Often Partisan


Who is Wang Lei?

Back in December, I wrote about how a mysterious individual by the name of Wang Li had taken control of U-Continent and had become the second largest shareholder in BIH and by extension BCFC.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 54 Comments »

Auditors Withdraw Their Report and Deny Allegations

In an increasingly bizarre twist, Birmingham International Holdings have ben forced to announce to the stock exchange that their former auditors, JH CPA Alliance have written to the company to withdraw it’s auditor’s report from the last available set of accounts.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 44 Comments »

Man Arrested In Connection With Misappopriated HK$30M

News has broken in the last hour that a 33-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the alleged misappropriation of above HK$30M in Hong Kong. This follows an announcement made to the stock exchange yesterday that BIH had reported the matter to the police.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | No Comments »

Former Employee of BIH Suspected of Stealing £2.5Million

Birmingham International Holdings have today announced to the Stock Market that a former employee may have misappropriated in excess of HK$30million (£2.55M) from the company since December 2013.

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Looking Forwards

Birmingham City continued to tighten their hold on midtable security with a 1-1 draw against Leeds United at the weekend. It could have been all three points but for Luke Murphy’s late equaliser for the home side but the result sees Blues lie 11th, just nine points off the playoff places.

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Posted in Birmingham City, General Ramblings | 21 Comments »

The Hokey Cokey

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials

Birmingham International Holdings announced yesterday the re-appointment of Panos Pavlakis as an Executive Director along with Li Hanguo and Liu Enxue as Independent Non-Executive Directors, one day after they failed re-election at the company’s AGM.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Talking Points | 62 Comments »

AGM Thoughts

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials

It was confirmed yesterday at the Birmingham International Holdings Annual General Meeting that former Acting Chairman of BCFC Peter Pannu has been re-elected as an Executive Director, and that Panos Pavlakis who has been working at the club in a similar capacity has failed re-election.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football, Talking Points | 16 Comments »

BIH AGM News: Pannu in, Panos out

Early news from the AGM of BIH is that there are to be significant changes to the BIH board. Peter Pannu has been re-elected to the BIH board as an executive director along with Anthony Cheung Kwai-Nang while Carson Wong Ka-Chun returns as an independent non-executive director. However, Panos Pavlakis was not re-elected as an executive director and is retired along with Liu Enxue and Li Hanguo who were independent non-executive directors.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 177 Comments »

Ongoing Battles

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials

Birmingham International Holdings will hold their postponed AGM tomorrow in Gold Coast, Hong Kong with controversial director Peter Pannu seeking re-election as an executive director along with Panos Pavlakis and four others. With all that has happened over the last month people could be forgiven for thinking that this may be the end of an […]

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Posted in Birmingham City, Talking Points | 51 Comments »

BIH Confirms Suspension of Shares is Regarding Comments Made on OP

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials

Birmingham International Holdings have today confirmed that the continued suspension of trading in shares in the company is in relation to comments made by Peter Pannu on this website.

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Posted in Birmingham City, News, Talking Points | 30 Comments »

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