BIH Interim Accounts Released

Birmingham International Holdings have released their interim accounts for the six month period up until December 2014 to the HKSE.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 7 Comments »

Video Podcast: Is No News Good News?

With nothing forthcoming from Hong Kong about either Carson’s appeal verdict or the sale of Birmingham City, is it possible that no news is good news? As Blues fans we’re used to delay from the Far East being a bad thing but in this case it might not be that way.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 9 Comments »

BIH Confirm Board Meeting

Birmingham International Holdings have confirmed today in an announcement to the HKSE that the Receivers are to hold a board meeting on April 30 to discuss and approve the outstanding interim accounts for the six month period ending December 31, 2014.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 17 Comments »

BIH Change Auditors – Again

Birmingham International Holdings have announced to the HKSE that the current auditors KTC Partners have declined acceptance of the role as Auditors to BIHL for the financial year ending June 2015.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 46 Comments »

Video Podcast: The Bids

Birmingham International Holdings announced yesterday that they have received two further expressions of interest in Birmingham City FC. I’ve put together the following video to talk through where we’re at with the bidding process. Key points: Cynicism over timing of the bids with respect to season ticket renewals may be unfounded Optimism that a multi-billionaire […]

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 39 Comments »

Two further bids identified for BCFC

Birmingham International Holdings have announced to the stock market today that two further bids have been identified with respect to the sale of BCFC.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 53 Comments »

The Carson Summons – an OP Video Podcast

Today the High Court heard the summons issued against the Receivers of Birmingham International Holdings by the “Carson faction” within BIH.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 68 Comments »

Video Podcast: Demands From Directors and Creditors

In this week’s video podcast I talk about the announcement made to the HKSE by BIH about the legal demands that they have received, the rumours of a sale and also a tiny bit about football too!

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 22 Comments »

Announcement Analysis

Birmingham International Holdings last night published an announcement confirming demands had been received from former directors such as Peter Pannu for various fees that were owing along with from China Energy Development Holdings Ltd who BIH apparently owe £4.1million in overdue loan payments and interest.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 68 Comments »

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