Often Partisan


OP Video Podcast – Visiting BIH

Having tried to correspond with the Receivers by email in the past, I thought it would be a good idea to try and speak to them today, to put faces to names and to ask questions about what is happening.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 35 Comments »

OP in Hong Kong – Day 2 – BIH

In the last 18 months have been eventful for Birmingham International Holdings. Following the removal of Peter Pannu as CEO and MD, the company underwent seismic changes that eventually brought about the appointment of Receivers and potentially the end of the Carson era. Are we close to seeing the next change as the receivers move on and a new board comes in?

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football, OP in Hong Kong | 31 Comments »

OP in Hong Kong – Day 1 – Arrival.

With the season now petering out to a lukewarm conclusion and all dreams of playoffs and promotion now completely dead, I think the time has come for us to be able to take our focus away from matters on the pitch and look at what is happening behind the scenes.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football, OP in Hong Kong | 38 Comments »

Asking the Questions

As March comes to an end it brings us not only towards the conclusion of the current season, but potentially also the conclusion of the current phase of the ownership saga with Birmingham International Holdings looking to get their shares re-listed sooner rather than later.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 53 Comments »

BIH Announcement: Endgame in sight?

Birmingham International Holdings made an announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange this afternoon to confirm it had come to an agreement with Carson Yeung and had brought the company a step closer to having the suspension of trading of its shares on the HKSE lifted.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 119 Comments »

Why is the takeover taking so long?

One question that I have been asked a lot of late is “what if?” What if Carson overturns his appeal? What if Blues pull off the impossible dream and gets promoted? What if Trillion Trophy Asia decide they don’t want to fund Birmingham City any more?

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 62 Comments »

OP Video Podcast: BIH Accounts Analysis

On Friday Birmingham International Holdings released their interim accounts for the six month period ending December 31, 2015. I’ve recorded this podcast to put together my thoughts on how good/bad they are and what it likely means to the club.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 32 Comments »

BIH: Interim Accounts and Takeover Update Due Soon

As the end of February draws closer, there will be a little bit of news coming from Hong Kong with respect to the holding company.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Finances in Football | 27 Comments »

OP Video Podcast – E&Y – One Year On

On this day last year Birmingham International Holdings announced to the HKSE that they had successfully applied to go into receivership. As time has gone on, there have been uncertainties as to where the future lies and I’ve tried to answer those questions here.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Video Podcasts | 59 Comments »

Kung Hei Fat Choi

Talking Points sponsored by John Hicken Industrial roofing and cladding materials

Today marks the first day of the Chinese New Year – the year of the Monkey. In Hong Kong the stock exchange will be shut for three days as the local populace celebrates. The sad thing is for us in Birmingham it doesn’t seem to matter that the HKSE will be shut – BIH seems to be in absolute limbo with no sign of further movement.

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Posted in Birmingham City, Talking Points | 74 Comments »

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