Often Partisan

Fung Ka Ki

Chinese Press – More Pressure on Carson

It appears that Hong Kong’s chinese language press have cottoned on to some of the antipathy from Blues fans towards BCFC owner Carson Yeung. A piece in the Apple Daily today makes it clear exactly what they think is happening to Blues.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Chinese Media | 80 Comments »

Snippet from China on Promotion Push

Whilst there hasn’t been much about Blues in China recently I picked up this piece today from Apple Daily about Blues’ promotion push.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Chinese Media | 1 Comment »

Snippet from the Chinese Media

Whilst there hasn’t been much of late in the Chinese Press about Carson Yeung or Blues, I did pick up on this article in the Apple Daily today about someone else from Hong Kong connected with Blues.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Chinese Media | 14 Comments »

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